25. Chapter 25

Chapter 24

Elizabeth left the drawing room immediately after their guests left later that afternoon. She knew it was cowardly to avoid Jane, but she didn't want to see the disappointment in her eyes. Elizabeth blushed anew at her indiscreet and improper behavior. Mr Darcy was right, it was so easy to forget oneself when in his presence. As she contemplated her behavior, she realized the only reason she felt embarrassed was because her conduct had been witnessed by others. What did that say about her?

Elizabeth sighed softly, shifting her position on the sofa in the sitting room she shared with Jane. She was embroidering the last of three handkerchiefs for Mr Darcy's birthday, determined to complete it before the end of the day.

Jane quietly entered, pausing at the threshold to study her sister. Although Elizabeth knew she was there, she didn't look up. Taking a deep breath, she said, quietly, "I am not angry at you, Lizzy."

Elizabeth raised her head, her expression surprised. "No? You don't have protect my feelings, Jane. I know very well what you are feeling. I disappointed you."

Jane sat next to her sister. She sighed. "Do you regret your behavior today, Lizzy?"

Elizabeth glanced at her sister, a mischievous smile on her face. "I regret that I was wearing gloves."

Jane stared at her sister, open-mouthed before collapsing against the sofa, laughing. "Lizzy!" she gasped.

Elizabeth laughed, a blush covering her face. Sobering, she looked at her sister. "You truly are not disappointed in me, Jane?

Jane sat up, shaking her head. "Not exactly. I was more surprised I think. I suppose I never considered your relationship with Mr Darcy had progressed to a point where you would feel comfortable doing such a thing."

Elizabeth bit her lip, considering her words. "I have always felt comfortable in his presence, Jane. Even from the very beginning."

Jane stared at Elizabeth, wide eyed. Hesitantly, she asked, "So, there have been other instances where you have behaved improperly?"

Elizabeth lowered her sewing to her lap, so she could focus her attention on her sister. "Nothing so improper, Jane." At her sister's incredulous expression, she reiterated, "Truly."

Jane leaned forward, whispering, "He-he hasn't kissed you, has he?"

Elizabeth shook her head, blushing. "No, although he would have if you hadn't interrupted us."

Jane sat back, stunned. "When?"

With a smile, Elizabeth said simply, "The tree."

Jane raised her brows, a slow smile tugging the edges of her mouth. "Well, I am glad I am being a good older sister."

Grasping Elizabeth's hand in excitement, she asked, "Have you come to an understanding with Mr Darcy?"

Elizabeth shook her head, "No, we have not."

Jane's brow lowered in confusion, "Well, I don't understand what he's waiting for. He loves you, you love him..."

"Jane!" exclaimed Elizabeth. "It's been less than a month! I don't expect him to propose so soon. We are taking the time to become better acquainted."

Sensing her sisters distress, Jane asked, softly, "Lizzy. Do you really need more time?"

Without hesitation, Elizabeth responded, "No." She took a deep breath before continuing, "But he may need more time, Jane. I am confident in his regard and his intentions. He will propose when he is ready."

Jane studied her sister. Cautiously, she asked, "What if you were to...well, help him along?"

Elizabeth stared incredulously at her sister. "Who are you and what have you done with my proper, older sister?"

Jane laughed. "I am being serious, Lizzy."

Elizabeth turned to face her sister. "Jane! I am not going to compromise, Mr Darcy."

"Good heavens, Lizzy! I am not talking about compromising him!" Jane was aghast that her sister believed she would suggest such a thing. Seeing Elizabeth's barely contained laughter and a distinctive, teasing glimmer in her eye, she huffed, "That is not funny, Lizzy. You should not even joke about such a thing."

Elizabeth laughed, "Forgive me, Jane. I couldn't help it." With a smile, she asked, "What exactly do mean, 'help him along?'"

Jane shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know." Her gaze fell on her sister's discarded handkerchief lying next to her. Picking it up, she studied the perfectly embroidered F and partially embroidered D in one corner. "Perhaps, you could embroider something on the handkerchief?"

"Such as... my initials?" Elizabeth suggested with a raised brow, eyes sparkling deviously.

Jane pursed her lips at her sister, "Nothing so obvious, sister dear."

"Then what?"

Jane shook her head. "I don't know. Maybe you could add something more personal, something that you like, perhaps."

Elizabeth contemplated her sister's plan. An idea began to formulate in her mind and with a grin, she plucked the handkerchief from her sister's hands. "I think I have just the thing."


Darcy leaned back in his chair, running his hands through his hair in exasperation. "Nothing. After nearly a fortnight, we still have nothing!"

Richard sighed, eyeing his cousin with sympathy. "Darcy, it is very possible that John Williamson returned to Scotland or he is simply living his life in London, unaware of the turmoil he is causing."

Darcy stood, unable to sit still for a moment longer. Since returning from his walk with Elizabeth earlier that afternoon, he and Richard had sequestered themselves in his study; reviewing all the reports they'd accumulated thus far in the pursuit of finding John Williamson. The result of hours of reading and planning had brought them to one conclusion, they had reached a dead-end in their search.

"Darcy," Richard said firmly. "I think it's time we put a little more pressure on Gardiner. He knows more than he is telling us. If he is withholding information, then it could be the difference between success and failure." Richard came to stand next to Darcy. "If we are serious about finding him, we must have more information!"

Darcy looked at his cousin, exhaling loudly. "I've tried, Richard. The man refuses to say anything more. Besides, he knows the history of the man and he is not any closer to finding him then we are!"

Frustrated, Richard exclaimed, "Well, maybe he is not putting forth a valiant effort in locating him!"

Darcy stared at his cousin. "What? Do you honestly think Gardiner is faking his reports? He seems as intent on finding him as we are."

Richard sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I don't know, Darcy. But I can't help feeling that Gardiner does not want John Williamson found." He leveled a significant look at his cousin. "He is carrying secrets, Darcy. He is weighed down by guilt. A man with a guilty conscience will go to great lengths to keep his secrets hidden."

Hidden from Elizabeth. Darcy inhaled sharply at his sudden moment of clarity. He knew what needed to be done. Walking purposefully to his desk, he started going through all the reports from their various contacts, looking for a specific one.

"What are you looking for, Darcy?" Richard asked, confused at his cousins behavior.

"The reports from Gardiner."


Without looking up from his search, he answered brusquely, "I think you're right, Richard. Gardiner does not want John Williamson found."

Richard raised his brows in amusement. "Can I hear that again? The part where you said, 'I was right?'"

Darcy glared at his cousin. "I am serious, Richard. Gardiner promised Elizabeth he would tell her his history with Williamson after he was found."

Darcy gave Richard a pointed look. "After, Richard. Elizabeth knows this man is directly connected to her mother so she wants answers as much as we do." From their conversation earlier today, Darcy knew how eager Elizabeth was to locate Williamson. He would do everything in his power to help her get her answers.

Darcy continued, "If what you say is correct, then I believe Gardiner is simply going through the motions of finding Williamson. He wants his secrets to remain hidden from Elizabeth."

Richard shook his head in disbelief. "Despite what I said to the contrary, I can't believe Gardiner would fabricate his reports in order to lie to his niece. What would be his purpose in doing so?"

Darcy stared at his cousin incredulously. "Didn't you hear what I said, Richard? Whatever secrets Gardiner is hiding is related to Elizabeth's mother. Gardiner did something, Richard, something that caused Elizabeth's mother to treat her daughter so horribly."

Richard looked at Darcy, a contemplative expression on his face. "Then maybe it would be best if he was not found."

"How can you say that?"

"Darcy," Richard held his hands up in a conciliatory gesture. "If what you say is true, would it not be better for Miss Elizabeth to remain ignorant of it? What purpose would it serve except to cause her undue stress and pain?"

Darcy glared at his cousin, slamming the papers on the desk. "So she knows she is not to blame for that woman's behavior! Do you have any idea, Richard, the pain and turmoil that woman has caused Elizabeth? Making her think she was worthless! Elizabeth has a right to know why her mother is the way she is so she can move past it and heal!"

Richard saw his cousin was resolute in his decision. "Well, then. Let's find this report."

An hour later, after reading and rereading Gardiners reports with a skeptical eye, it became blatantly obvious that Darcy's suspicions were confirmed. Gardiner had not been as methodical in his efforts to find John Williamson as he had led them to believe. Darcy's jaw tightened in anger at yet another deception perpetuated by Gardiner.

With this new information, Darcy was confident by the end of the week, Williamson would be located and his fears concerning Elizabeth's safety would finally be put to rest. And just in time. He didn't want anything to mar his future felicity with the woman he loved. He was done waiting. It was time to make her his.


Darcy suppressed a yawn as he strode down the hallway towards the music room, knowing he would find Georgiana there this time of day. After discovering Gardiners deception the night before, he had been unable to sleep. Finally drifting off before dawn, his brief rest had been disrupted with nightmares of Elizabeth being snatched from his embrace, disappearing from his sight. He had awakened, emotionally and physically exhausted. Needing a distraction from his troubled thoughts, he sought his sister's company. He knew he had neglected her lately with all the time he spent with Elizabeth; it was time to remedy that oversight.

As he neared the music room door, the beautiful strains from the pianoforte could be heard clearly. He smiled at the lively tune being played masterfully by his sister. He could always tell what mood Georgiana was in by the music she played.

Pushing open the door, he entered quietly so as not to disturb her. He watched from the doorway as she played, putting her whole soul into her music. She presented a lovely sight. The sun shone through the window behind her, bathing her in a halo of light, emphasizing her youth and innocence. It was difficult to admit that his sister was no longer a little girl, but a lovely young woman. To him, Georgiana would always be the inquisitive little girl who followed him around the halls of Pemberley, with her lively chatter and sunny attitude.

The music stopped abruptly as Georgiana spotted him. Smiling at her cheerful greeting, he walked towards her. "Good morning, Georgiana."

"This is an unexpected surprise, brother."

Darcy felt a pang of guilt. He used to listen to his sister practice nearly everyday. He hadn't realized it had been so long. He leaned down, kissing her forehead, tenderly.

"That was beautiful, Georgiana. It is good to see you so happy."

Georgiana smiled brightly. "Of course I am happy, Fitzwilliam. You are happy and I am to have a sister soon." She idly stroked the keys, a contemplative look on her face. "May I ask you something?"

"Of course."

Georgiana hesitated before saying in a rush, "I am so happy that you have found Lizzy, brother. It makes my heart glad to see you together and I couldn't ask for a better sister. But, I was wondering if I could possibly spend time with her. Alone. Just the two of us and Jane." Georgiana turned to her brother, a pleading look in her eyes, "Please?"

Darcy stared at his sister, mentally berating himself for his selfishness. Gently taking her by the arm, he led her over to the sofa, sitting beside her

"Of course, Georgiana. I should have known you wished to spend time with Elizabeth." He looked at his sister, remorsefully. "I have been selfish keeping her to myself. Forgive me, dearest."

"There is nothing to forgive, brother. I may not know what it is like to be in love, but I understand your need to be with her. I would like to get to know her better and with you constantly around..." she trailed off, looking accusingly at her brother.

Darcy laughed. "I understand. Just tell me when you would like to have her visit and I will be sure to vacate myself from the premises. I'll even take Richard with me."

Georgiana smiled slyly. "Good, because I want to ask Jane about my cousin." Her eyes brightened with excitement. "Richard is in love with Jane, isn't he?"

Darcy leveled a stern look at his sister. "Georgiana, I am not going to answer that. You should not force a confidence."

With conviction, she said, "He does. I just know it!" Georgiana hugged herself gleefully. "Not only will I gain Lizzy as a sister, but Jane as a cousin!" She laughed merrily. "Who would have thought our lives could change for the better in so short a time?"

"Georgiana," Darcy admonished. "Do not question Miss Bennet about Richard, it is inappropriate."

Georgiana smiled impishly. "We'll see."

Darcy shot a warning look at his sister, but she turned away to avoid his gaze, fidgeting with her dress. Changing the subject, he asked when she would like to invite Elizabeth and her sister to Darcy House.

"How about Thursday?"

Darcy raised his brows. "Thursday? Georgiana, are you really asking me to vacate my home on my birthday?" His eyes twinkled with amusement.

Georgiana blushed. "Well, I think it would be perfect. You can spend the day with Richard at White's or fencing or find a new horse or something." She waved her hand dismissively.

"Besides, I know that Lizzy has a gift for you, and it will be the perfect opportunity for her to bring it before your dinner that night." She raised her eyebrows. "It would not be appropriate for others to see an unmarried woman giving an unmarried man a gift, now would it?"

Darcy straightened, his mind reeling with the possibilities. Maybe he could come home early under some pretext and he could find an opportunity to be with Elizabeth alone...his pleasant scheming was interrupted by his sisters bright laughter.

Georgiana shook her head in amusement. That gleam in her brothers eye could only mean one thing. "I want you to promise me, Fitzwilliam that you will remain away from home all day. You may not return until two hours before everyone arrives for dinner."

Darcy raised his brows. "Georgiana, I want to be there when Elizabeth gives me her gifts. It would be impolite and ungentlemanly, otherwise." Darcy tried not to sound like a little boy being denied a treat. But, this would be the perfect opportunity...


Darcy scowled. "Georgiana," he warned.

Georgiana laughed. "You owe me this, brother. You have kept Lizzy all to yourself for too long."

Darcy conceded. She was right, he could forego one afternoon with Elizabeth. He would just have to make a few adjustments in his plan. "Very well." Ignoring his sister's animated expression, he continued, "On one condition."

Georgiana looked at her brother warily. "All right."

Darcy informed Georgiana of his condition. If she wanted him to stay away all day then she would have to help him with his plan. As he talked, he watched her expression go from confused to surprised, to elated. By the end, she was literally bouncing up and down, her hands covering her mouth, trying desperately not to shout for joy.

"You can count on me, brother!"

Darcy smiled contentedly. If all worked out according to plan, this would be a most memorable birthday.

"Thank you, Georgiana. Now, I believe you have an invitation to send?"

Georgiana smiled sheepishly. "I already have. I am just waiting on Lizzy and Jane's response."

Darcy narrowed his eyes. "What if I would have said no?"

Georgiana smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "I know you, brother. You would not deny me anything if I really wanted it."

"Hmmm, maybe I should change my mind..."

"You won't, brother. Not if you want my assistance with Lizzy. Your only other option is to enlist Richard's aid, and I don't need to tell you how that will turn out." Georgiana was triumphant. This was perfect! It would be extremely difficult to keep her brothers plans a secret from Lizzy, but she would.

Darcy sighed. "Very well. I promise to stay away all day. Now, is there anything else?" Darcy looked at his sister, an indulgent smile on his face.

Georgiana shook her head, sighing happily. "I can't wait until you marry Lizzy, brother. To think, I'll not only be gaining five sisters, but a mother and a father as well!"

Darcy stilled, indignant at his sisters erroneous presumption. Never. He would never allow Mrs Bennet near his precious sister. Her influence would not be welcomed or solicited.

"That will never happen, Georgiana."

Georgiana stared, mouth agape at her brother's vehement response. "I don't understand you, Fitzwilliam."

Darcy took a deep breath. He had to treat this situation with delicacy. "Georgiana, I don't anticipate being around Elizabeth's mother very often after we marry."

"Why ever not!" Georgiana could not believe what her brother was saying. "Just because Elizabeth is not of our sphere, does not mean that we renounce her family. What of Lizzy! I can't imagine what she'll say when you inform her that she can no longer see her family!"

"Georgiana, you misunderstand. I said nothing of Elizabeth's sisters. I don't want you around her mother." Darcy was firm. Georgiana had to accept this.

"How can you be so unfeeling, Fitzwilliam!" Georgiana never thought her brother could be so proud and arrogant. "How can you deny Lizzy her mother?"

"She is not worth your tears, Georgiana, believe me." Darcy reached over, clasping his sisters hands. "It is not my place to say more. Please, just trust me, Georgiana. Elizabeth's mother is not someone I wish for you to associate with. And I am positive that Elizabeth would agree with me."

Georgiana yanked her hands out of her brothers firm grip. "Then you won't mind if I ask her myself?"

Darcy leveled a hard look at his sister and said, decisively, "I will not have you bring up a subject that is painful to Elizabeth, Georgiana." When she began to protest, he held up a hand. "Not another word, you will obey me in this. Do you understand?"

Georgiana nodded numbly. She swallowed thickly, close to tears. Why couldn't he understand what she longed for above all else?

Darcy stood, kissing her forehead. "Good day, Georgiana."

In a daze, Georgiana watched her brother leave the room. Unconsciously, she moved towards her pianoforte, seeking comfort. As she began playing, silent tears streamed unchecked down her pale face.


Elizabeth entered Hatchard's book shop, inhaling deeply the distinctive smell of books; a combination of leather and dust. Smiling, she nodded to the proprietor as she moved leisurely to one side to peruse the books on display. Shopping with her Aunt and Jane all morning had left her mentally exhausted. Needing a reprieve, she had asked to be excused from visiting the haberdashers.

Elizabeth idly wandered through the shop, pausing occasionally to peruse a particular book more closely. Although she was not here for a specific purpose, walking amongst new books never ceased to give her a thrill of anticipation. So many possibilities lay within the books lining the shelves. She sighed happily, casually thumbing through a history of Persia she had read several years previously.

Wandering to the back of the store, she found a treasure trove of books on ancient history she knew she had yet to read. She quickly became engrossed, allowing the pages to take her to another place and time. A sudden strident voice of a woman on the other side of the bookshelf caused her to start violently in surprise, almost dropping her book.

"All these dusty books. Why anyone would choose to spend time here, is beyond my comprehension."

Elizabeth bit her lip to keep from laughing. If the woman was so opposed to books, why was she in a bookshop? Shaking her head in amusement, she carefully moved a few books aside to see who was speaking. She noticed the woman's companion first, immediately noting a black mourning armband around the man's forearm. He was above average height, but not nearly as tall as Mr Darcy, with a head of curly, dark blonde hair. His back was to her, blocking her view of the woman with the caustic voice.

The man huffed in annoyance, "Really, Caroline. If you hate books so much, what are we doing here?"

"You know very well why we are here, Charles." The woman's voice dripped with condescension and disgust.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes as the two continued to argue in low voices. She wondered briefly if the couple were married or merely brother and sister, for it was obvious they must be related, based on their familiarity with one another. Embarrassed that she was eavesdropping, she turned back to her book, determined to ignore the quarreling couple. Their voices, however rose in volume and just as Elizabeth was about to make her presence known, she heard the man utter the name of Mr Darcy. Her head snapped up in surprise. Ignoring all pretense of blocking out their conversation, she shifted closer in order to hear what they were saying.

"I don't care what you say, Charles. This year it will be different. I will make Mr Darcy notice me. He likes to read, so I am going to start reading as well. Now, once again, tell me what are his interests? Does he like history? Poetry? I can't imagine he reads novels. A man of his understanding would not condescend to read such rubbish."

You would be surprised, Elizabeth thought with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. She knew for a fact that Mr Darcy did read novels. But he assured her it was only to approve of Georgiana's reading material.

"Caroline, I refuse to participate in this nonsense! I have informed you many times, that if Darcy has not shown an interest in you after nearly three years, then he won't."

The woman snorted. "Don't be ridiculous. He just doesn't know his own mind yet. I believe he is simply shy, which is why he hasn't declared himself."

Elizabeth huffed, wishing the man would shift so she could get a glimpse of this manipulative woman. Was every lady between the ages of 17 and 35 after her Mr Darcy? Who were they? It was apparent they were well acquainted with Mr Darcy. A sudden possibility entered her mind. Could it possibly be...?

"You have accepted Mr Darcy's invitation for his birthday dinner on Thursday. That is when I will make it clear to him what my intentions are. I am not going to wait any longer. He will have no choice but to declare himself."

The man sputtered, "You will do no such thing, Caroline! Or I will just leave you at home."

The woman sneered. "As if you could stop me, Charles." The woman's voice dropped to a low hiss. "I will get what I want."

Elizabeth sucked in a breath. This must be Mr Bingley and his sister! What a horrible woman! No wonder Mr Darcy stayed at his estate in Derbyshire for the majority of the year. She understood, if only to avoid Miss Caroline Bingley. Although, Georgiana mentioned that he invited Mr Bingley to his estate every August. Did that invitation include Miss Bingley as well? A sudden wave of jealousy swept over her, at the idea of that woman being at Pemberley with her Mr Darcy. A sudden ache pierced her heart. She shook her head, stop being ridiculous, Elizabeth!

She took a deep breath. Horrible woman or not, she couldn't continue to listen to a private conversation even if it was taking place in a very public place. Carefully replacing her book on the shelf, she turned to discreetly leave and ran straight into Mr Bingley.

"Oh, I am so sorry!" Elizabeth apologized, her face flushing red. Did he suspect she had been eavesdropping on his conversation?

Mr Bingley reached out to steady her before stepping back. "Not at all. It was my fault entirely. Are you hurt?"

Elizabeth looked up to reassure him and smiled. "Only my pride. I was not looking where I was going."

Miss Bingley approached, completely ignoring Elizabeth. Turning her back to Elizabeth she addressed her brother. "What about this one, Charles? I believe I remember Mr Darcy telling you he was interested in Botany."

Mr Bingley gave Elizabeth an apologetic look for his sister's rude behavior. Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders, turning to peruse a nearby shelf. As the siblings argued in a low voice, Elizabeth took the time to finally study the woman who had been so condescending to her brother and manipulative in her intent to pursue Mr Darcy.

She was tall, nearly as tall as her brother and extremely thin. Her hair was dark brown, arranged in an unflattering hairstyle that did little to detract from her thin lips and haughty brow. The mode of her dress caused Elizabeth's brow to raise in astonishment. She knew the Bingley's were in mourning due to their mother's passing. However, it was apparent Miss Bingley took a rather liberal view on mourning attire. Instead of wearing a gown of somber hue, her dress was a rather violent shade of burnt orange, accented with black lace. The overall result was jarring and garish; offensive to Elizabeth's sense of decorum. What could she mean by it? Did she have so little respect for her deceased mother? Even if she were only in half mourning, the gown would be considered inappropriate and immodest.

Mr Bingley approached Elizabeth as his sister, hissed, "Charles!"

Ignoring his sister, he gave Elizabeth an amiable smile. "I apologize again for running into you. Are you sure you are unhurt?"

"Yes, sir. I am quite well. I thank you."

Miss Bingley looked Elizabeth up and down, a condescending sneer on her face. "Please excuse us." Taking her brother by the arm, she attempted to lead him away but Mr Bingley would not be moved.

Removing his hat, he bowed, and said, "Mr Charles Bingley. Pleased to make your acquaintance. This is my sister, Miss Caroline Bingley." He looked at Elizabeth expectantly.

Elizabeth curtsied. "Miss Elizabeth Bennet. The pleasure is mine." She was right, this was the infamous Mr Bingley. Her lips twitched as she imagined a black moustache adorning his upper lip.

"Miss Bennet, you must forgive us but we have a prior engagement. Come Charles." With a scathing glance at Elizabeth, she tugged on her brother's arm.

Elizabeth felt her ire rise at Miss Bingley's rudeness. Who was this woman that treated others with such disdain? She knew nothing about Elizabeth, yet treated her as beneath her. Who did she think she was? It was blatantly obvious that she had a much too high opinion of herself.

Making a quick decision, she turned and addressed Miss Bingley. "I couldn't help overhearing your conversation earlier, Miss Bingley and I need to inform you that Mr Darcy does indeed read novels and he is not at all interested in Botany."

Mr Bingley stared at Elizabeth, mouth agape. "You are acquainted with Darcy?"

Ignoring, Miss Bingley's sputtering and fervent denials that she must be lying, Elizabeth smiled at Mr Bingley. "Yes, I am acquainted with the gentleman. I understand that you have recently lost your mother. Please accept my condolences on your loss."

Smiling sadly, Mr Bingley bowed his head. "I thank you for your kind words, Miss Bennet." He asked how she became acquainted with Mr Darcy.

"So you have known Mr Darcy for barely a month, Miss Bennet?" Miss Bingley raised her brow in obvious contempt. "With such a short acquaintance as you claim, I marvel at your presumption to know the literary tastes of that gentleman. No doubt you imagine your relationship to be more than it is?"

If only you knew."Not at all, Miss Bingley. My knowledge of Mr Darcy's tastes come from the gentleman himself."

Miss Bingley sniffed. "Well, I imagine you think some fifteen minute conversation in a ballroom makes you an expert on that gentleman's tastes." She eyed Elizabeth with derision.

Elizabeth took a deep breath. It was Lady Emily all over again. If she was going to endure an evening with this woman in a few days, she had to control her temper. Especially since this woman was the sister of Mr Darcy's good friend. The last thing she wished was to cause Mr Darcy discomfort on his birthday.

"I don't presume anything, Miss Bingley. I simply speak as I find."

Mr Bingley interrupted, giving his sister a warning look. "Well, it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Bennet. I hope our paths cross again soon."

Elizabeth smiled. "Yes, I imagine we will meet very soon, Mr Bingley." She curtsied politely. "Good day to you both."

Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief as she exited the book shop. She walked to the haberdashers with her faithful bodyguard trailing discreetly behind her, unaware of another pair of eyes watching her intently from the alleyway across the street.

A/N: Well, the Bingley's finally showed up - about time, huh? So, I have something special planned for Caroline *smiles deviously* but I am debating as to who should provide the set down. So I decided to let my readers decide! Should it be 1) Elizabeth, 2) Lady W, or 3) Jane? Let me know. Any one of the three could pull off what I have planned marvelously. Oh, I can't wait!

Please review! See you on Wednesday!

Much love,MAH