15. Chapter 15

Chapter 14

Elizabeth left her Uncle's study with a light heart and went to find her Aunt and Jane. She would need a good distraction when Mr Darcy came to meet with her Uncle. Would he seek her out? If she didn't see him after his call, then she had obviously misinterpreted his intentions. Shaking her head, she silently chastised herself. Stop it, Elizabeth!You know that is not true.She would remain positive, even if she had to force herself. Even if Mr Darcy's intent was not to seek a courtship today did not mean that he would not at a later time. After all, he has known me less than a week!

Elizabeth found both her Aunt and Jane in the Drawing Room. Upon entering, conversation between them abruptly stopped. "No need to stop on my account; I know you are probably talking about me." Elizabeth smiled playfully, sitting beside her sister.

"We were just wondering how your conversation with your Uncle went, Lizzy. Edward seemed rather...upset last night." Mrs Gardiner looked sympathetically at her niece. "I hope he was not too hard on you?" She looked at Elizabeth with trepidation.

Elizabeth shook her head. "No, he said what needed to be said."

"What took so long, Lizzy? We were beginning to be worried for you," Jane said in concern.

Elizabeth turned to Jane, a contemplative look on her face. How should she answer? She knew if she expressed her doubts, Jane and her Aunt would quickly reassure her and declare emphatically that her assumptions were wrong. She sighed lightly. "There was a simple misunderstanding. It took some time for us to each understand the other."

With a perplexed expression, Jane asked, "What misunderstanding, Lizzy?"

Mrs Gardiner noticed Elizabeth's reluctance to divulge any details of all that had passed in her husbands study; she felt instinctively that her niece wished to keep it to herself. For now. Diverting Jane's attention, she asked, cheerfully, "How would you girls like to go shopping later today?"

With a last concerned look at her sister, Jane turned to her Aunt. "I would like that very much. Although, I have nothing that I need."

Elizabeth laughed. "That has never stopped our Aunt from shopping, Jane."

"Indeed. But you are wrong, Jane. We do have something to shop for." With an expectant smile, Mrs Gardiner got up to retrieve her correspondence. "We received an invitation to dine at Matlock House on Friday. I know Eleanor is anxious to see you girls again. I thought we could call on her later today to visit and accept her invitation." With a knowing look in Elizabeth's direction, she said, "Besides, we might have some information to relay regarding her nephew and my niece." Mrs Gardiner winked at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth forced a smile and shrugging her shoulders said nonchalantly, "Perhaps. We shall see." Her Aunt and Jane each gave her a confused look, but thankfully they said nothing. Elizabeth breathed a small sigh of relief. Hopefully her doubts would be for naught. She was still hoping that Mr Darcy would seek her out, even if his intent was not to seek a courtship at this time. She was eager to see him again; her stomach fluttered at the thought, whether from anticipation or nervousness she couldn't discern. She felt a certain expectation about today, but she was going to stay realistic. She would be disappointed if she didn't see him today. Maybe...just then, the distinct sound of the door knocker was heard, indicating someone was at the door. Her eyes widened and her heart rate picked up. He was here.

Jane turned to her with a smile. Leaning over, she whispered, "It won't be long now, Lizzy. He will come."

Elizabeth merely nodded her head, unable to speak. Yes, he would come. He had to. She just wanted to see him, that was all. He didn't have to ask her...Elizabeth got up and started wandering around the room. Pausing at the window, she looked out. The sun was shining brightly, no stormy clouds in sight. She smiled. It was going to be a glorious day. "It looks like the weather will remain sunny for our shopping trip, Aunt." Elizabeth turned in time to see an amused look pass between her Aunt and Jane. She huffed, "You can't expect me to not feel anxious."

They laughed. "Of course, Lizzy. But you have nothing to feel anxious about. You'll see." Mrs Gardiner smiled knowingly at her flustered niece. This was so much fun! She couldn't wait to tell Eleanor, she would be thrilled. She bit her lip in concentration, now how to get them alone without being so obvious?

Elizabeth watched her Aunt in amusement. She looked so pleased. Probably hatching a ploy to get her and Mr Darcy alone. She shook her head. If Mr Darcy wanted to see her alone, she had no doubt he would simply ask for it. He was forthright in everything he did; subtlety was not in his nature. At least nothing about their interactions thus far had been subtle. It was so strange how she could feel so attuned to someone she really didn't know. Other than how he took his tea, she knew nothing about his likes and dislikes. What he was passionate about or what was important to him. She was eager to learn all this and more. She glanced at the clock on the mantle. She sighed, only fifteen minutes had passed.

Jane came up to her and gently led her to the pianoforte. "You need a distraction, Lizzy. You're starting to make me anxious."

Elizabeth laughed nervously, "I apologize, Jane. You're right, I could use a distraction."

"I think playing the pianoforte will be perfect. When Mr Darcy is done with my Uncle, he will know exactly where to find you. Your playing will guide him to you." Jane said with a smile.

Sitting down at the pianoforte, Elizabeth turned to her sister in surprise. "Jane! Our Aunt's influence is coming through, you are positively devious."

Jane laughed merrily. "Well, then I say our visit has been a success. I have learned to be devious."

Elizabeth smiled at her sister, grateful for her playful banter. It definitely distracted her from feeling nervous of her impending visit from Mr Darcy. Her possible visit from Mr Darcy, she mentally corrected herself. She idly started playing a lively tune from memory, while Jane sat nearby. After playing a few pieces from memory, her eyes drifted to the mantle clock. More than thirty minutes had passed. Biting her lip, she wondered what could be taking so long.

Jane came up beside her and quietly said, "I think it is a good sign he is still with our Uncle." At Elizabeth's inquiring look, she added, "He is very protective of us, he will take his time to learn more about Mr Darcy and his intentions towards you."

Elizabeth slowly nodded her head, "yes, that is true." She knew that a majority of their conversation would be about their improper behavior last night, but she didn't need to inform Jane of that. She still hadn't shared with her sister those moments when they had breached the bounds of propriety. She knew her sister would be shocked that she had allowed Mr Darcy to take liberties. But despite the rules of propriety, she could not feel ashamed about what had occurred between them. She knew that Mr Darcy would never take advantage of her. His physical gestures were always respectful and came from a desire to express affection rather than to force it on her out of some darker motive. Such as the moment last night when he had helped her with her cloak. She blushed at the memory of his fingers lightly brushing her neck. She knew that it had been intentional.

Her face red, Elizabeth went through the stack of music, searching for something new that would force her to concentrate. She found a promising piece by Beethoven that did not seem too difficult, but would take all her concentration to play. She quickly skimmed over the music of Beethoven's Piano Sonata No 14 in C-sharp minor (1) before beginning to play the first movement. She started out tentatively, but became more confident as the piece progressed. How beautiful. She would have to copy this in her music book before returning home so Mary could play it as well. She went over several passages repeatedly until she got the fingering just right before continuing.

After finishing the first movement, she paused, thinking about what the piece was trying to convey. It had an almost mournful quality, but it was not one of sadness but...what was it? Elizabeth played the first few lines, searching for the word that matched what she was feeling as she played. Finally, the correct word came to her. Longing. The piece conveyed a feeling of longing, but it was more than that; it was longing for something that was unattainable. What did she long for that was unattainable? She closed her eyes as a sudden ache grew in her heart. Her eyes filled with tears as the answer came. Her mother. Didn't she long for the love and approbation of the woman who had given her life? And was that not an unattainable dream? She opened her eyes, quickly wiping away her tears. She shook her head. No, she would not think of her. Instead, she thought of Mr Darcy. Didn't she long for him as well? But he was not unattainable. He was within her reach; so very close. Smiling, she knew how she would play the piece. With thoughts of Mr Darcy, she began again; pouring all the emotion she was feeling into her playing. Everything around her faded as she lost herself in the beauty of the music.


Darcy exited Gardiners study and looked around for a footman to direct him to Mrs Gardiner. As eager as he was to see Elizabeth, he would properly greet the Mistress of the house before seeking her out. With luck, they would be together. He smiled in anticipation. Now where was the footman? Not seeing him nearby, he quickly came to a decision, walking purposefully in the direction of the Drawing Room. It was likely that Mrs Gardiner would be there at this time of day.

As he drew closer to his destination, he heard the unmistakable sounds of a pianoforte. He slowed his steps as he came to the partially open door and paused, listening. He immediately recognized the piece by Beethoven, as Georgiana was in the process of learning it. As he listened, he was struck by the intensity of emotions being expressed. The music pierced his heart with an unmistakable feeling of longing and...He closed his eyes in concentration, searching for the correct word. Hope. Yes, that was it, hope and anticipation. Although the player was not technically proficient, he had never before heard anything that moved him so powerfully. Not even Georgiana's playing, which was above average came close. Elizabeth. It must be Elizabeth who was playing. He knew no one else could pierce his heart so intensely.

Slowly, he walked to the open door and peered inside. The sounds were emanating from the left so he softly stepped into the room, turning in that direction. He was vaguely aware of Mrs Gardiner and Miss Bennet sitting near the pianoforte conversing quietly. But his gaze immediately fixed on Elizabeth sitting behind the pianoforte; almost directly in front of him. If she looked up, she would see him. I am here, Elizabeth.Look at me.

As if sensing his presence and silent entreaty, Elizabeth suddenly looked up. As their gazes met across the room, her fingers slipped, causing a dissonant sound; alerting her Aunt and sister to his presence. Mrs Gardiner turned and greeted him warmly. He entered the room, feeling the pull Elizabeth had on his soul. Unconsciously, he greeted Mrs Gardiner and Miss Bennet, his entire being fixed on the beautiful woman at the pianoforte. Finally, he turned to greet Elizabeth. She slowly stood as he approached her, bestowing the slow, soft smile he loved and knew she reserved just for him.

She curtsied and he immediately reached for her hand, needing to touch her. She offered it with a small smile. He kissed her hand lightly, his lips lingering a touch longer than necessary. He straightened and smiling asked, "I hope you are well, Miss Elizabeth?"

"I am very well, Mr Darcy. I thank you." Elizabeth searched his face, looking for any signs of unease caused by the conversation with her Uncle. She realized belatedly, that Mr Darcy was doing the exact same thing. When they both realized it, they laughed and Elizabeth said teasingly, "I suppose it would simply be easier to ask if all went well with my Uncle?"

Darcy immediately thought of all Gardiner had imparted regarding Elizabeth and her mother. A shadow of anger crossed his face before he could prevent it. He was not surprised that Elizabeth noticed, a slight frown creasing her beautiful face. "Yes, all went well, Miss Elizabeth." He smiled to show her that he meant it. He didn't want to bring up a painful subject on this particular day. He had much more pleasant things to discuss with her.

Elizabeth was startled by the brief flash of anger she had seen cross Mr Darcy's handsome features. What had caused it? She searched his gaze for any lingering signs, but it was gone. His expression was open, his gaze warm as he looked at her. She smiled, gesturing to some chairs that were near the pianoforte. "Shall we sit?"

Darcy hesitated before saying, "It is such a beautiful day. I was hoping we could enjoy the sunshine while it lasted." He glanced at Mrs Gardiner and Miss Bennet sitting nearby, silently communicating that there were far too many people present.

Elizabeth's heart soared. "Of course. We could take a turn about the garden. Would that be agreeable?"


Elizabeth turned and addressed her Aunt. "If it is alright Aunt, Mr Darcy and I will take a turn about the garden."

Mrs Gardiner smiled, her eyes twinkling. "Of course. It would be a shame not to enjoy such a beautiful day."

"Thank you." Elizabeth smiled at her Aunt and Jane as she left the room with Mr Darcy. Her Aunt gave her a subtle wink while Jane smiled knowingly. Elizabeth left the room feeling lightheaded and euphoric. Was this it?Would he ask her? She had to force herself to take even breaths. She mustn't get her hopes up, maybe he wanted to talk to her privately for some other reason. Not likely. She smiled in anticipation. Regardless of what happened she would have more time with him, and she would take advantage of it.

As they entered the garden, Darcy offered Elizabeth his arm and smiled when she immediately took it. He placed his other hand over hers, drawing her as near to his side as possible. They were silent as they walked the path to the large oak tree. Darcy's mind was frantically searching for the right words to say. He was not nervous, but he wanted to do this right, for her. The thought briefly flashed through his mind of what he would do if she said no. She would not refuse him, would she? He glanced down at Elizabeth and immediately noticed that she was smiling. No, she was glowing. She was so beautiful. His heart swelled with pride that she was his. Almost his.

They approached the tree and Darcy guided Elizabeth to the bench. She sat, but instead of taking the seat next to her, he started pacing, his brows lowered in concentration. He looked at her and stopped abruptly at the sparkle of mirth evident in her beautiful brown eyes. "Laughing at me, Miss Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth shook her head, smiling. "Not at all, Mr Darcy. You just looked unusually serious. I haven't seen that particular look on your face since I first saw you at Sir Reginald's ball."

Darcy raised his brows in surprise. "When you first saw me?" He thought back to that night and the moment when he first saw her. He hadn't looked serious had he?

Elizabeth watched as confusion spread across his handsome features. She said softly, "I saw you before you saw me."

Darcy looked at her in surprise. "When?"

"Shortly before Sir Reginald came and asked me to dance. You looked much as you did just now." With a teasing smile, she said, "And as I recall, you were surrounded by beautiful women all trying to catch your eye."

Darcy frowned. He did remember. He had felt despair creeping on the edges of his soul. He had turned to leave when a voice, coming from within had urged him to turn and look. And that was when he saw her and his life was forever changed. Because of her. Darcy moved to sit beside Elizabeth, reaching over to take her hand, gently rubbing circles on the back of it. "What did you think when you first saw me?"

Elizabeth blushed slightly as she recalled her first impression had been that he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. With a raised brow, and a playful smile, she said, "I thought that you were exceptionally..." Mr Darcy leaned in, an eager look in his eyes. "Tall."

Darcy burst out laughing. "Indeed? Well, I am glad I made such a big first impression."

Elizabeth laughed merrily. "Indeed, you did." Her laughter slowly died and she said, quietly, "You looked so...uncomfortable, like you would rather be anywhere but at that ball. But what really caught my notice was how you were searching the ballroom so intently, your mien so serious. I wondered what you could be searching for so desperately."

"You." At Elizabeth's confused expression, he clarified. "I was searching for you."

Elizabeth stared at Mr Darcy, lost in the warm intensity of his gaze. Softly, she said, "I remember wishing that you would find whatever it was you were looking for, if only to make that hopeless expression disappear from your face."

"And has it?" Darcy leaned in slightly, inviting her to search his expression.

Elizabeth searched Mr Darcy's face, but knew she would find no trace of that hopelessness she had seen that night. She silently shook her head.

"And I never will feel such hopelessness again. Because of you." Darcy reached up and lightly ran a finger down her cheek.

"How? Why?"

Darcy's breath caught and his heart pounded in his chest. Here was an opportunity to tell Elizabeth about how he knew, how he had been waiting for her for almost eleven years. But now was not the time. Learning about Elizabeth's mother changed everything. He was determined that she never doubt him, doubt his feelings for her. For that he needed time to prove his constancy, his worth. He would tell her, but not now. Darcy simply said, "I just know."

Elizabeth stared into Mr Darcy's eyes, overcome with the look of certainty she saw in his gaze, the same certainty she knew was mirrored in hers. She whispered, "As do I."

Darcy felt like standing and shouting for joy. It must have shown in his face because Elizabeth lightly laughed, joy infusing her features. Darcy smiled and squeezing her hand said, "With everything that has passed between us, what comes next almost seems..."

"Unnecessary, " Elizabeth offered.

Darcy nodded. She understood. "Yes, exactly. But, a courtship will provide time to become better acquainted with me."

Elizabeth felt her heart was about to burst. She could not repress the joy and contentment she felt from showing clearly on her face. He did want her. He felt as she did. She said contentedly, "It goes both ways, Mr Darcy. You need time to become better acquainted with me as well."

Darcy slowly shook his head, captivated by the joy in Elizabeth's eyes. "I don't need time to know my own heart, Elizabeth. There will never be anyone for me, but you." Darcy took Elizabeth's hand, raising it to his lips to bestow a gentle kiss before kissing the inside of her wrist, his lips lingering on her pulse. He raised his eyes to meet hers, and with a low voice, said ardently, "May I court you, Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth felt like she couldn't breathe. Her heart beat so loudly she was sure Mr Darcy could hear it. She whispered, fervently, "Yes. Yes, you may."

Darcy smiled, his heart in his eyes. "Thank you, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth laughed. She had never felt so happy. "Does it seem strange to you? That we have known each other barely one week and already we are talking about a courtship?"

Darcy became pensive. "To most people maybe, it would be considered unusual. But there is nothing ordinary about what is happening with us, is there?"

"No, I suppose not." She laughed. "It seems almost too easy."

In a sardonic voice, he said, "Well, I suppose I could insult you, ignore you for a month or so while staring at you in an intense way that makes you think I disapprove of you."

"Oh dear. I don't think I would like that at all. It would cause me to think you the most proud, disagreeable man of my acquaintance. I would likely scorn, laugh and make fun of you."

"Well, then let us not question why, but simply be grateful we have been spared such a horrible fate." Darcy smiled, squeezing her hand gently.

"Indeed. I am very grateful." Elizabeth smiled. She knew she would smile for the rest of her days, if only she could have Mr Darcy by her side.

Darcy smiled in contentment, she had said yes! "Well, Miss Elizabeth. I fear I have kept you out here long enough. I don't want your Uncle to think ill of me." Darcy helped her stand, placing her hand in the crook of his arm.

Elizabeth glanced up at him, and with a raised brow, said in amusement, "So I am Miss Elizabeth again, Mr Darcy?"

Darcy gave her a slightly sheepish look. "Ah...your Uncle admonished me for using your Christian name. I am afraid I used it too liberally when we were talking this morning."

Elizabeth laughed. "So you were talking about me, hmmmm?"

Darcy smiled. "Minx. What did you think we were talking about?"

Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders. "What do men usually talk about? Politics, the war..."

Darcy laughed. "Let me tell you a little secret, Miss Elizabeth. Men talk about those things, yes. But there is one subject that occupies their thoughts more than any other."

"Oh, and what is that?"

"The women in their lives."

Elizabeth stopped and turned to Mr Darcy, "Oh, so you are telling me that you have women in your life?" He was not that type of man, was he? Had she been wrong about him? Were all men deceivers like her mother said?

Darcy shrugged, "Of course, I have two." He glanced at Elizabeth to see a look of consternation pass over her face. Confused at her reaction, he clarified, "You and Georgiana." A look of annoyance and relief passed over her face, causing him to laugh. "Who did you think I meant?"

Elizabeth shook her head, suddenly embarrassed at what she had thought. She mumbled, "no one."

Darcy looked at Elizabeth, confused. She was clearly uncomfortable. What had he said? Suddenly, realization dawned. Did she think he was the kind of man who kept mistresses? He shook his head, angry at himself. Not even an hour after commencing their courtship and already she was doubting him. He said, gently, "Elizabeth, look at me." He gently lifted her chin with his finger so he could see her eyes. "I meant what I said, that there will never be anyone for me, but you," he said emphatically. "Do you believe me?"

Elizabeth looked into his eyes, reassured by the open honesty of his gaze. How could she doubt him? What was wrong with her? "Yes, I do believe you. Forgive me, I don't know what came over me."

Darcy knew exactly what caused Elizabeth to misunderstand, to doubt him. Her mother and her lies. Pushing down the sudden anger he felt, he said, "There is nothing to forgive, Elizabeth. I promise I will never lie to you. I wish for you to trust me."

Elizabeth said with certainty, "I do. I do trust you."

Darcy searched her eyes. She believed what she was saying, but she didn't fully trust him. Not yet. But she will, I will make sure of it."Good." He nodded his head. "Let's return to the house."

When they returned to the Drawing Room, the pair were met by not only Mrs Gardiner and Jane, but Mr Gardiner as well. He gave Darcy a questioning look and at Darcy's slight nod, smiled in satisfaction. Mrs Gardiner needed no such indication from Mr Darcy to know that the pair were now officially courting.

"Oh Lizzy! I am so happy for you!" Mrs Gardiner rushed to embrace her niece, grabbing Darcy's hand at the same time.

Elizabeth laughed at her Aunt's exuberance. "Thank you, Aunt."

"Oh, I can't wait to tell Eleanor, she will be as ecstatic as I." Mrs Gardiner turned to Mr Darcy, "That is alright, isn't it, Mr Darcy? You would want your family to know about this happy event?" She beamed at her soon to be future nephew.

Before Darcy could reply, Elizabeth shot a nervous look at Mr Darcy, sure that he would want to keep this quiet. "We are courting, Aunt not engaged to be married. There is plenty of time to inform our families."

Darcy smiled at Elizabeth. "No, I want our family to know. They know that I like my privacy, they will not gossip about our business."

"Wonderful! We can tell her this afternoon when we visit. Oh, I can't wait to see the look on her face!" Mrs Gardiner excused herself and left the room in a bustle of energy.

Mr Gardiner shook his head in amusement at his wife's enthusiasm. He couldn't fault her for being so excited as she considered Elizabeth as her own daughter. I wish she were, he thought sadly. He had done what he could for his sister's children, more out of guilt then familial responsibility. He was grateful she didn't know what he had done for her girls or he would never hear the end of yet another example of his meddling in other people's affairs.

Jane came over to the couple, embracing her sister and whispering quietly so only she could hear, "I told you all would be well." She smiled at Elizabeth, before turning to Mr Darcy. "I am very happy for you, sir. My sister is a rare treasure, I hope you know how fortunate you are."

"Jane!" Elizabeth blushed, embarrassed. "I am the one who is fortunate."

"No, your sister is right, Eliz-" Mr Gardiner shot Darcy a warning look. "Miss Elizabeth. I know what I have and now only have to become worthy of you."

Elizabeth was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with this line of conversation. She said, decidedly, "Well, let us agree that we are both fortunate."

Darcy bowed, smiling warmly at Elizabeth. "Agreed. Now, what is this about you visiting my Aunt this afternoon?"

"Your Aunt invited us to dinner at Matlock House on Friday so we are going to visit and accept her invitation later this afternoon. After shopping." Elizabeth wrinkled her nose in distaste. She did not care for shopping. Book shopping however...

Darcy looked at Elizabeth in surprise. "You don't care for shopping, Miss Elizabeth?" Darcy was not aware of any females who didn't love shopping. To him shopping was synonymous with being a woman.

"Not particularly. I like pretty things as much as the next woman, but I am not overly fond of shopping." As an afterthought, she said, "Unless its books."

Jane and Mr Gardiner laughed. Jane said, "That is true, Mr Darcy. If you want to know the way to win over my sister, buy her a book."

"I'll have to remember that." Darcy said quietly, smiling at Elizabeth. Somehow, that didn't surprise him at all. He couldn't wait to find out if they had similar tastes in books. He anticipated some lively debates. Nonchalantly, he asked, "What time were you planning on going to my Aunt's?"

Mr Gardiner snorted. "So you can conveniently show up at the same time, eh Darcy?"

Slightly abashed, Darcy said, "My sister and I haven't seen our Aunt in some time. I am sure Georgiana would like to see her, not to mention she will want to see you as well, Miss Elizabeth. Especially in light of our news."

"I would like to see her, very much. However, I am not sure what time we will visit your Aunt." A sudden idea came to Elizabeth. "Would Miss Darcy want to go shopping with us? We could stop at Darcy House on our way to Bond Street. Then she would be with us when we visit Lady Eleanor."

"I am sure she would love to go, Miss Elizabeth. What time should I say you will call for her?" Darcy would just invite himself along. He could endure shopping for an afternoon if he was able to be in Elizabeth's company.

Elizabeth turned to Jane as she was not sure what had been decided while she and Mr Darcy had been in the garden. She couldn't stop an involuntary smile spreading across her face. She and Mr Darcy were courting! Jane shot her sister an amused look before turning to Mr Darcy. "Two o'clock, Mr Darcy."

"Very well. I will take my leave now so I can inform my sister." And change my plans for the afternoon with Richard. Darcy turned to Elizabeth, hoping she would show him out.

Elizabeth, knowing what he wished, said, "Let me show you out, Mr Darcy."

Mr Gardiner cleared his throat, and gave a pointed look in Darcy's direction. "Hurry back, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth blushed slightly, "Yes, Uncle."

Darcy allowed Elizabeth to precede him as they left the Drawing Room. Once they were in the hallway, he took her hand and kissed it lightly. "I hope it is agreeable to you that my family is informed of our courtship?"

Elizabeth nodded. "Yes, of course." Elizabeth hesitated. "I would want to keep it from my family, for now." She could only imagine what this information would cause to be unleashed in her mother. She knew it would not benefit her in anyway. She would likely insist that Elizabeth come home immediately. She glanced up at Mr Darcy, noticing his expression was forbidding, his eyes dark. Misinterpreting his anger to mean he was displeased with her decision, quickly said, "I will tell my father, of course. And Mary. I just don't think there is any reason to tell the rest of my family."

Darcy stopped walking. He looked at her, his gaze softening. "Miss Elizabeth. I understand, believe me. I would not wish you to do anything that would make you uncomfortable." Darcy said reassuringly, "Indeed, there are family members I do not wish informed as well." At Elizabeth's look of surprise, he smiled and said simply, "My Aunt, Lady Catherine will be...less than pleased with my decision."

Elizabeth face paled. "She would disapprove of me, then?"

"She would disapprove of anyone who is not her daughter. She has long harbored the hope that I would marry my cousin."

"Oh." Elizabeth said softly. Of course that made sense. A wealthy, well connected heiress marrying a wealthy, well connected gentleman. Not to mention it was his cousin. They probably grew up together, knowing they were meant to marry. Did he harbor some affection for his cousin, did she? Would he leave her eventually, to marry his cousin? Suddenly she could hear her mother's words ring loudly in her ears, "You are nothing, no one will ever want you!All men will lie and deceive you in the end.You are better off alone."Elizabeth shook her head, angrily. No! Mr Darcy was different, he would never be duplicitous.

Darcy watched Elizabeth's face at his revelation, and saw clearly how it unsettled her. He sighed. "Elizabeth." He waited until she looked at him. "It will never happen. I have never wished it." He gently took her hand. "I am my own man and I make my own decisions. She has no control over me."

Elizabeth looked into Mr Darcy's eyes, and she knew. This man will never leave me. It is simply not in his character to be deceitful. Her mother was wrong. She took a deep breath, her mother's words fading away as she gazed at her future. She smiled, her heart light. "I understand, Mr Darcy."

Satisfied with what he saw, nodded. "Good." He took her arm as they walked to the front door where he was handed his hat, gloves and cane by the butler. He nodded his thanks before turning to Elizabeth and bowed. "Farewell, Miss Elizabeth. Georgiana and I will see you at two o'clock."

Elizabeth raised a brow in amusement. "We, Mr Darcy?"

Darcy gave her a slow smile, "Of course. I always accompany my sister shopping. She thinks it is good practice."

"For what?"

With a significant look, Darcy said, "For when I have a wife."

A/N: Ahhhhh! Yea, they are officially courting! :) I have to admit I LOVE this stage of the relationship. What fun we will have *rubs hands together gleefully*.

So, in thanks for all the lovely reviews I got last chapter, 83! I PMd everyone who reviewed last chapter a small preview of this chapter. I apologize profusely to the guest reviewers and the few individuals who did not have PM enabled (I think there were 2). I told you I was not above giving bribes :).

Now for all your speculations about Mrs B. They were as varied and creative as anything I could have come up with. A few of them made me raise my brows and think, that's brilliant! I wish I'd have thought of that! :) So as to your guesses, a few of you were definitely barking up the right tree, some of you were barking up the wrong tree, and some of you were nowhere near a tree, but scrubbing somewhere down in the underbrush. How's that for a bunch of metaphorical nonsense? To be more specific, the follow reviews caught my eye, for one reason or another: Shay, tammyrolls, CassandraLowry and a guest reviewer (sorry no name). Each of these reviews had an element of truth, but that is all I'm saying :)

The most popular speculation seems to be that there was a twin boy and E caused the death of said boy. Every time I read this, I have to cringe because (1) I have boy/girl twins so the idea is particularly abhorrent to me, and (2) it has been done. A lot. I wanted a fresh angle on Mrs B and I am pretty sure mine hasn't been done, but I could be wrong. So please? Stop killing off the boy twin ok? It makes me want to go hug my little guy extra hard every time I read it :)

I also want to give a special shout out to two reviewers who caught a particular element of Darcy's introspection on choosing E of his own free will. This will be come back in a BIG way in the near future, so kudos to MrsJGO and Anedrew.

Well, I think that's all for now. I am going to try to post on Wed and Sat. I will do my best, but my family will always come first. To heck with a messy house! (Have you ever tried to clean a house with twin 3 year olds? It's like trying to clean a blender while its on, with food in it -impossible!)

(1) Otherwise known as Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, which was not given that name until 1832.

I found some interesting information in my Regency research this week. The following contractions didn't exist during the Regency Period: shouldn't, wasn't and wouldn't. Other phrases that didn't exist during Regency period: cheerio, blister it, confound it, drat, fancy that, glory be, botheration, smashing. Interesting huh? Just one more thing I'll need to go back and change.

Please review!