Chapter 38 - The First Temple
After the incident with the Calamity Box, and Hop pop finally coming clean, the group prepares for Marcy's arrival. Cronaxx was in Hop pop's study brewing more healing potions, in case the group ever needed any. And the kids were in the kitchen waiting for breakfast.
Hop pop decided to treat them all with a special breakfast. At the same time, Darrel tells Anne that certain bugs taste like chocolate from back home. "Why wouldn't you tell me sooner?" Anne asked. "It just never occurred to me," replied Darrel. "I swear if you were holding out on me like that, I would steal your share," said Anne.
Darrel nodded out of fear of making Anne hungry and angry. "Hop pop, you never let us have chocopede pancakes," said Polly. "What's going on?" "I thought you guys deserve a treat," replied Hop pop. "After, well…"
"Hop pop, it's okay," said Darrel. "You sure?" Hop pop asked. "I told you it's going to take some time to adjust," replied Darrel. "Besides, we got the box back, and everyone is safe." "Darrel's right," said Anne. "We appreciate the breakfast Hop pop. Just don't try too hard."
Hop pop nodded, "Sure kids, this old frog still got some time left on his legs." "Boy am I glad, you guys forgave him," said Sprig. "Some people would carry the scars of betrayal for life. Not you two though."
"No, no," said Darrel. "The scars are still there, Sprig. Especially after finding out more about the Calamity Box. I haven't had a decent night's sleep ever since we left Toad Tower. But as long as Hop pop knows that we don't hate him anymore, and that he's sorry, then everything's okay."
Hop pop smiles gleefully, until they hear a bird chirping from outside. But this bird sounded much bigger. "I'll get it," he said. The kids quickly ate their pancakes and followed Hop pop outside.
The group exits the house to find a large bird flying to the farm. The bird is shown to have plated armor and a helmet with a feather on top. The bird also has a scar crossing its left eye. The bird is also shown to have a big pile of books on its back. It lands and chirps, scaring Hop pop. "Ahh! A monster bird ridden by a pile of books!" "Hop pop," said Cronaxx. "Birds aren't ridden by books."
The rider who popped out of the books reveals to be Marcy. "Hiya Plantar Family, and Salamanders," she greeted. "MARCY!" cheered the kids. Marcy dismounts off her bird, only to fall off, along with a couple of books.
"Big news everyone," Marcy began. "I've finished my preparations for the-" She takes a moment to gaze upon the Plantar family house. She squeals in excitement, "Whaa...Is this your house? Oh, it's so rustic and cute. When was it built? Third century? No. No, no, no. Second. Yes, of course. Okay, when it was af-"
Before Marcy could go any further, Darrel and Anne stop her. "Hey hey, Marbles. Big news?" "Try not to stray away from what's important." "Oh right," said Marcy. "I've finished my prep and we're ready for the first temple!"
"Alright!" said Darrel "Awesome!" said Anne. She and Marcy exchanged a high five. "I just need to see the music box. Then it's go-time, gang. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Yeah-ya!"
"Marcy!" cried Darrel. "Calm down. I'm just as excited as you are, but we need to compose ourselves." "Sorry, sorry. Long flight," said Marcy. "A lot of pent-up energy. Anyway, music box."
Anne digs into her backpack for the Calamity Box. "Good thing she didn't show up a few days ago. Am I right?" Sprig asked. "You need to stop," replied Polly.
"Here you go," said Anne. She takes out the box and gives it to Marcy. She cracks her knuckles and begins to work. "Okay if my studies are correct, then…"
She proceeds to push hidden buttons on the box. Darrel watches with a surprised look on his face. 'How did she know there were buttons on the box?' he thought. The box plays a small jingle and then the stones come out, giving Marcy the ability to grab them.
The group was amazed. "How did you know the box would do that?" Darrel asked. "I studied, weren't you listening?" Marcy replied. "Okay," said Darrel, though he kept his suspicions up.
"Here you go, bud," said Marcy as she offers the box to Cronaxx. Cronaxx in return gives the box back to Anne. "Well, we've got a big journey ahead. I'll explain everything on the way." She turns around to call her bird, "Come on Joe, Joe?" She spots her bird doing a dance in front of Bessie.
"Joe Sparrow!" Marcy gasped. Bessie blushed at Joe's dance, until Marcy interrupted him. "Leave that snail alone!" She gathered her books and climbed up her companion. Anne, Sprig, and Polly followed her trying to sit down. "Kinda cramped up here, huh?" Anne asked.
"Doesn't look like there's any more room for us," said Darrel. "No matter." He whistles to the house and out comes his magic carpet, ready for the journey. "The rest of you will ride with me."
And so, the group takes to the skies, making their way to the first temple. "So what's the plan for getting to the first temple Marcy?" Tint asked. Marcy takes out a scroll and says, "Well, according to my research, these three ancient temples are filled with difficult challenges to keep out the unworthy. All we have to do is complete the challenges, and then we can charge the stone."
"Nifty," said Anne. "So, what kind of challenges we talkin'?" "This first temple is said to specifically challenge your intelligence," said Marcy. "So I'm pretty sure it's full of puzzles. No frog, toad or newt in history has been able to survive it."
"An intelligence temple?" Darrel asked. "Sounds like something up your ally, Marcy. Just be careful." "Darrel's right," said Anne. "When you get this into something, you tend to tune everything else out."
"Is that true?" Hop pop asked. "Yeah, it's true," replied Darrel. "There were times when she was playing her games, she forgets everything. From dispensing her own ice cream, to pulling ropes in school plays, even walking in zoo exhibits without even looking up." "That was the worst Saturday of my life," said Anne.
"That's called being in the zone, guys," said Marcy. "It's pretty much my superpower." Anne sighed, "Okay okay, just don't forget about us. This place is going to be dangerous and we're here to help."
"Oh please, like I could ever forget you guys," said Marcy. "Penny? Sprout? Flint?" The amphibians corrected their names, "Polly." "Sprig." "Tint." "Look, the point is, I'm not going to let you guys down," said Marcy.
After a few more meters in the sky, Joe and Carpet dive down to their first destination. When Carpet stopped suddenly, Hop pop flew off and landed on one of the brain looking mushrooms.
"Note to self: Install seatbelts on Carpet," said Darrel, jotting down on a notepad. "Okay, Marcy, where are we now?"
"Welcome to Amygdala Woods, everyone," replied Marcy. "Home to the first temple." The group, except for Cronaxx, awed in delight. "I've been to these woods before," he said. "I gathered ingredients for intelligence potions around here."
"Woah, what are these things?" Sprig asked as he and Tint pulled Hop pop off of the mushroom. "They're called Gyromitra Esculenta," replied Cronaxx. "Also known as brain mushrooms." Marcy finished.
"Kinda ironic that the first temple is hidden by a forest of brains, right?" Tint asked. "Speaking of temples, I think you way overhyped this place," said Polly in an unexciting way. She points to where an outhouse is located. But Marcy turned them around.
"No, no, no. That's the temple." The group was immediately back to being impressed. Standing before them was a large temple that looked like the ones from ancient civilizations. Waterfalls were spouting out and in front of the group was a staircase leading to the front door.
Sprig checked out that the outhouse that Polly spotted was just an outhouse. The group climbed the steps to the door. Then, Marcy said, "Alright guys, let's do this thing!" Her statement echoed over the forest.
Darrel and Anne open the doors to the temple, and the group walk in carefully. Polly steps on a strange tile, afraid that she set off a trap. However, mushrooms began to glow in the room, showing the first locked door.
"Did I learn an entire dead language just for today?" Marcy asked the group. "You better believe I did!" "Well did your studies ever teach you how to translate ruins into the English language?" Darrel asked.
"Watch this." Darrel takes his staff and twirls it around. He closes his eyes and the crystal turns into a solid green grass texture. "Etalsnart," he called. Then, the ruins on the wall began to glow, then changed their words into the English language.
"Okay, that was impressive," said Marcy. "What'd I tell you," said Anne. "He is full of surprises." "Go ahead, Marcy," said Darrel. "Read it." Marcy takes out her journal and writes down the inscription.
"It says: Keeper of the box, one strong of mind, three trials await, that will return the stones' shine." Listening to the inscription carefully, Tint came up with an answer, "I think this is where we have to overcome three trials in this temple."
"Sounds about right, Tint," said Marcy. Suddenly, the doors open the way to the first trial. Only for it to be a dead end.
"Well, we tried our best and that's what counts," said Sprig about to leave. "Hold on Sprig," said Cronaxx/. "A true wizard always sees what others do not." "But there's nothing here," said Polly. "That's the point," said Darrel. "Let's look around, and see if we can find anything."
The group looks around, hoping to find the key to proceeding through the temple. Anne looks down to find a puzzle cube. "Hey, guess who found the puzzle?" Suddenly, a magic bubble surrounds Anne and lifts her up off the ground.
The group was at first shocked, especially Hop pop. "Frog, help us! A cursed cube possessed by evil magic!" "No, no," said Cronaxx. "It's not evil magic. If it was, I would have sensed it."
"He's right," said Marcy. "It's the puzzle!" "Touching it must have triggered the start of the test," said Tint. "Well whatever it is, all yours Marbles," said Anne as she threw the cube to her.
Marcy catches the cube and Anne falls to the ground. Luckily Darrel was there to catch her. "Thanks Darrel." Anne said blushing. "No problem," said Darrel as he put Anne down.
Marcy floats up in the magic bubble with the puzzle in hand, "Whoa, this thing's got, like, a zillion permutations. If this temple thinks it can beat me, it's got another thing coming." Marcy moves the first piece of the puzzle,starting the first trial.
But as she moved the first piece, the room moved in sync with the cube. The group moves with the room, then slides off the wall. "Everyone gather round," said Cronaxx. The group does, and Cronaxx uses his magic to lift them the same way the trial is with Marcy.
"Hey Marcy, next time give us a heads up when you move before you move the puzzle," said Darrel. Marcy however, wasn't listening. She continued to finish the puzzle and the door opened. "Hah! Got it!"
Cronaxx brought the group down, then fell down as well. "Uncle! Are you okay?" Tint asked. "Yeah, just a little winded," replied Cronaxx. "Let me regain my strength." "Hold tight, Cronaxx," said Darrel as he stuffed his teacher in his backpack. "Thanks, Darrel," he said. "Just try not to lean forward, or the zipper will open up," said Darrel.
"One down, two to go," said Marcy as she ran ahead of the group. "You weren't kidding about her being in the zone, guys," said Polly. "Not to mention she's a tad overconfident," said Hop pop. "Hard to argue with the results though," said Sprig as the group pressed on to the next trial.
The group reached the top of the stairs, with Cronaxx regaining his strength to walk again. At what appears to be the second trial, the room showed different colored tiles on the floor. "Oh, hey, a dance floor," said Anne.
Darrel thought otherwise, "It's not a dance floor, Anne." "He's right," said Marcy. "Watch." Marcy takes a rock and throws it on the red tile, causing it to spew fire.
"Woah, not getting good vibes from this room," said Sprig. "Well, time to turn back," said Polly. "Thanks for playing everyone." "Hold on gang, look," said Hop pop as he pointed to the walls.
The walls suddenly glow with more ancient ruins. Darrel takes his staff and translates them. "They say: A dangerous room, what to do? Don't be jealous of my hue." "Who's hue?" Sprig asked.
Darrel and Marcy look to the floor coming up with a way to get through. Darrel then looks at the blue tiles. "I wonder." He throws a rock at the blue tile and a spiked hammer crushes on the very spot. "Of course."
"Guys, I've got an idea," said Darrel. "What is it?" Anne asked. "If the pink and blue tiles are booby trapped, then the green tiles…" Before he could say anything else, Marcy took a running start and jumped on the green tile. "Hah, solved it!" she cried. "Jeez, Marcy. Again with the heads up," said Darrel. "You're going to give me a heart attack."
"Take the green tiles guys," said Marcy. "Don't be jealous of my hue. It's a reference to green, the color of envy." The amphibians nod, getting the gesture. "I honestly thought that green was the answer because it's a green temple," said Cronaxx. "It's not that hard to point out that green is the safe color."
"I have a lot of green friends who would find that offensive,"said Hop pop. "But, why hasn't the door opened yet?" Polly asked. Darrel looks to the second green tile near Marcy. "Down there," he said. "Looks like someone else needs to go down there and press that square."
Anne and the others were unsure, except for the salamanders. "Are you sure Darrel?" Anne asked. "If you're unsure, it's okay," said Darrel. "I can do this myself. I've seen this done in adventure movies, and most movies with two safe squares means it unlocks hidden doors."
But before he could make the jump, Anne stepped up to the plate. "Wait! I'll do it," Darrel turned to Anne. "Are you sure?" he asked. "I'm sure," she replied. "I mean, if anything, I should trust your judgement."
Anne takes his hand and continues talking, "I know you wouldn't let anything happen to me." Darrel smiled, "Then this should be easy. Just stand right here and don't move. I'll get you there with levitation."
Darrel uses his magic to transport Anne to the green square. Marcy, watching from her end, was awed by their devotion for each other. Darrel gets her there safely and Anne presses down onto the tile, unlocking the door, and disabling the traps in the room.
"Consider the stone charged, baby!" Marcy cried. The group reach the stairwell to the next puzzle and climb up. "That's really thoughtful of you helping us out," said Hop pop. "Thanks for everything, Darrel." "No problem, Hop pop," said Darrel. "We're family. And who knows. Maybe things would've been different hadn't we met in the first place."
At the top of the stairs, the group makes it to the entrance of the final puzzle. "There's more writing," said Marcy. "Darrel, would you do the honors?" "I'd be delighted," said Darrel.
He takes his staff again and translates the ruins, "Few have the brains to make it to this door. But are you wise enough to solve what's in store? Interesting." "Yep! Let's go!" Marcy leads the group to the third trial, very anxious to know what's next.
The group looks over to see what looks like a chessboard over a ray of light. Marcy squealed in excitement, "I don't believe it. It's Flipwart!" "What's Flipwart?" Anne asked. "Is that like chess, back home?" Darrel asked.
"Exactly, but to the max," replied Marcy. "A strategy game I learned in Newtopia. I got so good at it, I even beat King Andrias." "Impressive," said Hop pop and Cronaxx. "They say King Andrias is one of the best Flipwart players around."
"He's not the only best player of Flipwart," said Cronaxx. "It's true," said Tint. "Uncle is like the Salmie Spawner of Flipwart." "Great players of Flipwart are always one step ahead of their opponents," said Cronaxx.
Marcy goes to the board, and finds the pieces on the other side stuffed in a drawer. "So, both sides have a wart, right? And they're trying to flip it! Each piece has a different set of abilities. These archers, for example, can only attack in a straight line. Oh, I love this game!"
Hop pop looks over to the side and finds more writing on the wall. "Hey Marcy, what does this say?" he asked. "Any commander whose wart falls may never set foot inside these temple walls," replied Marcy.
"Looks like Marcy and Hop pop beat you to it, Darrel," said Anne. "I didn't have time to see it," he replied. "But it sounds like Marcy only gets one shot at this. She loses, and we can't recharge the stone." The room goes quiet, feeling dreary with suspense.
Marcy, however, wasn't worried. " One shot is all I need. But first, to set up the board." As Marcy places the pieces on the board, a trap door suddenly opens under Polly. She screams as she falls in, scaring the group.
Then, out of nowhere, the lights fill the room, revealing a giant Flipwart board. Polly comes out of the hole in place of the piece Marcy placed on the board. "Polly! Are you okay?" Sprig asked. "Okay? I've got a sword, baby," said Polly in a cheery way. "I'm doing better than all of you!"
Darrel and Anne grew weary about what's about to happen. "Marcy, I think we need to stop," said Darrel. "He's right, this could get dangerous," said Anne. "We don't have a choice, guys," said Marcy. "You wanna get home right? Then, we've gotta play or we'll never recharge the stone."
"She has a point," said Hop pop. "Trust me, okay?" said Marcy. Anne and Darrel reluctantly agree. "I hope she knows what she's doing," said Anne quietly. As Marcy continued placing pieces on the board, Sprig and Hop pop took the places of the bishop and the pawn. Then, Cronaxx and Tint took the position of the archer and another pawn.
"Get ready, you two," said Marcy. "There's a good chance you guys are next." Marcy completes the board, and Anne takes the position of the piece riding the heron. Darrel was still off the board. "Guess I'm sitting this out," he said.
But then, he falls into position on the board and he takes the same piece Anne's in. On the opposite side. This development shocks the group. "Darrel, no!" Tint cried. "Traitor!" Polly cried. "Guys relax," said Darrel. "I'm not going to badly damage the pieces." "Well you could always sabotage the other team," said Anne.
Suddenly, magical braces appeared on Darrel and Anne's wrists, limiting their movements on their arms, same with the amphibians. "What's going on?" Sprig asked. "Our hands are tied, literally," said Hop pop. "It's the Flipwart Board," said Cronaxx. "It's making sure we play by the rules."
"Don't worry everyone," said Marcy. "I'll just play well enough so none of you gets hurt. It'll be like hard mode!" "You wouldn't be saying that if you were the pawn," said Sprig to himself.
"Alright," said Darrel. "Standard tradition is that white moves first, right?" "That's right," replied Marcy. "Alright, make your move, Marcy," said Darrel. "And then, we play."
Marcy makes the first move, and in response the board moves her piece. "Now, let's see how they respond," said Marcy. The temple moves their first piece, destroying the pawn in the process, and scaring Sprig and Tint. But Marcy was most excited.
Throughout the rest of the trial, Marcy kept playing her moves and the temple responded with what to play next. The amphibians and Anne worked well together, but Darrel's piece was making it difficult for them. All the while, they tried to avoid each other, and make sure they didn't attack.
Near the end of the game, most of the pieces were destroyed, and the group was tired on the field. Marcy pai most of her attention to the board, and prepared to end the game. "Gotta admit," she said. "This temple's good. But not good enough." She places Cronaxx's piece in front of the wart, and Cronaxx prepares to fire his blast. "Gotcha! We win!" cheered Marcy.
But, as Cronaxx fired, the wart dodged the blast, surprising the group. "What!?" "Guys! This thing cheats!" Marcy cried.
Now it was the temple's turn. He takes Darrel's piece and charges at Anne. "ANNE! LOOK OUT!" Anne dodged his swing, but Darrel hit her heron's head. The group was worried about the humans. "Anne!" Sprig cried. "Marcy! Do something!" Tint cried.
"Alright, so what if it cheats?!" Marcy exclaimed. "Still not enough to beat me." She takes Anne's piece and moves away from Darrel's piece. Only for Darrel's piece to keep advancing on Anne's piece.
"This isn't working," said Cronaxx. "I still have more pieces," said Marcy. "If I can just attack from a different angle I should be fine." "Marcy! Sometimes, the way to win is to clear the board completely," said Cronaxx.
Darrel overhears his words, then looks to his heart. He took a deep breath and said, "He's right Marcy," said Darrel. "When it's your turn, use Anne to attack me." "What?!" Anne cried. "Darrel, no!"
Darrel smiled, "It's okay, Anne. We need to get back home, one way or another." Anne started to cry, "But, I can't do that to you. I love you!" Her statement got everyone's attention. Including Marcy's.
"I love you so much, I just can't hurt you. You clearly have no reason for any of us to hurt you. You are the nicest person I've ever met. That anyone's ever met. I know we're trying to get back home. But I want us to go back in one piece. You say there's no other choice, but that's not true. You do have a choice. Besides, there's no one else in this world like you, Darrel Loyalitat."
Darrel smiled and produced a few tears from her heartfelt speech. He nods, "I love you too, Anne Boonchuy. I'd hug you, but, magical restraints." Marcy watched them from above, seeing them in a tough situation made her realize she's making a terrible mistake. She's pinning them against each other, and for what? To charge a stone?
"What am I doing?" she asked herself. "Then again, sometimes the way to end a game is to stop completely," said Cronaxx.
Then, Darrel's hands start moving on their own, and Marcy hasn't made her move yet. "The temple's impatient for moves!" he cried. "Look out Anne!" Tint cried.
"What? No!" Marcy cried. "Darrel! Anne! Who cares about this stupid game? I forfeit!" She knocks over her wart, symbolizing her ending the game. However, the game was still intact. "It's not working! Maybe I have to flip the big wart too." "If you think it'll work! Do it!" cried Darrel.
Marcy makes her way onto the board, but the game defends Marcy's actions and attacks her. Sprig and Tint block her archers' attacks with their shields. Marcy then takes Sprig and Tint and throws them at her wart, flipping it upside down.
Her wart explodes and the pieces reduce to dust. The spell breaks from the amphibians and Anne and Darrel, and the two hug with joy. "I'm glad you're okay Anne," he said. "Me too," she said.
"Marcy!" Tint cried. The group head over to see Marcy slump in defeat. "Why did you throw the game?" Hop pop asked. "Because it wasn't worth seeing any of you get hurt," replied Marcy. "I got so caught up in proving I was smart enough to win, I couldn't see what I was about to lose. What Anne or Darrel were about to lose."
"Marcy, you're already smart," said Darrel. "You're as smart as the average wizard," said Tint. "In your defense the game was a cheat," said Sprig. "You may be obsessive, but you are smart," said Polly.
Marcy smiled, "Thanks Sprig, Tint, Polly." Then, the temple glowed arrows, showing them the way out. The group follows the arrows out, but Marcy still feels defeated.
"Guess we won't be charging the stone today, huh?" Anne asked. "No," replied Marcy. "And since I lost, I'm not allowed back in the temple." "It'll be okay, Marcy," said Darrel. "I'm sure there's another way."
"Hey guys!" Tint cried. "The arrows are still guiding us. Look." And Tint was right, the arrows inside the temple are leading them somewhere outside the temple grounds. The group follows the arrows leading them back to the outhouse.
"Wait a second," said Marcy. "Cronaxx, what was it you said about wizards?" "That we see what others do not?" Cronaxx asked. "Exactly," said Marcy. She opens the door to reveal a green lit room. The group gasps in amazement. "Wait, it can't be," siad Marcy.
"But it is," said Darrel. "This is where we charge the stone!" "But we failed," said Hop pop. "Not quite," said Cronaxx. The hole in the ground opens up a column then the last of the ancient ruins. He looks at the writing on the wall and reads the inscription.
"Only the worthy will have the wisdom to choose whether it's more important to win, or have the humility to lose. A choice was made to save thy friends and, honestly, doesn't that make you a winner in the end?"
"That last bit was oddly casual," said Anne. "It all makes sense now," said Darrel. "That temple wasn't testing Marcy's intelligence, but her humility. To have strong humility, you must know when it's okay to accept a loss, just as well as a victory. Pride leads to disgrace, whereas humility comes wisdom." The group was amazed by Darrel's quote, but pushed it aside to charge the stone.
Marcy takes the stone onto the column and the gem starts glowing bright. Marcy's eyes glow green for a bit, but then drain its color just as the stone flashes. Once the flash died down, the gem was green again.
"We did it!" Tint cheered. The group celebrated for a bit until the stone beamed a bright light out of the room and into the wilderness. "I guess we have a location to the second temple," said Cronaxx. "That's convenient," said Hop pop.
"I should be able to triangulate its location with a bit of work," said Marcy. "This just keeps getting better!" "Alright!" Anne cheered, "One down, two to go!"
Just as the group leaves, Hop pop unintentionally steps on Darrel's shoelace. Causing Darrel to trip suddenly into Anne's face. The two unintentionally kiss, causing Polly to gag. "Sorry, Darrel," said Hop pop. "It's okay, Hop pop," said Darrel, smiling at Anne. "Everything's okay."
The group leaves the temple and depart for Wartwood. "It would be nice to go to the next temple," said Cronaxx. "However, after what we've experienced, I think it's best if we take a break. Wouldn't you agree?" Marcy nodded, "Fair enough."
Back at Wartwood, it was dark and the group was ready to go to sleep. But for Darrel, he just couldn't sleep. A sharp pain fell through his head like a spear in his brain. He clenches his head and his eyes glow bright. 'What's happening to me?'
He hears a voice that's oddly familiar, 'The prophecy is being undone as we speak, my lord. Soon we will have our revenge.' Then, he closes his eyes and sees a vision of multiple eyes staring down on him.
He suddenly wakes up feeling jumpy, and scared. 'What was that-that monster?' he thought. 'And wasn't that King Andrias' voice? Something big is going on, and like it or not, we're in the midst of it.'