Don’t worry Kit I can deal with this.

This was either going to go one of two ways, they were going to die, or Kit could give them what they want. He looked at Pretzel and sighed, it would be fine for Peaches and himself to die, they would just respawn.

Pretzel was another story, he had already lived a miserable life for the past two years he deserved to live past today. This situation had nothing to do with the young man in the first place, Kit felt responsible in getting Pretzel out of this situation.

A resigned sigh escaped from Kit, he knew he would give them whatever it was they were after to save Pretzel. Kit locked eyes with the leader, then opened his mouth. "No need to hurt anyone, just tell me what you want and if I can give it to you, I will."

Kit made himself cower, he didn't want to give off even the slightest resistance to the man's request. This seemed to work, the man sighed as if disappointed. "I like a coward, they know their place." The leaders' eyes didn't match his words, Kit could see the clear frustration on his face that he wouldn't get to brutalise them straight away. "All I need from you is that drink recipe, then you can leave."

Now Kit was positive he knew who sent these men, a picture of Chef Nutmegs face when he saw the bottle of rum flittered across his eyes. That Chef Nutmeg really was a real bastard! First, he tried to discredit him as a chef and know he was even trying to steal his recipes!

Anger bubbled in Kit's chest, if he gave in now there might be no end to the bullying he would receive from that man. Kit wanted to change his mind and tell the thug to fuck off and damn the consequences, he had already blown himself up once what was one more death? Thoughts of Pretzel stopped his rebellion.

A small clearing of a throat next to him caught his attention. Peaches winked at Kit then whispered out the corner of his mouth. "Don't worry Kit I can deal with this, I just need you to get me a small amount of time to prepare."

Happiness filled Kit at the possibility of winning against these thugs, he really didn't want Chef Nutmeg to get hold of one of his recipes. His eyes caught on Pretzel before he agreed to Peaches plan. If Pretzel could escape first, then Kit would feel more confident in facing these thugs with Peaches.

His mind raced as he stared at the lone figure, his subordinate hadn't returned from going after Kettle. There were still three thugs behind him, but if he could get Peaches to distract the ones behind them for a moment, he could engage the leader in a fight and Pretzel could dash past into safety.

An idea formed that would let Pretzel escape and give Peaches enough time to prepare whatever it was he planned. Kit reached into his pouch and pulled out a blank piece of paper he used for making the takeaway boxes. He then looked down at the paper as if he was about to cry, he prayed his acting skills were enough to fool the man in front of him.

Kit whispered out the corner of his mouth to his friends. "Pretzel when I move towards that thug, I want you to run to the place where we first met you, don't stop or turn around, understand. Peaches I will try to buy you the time you need." He winked at Pretzel then walked towards the thug with the paper in his hands.

Kit hadn't given Pretzel any time to refuse, he hoped the young man didn't freeze from fear and could run like the wind. Kit forced his hands to tremble and let crocodile tears escape from his eyes, he was really getting into his pitiful role. It wasn't all a show though, Kit really was packing his pants at engaging this man in a fight.

He stopped a small distance away from the leader, then opened his mouth so the man's attention would be solely on himself. "Promise you won't hurt us and I will give you the recipe in my hands." Kit made sure to lower his eyes, so he didn't give away his plans to the large man.

"Little Chef, I already stated I would not harm you if you handed over the recipe, now stop stalling and hand it over." The terrifying man held out his hand waiting to receive the recipe. Kit didn't believe a word out of the thugs mouth, he had seen the gleam of evil intentions in the man's eyes earlier.

A shudder ran down Kit's spine and his palms started to sweat at the thought of being in attacking range of the large man. He straightened his spine in an attempt in gaining some confidence in his plan, the he tentatively took a step forwards towards the waiting outstretched hand.

When he was just out of arms reach from the thug, he threw the blank piece of paper up in the air. A surge of adrenaline coursed through him, then he unsheathed his sword and lunged at the large man's stomach.

A flash of sliver interrupted his actions, a loud clang echoed in the small area and a blade met his sword. Sparks flew between the two weapons. Kit didn't keep still, he threw a punch with one hand aiming at the laughing eyes, he could tell this man found him amusing rather than threatening.

The man tilted his head to the side without missing a beat. Kit's fist missed it's mark and his body fell forwards from his momentum, trapping the swords between the two figures. Kit saw a figure dash pass out of the corned of his eyes, relief flooded over him.

A sharp pain to his side brought his attention back to the man in front of him. Kit could feel a warm sticky fluid flowing from the site of pain, a strong metallic smell filled Kit's nose.

- 1000 damage

The feeling of a foreign object inside his body caused a sweat to break out on his brow. Kit pushed himself away from the man and stumbled backwards. He clutched his hand around the hilt of a dagger sticking out of his body, red liquid poured from between his fingers.

Kit frantically turned to search for signs of his companion, fear gripped his heart that the fleeing shape was not Pretzel. Peaches was pinned up against the wall by two thugs and the third man that was there earlier was nowhere in sight.

Pretzel was also missing from the alleyway, a relieved smile appeared on Kit's face. He knew Pretzel was familiar with all the streets in Fairweather town so he hoped the young man could lose his tail.

A fiendish laugh filled Kit's ears a shudder ran down his spine, pain was starting to cloud his mind now that his fear for Pretzel was gone. "Well, what do we have here, not a coward after all. Shall we play some more?" The man didn't give Kit time to answer, a fist connected with his face and pain exploded from his eye.

Kit flew backwards with the force. The dagger in his side tore more of his flesh open as he connected with the ground. A scream of agony left his lips, more of his blood spilled from his side.

- 1,500 damage

Kit lay panting on the ground, he wished he hadn't consumed the spiritual moon juice magic right now. Then he wouldn't have to worry about having to experience any more pain inflicted from this crazy man. He would respawning at an arch and all his pain would be gone. He wondered how much more he would have to endure before he died.

Loud footsteps echoed in the ally, they stopped at Kit's side. The leader loomed over Kit with a maniacal smile on his face. "Who knew chefs could take a beating like this, marvellous, simply marvellous."

Kit watched in horror as the man lifted his boot and kicked the dagger in his side. Screams ripped from his throat, the pain almost caused him to pass out. Kit gritted his teeth and turned a watery gaze to the thug.

- 2000 damage

"Mmm look at you crying so beautifully, it will be a shame to stop." The man squatted down next to Kit's head and swiped a tear trickling down his face. A tiny red bottle appeared in the man's other hand, Kit recognised the liquid straight away. It was a healing potion, a shudder spread down his spine, was this man going to heal him so that he could torture him longer?

"I can see that you recognise what this is. I will give you two options, one you can take this then give me the recipe and I will let you and your friend go. Two I can give you this and we can continue our game." The man shook the bottle in front of Kit's eyes.

There was no way Kit would believe that this man would let him go, the maniacal gleam in his eyes said it all. No matter what Kit did, this man had plans to continue torturing him. A sob left his mouth, fear started to consume him.

Tears of frustration slid from his eyes wetting his hair, how long would he have to endure torture before this man accidentally killed him. Kit felt a tightening in his chest and his breathing started to increase, a wave of dizziness swept over him.

Kit started to freakout because he couldn't get enough air into his lungs. He gripped his chest and could feel the rapid rise and fall of his chest. A sharp slap connected to his cheek, Kit's ears started to ring from the force of the hit. The moment of pain stunned him, then the pain was swallowed up by his other wounds reminding him they were more life threatening.

"Now none of that, can't have you passing out before we get things settled. So, what will it be little chef." Kit really wanted to wipe that evil smirk of the man's face, it made him feel like he was an animal waiting to be slaughtered.

Hopeless that he couldn't do a single thing in this situation swirled in his mind, making him feel useless. Why did he think they could get out of this situation when he couldn't even defend himself properly? Kit clenched his fist, if he was going to die anyway then he decided that he wouldn't give this man any more satisfaction in seeing him tremble in fear.

A sudden burst of red light filled the alleyway, before the devilish leader could react red ribbons started lashing out whipping his body. Thin slices appeared all over the man's frame, small droplets of blood oozed from the numerous wounds.

Kit recognised those red threads, Peaches! He drew in a relived breath, finally his torment would be over. Kit felt his body relax, before he could immerse himself in happiness, his vision started to blur. Now that he wasn't focused on the terrifying man, his body let him know the full extent of the injuries he had sustained.

The man stepped away from Kit, a delighted laugh was directed towards the source of the red threads. "Well now that was unexpected, a baby Necromancer came to play." Kit tilted his head so he could follow the man's voice. Kit's faulty vision could just make out Peaches playing with a bunch of the silken red threads.

Kit felt his hope fizzle at Peaches being called a baby, did that mean that Peaches was no match for this man? "A baby? Ah I see where you misunderstood." Peaches was nodding to himself as if confirming his thoughts. "I didn't put much power into the ribbons, I did not see the point against someone of your level. I apologise for the deception, I will remedy that right away."

Peaches lifted an outstretched hand towards the burly man. Then in a sharp motion he closed his fingers like he was crushing something in his hand. A loud grunt left the thugs lips, Kit watched as bright fresh blood started to pour from each wound on the man's body.

The man lifted his sword and started to stagger towards Peaches. Kit was amazed that Peaches didn't even twitch an eye at the approaching madman, it was like Peaches knew the man wouldn't make it over to him.

A loud whistle blasted through the lane and a cluster of footsteps followed. Kit groggily turned his head to see what other catastrophe was approaching. To his surprise a bunch of guards in uniforms swam in and out of his vision.

A flustered Kettle ran straight over to him. "Kit, oh my god!" Frantic eyes scanned Kit's body. "Don't worry I will have you back to normal in no time." Kettle took a familiar red bottle from his robe and pinched Kit's mouth, red liquid was forced past his lips.

Kit quickly swallowed the fluid so he didn't choke, numbness started to spread across his body. He felt a tug at his side and turned his head to see a dagger glistening with his blood in Kettle's hand.

A tightening in the wound at his side let Kit know that the healing potion was knitting his flesh back together. Kit closed his eyes and blew out a long breath. He felt his body start to shake in relief, it was finally over.