You will be the star today, Snowball!

Snickers jumped off the bench and picked up an éclair from the tray. Kit watched as she opened her tiny mouth wide and bit down, custard oozed out from the hollow log. "Oh! This. Is. Divine!" Snickers mumbled around the food in her mouth.

With her spare hand she picked up another éclair. "I'm all set now, so I'll get going." Kit watched as she ambled out of the kitchen without a backwards glance. A chuckle left his mouth, "I guess she just wanted food. She didn't even wait to see if the carrot cake worked out."

Kit shook his head, then got back to work. As the day progressed, he tried a few more recipes. The only one that worked well was the carrot cake. He guessed his luck had run out after that recipe. He looked at the new recipe with fondness.

[Glowing blue carrot cake created]

Quality level: Poor

Quality bonus: Chills down the spine for 1 hour. Chance of frostbite occurring on consumption.

A vegetable cake with an occasional crunch.

+ 5,000 health

2,000 resistance to ice attacks. 

Active for 2 hours.

[Restricted: chef level 75 to unlock for sale]

Reward: 75,000 EXP, 75,000 culinary EXP, 40 gold, 4,000 culinary points.

After making the recipe, his chef level had raised once again. He was now sitting at chef level 62. It was a pity that he couldn't get to chef level 75 before his one star opening, that would have opened a few more recipes to put on his menu, including the carrot cake.

When he made it earlier, he forgot that the carrots were from the Piabbits' domain. So, it wasn't surprising it turned into a higher level dish. Kit closed his menu and decided to call it a day. He needed a good night's rest before the madness started tomorrow.

Kit walked out of the kitchen into the dining area to see if anyone was still in the building. Snickers, Leonard, and Grandpa were sitting at one of the tables enjoying a drink. "Kit are you all done?" Grandpa noticed him walking over to the table.

"Yes, for today." Kit stopped at the table but didn't sit down, he wasn't planning on staying. But before he left, he needed to thank the man that made all this possible. "Leonard, thank you for all the work you have done on the restaurant. I can't even put into words how much I love it. I don't know how I will ever repay you."

Kit felt his dismal praise wasn't enough appreciation for the new building, but he truly didn't know how to phrase his gratitude. 

The large man smirked at Kit's words "If you are really thankful, I have a way for you to repay me."

Kit didn't hesitate but to agree, he would do anything to repay the miracle of this new building. Leonard had built it without receiving any payment. All he had said was that his Snickers needed a decent place to work.

"Great, I will talk to you about it after the re-opening." Leonard looked truly happy that Kit had said yes to his request.

Kit began to wonder what the man was up to. He was sure that look on the man's face wouldn't be a good thing for him, and it would definitely involve his restaurant manager. He just hoped it didn't get him in trouble with Snickers.

Kit shook his head, he would deal with Leonard's request later. He bid goodnight to the trio and left for the boarding house.

Snowball was waiting when he returned. Excited yipping and a wagging tail greeted him. "Hello buddy, I feel like we haven't spent much time together recently. Shall we do something together after the reopening of the restaurant?"

A series of yips exploded from the cute fluff ball. It looked like Snowball had been missing him too. "Alright it's settled, we'll have a Kit and Snowball Day after the reopening!" Kit scooped up the small dog and got some much needed hugs. Once he had his fill, he got ready for bed.

The next day went by in a frenzied blur. He didn't get to experiment with any new recipes, he was too busy fixing last minute issues that cropped up. But by the end of the day his restaurant, shop in a shop, and animal cafe were ready for the one star opening tomorrow.

After his jam packed day, Kit flopped his tired body into bed looking forward to tomorrow. When Kit opened his eyes the next morning it was still dark outside. An excited thrum started pulsing, pushing all sleepiness away. An abundance of energy accompanied his thumping heart.

He jumped out of bed and dashed towards the shower, he wanted to get to his restaurant as fast as possible today.

While he was brushing his teeth an excited Pretzel burst into his room. "KIT! Hurry up, we are all waiting!" Surprise flicked across his face. He thought that he had gotten up early. Just when did Pretzel and the others wake?

Kit stuck his head out of the bathroom door. "Give me a second." Kit motioned towards his foaming mouth. Pretzel nodded in understanding and ran over to pat Snowball who was still sleeping on the bed.

When Kit walked out of the bathroom Snowball had a bright red ribbon tied with a bow hanging from his neck. It made the already cute dog look even more adorable. "Snowball, you look dashing. Did Pretzel give you that?"

Snowball started prancing in front of Kit, he could tell the dog was pleased with his new attire. "I thought he needed something for his big debut." Pretzel answered Kit's question.

"Debut?" Kit turned a puzzled gaze towards Pretzel.

"Yes, he will be working in the animal café today." Pretzel bent down and adjusted the bow. "There perfect! You will be the star today, Snowball!"

Kit looked at his adorable companion and had to agree, Snowball really would be popular today. He just hoped no one decided to try to take home his cute ball of fluff. Then again, they would have to get past the Midnight guardians and Piabbits, so Kit thought Snowball should be safe.

"Can we go now Kit, or do you need to do something else?" Pretzel looked like he would burst if Kit said no.

"I'm ready." Kit walked out the door with Pretzel and Snowball in tow. As they descended the stairs, five large black cats joined them. Kit raised a brow when he noticed sky blue ribbons adorned the Midnight guardians necks.

 "You have been busy this morning Pretzel." Kit wondered how he had gotten the Midnight guardians to agree to wearing the ribbons. His curiosity got the better of him, so he asked.

"Oh that was easy, I just told them that Snowball would be wearing one." Pretzel made it sound like it was a logical step. "The Piabbits also agreed to wear them." Pretzel had the cheek to be smirking as he revealed that information.

Kit was surprised at how cunning Pretzel was becoming. He had a feeling Mud was rubbing off on him. They pair were often spotted together laughing and whispering. Kit was glad the young boy was enjoying himself though.

As they approached the front door Mars and Twix opened the door from the other side. "Kit there you are. We were just coming to get you." Mars beamed.

"Yes, we thought you would have beaten everyone to the restaurant, not be the last to arrive." Twix laughed.

Kit blinked, was he really going to be the last one to arrive, but it was still very early! The light was only just starting to filter through the windows. "Then I better hurry." Kit quickened his pace and was soon outside his new restaurant.

When he walked into the dining area people were bustling about. The occasional person would stop to just stare around the room, then keep moving. Kit could 't blame them, it was a fantastic sight.

Kit looked around for his restaurant manager and spotted her talking to three of his employees. "I think it would be best to hand out the gift bags at the waiting to enter area. That way the boxes won't take up floor space inside the restaurant." Snickers was giving instructions to Danbo, Chamomile and Mud as Kit arrived. "Oh Kit, there you are. Why are you so late though?"

Kit scratched his cheek, "It's still early, I honestly didn't think everyone would be here already." He wasn't kidding. There wasn't much left to do this morning, they had gotten most of the prep work done yesterday.

"Hm, I think everyone is just nervous about the one star opening today." Kit's brows shot up, then he took a good look around at his bustling employees. Steps were hurried, and small jerking actions could occasionally be seen.

Just by their actions Kit could confirm Snickers words. Kit himself felt excitement more than nerves, but he guessed not everyone would be the same. "I'll have a word with them, honestly today won't be much different from normal, there will just be a few important people Grandpa invited."

Kit wasn't worried about those few, Grandpa would mostly take care of them. "It's good you aren't nervous. I thought because the restaurant reviewer was coming that you would be in total panic mode." Kit's whole body froze at Snickers words.

"WHAT! What restaurant reviewer?" Kit felt the contents of his stomach rise burning his throat, Kit had to swallow to stop the unpleasant feeling. "Why am I just hearing about this now!" Panic started to swirl just as Snickers predicted, Kit felt like he couldn't gulp enough air into his lungs.

"Shit! I thought Grandpa told you!" Snickers came over and placed her small hands on his cheeks and tilted his head so they made eye contact. "Hey. Look at me. Everything will be fine." Kit locked eyes with calm orbs and felt his breathing come under control.

He sucked in a few deep breaths. "Thanks, Snickers." Snickers dropped her hands and Kit straightened his back. He didn't have time for a panic attack. He decided it would be best to forget about the restaurant reviewer, or he mightn't make it through the day.

"Snickers, I'm going to forget about the restaurant reviewer. I'll leave whoever it is in your capable hands." Kit felt all the pressure from moments ago wash away.

It was confirmed he made the right choice when Snickers brushed her skirt as if sweeping off dust, then puffed out her chest. Kit watched as her whole aura changed into one of grandeur, it was like she was blooming right in front of his eyes.

"Thank you, Kit. I will take care of it." Snickers tilted her head in a dignified manner. When she acted like this, he remembered how old she actually was. With the matter delegated to Snickers, Kit left for the kitchen with all confidence that she would handle anything at the front end.

When Kit pushed open the kitchen doors another surprise was sprung on him. "Ahah, I'm one up on you now Cupcake! Look I just made my second stats creation!" Finn was brandishing a chocolate covered strawberry high in the air for all the employees in the kitchen to see.

Cupcake lifted his head from his workstation then gave Finn a show-stopping smile. The large man then lifted his own hand. "Two!" A small delicate chocolate sat on the man's palm, Kit squinted his eyes trying to get a better look at it.

"Aigh, who cares about you two, look I also be getting my first one!" Crackers held a mis-shaped lump up for everyone in the room to see.

"Well done Crackers!" Finn beamed at the young girl.

Cupcake also joined in, "Amazing! Crackers!"

Kit's jaw dropped open when he realised what was going on inside his kitchen. "Holy shit! Are you guys making stats creations?"

All eyes in the room turned towards Kit. "Yes! Yes! Look, Kit. I be makin' me first one!" Crackers screech, then flew over to Kit to show off her chocolate lump.

Amazement swept over him, he picked up the misshapen piece and opened the information on Crackers stats creation.

[Distorted cocoa log]

Quality level: Good

Quality bonus: + 3 Charisma

A warped blob of chocolate, that is surprising safe to consume.

+ 2 Charisma 

For 1 hour

"Wow, congratulations Crackers!" Kit was impressed that Crackers had made her first stats creation.

"Thanks! It be thanks to ya making the chocolate though." Crackers bright smile was contagious, Kit felt his own smile break out.

Finn and Cupcake had made their way over to him and showed off their own chocolate creations. Now each of them was staring at him with twinkling eyes. "You two look pleased with yourselves." He couldn't help himself from chuckling at their expressions.

Finn elbowed his way in front of Cupcake and held out both of his hands. One piece of chocolate sat on each palm. Kit was floored when each also held similar information to Crackers creations. When Kit was done inspecting Finn's chocolate, Cupcake shyly handed over his own efforts.

Two beautiful carved animals sat in Kit's palm, a bird and fox. Kit couldn't believe the intricate detail each tiny chocolate held. He brought them closer to his eyes for inspection. How could anyone eat these! There were too beautiful to devour!

"Cupcake, these are exquisite! How did you make these!" Kit really wanted to learn the carving skill needed to make something of this quality.

The large man blushed and pulled out a tool. It had a wooden handle and thin sliver of metal at the end. "This!" Cupcake presented the tool to Kit.

"Can I borrow this later so I can get one made?" the large man nodded. Kit handed the tool back to Cupcake, then turned to have a look around his kitchen, chocolate was coating most surfaces. "As much as I want to encourage you guys to continue, I think we will have to stop here. It will be time to open soon."

Four pairs of eyes looked out the kitchen window to see the brightening day. Crackers called a clean sprite and the kitchen soon sparkled. They were ready for the first breakfast rush of the one star restaurant.