Chapter 20 - Academy of Combat
One day, in Amphibia, Hop pop was taking the kids to another part of town. "I still can't believe you're bringing us to a daycare Hop pop," said Sprig. Anne, Sprig, and Polly looked agitated while Darrel and Tint looked confused. "Look, I'm sorry okay," said Hop pop. "But I have to go to the annual Crop Convention. It's a long ways away, I'll need Cronaxx's help, and I can't leave you kids on the farm alone for the weekend."
The kids, besides Darrel and Tint groan. "Are you sure about this Hop pop?" Darrel asked. "Absolutely," he replied. "You kids need supervision. Why sometimes, it feels like we have two wacky adventures a week." Darrel and Tint look at each other with shock. Then, look at the invisible viewing audience. "He's not wrong about that," Darrel said.
The group reach their location, a lonely spiral tower with a blue flag waving on top. "Here we are," said Hop pop. Then a figure comes out from the door. He is shown as a salamander wearing an old school instructor's outfit. "Greetings, I am Tritonio Espada. The instructor of this daycare."
"Huh, I thought Briar and Iris Bogwater ran this place," said Hop pop. "The Bogwaters retired last year and sold their business to me," said Tritonio. "Well in that case, I am Hopediah Plantar," he greeted. "This here is Sprig, Polly, Tint, Anne, and Darrel. These two may be gigantic, but they're also children." "Hey!" Anne complained. Darrel rolled his eyes and shrugged it off.
"Ah, yes," said Tritonio. "I shall educate them. Teach them true discipline." Hop pop was most pleased with his determination. "Oh, I like the cut of your jib, Mr. 'Treytony'. Did I say that right?" "Certainly not," replied Tritonio.
Behind Bessie's shell, the kids grouped together. "So what do you guys think?" Tint asked. "Well, it's not so bad I guess," said Sprig. "There is a cool tower." "I'm still a little edgy about this ordeal. But I'll give it a chance," said Darrel. "You guys don't get it," said Anne. "Tritonio's a teacher, and any of all that is good."
"What's so bad about teacher's Anne?" Tint asked. "Let's just say, me and them don't mix," replied Anne. "Teachers, they just don't like me. Probably because of my carefree spirit." Darrel sighed, "Anne just doesn't realize what she's talking about. She thinks that teachers back home are giving her a hard time. But in reality, she doesn't pay attention to them, which gives our teachers a hard time."
"Welp, kids," said Hop pop. "Looks like you're in good hands here with Mr. Tritonio. Crop Con, here I come." Hop pop takes Bessie and rides off. "You sure Cronaxx wanted you to keep your staff at home?" Anne asked. "He said that today's lesson relies on more than just magic, so I had to leave it behind," replied Darrel.
Tritonio watches the elder frog until he is out of his sight and then turns to the kids. "Finally, it is just us now," he said. "So let us cast aside this illusion, yes?" He tears off the instructor's outfit revealing a French type outfit. "Woah," said the kids. "And this is no mere daycare," said Tritonio as he kicked a nearby sign. "This is a combat crash course, for kids."
Sprig and Polly were excited about the change of venue of where they're staying for the weekend. Darrel and Tint smiled, realizing what Cronaxx meant. "Adults, they shelter their children, I say 'no, teach them to fight.' For danger lurks around every corner in Amphibia. Stay on your toes, trust no one."
"Ahh! Look over there?!" he cried to Sprig, pointing behind him. "Ah! What is it? Danger?" Sprig asked, before his head was smacked with a stick. "I said trust no one," said Tritonio. "Now follow me, and we'll begin the next lesson." He hops back into the tower and Sprig follows him.
"This guy's awesome," said Polly. Darrel crossed his arms and shrugged, "I gotta hand it to him, he's quick on his feet." "Ehh, we'll see," said Anne. "Just give him a chance Anne," said Darrel.
Inside the tower, the walls were covered with weapons, helmets, shields, and target dummies. "Your next lesson is to pick your weapon," said Tritonio. "Find one that resonates with you."
Polly looks over to a bucket of blue mushrooms, which Tritonio describes as Boom Shrooms. Darrel takes a stroll around the armory, trying to find a weapon that calls to him. Without the Eternal Staff, Darrel feels vulnerable to any attack. "Having trouble, young man?" Tritonio asked. "Yes," said Darrel. "There's so many weapons, how can I choose?"
"Do not look with your eyes," said Tritonio. "Look in your gut, what does your gut tell you?" Darrel closed her eyes and took a deep breath. He opens his eyes, and looks to a pair of gauntlets that contain hidden blades. "Magnifique," said Tritonio. "You have chosen wisely."
Darrel puts on the blade gauntlets and unsheathes them, revealing a tint of glowing red. "Now that's what I call a fighter," said Tint. "But I've never used a weapon like this before," said Darrel. "And I hope you don't have to," said Tint. "Until then, keep these words in mind, 'True courage is about knowing not when to take a life. But when to spare one.'"
For the rest of the day, Darrel, Tint, Sprig, and Polly excelled in enduring obstacle courses. Anne, however, wasn't putting in a lot of effort. Whenever she lacked behind, Darrel kept watch to make sure she got through every obstacle.
While climbing on the tower, Tritonio encouraged the kids. "That's it children, feel the stone beneath your hands. The strong breeze in your hair, much like the breeze on a fast moving train."
"Why would he mention a moving train?" Tint asked. "I don't know, but isn't he encouraging?" Sprig said. "Must be nice," said Anne sarcastically. "Anne, your hand placement is all wrong!" Tritonio called out. "What'd I tell ya? The guy's totally picking on me," said Anne.
"You know, it wouldn't hurt to ask him why he's being hard," said Tint. "He's right," said Sprig. "Tritonio says, 'An honest dialogue is more powerful than any weapon.'" Anne replied in disgust, "That's the corniest thing I've ever heard-"
Not realizing that she let go of the wall, Anne stumbles back and falls. But Darrel catches her by her arm, "I got you, Anne." Anne smiles, but then Tritonio says, "Even your fall needs work, Anne."
Later that night, Anne was sitting on top of the tower feeling gloomy. She told her friends that she wanted to be alone, however Darrel thought otherwise. He sits by her side, getting her attention. "I thought maybe you could use a human friend in this situation," he said. Anne gestured her hand allowing him to sit next to her.
The two stared off into the starry night, unaware that Anne was leaning her head on Darrel's shoulder. Suddenly, Tritonio appeared behind them. "You two should eat. Only fools fight on an empty stomach," he said. Darrel takes a bowl of food and decides to let them talk it out.
"Tritonio, can I ask you something? Why don't you like me?" Anne asked. "What? I like you, Anne," said Tritonio. "But, you've been super tough on me for no reason," said Anne. "Just like my teachers back home."
Tritonio listened and said, "Anne, if I seemed tougher on you, it's not because I don't like you. It's because I see a girl who is not living up to her full potential." "Really?" Anne asked. "Indeed," he replied. "In you I sense someone that, with a little effort, could achieve greatness. And I am sure, your teachers back home, feel the same way."
"He's not wrong about that," said Darrel. "I used to have trouble with teachers. But when I asked for help, they were always there to give me the boost I needed. Don't think you can do everything by yourself Anne. It never hurts to ask for help or encouragement."
Anne smiles at the two, then Tritonio offers her a sword as her weapon. She unsheathes it showing off a faint blue glow. "Get some sleep children," said Tritonio. "For tomorrow, the real training begins." Anne and Darrel smile at each other, knowing that they are ready to listen.
The next day, Anne improved on her swordplay. Darrel got used to using hidden blades, making him feel like a rogue assassin. Tritonio was impressed by all the kids' skills. Eventually, he prepares them for something he calls the "Final Test."
He opens a door to a lower chamber, showing blueprints and railroad maps. "Tomorrow is our last day together," Tritonio announced. "So, I put together an exercise to test all your skills you've learned. I have rented a train, inside of which I have hidden a 'fake' priceless ruby. Also, I have hired actors to portray guards who will stop at nothing to keep the ruby safe. You must retrieve it, using the wisdom and skills I have taught you. Now study these plans, become one with the plans, eat the plans."
He takes a piece of the plan and eats it to prove his point. "We leave at dawn." As he leaves the kids alone, they start questioning his plan. "So, does anyone else think that we're robbing an actual train?" Sprig asked. Darrel and Tint quickly nodded, "No doubt about it," they said. "I could see it a mile away," said Darrel.
"That's ridiculous," said Anne. "Tritonio is a good person who believes in me. I think we should do it." "You seem oddly invested," said Tint. "What happened to 'Teacher's Stink' Anne?" Polly asked. "That Anne is dead and buried," replied Anne.
While the Plantars were convinced, Darrel and Tint were not. As they got to the railroad to proceed with their plan, Darrel casts a messenger spell to the driver and the guards. The light startled the guards, but Darrel assured them he's not an enemy.
"Listen, our teacher Tritonio told us about this ruby stored on this train. And said you guys are actors, is that true?" "Tritonio?!" The driver asked. "That man is a criminal. He says we're actors, but we're not. That man has gotten away with many things, using his charm and agility."
Realizing that Tritonio's a criminal, Darrel and Tint come up with a plan. They explained to the driver and guards what's going to happen. Tint told them to play along, try to fight back, and protect the ruby. At the same time, Darrel will make his move to catch Tritonio. After that, the guards will contact the police to arrest him.
The Plantars go along with their plan, and Darrel and Tint follow behind them. Sprig gets them to stop the train, using his injured acting skills. Meanwhile, the rest of the group sneak onboard and start the train up again.
They escape from the driver and guards with ease and make their way into the treasury. What the group didn't see was that Darrel climbed onto the side of the car and casted a curse on the ruby.
The kids climb in the car and gaze at the ruby in magnificence. "We did it guys," said Anne. "Big T is gonna be so proud of us." "Proud is an understatement," said Tritonio as he jumped in the car. "You've all done so well."
That's when Darrel and Tint nodded, "Hey Tritonio, what was the first lesson you taught us?" "I know," said Anne. "Trust no one." "Exactly," said Darrel. He unsheathes his blades and points them at Tritonio. "Don't trust a master thief!"
"Woah, Darrel!" Polly cried. "It all makes sense now," said Darrel. "The train, the guards, the charming encouragement. He has thief written all over him. Tritonio chuckled, "Clever boy. I have to say, even I'm impressed."
"Wait, so you really are a master thief?" Anne asked. "Indeed I am," replied Tritonio. "And now, I'll be taking my ruby and leaving you all here to the guards." "You have no idea how outnumbered you are, Tritonio," said Darrel. "Get him guys!"
Sprig and Polly jump after him, only for Tritonio to take out his Sabre and slam Sprig onto Polly. Tint comes after him with shurikens, but he dodges them and steps on his head, confusing him. Anne and Darrel start to swing their blades at Tritonio, only for him to continue dodging and knocking them down to the ground.
Tritonio makes his way to the ruby with the entire group groaning on the ground. "Trusting you was a mistake," said Darrel. "But, you made a huge mistake too." "What mistake?" Tritonio asked. "You forget, I taught you what I know."
As he touches the ruby, he instantly freezes solid in place. "Woah, how did he-?" Sprig asked. "Freeze spell," said Tint. "Curse 101." The kids get up from the ground and stop the train. Darrel stares down at his defeated instructor. "You taught me what you know," said Darrel. "But, I didn't teach you what I know."
Later, the driver and guards arrive with the police. At that time, the curse wore off and Tritonio was unfrozen. "Thanks kids," said the driver. "The tower's been trying to catch this slimeball for months. Been robbing trains with kids for several times now, the sicko." "Well there was one flaw that he failed to see," said Darrel. "A couple of us are teenagers."
The cops take him on the train, changing course to the tower. "See you around Darrel and Anne," said Tritonio. "I wasn't kidding when I said you had potential. You both certainly bested me."
"Save it you crook," said Anne. "I just have one more question for you. Was the goatee even real?" Tritonio takes it off for a moment, "What do you think?" The guards close the door, and the train takes off.
Back at the tower, the kids sit at the front door, battered and worn out. "Guess you hate teachers now more than ever, Anne?" Sprig asked. "You know, Tritonio might have been a crook, but I think he was on to something," said Anne. "When I get home, I'm going to give my teachers another chance."
Darrel smiled, "That's very noble of you Anne." He places his hand on his shoulder making Anne smile too. "You're turning into a great person, I thought you'd be." Then, the kids hear Bessie's chirp. They see Bessie, Hop pop, and Cronaxx all battered and bruised like them.
"Hey kids," said Hop pop in a tired tone. "How was the convention for you two?" Anne asked. "Oh fine," replied Cronaxx. "We didn't get swarmed by killer locusts if that's what you mean. How was your weekend?" "Good," said Tint in a blank voice. "We didn't partake in a train heist." "Nope, no crimes committed," said Polly.
"Good," said Hop pop. "Great to know we definitely didn't have two wacky adventures." Darrel stands up and says, "Let's just go home." "Agreed," said Anne. The kids climb on Bessie, and Hop pop takes them home. The group remains silent throughout the trip.
Back at the farm, Darrel was cleaning the gemstone on the Eternal Staff. "I hope you didn't go through too much trouble without it," said Cronaxx. Darrel shook his head, "I'm as dependent on using my own hands, than I am with just the staff Cronaxx." "Then consider this lesson learned," said Cronaxx. Darrel places the staff in the umbrella rack and makes his way into the basement.
Darrel spots Anne cleaning her weapon that Tritonio gave her. "Thinking about keeping it?" Darrel asked. "Yeah, there's something about this sword that I like," said Anne. Darrel looks at his hidden blade gauntlets. "I think I'll store these," he said. "Who knows, maybe I'll need them again one day." Darrel packs them in his school bag and begins to practice his plant magic.