Snickers is that the shop in a shop?

Kit was working in the boarding house kitchen when he was interrupted by Snickers bursting through the door. "KIT! Put down whatever you're doing and come with me!" Snickers looked ready to burst.

The joyous emotions were infectious quickly spreading to Kit, with the way she was acting it must be something good. "What is it Snickers?"

"Something good!" Snickers saw that he wasn't moving, so she went and grabbed his wrist and started dragging him out of the kitchen. Kit was still holding a knife in his free hand.

"Wait, at least let me put this away." Snickers dropped his hand and Kit tucked his knife into his pouch. As soon as he was done Snickers started dragging him once again. "What has gotten you so excited this morning?"

In answer Snickers just shook his hand and gave him a mysterious smile. Kit shook his head and followed Snickers out the door. When he realised what direction they were heading, Kit felt his heart rate pick up.

A bubbling silence followed them towards his restaurant, the closer they got the more Snickers started to pull on his hand. By the time they arrived outside his restaurant property they had been running.

Kit came to a sudden stop and almost fell over. The sight in front of him caused his eyes to grow wide. "H-hhow?" A roaring started in his ears. A surge of adrenaline rushed through his system. Kit was rooted to the ground. He felt his jaw drop at the gorgeous sight before him.

His eyes darted all over the façade. Kit felt his body tremble. Luminous blue stones sat stacked inside a deep mahogany wooden frame. Large glass windows gave a glimpse into the building. Three doors framed by the beautiful rich wood gave access inside.

Two of the doors were only big enough for one person to fit through at a time and they were close together a one end of the building. Above one door a sign hung 'In', the second door had a sign 'Out'. Kit assumed this must be for the shop in a shop.

Kit's eyes didn't stay on the doors for long, they quickly swung to the opposite end of the building. A large wooden door with a Spartan Fire flower carved onto the surface took all of Kit's attention. He couldn't help but head in that direction.

When he arrived at the entrance he was taken by the intricate detail in the flower. It looked like it could come to life. He reached out to run his hand over the design, he could feel all the groves on the grain.

As he inspected the door something caught his attention from the corner of his eye. He turned his head to see what it was. Kit felt like his legs were going to give out as he stared a wooden deck with four gazebos built off each corner.

Seats lined the frame of each gazebo. "Holy red peppers! Is that the waiting to enter area?" A sound behind him made Kit jump in fright.

"Yes, it looks great! Leonard did a fantastic job!" Pride was clear in Snickers voice. "Kit, wait until you get inside! If you think this looks good, then the inside will blow your mind!" With those words Kit felt the need to sit down.

He hadn't mentally prepared himself to see the finished restaurant today. The shock was making his legs turn to jelly. Unfortunately, Kit didn't get a chance to rest, Snickers was too enthusiastic and started pushing him inside the flower door.

Kit watched as the flower split in two and the inside was revealed. All the air rushed out of his lungs. Kit had to steady himself by putting a hand against the door frame. Green vines decorated the walls and ceiling, tiny sparkling flowers were scatted throughout.

It looked like he had stepped inside a greenery. As if to add to the theme, the tables appeared to be small sturdy trees but instead of leaves at the top, it had a glass surface. The chairs looked like they had grown out of the ground and the branches had shaped themselves into seats.

Kit felt a trembling in his legs and quickly walked towards one of the seats. When he sat down, he thought that the surface might be hard, but under his bottom was a soft cushion. Now that he didn't have to worry about his legs giving away, Kit could take in more of the room.

A bar sat at the back of the dining area, the bench was made from an old wooden tree and matched the theme of the room. It curved around a small space that could fit at least two staff behind. At the back of the bar were branches that had formed a shelf that could hold multiple bottles of alcohol.

Three silver taps sat in the middle of the bar, Kit's eyes started to twinkle at the sight of the gleaming metal, he could serve on tap alcohol!

A small door sat off to the side of the bar. Kit assumed this would be the toilets. His head swung back to the entrance and spotted the front desk he had missed on his way in. He kept sweeping his gaze around the room until his eyes stopped on a door built into a wall that protruded into the room.

"Snickers is that the shop in a shop?" Now not only was his body trembling, so was his voice, Kit winced at the sound.

"Yes, but before we go in, what do you think of the dining area?" Snickers was twisting her hands as she stared at him.

Kit frowned at her nervous habit, then he remembered that Snickers had designed the dining area. "It is stunning! Look how much I like it Snickers." Kit lifted his trembling hand.

Snickers clapped her hands, then pounced on him for a hug. "I'm glad you like it Kitty!"

"I like it! No… I love it! In fact, I'll need to take a couple of minutes to savour it." He wasn't going to tell Snickers he was that excited that he didn't think he could stand at the moment.

Once his legs were under control Kit moved to the door on the opposite side of the room. He'd been waiting a long time to see this blueprint come to life. He felt his heart flutter as he pushed open the door.

Inside looked like a candy shop, the walls were lined with wooden shelves and six large wooden barrels sat in the middle of the floor. A small glass display counter next to a sales desk finished off the room.

A movement at the desk caught Kit's attention, Twix was moving a box under the desk.

"Well, what do you think?" Snickers prompted behind him.

It wasn't what he imagined it to be, but he liked it. He had a wide range of snacks now and if he built them up more, he could fill the room. He started to picture what the room would look like fully stocked. Glittering colours danced behind his eyes, he could really make this room into something eye catching!

He shook his head to escape his fantasy, Twix piped up before Kit could get a word in on his thoughts. "Kit, I know it is not quite what you wanted. Bundt and I discussed the layout and if we sold all your recipes in here it would be a bit messy, so we decided to make it a snack shop. If you don't like it, we can change it. We still have time."

Twix was twisting the bottom of his shirt as he waited for Kit's reply. "No, it looks great, scratch that it will look fricking fantastic once it stocked!" If Kit's idea from earlier came to life this room would be a great money spinner.

"The room is smaller than I thought it would be, Bundt and you are right in your assessment. I can't sell all my recipes inside. I think with the increase to the dining space there won't be that many people wanting to take away meals now anyway."

Previously because of the limited space most people would take their meals to go. For the population of Spartan Fire, he felt his current dining room had more than enough space. Kit glanced around one more time with twinkling eyes, then felt the pull to see his kitchen.

"I really do love it Twix, thank you," said Kit.

A wicked grin came from his friend, Kit could tell Twix was happy with his response to the room.

"Right, I'm off to the next room." Kit waved to Twix, then followed Snickers back out the door. Once they entered the dining area, Kit looked around for another door. He soon spotted a door without a handle and a flower shaped window, that should be a two way door that could open from either side!

 His kitchen must be through there! This time Kit didn't wait for Snickers. He took off before she could lead the way. This was the room he had been dying to see. It was the heart of his restaurant after all!

He practically sprinted into the room. Butterflies were dancing in his stomach as he entered.

"Fuck yes!" Kit couldn't help gasp.

Now this was a kitchen! Gleaming benches lined the walls and there was even a wide island bench covering the middle of the floor. Round elements filled most of the space on the island surface. That must be the Magical multiple burner stove tops! He counted four of them in total! That was 24 elements, 12 on each side of the island counter!

Kit hurried further in, on the wall that housed the door was a long line of time freeze storage shelves. On the opposite side of the room were the ovens under the bench tops. Kit hurried over to see his babies!

Gleaming metal greeted his sight, three large ovens were lined in a row. A full body shudder rattled Kit's bones. He felt like he was going to burst from all the overflowing excitement.

"Hot damn! These are absolutely beautiful!" Kit couldn't stop himself from turning on the appliances. Soon a light was coming from inside the ovens and the elements on top of the island counter were glowing.

"Snickersssss! Come and look at these!" Snickers ambled over and laughed when she saw Kit's expression.

"Yes Kit, they look nice," Snickers perfunctorily answered.

"Nice! What nice! They are fucking amazing!" Kit was very taken with the new appliances. He turned them off with some reluctance, he still had to explore the rest of his kitchen.

At first when he entered, he didn't think the fire pit had been built. But as he turned around, he saw it nestled on the floor between some bench tops.

It looked a bit different from the previous one. Instead of being sunk into the ground it was in a large stone case that reached waist height, it also had a metal grill on one side, the opposite side had the rotisserie. His mouth watered at the thought of a flame grilled steak.

Kit walked around his kitchen with a beaming smile, the kitchen space was three times the size of the previous one. He even had pots and pans hanging on racks above counters, knives of all different sizes on magnetic strips and racks of boards across bench tops. He felt as if he was in a real kitchen now.

Snickers interrupted his inspection of the room. "Are you ready to see the rest of the place now?" Kit didn't want to leave his kitchen, he wanted to start cooking straight away! He weighed up the chances of Snickers letting him do that and came up with a big fat 0%.

"Yeah, let's go." The was a slight whine in his voice.

"Kit, muster up some enthusiasm for the other rooms!" Snickers slapped his shoulder. "I knew I should have made you wait to see the kitchen."

That assumption was probably right, but Kit knew in his heart he would never have been able to hold out that long once eyeing his new kitchen.

Kit begrudgingly followed Snickers over to three doors built into the side of the kitchen. One of the doors had a glass panel, Kit peered through a clear window and saw green vegetation, this was the back entrance to his kitchen.

The other two doors lead into the storage room and the new cool room. The storage room didn't look much different, beside the fact it had grown in size. The cool room was like the storage room except it had a cooler temperature. The whole room was lined with shelves, his ingredients were already stocked.

He thought he wouldn't have much reaction to these additions, but he found himself smiling at the changes. With a larger storage area, he could hold more ingredients! He left the storage areas feeling satisfied.

Snickers saw his smile and looked pleased, she then continued the tour. The next stop was the cellar. It had almost doubled in size, the paltry amount of alcohol stored made the room look bare. He thought now that he had a bar, he really needed to work on filling the shelving.

With so many new staff he could hand this task over to someone else. Kit thought about who to put in charge of the alcohol as he walked up the stairs. When he reached the top, he noticed that Snickers eyes were shining. "Kit we are almost done, are you happy with the building so far?"

"Absolutely Snickers, everyone has out done my expectations!" He really was floored at his new building. He fell in love with it at first sight. It was like something out of a dream that came to life.

"Then let's go see the last room." Snickers was rocking on her feet looking like she would dash off the moment he nodded his head.

Kit's gaze drifted around the restaurant and landed on the toilet, it was the only place he hadn't looked inside yet. He scratched his head, why was Snickers so enthusiastic about the bathroom? Then he realised that the bathroom wasn't the only blueprint he hadn't seen, there was still the animal café!