Snickers, I need to get one of those eggs for myself!

As Kit prepared to leave, he couldn't help but feel nervous at the thought of possibly encountering Snowball again. He opened his eyes inside his tent and frantically searched for any sign of the elusive creature. However, his hopes were dashed as he only saw Mars and Peaches waking up.

"Still no Snowball?" Mars asked.

Kit shook his head in disappointment. He crawled out of the tent and was greeted by an excited Snickers. "Kit! Look what I found!" Snickers proudly presented an egg with ridges covering its outer shell. The dull grey egg was about the size of a human head.

Kit attempted to use identify, but it didn't work. His heart raced - it must be a rare and valuable ingredient! "What is it, Snickers?"

"It's going to be my new pet!" Snickers exclaimed, surprising Kit. Now his curiosity was piqued. Snickers lovingly rubbed the shell. "Once it hatches, it will be incredibly obedient because I will have raised it from birth!" Snickers kissed the shell affectionately.

Kit looked at the egg with a new perspective, wondering if using it in a dish could result in something extraordinary. He couldn't help but hope for a chance to get his own hands on one of these prized eggs.

As he surveyed the campsite, Kit noticed something wrong, "Snickers, where is everyone?" he asked, breaking her attention from the egg she was lovingly petting.

"Oh, they're all trying to get their own egg," Snickers replied nonchalantly. She seemed completely absorbed in her egg.

Mars walked over to join them and inspected the egg with interest. "Why does everyone want one?" Kit realised that there must be something special about the creature inside Snickers' egg; he had assumed she wanted it for her collection of summoned pets.

"It's a Black soaring python egg! Everyone wants one of these!" Snickers exclaimed, as if this should be common knowledge. Kit turned to Mars to see if he had any clue what she was talking about.

Mars shrugged nonchalantly, "Why?" he asked.

Snickers couldn't believe it and looked around at the group in shock. "You guys really have no idea what these are?" she asked, to which three heads shook in response. Snickers exclaimed with excitement, "When this egg hatches, I'll have my very own flying mount!"

Kit's eyes lit up as he gazed at the egg with longing. Mars must have felt the same way because she blurted out, "Snickers, can we get one too?"

Out of the corner of his eye, Kit saw Peaches inching closer to Snickers' egg. The man seemed hypnotised by it, and it was clear that everyone wanted an egg of their own. "Well, it all depends on who can get one before the others," Snickers smirked.

Kit felt a surge of adrenaline rush through him; if he had a flying mount, he could cover a large amount of land in a short amount of time. He could explore for ingredients without being away from his restaurant for extended periods.

"Snickers, I need to get one of those eggs for myself!" Kit pleaded with his restaurant manager.

"Me too!" Mars' voice echoed loudly and clearly. Everyone responded except for Peaches, who was still in a daze as he stared at the egg.

"Come on, let's go!" Snickers exclaimed with a smirk. "I can't wait to see Cupcake's face when you take all the eggs and leave none for him."

Kit suddenly snapped out of his trance and asked, "Why don't you want Cupcake to have one?"

Snickers scowled and explained, "He scared away the Pyjama sleeping koala I was trying to form a contract with. They are even rarer than my egg!"

As she spoke, Kit could tell Snickers was angry with Cupcake. He wondered if there really was a creature on CAL that wore pyjamas or if it was just another peculiarly named animal. But before he could think more about it, Snickers had already started walking away.

With three excited boys following her lead, Snickers motioned for them to be quiet as they stealthily made their way around the mountain for the next hour. When the sounds of battle filled Kit's ears, his heart raced with excitement.

The noise grew louder and Kit could feel his heart racing. Suddenly, they arrived at a large rock formation with an opening the size of a human between two giant boulders. Snickers boldly led the group inside and Kit followed closely behind.

As they emerged on the other side, they were met with a flat rocky clearing where two large black snakes with wings were attacking their missing companions. The sun glittered off their dark scales as they gracefully flew through the air, their tails whipping behind them and causing chaos among the group. Spells and arrows flew in response to the destructive tails.

Kit was in awe of the frenzied battle and wondered how he could possibly join in with just a sword. Next to him, Mars let out a creepy chuckle before darting into the fray like a rocket. Peaches, on the other hand, stood still and stared at the flying creatures in a daze. Kit nudged him and Peaches finally tore his gaze away. "Beautiful," he sighed softly.


Rather than trying to snap Peaches out of his dazed state, Kit scanned the field for the nest of eggs. A frown creased his forehead when he couldn't find a pile of twigs. Snickers appeared and tapped him on the shoulder, pointing to a small steamy spring that Kit had missed during his initial survey. Nestled around the spring were four large eggs, causing Kit's heart to skip a beat before racing in his chest. As he began planning how to reach the eggs, Snickers' voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Kit, this doesn't look good. When I left to get you, the situation wasn't this dire. If they don't stop fighting soon, someone will end up dead."

Worry laced Snickers' tone, causing Kit to pay closer attention to the group. His eyes widened as he realised what he had overlooked earlier - his friends were taking a beating in the battle. They were covered in wounds and blood splattered across their clothes.

"Why aren't they disengaging?" Panic rose in Kit's throat as he struggled to understand the situation.

"I believe all of them have been affected by the mind-altering attacks of the Soaring Pythons. These creatures enjoy toying with their prey before devouring them," Snickers said grimly, biting her lip.

Kit's chest tightened as he listened to his friend's words. He hadn't expected to log back in and find his friends in such a dangerous situation.

Panic rising, Kit looked at his friends and then turned to Snickers, who seemed more focused on the eggs. "How can you think about stealing mounts at a time like this?" he exclaimed.

Snickers whacked the back of his head. "We need a distraction, and those eggs could be it!"

Kit's expression changed to one of understanding. "Ah, that makes sense."

Suddenly, Peaches entered the conversation. "If I may interject, I have some thoughts to contribute."

Snickers gestured for Peaches to continue. "Due to the mental attacks from the pythons, only one of us can get close to them without being affected." Peaches' eyes landed on Kit as he spoke.

"Why are you staring at me?" Out of the three of them, Kit was certain that he was the worst at handling mental attacks. He vividly remembered being enchanted by a woman at a jewellery store. He hadn't even realised he was under a spell!

Peaches pointed to the bracelet on Kit's wrist.

"Kat informed Mars and I about the bracelet's abilities. She was worried that you might try to remove it."

Kit looked down at the shimmering accessory, realising he had been wearing it for so long that he forgot about it. He ran his fingers over the sparkling surface, triggering a memory of its functions, causing him to grimace.

Although the bracelet could protect him from mental attacks, it couldn't save him from feeling embarrassed. Kit thought about the process he would go through to activate the bracelet's protection. He nervously scanned his friends on the field and took a deep breath before asking, "So what's our plan?"

A snicker from Snickers made Kit's eye twitch with annoyance. "Simple enough - you grab the eggs while Peaches and I distract the others," she said before pushing Kit towards the eggs and darting off in the opposite direction.

"Good luck, Kit!" Peaches waved and followed Snickers.

Kit's heart was pounding so hard it felt like a drum beating in his chest; he struggled to stay focused. His eyes kept flickering between the eggs and the flying pythons as he cautiously crept closer to the steaming pool. When he was only 50 meters away, an intense pressure slammed into his body, causing him to grab his head in pain as flashes of memory flooded his mind.

"I never wanted you, I only had you because your father wanted another baby." Cold, disgusted eyes glared at her as she sneered. "Don't stand there and cry! You have no right to be upset! You should be the one dead, not him!" A vicious roar echoed in her ears as a sharp pain stung her cheek and the metallic smell of blood filled her nostrils.

Kit whispered apologies into the air, trembling with fear and guilt. The memories replayed in his mind, but this time, instead of the cold-hearted woman, he saw black snakes slithering around him. Kit's red eyes narrowed at the creatures before they transformed into his beloved father being attacked by the same black serpents. "No!" He screamed in agony and horror.

Kit's fury flared up, causing his eyes to turn red. Suddenly, a bright light blinded him, followed by a warm and comforting sensation spreading throughout his body. As his mind cleared, he realised what had happened.

"Those damn mental attacks! No wonder everyone loses their minds," Kit muttered to himself. "God damn it Kat! I'll make sure to kill you when I log out next time!" A high-pitched voice responded with equal anger. Kit glanced down at himself and groaned.

The awful pink dress was back! Rolling his eyes, he refocused on his task - no one would see him anyway, as they were all too busy staring at the pythons in front of them. With renewed determination, Kit sprinted towards his goal.

Kit vowed to get revenge on those foolish snakes for causing him to remember that woman. He abruptly stopped in his tracks and quickly gathered the warm eggs into his pouch, leaving one out as bait to distract the snakes.

He didn't need to worry about catching their attention - they immediately locked onto him with their beady eyes and let out a piercing screech. Kit's heart pounded as the pair of pythons swooped down towards him, flapping their wings aggressively.

However, luring them away from his companions was surprisingly easy. The only problem now was that he had become the target of their wrath. Desperately stuffing some cookies into his mouth, Kit bounced away at top speed.

But no matter how fast he moved, he couldn't outrun the pythons. In a split second, they slammed into him with full force, lifting him off the ground and causing a sharp pain in his stomach.

- 5,000

Kit's gaze dropped to the sight of sharp fangs piercing his waist. A scream escaped from his lips as searing agony spread throughout his body. The snake's head shook violently, causing Kit to feel the fangs ripping through his insides. In a moment of shock and pain, he released the egg he had been holding in his hand.

As the egg tumbled to the ground, the python released its grip on Kit. He crashed to the floor with a thud, frantically searching for his companions. But when he saw them, horror flooded his eyes: they were still attacking the pythons instead of fleeing. "Damn it!" Kit yelled in frustration, momentarily losing focus on the pain as a burst of warmth distracted him.

A sudden burst of inspiration flooded Kit's mind as he recalled Kat's words about the bracelet's ability to protect a group against psychic attacks. Clenching his teeth, Kit declared with confidence, "I, the magnificent Kit, will dazzle you with my charm! Activate glittering love!" He let out a piercing scream.

Kit could feel warmth gathering in his body, building up in his chest before bursting forth into the air above. Shimmering sparks descended upon his companions' heads, and Kit watched with amazement as they began to shake off their dazed state.

"Run!" Kit shouted, uncertain of how long their reprieve from mental attacks would last. In a panicked frenzy, he pulled out another egg from his pouch and waved it frantically in the air.

Despite the pain throbbing in his waist, Kit pushed through and ran towards safety while Snickers and Peaches directed the others. Unfortunately, Kit was soon captured once again.

As fangs tore into his flesh, waves of agony coursed through Kit's body and his mind started to fade. As his vision blurred and a crunching sound filled his ears, he managed to slip an egg into his pouch before passing out.


[Player Kit has died]

Respawn: 30 seconds.