Advanced Novice Chef

Claire pulled out a blank white piece of paper then placed the money on top. The money disappeared before Kit's eyes. The platinum tome hummed, then writing started to appear on the white paper.

Kit blew out the breath he had been holding, he waited eagerly for the sound of the notification to go off. He felt his nerves stretch waiting for the writing to finish.



Congratulations Player Kit on becoming an Advanced novice chef!

Create 3 meals: 7/3 complete

Create 1 drinks: 6/1 complete

Unlock 5 chef skills: 12/5 complete

Reach level 15: 44/15 complete.

Reward: Gold rank kitchen knife, 10,000 experience, 1000 culinary points.

Requirements to next tier, Beginner chef.

Create 10 dishes: 7/10

Create 6 drinks: 6/6 complete

Unlock 10 chef skills: 12/10 complete

Reach level 35: 44/35 complete.

Reward: Yellow mystery box, 100,000 experience, 5,000 culinary points.

Hot damn he had done it! He was officially an Advanced Novice chef. Kit felt proud of his achievements so far in the game. All his efforts were starting to pay off. He quickly read over the next requirements he needed to fulfill to rise in tier again.

A smile grew wide on his face when he realised he was almost ready to complete the next tier promotion, all he needed to do was create three more meals! Joy burst from his chest and a burning fire to advance arose.

With passion in his eyes, he read the rewards for the next level. Kit's mind stuttered to a stop, he could not believe what he was seeing right now. Kit's mouth dropped open in shock.

All of a sudden it felt like fireworks were going off inside his head. His whole body hummed with elation. The next reward was a god damn mystery box!

Kit started to make plans to head out with Grandpa as soon as he returned to Spartan Fire. He wanted to raise his tier as fast as he could. Kit started to become agitated with the need to leave right away. There was a mystery box waiting for him to open!

Before his feet could take off, he sucked in some deep breaths to calm himself down. There were still things he had to do in the culinary guild before he could leave, like visit the shop! Kit soon calmed himself down to a reasonable state.

He took the white paper from the desk and tucked his token away safely. Kate was watching him with a joyful smile." Kit you look so happy right now, congratulations on upgrading your tier. What stage are you at now?"

"Ah, well I'm Advanced Novice chef now." Kit was happy he was no longer at the first tier. It was embarrassing to be an owner of a restaurant with basically no qualifications. He still remembered when he had to tell Crackers and Cupcake he was a Novice chef. He was lucky his employees took it so well. He didn't think this would always be the case.

Kate began to stare at him in fascination after she learned his chef tier. "You're only an Advanced novice chef? Frankly I am surprised at your level. I thought for sure you would be closer to a top tier chef after you became a platinum rank. You are seriously full of surprises."

The look on her face was quickly morphing into one of worship. Kit began to get uncomfortable at her fevered gaze. "Thank you Kate, shall I cook you that meal I promised you now?" Kit wanted to distract her from turning into a lunatic before his eyes.

She fervently nodded her head then, motioned for Kit to follow her. Kit turned back to Peaches and Pretzel sitting on the chairs. "Kate, can they come out the back too?" Kit pointed to Peaches and Pretzel.

"Of course, anything you want Kit. I will show you to a kitchen so you can start cooking, then I will collect your promotion reward." The small group headed out the back.

Kit cooked Kate and the others a meal. The older woman couldn't stop singing his praises after tasting it. When she was done, she handed him the chef's knife. Kit held the knife in his hand with shining eyes, then he opened the knife's information.

[Chef knife gold rank]

Made from Night bourn silver and made by a master craftsman. It is any chefs delight to handle this piece of workmanship.

(When equipped)

Agility: + 500

Speed: + 500

Intelligence: + 500

Kit gaped at the information displayed. This was leaps and bounds above his previous knife, if this was the attributes for a gold rank what would a platinum rank knife be like? Kit felt a shiver of anticipation roll down his spine. He couldn't wait to use this knife.

Kit was so distracted by the knife it took him a moment to realise someone was talking to him. "Kit?" Kate laughed at his blank expression. "You like the knife I take it?"

"Oh, sorry Kate, yes this knife is amazing!" Kit looked lovingly down at his new knife.

"I'm glad, Kit I have to leave now I have a class starting soon. If you have any more questions, you can ask Claire. Hopefully I will see you soon. Oh and don't forget to pick up the letter instructor Phi sent from the front desk."

Kate turned and left after she spoke. Kit wanted to ask her about the letter, this was his first time hearing about it. Then he shrugged he could just get the letter to find out what instructor Phi wanted.

Kit, Peaches and Pretzel headed out to the reception, Claire waved to them happily when she saw them. "Claire is there a letter for me?" Kit watched as she rummaged in one of the draws then pulled out a white envelope, Clare then placed it in his hands. He quickly tore it open then unfolded the paper inside.


I take it you finally progressed to Advance novice chef. I now have a task for you to complete. As my student I have expectations from you, so this task is not negotiable. There is a boar of a man that has a restaurant in Fairweather town, challenge him to a cooking competition and don't lose!

Instructor Phi


[Culinary Guild Quest]

Defeat Chef Nutmeg in a cooking challenge.

Reward: Magic preparation knife, 1,000 culinary points.

Kit pictured the stern man talking to him with a scowl as he read the letter. His scalp tingled, that man was super scary. How did he get him as teacher again? Oh that's right it was an accident. Don't accept gift automatically Kit.

He looked at the information from the quest. A cooking challenge sounded like fun, he wondered what it would involve. He decided to ask Claire if she knew.

"It is just what it sounds like Kit, you make a formal challenge, then have a cook off to see who the winner is." Kit nodded in understanding.

He made up his mind to do the challenge today. He didn't want to delay his return to Spartan Fire. Before going back, he needed to do some shopping. Kit pulled out the list his employees had given him with the items they wanted for the restaurant.

Employees shopping list.

Magic multiplier plate.

Magic serving plater.

Magic preparation knife.

Blender (Don't mind if it is not magic)

Magical multiple burner stove top.

Magical triple oven.

Office for Snickers (this is a must)


Magical cash register

Perishable static bags.

Kit quickly memorised the list then opened the culinary shop menu. He went to the bronze section and started to scroll down the list of items. There were way too many items available for him to sift through to find what he needed. He wondered if it had a search function.

As he looked around the screen, he noticed that there were sub tabs under this section. His eyes froze when he realised what was written. A horrible feeling slithered over him, the tabs each had a chef tier written on them.

Kit thought he might have an idea of why they were there. They were going to restrict his purchases to his tier! Kit clicked on the Beginner chef tab, this was the next tier after his current level. He touched the first item on the list. A box appeared, written inside was not available.

Kit saw red. Why? Why would the game do this to him. He was already restricted enough with his current kitchen inside his restaurant! It barley had anything available to purchase. He blew out a hot breath, then clicked on the Advanced novice tab.

Hopeful there would at least be one thing on the list inside. Kit started to scroll, the further down the page he got the more frustrated he became. Not one thing had magic in the name! Kit closed his eyes and sighed. Right the only thing on the list without magic was a blender.

Luckily Kit found one, he paid 200 culinary points. Kit thought it was a rip off considering it wasn't a magical item. Those culinary points were hard to accumulate. He didn't want to waste them, Kit returned to the home screen in the culinary menu. Then his eyes landed on the platinum tab.

He couldn't help his finger moving to the button. Three boxes glistened on the screen, Kit ran his finger over the first box with a wistful expression. A box popped up causing Kit to jump, he hadn't expected anything to happen.

Yellow mystery box, 10,000 culinary points.

Confirm purchase.


What was going on? Could he purchase a mystery box? Kit felt tingles start to go off all over his body. He wanted to confirm his thoughts by pressing yes. Before he shot his finger out to confirm, he closed the menu.

Kit tapped his finger on his leg. It wasn't a good idea to purchase a box, he didn't have many points and he wanted to upgrade his restaurant soon. He would need a stockpile for the promotion. He already had a hunch a one star restaurant wouldn't be cheap.

Kit's finger continued to tap on his leg. Mystery boxes weren't always good anyway, sometimes they could be filled with rubbish. One needed luck to get something good. Kit's eyes shot down to his pouch.

"Haha, one needs luck to get something good!" Kit pulled out a candy apple and started to devour it. He then opened the culinary shop. With trembling fingers, he selected the yellow mystery box once again.

Kit felt his breathing increase and his heart pound. He watched as the confirmation notice appeared. He stretched his finger towards the button. The closer his finger got to the box the louder the pounding in his ears became.

Kit clicked the button.