
Kit rubbed his temples in frustration. He could already tell this wasn't going to work out well. Neither one of the had any experience with interviews and no time to prepare. Hopefully they could muddle their way through the interviews.

'Better to get it over and done with.'

With that thought Kit agreed with Snickers to start. Hopefully some inspiration would come to them as they went along.

Snickers led the first person inside. She was a young lady with long glossy black hair tied in a ponytail. It swung behind her as she walked. She had a delicate frame and a beautiful face. Kit thought it would be nice if he had someone like her at the front desk.

Her soft facial features would make it hard for people to become angry with her. Kit would hire her just for this alone. Maybe then he wouldn't get his restaurant destroyed by angry customers and an enraged Snickers.

They all sat down at the table. Kit smiled at the young girl and introduced himself and Snickers.

"Hello I'm Camomile." A soft sweet voice rose from her mouth.

"Hello Camomile. Do you like rocks?"


Kit looked at Snickers incredulously. What kind of question was that?

"No, then what about large burly men that are a bit dumb?"


Kit started to choke on his spit. What the hell was going on inside Snickers head? He was quite sure he was asking Camomile if Leonard was her type.

Kit pulled Snickers arm and whispered furiously in her ear. "What the hell kind of questions are those?"

"Well, I can't have her having designs on Leonard now, can I?"

Kit was lost for words.

"So can you answer the questions please?"

Camomile blinked then opened her mouth. "Umm I don't really like or dislike rocks. As for burly men that are a bit dumb, it's fine if they are customers."

"Are you attracted to that type of man?"

Kit covered his face with his hands. He didn't want to be here anymore. Were people going to want to work here? Then again maybe this way of questioning people was best. Snickers was a bit unusual, so if they couldn't handle her way of questioning then they wouldn't be a good fit for the restaurant.

"Umm no, sorry."

"That's great you're hired."

Snickers beamed at the young lady. Kit really had no clue what went on in Snickers mind. They didn't even know which job this lady applied for or what her skills were.

"Sorry Camomile I missed what position you applied for." Kit needed to know what positions were filled and what was still open.

"I applied for the floor staff position. I brought my letter of recommendation from my previous employer."

She handed a letter over to Kit. A wave of relief passed over him. She couldn't be too bad if there was a letter of recommendation. Before he could open it, Snickers was skipping over to the front door. Kit tucked the letter safely away to scan over later.

The next person was a familiar face to Kit. He broke out in a smile of greeting.

"Crackers what are you doing here."

Kit got up to give her a warm hug. He had a very good impression of Crackers. She had been the one to encourage him to open his first market stall. As soon as he set eyes on her Kit had already decided to give her the job.

"I told ya, I would come work for you once you opened your restaurant. Curt told me before he left that he was coming here. I spent all my saving's travelling here, so ya can't refuse me."

"Oh, do you like green hair?" Snickers inquired.

Crackers stared at Snickers hair. "Don't really know, but yours looks good."

"You're hired." Snickers beamed at Crackers.


"You can sit over there with Camomile. If you think of any questions you want to ask people as we interview, just ask away."

Kit shook his head. He hoped the next two people were hired too, then he could leave. He had a feeling it was going to get worse from here.

Unfortunately, Kit was right. They had interviewed six more people and Snickers questions had gotten weirder. She asked one man if he had ever grown any warts before and where on his body they had grown.

I mean, who askes about warts! It was a god damn restaurant!

What made it worse was that Camomile and Crackers had started asking questions too. They weren't any better than Snickers at interviewing. Camomile asked one man if he knew what plants were. Seriously who didn't know what plants were!

Kit couldn't fathom how they even came up with these questions. He was starting to think that the prerequisite to working at his restaurant was that they had to have a screw loose.

Crackers had confirmed his logic by asking someone if they would play rock, paper, scissors with her. When the other party lost, Crackers had told Snickers that the man was too dumb to work in the restaurant.

At this point Kit wanted to give up interviewing people. The interviews were now had a game of chance attached after Snickers told Crackers that the game had been a great idea.

Kit was trying to calm himself down as Snickers was bringing in the next candidate. The man that came in had a large muscular frame, and his head almost scraped the top of doorway as he passed through.

Kit thought the man looked more like a lumber jack than someone who worked inside a restaurant.

He had three long scars that looked like claw marks that ran down one side of his face. Kit stared at the man's eyes and a friendly twinkle could be seen within. Kit liked the man instantly from the warmth he could see in his eyes.

Kit went to greet the man, but Snickers got in first.

"If you had to choose between being a rabbit or a frog, what would you be?"

Kit just wanted to ask some normal questions.

"I would be a rabbit." Kit glanced over to Crackers who answered the question instead of the man.

"Ohh, me too." Camomile joined in as well.

"I like rabbits." The large man said.

Oh no was he going to be like another Leonard. Kit banged his head on the table. He knew already what he was going to hear from Snickers.

"You're hired. You can go over and sit with the others."

At least she didn't disappoint him. Snickers brought in three more people before his gaze stopped on another person. It was a young boy covered in dirt that entered with Snickers. They were about the same height.

At this point in the interview process Kit no longer tried to ask questions, so he waited to see what Snickers would ask the young boy.

"Do you like to eat food?"

Kit wanted to cry. Although this was her first normal question who was going to answer no to that!


"Great you're hired."

Kit gave up completely. He smacked his head back on the table and decided he was just going to stay there. He had no control over today's events. Snickers was a force unto her own. Who knew what was going to come out of her mouth, at least she had stopped asking about warts.

Snickers kept leading people in, Kit just kept his head on the table. He was just going to see what he ended up with at the end of the interviews. He had even stopped listening to the questions at this point.

He had even tried to leave at one point and Snickers had given him that creepy look of hers and told him sweetly he could leave if he wanted to. He had sat his butt down straight away.

Kit had been so lost in his own thoughts, that it took him a while to realise that he hadn't heard Snickers go over to the door for awhile. He lifted his head off the table to see what was going on.

He looked around the room to see two new people. One was an older man with sharp eyes, when the man looked at him Kit felt like he was being dissected. He felt a chill go down his spine at the uncomfortable stare.

Kit moved his eyes over to the other new person in the room. She was a pretty young lady with blond hair and big blue eyes. She gave Kit a sweet smile when she saw him looking at her. Kit couldn't help but to return the friendly gesture.

Kit looked over to Snickers once he had finished his appraisals of the new people in the room. She was currently walking towards him.

"Snickers are we finished?" Kit could hear the hope clear in his voice.

Snickers gave him a big smile. "Yes, Kitty we are done."

"Great, Snickers before we hold any more interviews in the future. We are going to have to talk about what we should be asking everyone."

"Why? It doesn't really matter what I ask anyway. I can see if they really want to work here by the colour of their aura."

Kit's jaw dropped at hearing this. Did he just go through all that for nothing? Kit sucked in a breath. He could feel his anger rising. He didn't think a threat from Snickers right now would even quell those rising emotions.

Kit bit out each word through his teeth. "Snickers if you do this to me again, I will ban you from drinking alcohol from my restaurant."

Snickers eyes went round. "Ahh Kitty there is no need for that! Of course, you won't have to come to interviews in the future. I'm very good to you, yes?"


"Now that we have finished why don't I introduce you to everyone Kit?" Snickers gave Kit her best innocent young girl look.

"Fine." Kit was still furious at having sat through the interviews.

"You already know Camomile and Crackers. The large man is Cupcake, the dirty little boy is Mud, the hairy old man is Bundt and the tall blond haired lady is Charlotte. This is our new team."

Kit forced a smile on his face. It wasn't his new employees fault he was in a bad mood. He tried to calm himself down.

"Hello everyone, I am Kit the owner of the restaurant. Could you all please tell me what positions you applied for so we can allocate you to the correct job."

Cupcake cleared his throat. "I like food."

Kit blinked at the large man. This was going to be tougher than he thought. Did they really just hire him?

"That's good considering we are a restaurant. Where inside the restaurant do you want to work?" Kit watched as the man just stared blankly back at him. 'I'm going to kill Snickers.'

Bundt patted the big man on the shoulder. "Cupcake is slow to warm up to people. He will start to express himself more once he is familiar with you. We worked together at our last job."

Kit let out a sigh of relief. At least he could find out where to place the man from Bundt. "So where did you both last work?"

"On a farm planting crops."


How was this helpful. Kit wanted to cry.

"But we talked about where we both dreamed of working. Cupcake wanted to work in a kitchen making food and I wanted to work somewhere I can eat good food all day."

"Do you have any experience working in a restaurant?"

"No, but my maths skills and people reading skills are pretty good though."

Kit felt a headache starting to come on. At least he had an idea of what job to assign both of them now. If Bundt was good with maths and reading people, then he would be perfect for the takeaway counter.

"Ok then, Cupcake you can work in the kitchen and Bundt you can be in charge of the takeaway section."

Charlotte spoke next. "My last job I worked as a waitress. I'm happy to stay working in this area."

Kit was happy that at least two of the new hires had experience at the jobs he needed filled. Kit looked at the small boy that looked about 12 years old. Could he even hire this kid?

"Mud, how old are you?" Kit asked in a soft voice.

Big doe eyes blinked at him. They reminded him of Snickers.



"I'm Snickers cousin."


What the fuck was this! One Snickers was enough, now he had two! Kit threw daggers at Snickers. She returned his gaze with a shrug.


"Oh, Kit don't be like that, Mud really did apply for the job on his own. He didn't even tell me beforehand. Besides he past the interview so you can't be mad."

What interview. Didn't she just ask him if he liked food! Mud cleared his throat before Kit could start yelling at Snickers.

"I really want this job. I want to work as the gardener."


"Please, I'm not like Snickers I'm well behaved."

"Do you want a beating? Is it a bad thing to be like me!" Snickers glared at the dirty man.

"Sorry Snickers. I want the job sir, please." The big eyes started to tear.

'I should have left my head on the table.' How was a gardener related to a restaurant. Kit pinched his brow.

"Whatever, okay. You will have to work inside the restaurant at first. As you can see there's not much of a garden yet."

Kit watched as the young boy's face transformed into a look of delight.

"Yes sir, Kit. I will work hard."

'What the hell had he gotten himself into?'