What the hell am I going to call it?

Kit's whole body started to radiate happiness. That's right he could now build his restaurant! Kit forgot all about his determination to improve his skills, the flip in his thinking was not even acknowledged by Kit. The thought quickly got shoved to the back of his mind.

He quickly followed Grandpa with a skip in his step. Mars and Twix could only goggle at Kit's abrupt changes in attitude in under 5 seconds.

All four of them stood at the bank of the lake on Kit's land. Grandpa turned to Kit.

"So where do you want me to build it?"

Kit surveyed his lot. The view from his land was spectacular. The lake shone crystal clear, the large sleeping cat rock formation was clearly seen from any point of his land. The mountains created a perfect backdrop to the scenery. The whole place radiated a sense of beauty.

Kit realised it didn't matter where he built on his land it would be a good spot. Grandpa had really given him the best location. Kit decided to build his restaurant right in front of where they were standing.

Kit could already picture his land as part of the main road in Spartan Fire. It was also close to the town hall which would become the heart of the town in the future. Besides his land was so big he could always move his restaurant if he ever became unhappy with its location.

"Just in front of where we are standing is fine Grandpa. Does anyone else think there would be a better place?"

Kit wanted to see if anyone had a better idea. They all glanced around then shook their heads.

"Right then I will start." Grandpa held his staff out front of his body, a familiar pattern was starting to form along its length. Grandpa blinked then let his staff return to normal.

"Kit my boy. Did you purchase the restaurant yet or did you just unlock the blueprint?"

Kit felt his cheeks burn. How could he have forgotten to buy his restaurant! Yesterday he had only unlocked the blueprints. He felt a little stupid right now.

"Umm I forgot to buy the restaurant. Sorry Grandpa, I'll give you the money now for it."

Kit went to take out his coins.

"Don't give it to me, that would be useless. I'm not a founding member any more remember. You can just purchase it yourself."

Kit's blush deepened at Grandpa's response. How could he have forgotten already that he could now access the Spartan Fire menu. 'It's just because I'm too excited. It has nothing to do with me having no clue what I'm doing.'

Kit tried to console himself. He opened the Spartan Fire menu and purchased the restaurant from the menu. 50 silver crowns were automatically deducted from his pouch.



Congratulations player Kit in purchased a restaurant. Please select restaurant type from blueprint options.

Building requirements: Mud, straw.

Bonus unlocked: Restaurant will have an additional unlockable feature on completion. High chance to receive extra restaurant fittings or upgrade to appliances upon restaurant completion/reconstructions.

There was only one option available! What select from the blueprint options? Kit pressed on the only option available then closed his menu.

"Sorry Grandpa. It's ready to build now." Kit's cheeks were still radiating heat.

"Ahh look at those cheeks of yours. No need to be embarrassed, there is always a learning curve in starting new projects. Life wouldn't be fun without any bumps along the road."

Kit gave a shy smile of thanks to Grandpa for trying to make him feel better. He really had to work on planning things out properly in the future instead of always fumbling through. Kit made another mental note to look into town planning when he next logged out of the game. He didn't want to feel inadequate at the paths he chose to follow.

Kit was soon tugged out of his future plans by Grandpa raising his staff once again. Kit fingers started to twitch from a rush of delight as he was about to witness his slice of heaven appear from the ground. Kit watched as earth started to rise. He felt the familiar climb in his heart rate from excitement. He could feel his palms become clammy and he nervously started to fidget as his anticipation rose.

Three connected circles started to ascend from the ground. Kit couldn't help but let out a sound of approval. His rising restaurant looked like three mud huts combined together. It was the same orange colour of his house.

As his restaurant continued to form right before his eyes. Kit felt his excitement go into overdrive. He could no longer stand still. He started to rock his body to release his pent-up jittery feeling. His eyes were wide and fixed on the sight in front of him. A bomb could go of next to him right now and he wouldn't notice.

"Mars look, its growing! Ahh, I can't wait to see the inside."

Mars smiled at Kit, he wasn't surprised in the least at Kits excitement. Kit felt his heart thudding louder and louder as the restaurant formed. He started to take in shaky breaths. Kit's palms were dripping sweat. Kit wiped them on his pants to shake the clammy feeling.

The restaurant finally finished rising from the ground. Twix stepped forwards and shot lightning from his staff towards the building.

Kit felt his heart soar along with the streak of lightning. When the lightning struck, Kit also felt his excitement explode. Joy rippled through his body. He couldn't stop the happy laughter bubbling from his mouth. A beautiful smile spread on his face.

"Look at that beautiful building. I've never seen anything so spectacular in all my life."

Kit couldn't help but to gush about his half build restaurant. The three standing close to him could only chuckle. Kit took a deep breath and the now familiar earthy smell erupted from the structure. Kit felt at this moment nothing had smelt so good before.

Kit ran his eyes over his brand new mud restaurant. Now all that was left to complete was the roof and Kit would finally have a working restaurant. He couldn't wait to make his first meal inside the building.

Kit couldn't help but to walk towards the building, it was like he was being pulled by an invisible force. He didn't get too close, he could feel the heat coming of the mud structure. He could see the rough texture of the outside of the building, he wanted to run his hands over the walls.

Long spaces were left blank in the building and a hole in the shape of the door was left out. Kit already started forming plans for the door and window spaces.

He hoped there was an option to purchase real doors and windows, otherwise he would have to make do with the animal skins just like in his house. If worse came to worse and this wasn't an option, he would just have to find a way to convince a woodworker and glass maker to visit or reside in Spartan Fire.

Kit was starting to get impatient now the mud structure was complete. He turned to Grandpa so he could get him starting on the roof.

"Grandpa it looks amazing. Can we work on the roof now?"

"You think it looks amazing. You are easily pleased Kit my boy. We will need to make it grander than this. Unfortunately, we will have to wait until we can unlock the next lot of blueprints to advance the building. That will come with time and luck though."

"Your restaurant will be a big draw card to get us more residents. So, all of the Spartan Fire residents will help you with your restaurant once they find out it's here. I can't wait to see their faces when they realise, I got a chef to settle in Spartan Fire."

Grandpa was looking very pleased with himself. Kit was even more sure now he had been tricked into thinking he had convinced Grandpa to give them a founding member position in Spartan Fire. By the looks of things Grandpa was definitely a master manipulator. Kit didn't feel any malice towards the old man though. He was happy to have the new responsibility of growing Spartan Fire.

Although he currently had no clue what to do, he would educate himself to make the most of his new position. He had been given the opportunity to have a home and a place to make his restaurant into what he hoped it could become. This made it feel like CAL was his new home, all he needed was his sister to join him and his life dreams would be complete.

He no longer felt alone in his dream. He had people helping him to see his dream become reality. It made him feel supported, this feeling gave him a now familiar warmth inside his chest. Before he started playing CAL, he only got this feeling from Kat, now it had expanded to multiple people. Kit wasn't averse to this at all.

Kit was brought back from his internal thoughts by the noise Grandpa was making. The old man had started to construct the frame for his roof. Twix had taken out the straw from his bag and was already forming bundles of straw to attach to the frame.

"Come on Kit we can't leave these two to do all the work."

Mars sat down next to Twix and started to help. Kit bounded over to do the same. Before Kit realised, they were finished. The roof was ready to be transported over to the base of the restaurant. Kit eyes filled with stars as he watched the roof ascend into the air and float over to his restaurant.

Kit held his breath as the roof was maneuvered over the mud building. As it connected with the base Kit heard a familiar sound.


[Restaurant complete]

Player Kit, please name your restaurant.

Kit heard a roaring in his ears. This was it, he was going to start his dream! Kit took a breath. He realised all the names he had previously thought about for his restaurant had flown out of his head. Kit started to panic.

"What the hell am I going to call it?"