Kit, you've been in there forever!

Kit let out a frustrated groan as the man shook his head. All his plans to activate the respawn arch were now ruined without any town guards present. Opening a portal for players without proper protection could lead to disaster. He grabbed a pen and signed off on the approval for the barracks himself.

Perhaps if they started implementing a town guard now, he could negotiate with Kettle to open the respawn arch while he was away. That way, if he did die, there would at least be a chance of respawning in Spartan Fire.

Once the ink had dried, Kit handed the parchment to Kettle before eyeing the next piece of paper. Any thoughts of getting Twix and Mars faded as he saw a detailed plan for implementing the town guard system in front of him. He picked up the document and became fully immersed in it. After reading ten pages, he realised that this was just one part of a larger idea.

Kettle proposed that at least 15 guards were needed for their village to maintain public safety, enforce laws, and protect the community. He suggested hiring a captain of the guards first to consult on military affairs.

This was a sound plan since none of them had experience in military matters. Kit picked up the pen once more and signed off on it.

"Thank you for this, Kit," Kettle said with obvious displeasure in his voice. "Every time I tried to get one of them to read through a document, they just blindly signed it without even looking. It's a dangerous practice - I could have slipped anything under their noses and they wouldn't have noticed."

"Aside from a signature, I also wanted someone to consult with. I have plenty of ideas, but I'm not always certain if they're practical. It helps me to talk things over with someone else and hear their thoughts." Kettle's eyes drooped, causing Kit to feel uneasy. He knew that Kettle had been left to fend for himself without any support.

What Kettle said made sense; Kit also had numerous concepts for his restaurant and would often hold staff meetings or turn to Snickers for feedback. It was only natural for Kettle to seek the same guidance.

This wasn't the first time that Kettle had reached out for assistance. Guilt weighed heavily on Kit's chest; he had let down so many people. Deciding it was the least he could do, Kit stayed with Kettle for the morning while Mars and Dove went to get supplies.

"Kettle, I'll go and let Mars and Dove know that I'll be here for a while." Kit opened the door to Kettle's office and was met with two impatient stares.

"Kit, you've been in there forever!" Mars complained.

Kit nudged his friend's leg in frustration. "If only you had done your part properly, I wouldn't have been delayed!" He gave another kick to Mars to emphasize his point. "I'll be spending the morning with Kettle, so you two can go and fetch the supplies. And when you're finished, bring Twix back here!" Kit didn't wait for a response before shutting the door behind him.

As he settled into his chair and began sifting through the documents with Kettle, his mood improved. Not only was he fulfilling his responsibility as a founding member, but he was also buying time for Cadbury to tire out the crazy man. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

When Kit raised his head to speak to Kettle, he was greeted with an almost blindingly bright smile. Kettle practically radiated enthusiasm. "Thank you for today, Kit. Anything you need in the future, just ask!" Kit was taken aback by Kettle's gratitude for such a simple task. This was not how it was supposed to go; Kettle should be angry about having to do all the work alone.

"No, Kettle, I should be thanking you. You've been working incredibly hard," Kit said sincerely, amazed at how much knowledge Kettle possessed about their project.

After three hours, Kit regretted his decision to stay in Kettle's office. His mind was overwhelmed with information about running a village. He had checked and confirmed that it was still categorized as a village, although it was rapidly growing and could soon become a town. Kit didn't even know the difference between the two, but Kettle seemed very enthusiastic about the upcoming promotion.

Kit couldn't even bring himself to look at the promotion menu. "Kettle, I don't think I can continue this much longer. My brain feels like mush," he whined.

To Kit's surprise, Kettle looked rejuvenated. "That's alright. Can you spare some time tomorrow?" he asked hopefully.

Kit shook his head, relieved that he could finally say no. "I'm afraid not. I have to leave tomorrow if I want to pass my swordsman test."

"Oh, is that so?" Disappointment was evident in Kettle's voice. Kit didn't want to see him so downtrodden, so he quickly explained his reasons for leaving as best as he could. After hearing Kit's explanation, Kettle seemed to understand and accept it.

Kit sincerely meant it when he told Kettle that he would love to continue learning from him upon his return. However, after three hours of intense mental strain, Kit could no longer absorb any more information.

"I'm glad we work well together and that you enjoyed today," responded Kettle, sliding a stack of papers towards Kit. "Before you head out, I was hoping you could assist me with one last task." Kettle rubbed his finger on the desk nervously. "It shouldn't take too long."

Feeling a sense of obligation for not being there for Kettle in a while, Kit couldn't refuse. "Sure, what do you need?"

As Kit took the papers from Kettle, his heart started racing. These were resumes for a head guard position! In that moment, all of Kit's previous mental fatigue disappeared as he quickly focused on the task at hand.

With excitement, he snatched the first application from the pile. There was a photo attached with a clip, showcasing a stern older man with salt and pepper hair. Just by looking at the picture, Kit could sense that this man would be strict.

As he read through the impressive list of accomplishments in his career, Kit's jaw dropped in awe. The man had a steady stream of promotions until recently as a Colonel in Forest Blue city. Kit only had a vague understanding of military rankings, but he knew this was not a low position.

He couldn't understand why someone with such an impressive background would be applying for a small village position. But then his eyes landed at the bottom of the page and widened in shock. The man was requesting 10 platinum a week in wages!

Kit entertained the idea that the man may have accidentally applied for this position. Not only did he desire a high salary, but he would also be taking a step down in his status. Kit set aside the application and continued on to the next. This one seemed more suitable for their village - the candidate was currently a Lieutenant and seeking a promotion to Captain.

The following few were similar, with the only variation being the amount they requested as their weekly pay. As Kit picked up the sixth application, a smile crossed his face. "Kettle, I believe we have found our new Captain of the guards!"

Kit handed the resume to Kettle, eagerly awaiting his verdict. "Why choose this one? You haven't even finished reviewing all the applicants," Kettle questioned.

"I know him personally. He gave me a helpful tip on where to find some rare ingredients once. Plus, he introduced me to Bai yue," Kit defended his choice. He had a good rapport with the guard and knew he was used to working in a small town. Kurt would fit right in at Spartan Fire.

Kettle didn't disagree with Kit's pick, giving him hope. "It'll be easier to establish a working relationship if you already know him. And his resume seems up to par for the position. I'm surprised he hasn't applied for Captain of the guard before," Kettle mused.

"So, did Kurt end up getting the job?" Kit asked with a hopeful tone. Kettle's speech indicated that he was correct in his assumption.

"Yes, I will notify him of his successful application." Kettle set the resume aside and turned his focus to Kit.

"This is great news! Kettle, can I ask you for a favour?" Kit's heart raced even faster, eager to ask his question.

"If it is within my abilities, then yes, of course," Kettle replied, tilting his head slightly as he waited for Kit to continue.

Leaning forward across the table, Kit took a deep breath before speaking again. "Once all the positions on the town guard have been filled, could you activate the respawn arch?" He quickly wet his lips and rushed to explain himself before Kettle could refuse.

"I'm planning on going into the Devouring ranges, and I fear that I may need to use a respawn arch. It would be better if I could revive somewhere familiar." Kit held his breath after finishing his request.

Kettle locked eyes with Kit, the tension palpable as they held their gaze for an agonizing five seconds. Finally, Kettle spoke. "Alright."

For a few seconds, Kit was frozen in disbelief. The man had actually agreed to his request! "Thank you so much, Kettle!" Kit exclaimed, unable to contain his joy as he reached over and clasped Kettle's hands. He felt like he could burst with happiness. "I will be forever indebted to you when I return!"

Kettle gently disentangled his hands from Kit's eager grip. "There is no need for that. Weekly meetings will suffice." Kettle retrieved a parchment from his desk drawer and placed it in front of Kit. "However, I will need you to sign this authorization so I can activate the arch once the guards are hired."

Kit eagerly grabbed the quill and quickly signed the document, a silly grin spreading across his face as he gazed at the fresh ink on the page.

A loud knock on the door broke their conversation. Without waiting for an invitation, the person outside swung the door open and Twix and Mars were revealed. "I'm done at the Market, and I brought Twix," Mars announced, pointing a thumb towards his companion.

"Awesome!" Kit exclaimed, feeling a rush of excitement. He quickly composed himself, aware that he was still giddy about finally getting approval for the respawn arch. "Come on in! I have some great news!" This time, Kit's voice sounded more normal to him.

Mars raised an eyebrow and took a seat on the only other chair in the room. Twix strolled in and leaned against the wall, curious about what was happening. "What's going on?" Mars asked.

Kit proceeded to explain the respawn arch situation. "That's fantastic news! Now that it's settled, let's get your test done!" Mars nodded at Kettle before heading towards the door.

"Wait!" Kit stopped Mars from leaving. "Before we go, we need to give Kettle more authority. Did you both know that many things have been delayed because you didn't come and discuss them with Kettle?" Kit scolded.

Twix and Mars shifted nervously, avoiding making eye contact. "I know I'm not great with paperwork, Kit. But I offered to sign for Kettle!" Mars pleaded.

"I did too, Kit! I offered to handle all the document signing," Twix chimed in, gesturing towards Kettle.

Kit began to understand Kettle's frustration with the two of them. "It's not just your fault, guys. It's mine too. We need to be more involved in managing Spartan Fire when we get back. But until then, we have to give Kettle some authority to get things done."

"What can we do to make that happen, Kettle?" Kit looked at their friend for an answer.

"There are a few possibilities, each granting me varying degrees of power. I could switch from being an administrator to Secretary of Founding Members, Chef of Staff, or Mayor. Alternatively, you could make a formal arrangement for me to have authority during your absence in Spartan Fire." Kettle maintained his stoic expression as he listed the options, showing no preference towards any role.

Kit scratched his head and looked to Mars and Twix for their input, but they seemed just as uncertain about the choices. Turning back to Kettle, Kit asked, "Which option would you prefer?"

Kettle adjusted his sleeves before looking at each of them in turn. "I believe being Chef of Staff with an agreement for authority in your absence should suffice for now. We can revisit this issue when all three of you return."

After coming to a decision, the three of them waited for Kettle to draft up his new responsibilities and then proceeded to sign the document. "Thank you all, and please be careful when you return. While I will activate the respawn arch as soon as the guards are hired, not everyone may have access to it," Kettle said pointedly, looking at Twix.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep myself safe. Unlike two others here, I've been into the Devouring ranges before," Twix replied confidently.

Kit rolled his eyes at Twix's boastful statement. From what he knew, Twix's previous trips into the Devouring ranges were most likely short and not very challenging. Twix's grandfather always scolded him for not taking his training seriously and teased him about his lower levels compared to his cousins.

"See you later, Kettle!" Kit said goodbye with a smile and walked away with a spring in his step. Mars and Twix trailed behind, praising him for successfully persuading Kettle to start the process of activating the respawn arch.

As they made their way back to the boarding house, Kit's emotions began to shift. He felt nervous about the upcoming swordsman test that he had been preparing for.