Oh, do you live close?

Kit felt like the world had colour once again. An itch to jump back into CAL straight away surged. Then his gaze settled on Mars. If not for his friend, he didn't know if this would have been possible. He took some steading breaths to calm his racing heart.

"Of course, we will log in together, but you have come all this way. So should we do something together while you're here?" Although he wanted to get back to the game, Mars was more important.

Mars had given him his dream back, so he would do anything he could to make him happy. "That can wait, I promised Snickers I would get you back as soon as possible."

Kit was taken back at Mars words, the man had come all this way and now he was going to leave? "Mars, are you sure you don't want to go and have some fun first?"

"We will have plenty of time for that when we log out next." Mars grinned.

"Oh, do you live close?" Kit couldn't believe his luck, could he and Mars catch up out of the game all the time?

"I do now, I moved into the vacant apartment below. Oh, and Peaches should get here tomorrow, he decided to move in as well. We will be roommates!" Mars looked incredibly pleased with himself.

"WHAT! What do you mean you live downstairs? Why would you move here of all places!" Kit couldn't understand Mars' thoughts. Who would want to leave a perfectly lovely home and move here if they weren't desperate?

"Well originally, I wanted to get a house so we could all move in together, but my family froze my bank account. They weren't happy I was moving so far away. I saved up just enough to be able to pay for the rent and the CAL subscription on my own."

"The apartment downstairs is perfect for my budget and with Peaches moving in it halves the living expenses. Plus, I can come and eat your cooking even when I'm not in game!" Mars looked damn happy to be living in this run-down dump.

Kit could only shake his head at Mars behaviour. The man was bat shit crazy, luckily Kit didn't mind having a lunatic for a best friend. In fact, he thought himself lucky for meeting such a wonderful person.

A grin split across his face, it would no longer be just him and Kat on the weekends. His in-game family was starting to merge with his real-life family. It was just a pity that the NPC's inside CAL couldn't come out.

"I take it you boys are going to leave me all alone. So, mean!" Kat pouted.

"Sorry Kat, but yes!" Kit started to push Mars out the door. "Go and get ready, we will log in in half an hour!"

"Wait! I haven't had any food yet!" Mars dug in his heels and forced Kit to stop pushing.

Kit realised his cooking had been interrupted. A growl came from his tummy. "Fine, lets eat. Then we can log in!"

In no time at all Kit was pulling the sheet from the silver capsule. A nervous pulse bounced inside Kit. Now that it was time to log back in, he was starting to worry about the reaction he would get from everyone, especially Snowball and Snickers. 

"Kit don't panic, I'm sure they will all be happy that you have returned." Kat walked up behind him and gave him a hug. "Don't miss me too much!" Kat started peppering him with kisses.

Kit pushed her face away. "uh… No more!"

Tinkling laughter came from behind him. "Ok, come on get in!"

Kit did just that, he looked at Kat through the gap in the closing lid and smiled. Once the glass cover shut, Kit closed his eyes.

His eyes sprung open to a familiar sight, bright light filtered into his bedroom inside the boarding house. Kit's eyes automatically searched the room for his companion, disappointment filled him when the black fluff ball was nowhere in sight.

Loud thuds turned Kit's attention to his door, in the next instant his door was flung open. "Haha Kit! Welcome back!" Mars jubilant mood made Kit smile.

 "Thanks Mars." He walked over to his friend and froze. Behind Mars was a tearful Pretzel.

"Kit …" Pretzel pushed past Mars and dove into Kit's arms. "Where have you been!"

Kit patted that upset boy. "Sorry Pretzel, I had something to do suddenly." Kit felt bad about lying, but he couldn't tell the boy the real reason.

"Next time if you have something to do, you at least must send us word. We were all worried something had happened to you." Pretzel wiped his eyes with his sleeve, an aggrieved gaze bored into him.

He started to think that his choice not to long in was wrong. It was the first time he had questioned his decision. He had been selfishly just thinking about his own feelings and not everyone else's. Regret filled him, but he knew if he came to officially say goodbye he would have fallen apart. 

He hoped he never had to think about that choice ever again. More than ever, he wanted to earn enough money so that they didn't have to rely on Kat's wage to make ends meet. A burning fire ignited in Kit. It was time he made preparations to go up the mountain!

If he could find that treasure, then it could buy him enough time to get his restaurant to a point he could pay all the bills in the real world by himself. Then it wouldn't matter if Kat lost her job, they would still be financially stable.

Pretzel finally broke away from Kit. "Are you going to the restaurant now?" the teary boy asked.

"Yes, if it is not my first stop, I think Snickers would kill me." Kit felt a nervous pulse pound thinking of seeing his restaurant manager.

"Kit, I think she is going to kill you anyway. I often hear her mumble that you are a dead man when you return." Pretzel's watery smile turned into a worried frown. "Kit, I think I should go and inform her of your return first. That way it will give her some time to calm down before you get there."

"Ah… that might not be a bad idea." Mars avoided eye contact with Kit as he spoke.

Kit felt a chill, he seriously contemplated Pretzel and Mars advice. "Thanks for your concern. But I think it is better to get it over with." Kit didn't think he could cope with the unknown reaction he would get, he felt it would just make him more anxious, so he wanted to head there straight away.

As Kit left the boarding house it dawned on him how long he had been away. New buildings could be seen everywhere he looked.

What had happened in Spartan Fire while he was gone? The amount of growth the village had obviously gone through was beyond what he thought would be possible. He regretted not getting an update on the village from Mars before logging in. A feeling of sadness swept over him that he had missed out on the transformation.

He wondered if Spartan Fire was even a village now or if it had undergone another promotion.

"It's changed a lot since you last were here." Mars carefully stared at Kit's dazed state. "We can slowly get you reacquainted with the place."

Kit could only nod his head in response. If the village had changed this much, what about his restaurant? This thought jolted Kit into motion, his feet started to pick up pace and when he arrived outside his restaurant he was gasping.

The outside of his restaurant looked the same as he remembered. He didn't stand there for long staring. With shaky legs he walked through the front door. Charlotte was on the front counter and froze when she saw him.

"Hi Charlotte, long time no see." Kit gave a pitfall wave.

A loud squeal made Kit flinch and Charlotte was soon squeezing him tight. "Oh, Kit finally you are back!"

The noise had attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant. Soon Kit found himself in the middle of a noisy group of his employees. Tears and laughter wrapped him in a warm embrace. Soon the joyful reunion was interrupted by a shout.

"YOU! ARE! DEAD!" The people surrounding Kit moments ago fled. Kit felt a shudder of fear crawl across his body. An angry Snickers was standing with hands on her hips and a furious fire was burning in her eyes.

Kit braced himself to be beaten black and blue. When Snickers made no move to get close to him, he frowned. He then looked more closely at the delicate elf. Tears had started to swim in her eyes and large drops fell down her cheeks.

An angry Snickers he could deal with. An upset Snickers brought him to ruin. "No, don't cry. I'm sorry, I promise to never disappear without a word again." Kit quickly walked over and wrapped Snickers in a hug.

Kit felt like the biggest asshole in the world as he felt Snickers body trembling as she cried. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I'll make it up to you, just tell me what to do." Kit felt useless as Snickers continued to cry.

Snickers cried in Kit's arms. When the tears started to dry up, Snickers started to pound on his chest. "You are so dead! I'm so angry! You are no longer family!"

A smile tugged at his lips now that Snickers was talking to him. He had missed her like crazy. "I missed you so much Snickers." Kit whispered to his friend.

"Of course you missed me!" Snickers started to pull herself together and pushed Kit away. "Now that you're back, you need to get to work!"

Snickers straightened her back and shot out a finger to poke him in the chest. "You are going to be so busy you won't have time to sleep!" A creepy grin emerged on the tear-stained face.

There was the Snickers he knew, Kit felt overjoyed that she had regained her fighting spirt. Kit didn't get to enjoy the old Snickers for long soon the creepy grin fell off her face and was replaced by tears once again.

"You missed so much Kit that I don't even know where to begin." Snickers looked lost as she stared at him.

Mars came over and patted her shoulder. "I can fill him in Snickers, you go and take a break."

Snicker nodded then lunged at Kit for another hug. "I'm really glad you're back Kit, please don't leave again." Snickers whispered.

Kit wanted to say he would never leave again, but he didn't want to lie to Snickers. "I can't promise I won't have to leave again, but I can promise that I don't want to. You really are my family Snickers." Thoughts of how to stay surfaced once again.

"I will have to leave Spartan Fire for a bit soon." If he wanted to be able to permanently keep playing CAL, then he was going to have to find that treasure. 

Snickers eyes snapped up. "Why?"

"I will talk to you about it later tonight. But I promise that I won't be leaving without a word anymore." Kit filled his gaze with the sincerity he felt. Even if something happened and he wouldn't be able to continue playing, he would find a way to send a goodbye this time. It wasn't fair to leave his friends in a state of anxiety about his welfare.

Snickers searched his gaze then nodded. "Then I will leave Mars to fill you in, I don't know if I can deal with telling you today."

Kit had an ominous feeling about Snickers words. He didn't think Mars was going to tell him something good.