Chapter 67 - Success is a Double Edged Sword
Set possibly a month before the events, Sasha, Anne, Darrel, and Marcy were watching War of the Warlocks together. It was late and they wore their night gear. Sasha was looking at her phone, uninterested. Anne was eating popcorn, unaware of what's going on. And Darrel watched with excitement, even mouthing the words from his favorite movie.
"Your puny resistance stands no chance against my undead horde!" said the Lich King. Darrel grinned with how the movie was going. "I know what you're thinking," said Marcy, wearing a blanket cape. "The resistance stands no chance against the Lich King's undead horde." "Of course," said Darrel. "He just said that." "Totally," said Anne, glancing awkwardly away.
"But little do they know," said Marcy. "The whole battle is just a distraction so that our heroes can sneak into the castle and destroy the Crystal Crown of Tantamore." Darrel chuckled and shook his head, 'Typical Mar Mar,' he thought. "Whoa," said Sasha. "Spoiler alert!"
"Sorry, sorry," said Marcy. "It's such a good movie. And I get carried away." "Mar Mar I'm joking," said Sasha. "I don't actually care." Darrel frowned at the statement, feeling like that hurt Marcy. So he had to cheer her up quickly. "It's okay Marcy," he said. "I've seen this movie a dozen times myself. It's my favorite too."
"Whew," sighed Marcy. "At least I didn't ruin the second twist where it turns out-" To avoid any more spoiler alerts, Darrel throws Sasha's pillow in Marcy's face. "But I know when not to spoil it any more!"
"Pillow fight!" cried Sasha and Anne. "Uh oh!" said Darrel. The three girls take turns throwing and whacking at each other while Darrel just jumps and dodges. In the end, the four friends fall to the floor laughing.
Marcy looks up to see the movie is still going. "Ooh, guys. Here comes my favorite part! Guys?" Marcy turns around to see Sasha and Anne falling asleep. Darrel rolled his eyes, "Of course." "You guys fell asleep, again," said Marcy, giving her cape blanket to her friends.
Darrel places his hand on Marcy's shoulder. "It's okay," he said. "You sure?" she asked. "It seemed like they're not interested in anything I like." "Then they don't know what they're missing," said Darrel. "Not everyone can like what you like, but that shouldn't stop you from expressing yourself. But the fact that they allow you to express yourself, makes me believe that they are good friends. Besides, this is my favorite part too." The two sit down and finish the movie together. "You really mean that Darrel?" Marcy asked. Darrel simply replied, "Dungeon buddies for life."
Marcy gives Darrel a quick hug, but then retreats back. "Sorry, I know you and Sasha are together, but I couldn't-" "We were dungeon buddies before I got with Sasha," said Darrel. "Nothing will ever change that." Marcy smiled, "You really are the best friend we could have." The two get back to their movie and they say, "You'll never defeat us Lich King, not when we have the power of friendship!"
-Flashback Ends
Back in the present, the Resistance is in the town square ready to go over their master plan. For they knew that once they show themselves, there's no going back underground. Sasha, Anne, and Darrel stand in front of the Wartwood statue going over their plan.
"Alright!" Anne announced. "Is everyone clear on the plan? Tritonio, Beatrix, Nightoum, and Croaker will lead a direct assault on the castle." "With the King's attention drawn," said Sasha. "Anne, Darrel, and I will infiltrate the castle, rescue Marcy, and steal the source of Andrias' power: The music box."
"Suit up and move out people!" Darrel announced. "Today, we give evil a big Fat WEDGIE!" The amphibians cheer on their leaders. "I wrote that line," Polly chuckled. "Oh really," said Hop pop. "Couldn't tell."
All the amphibians armor up, equip themselves, and prepare to march up to the castle of Newtopia. Anne, Darrel, Sasha, Grime, Tint, and the Plantars were in the stables getting ready to fly. "Andrias isn't going to know what hit him!" Sprig cried. "Anyone need to use the bathroom before this make or break mission?" Anne asked.
Sasha goes over to Grime, "Grimsey, I need a moment with Anne and Darrel. Can you ride with the Plantars?" "That's fine," said Grime. "Can I have your phone?" Sasha gives Grime her phone. "Sure, wait, why?" "Oh, I just put a playlist together of rad tunes to get me amped for the battle!" Sasha was so happy, "I'm so proud of you!"
(Ready As I'll Ever Be - Disney's Tangled Series)
(As the armies hike to the castle, Andrias was going over the monitors of recent sights of Planet Earth)
Any moment now, My Lord!
Believe me I know, I've sunk pretty low
But whatever I've done, you deserved
(Darcy: I'm pleased)
I'm the bad guy, that's fine
It's no fault of mine and some justice at last will be served
(Darcy: More like Vengeance!)
Now it's time to step up or it's time to back down
And there's only one answer for me
And I'll stand up and fight 'cause I know that I'm right
And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready
Ready as I'll ever be
(Back at the Four Armies, Sasha was riding on Domino 2 with Anne, Darrel was riding with Clipper, and their Amphibian friends were riding on Joe Sparrow)
Now it's time to rise up or it's time to stand down
And the answer is easy to see
And I swear by the sword if you're in, get on board
Are you ready?
I'm ready
(Grime and The Armies)
We're ready (we're ready)
Ready as I'll ever be
(Darrel looks over to his two best friends and imagines Marcy with them. He looks glum, knowing what they're going to face, but he flies beside them with a brave look.)
Are you quite sure we can do this?
Together we will guarantee
I'll make them hear me (now it's time to redeem or it's time to resolve)
Prove they can trust me (and the outcome will hardly come free)
I'll save my home and family
Now the line's in the sand and our moment's at hand
And I'm ready
I'm ready
(Darrel and Anne)
We're ready
Ready as I'll ever be
(Andrias and Darcy look at the monitors, and Darcy grins with excitement for a brief second.)
Back at the marching armies, Sasha, Anne, and Darrel were flying above. Sasha needed to get something off her chest. "Guys, we need to talk about Marcy." "You're thinking about her too huh?" Anne asked. "Is this about what happens next if we succeed in this plan?" Darrel asked. "Yes," replied Sasha.
"She got us stuck here on purpose guys. I know she was freaking out about moving, but it's still super messed up." "Perhaps," said Darrel. "But we're all partially to blame. If Marcy hadn't told us about the box, if you didn't convince Anne to steal it, or if I just spoke up, none of this would've happened."
"Darrel's right," said Anne. "We've all made mistakes." "Exsqueeze me?" Sasha asked. "Do you guys remember how she used to make us watch her favorite movie, War of the Warlocks?" "Oh yeah," said Darrel. "You two immediately fall asleep before the ending." "It was a three hour movie," defended Sasha. "Well, it wasn't just the movie," said Darrel. "It was all her interests. Her dice games, her books, her fantasies, everything. I liked some of her interests, but not all of them."
"And in ignoring her interests," said Anne. "We might have ignored her needs too." "But what about Darrel's mom?" Sasha asked. "Didn't you see how upset he was when she brought him here?" "That was before Tint healed her," said Darrel. "If it weren't for Marcy, my mom wouldn't be sick like she was." Sasha was shocked, "Wait, your mom got better?" she asked. "How?" Darrel just waved his hand showing a magical aura. "Of course," replied Sasha.
The three friends sighed, "All I'm saying is, even if we save Marcy. Can we really save this friendship?" "I don't know, but we have to try," said Anne. "And before we go any further," said Sasha. "Darrel, there's just one more thing that's been bugging me."
"What is it?" Darrel asked. "You said the next time we see Marcy, it won't be her. What did you mean by that? Do you know what happened to her?" Darrel looked with guilt, knowing that his response will scare them, maybe shock them. But Sasha stood firm, "Look, I don't care if you think that this will upset us or scar us. Just, no more secrets, no more dramatic reveals. Just tell us, please."
Darrel sighed the biggest sigh he's ever made, "Are you sure you want to know? Both of you?" Anne nodded exaggeratedly, "With everything at stake, and everything that's about to happen, I think it'd be good for all of us to be prepared for what's coming. No matter how much it'll suck to hear it. So, yeah, we're sure."
Darrel knew this was his second chance, no more secrets, no more dramatic reveals, except for this one. He's been afraid to receive whatever reaction he was going to get. But they assured him they'll understand as long as he tells them now.
"Marcy is not herself right now. Back on Earth, in one of my visions, Andrias took Marcy in the basement. And down there, I saw the Core. It had Marcy strapped down to a chair, and Andrias explained that the Core choses not just anyone. But the best, the smartest, and the only one who could beat Andrias at Flipwart. And since Cronaxx's body disappeared, the Core chose Marcy to be their host. Now, she's under their control and they go by the name Darcy."
Anne and Sasha were shocked, taking in all that Darrel had said. "I don't believe this," said Anne. I knew what you said before that the Core was bad. But I didn't think it would be this bad. Poor Marcy…" "Okay," said Sasha. "I still don't like what she did by getting us stuck here. But I won't stand the fact that she's being used as a puppet against her will. We have to save her."
"Darrel," said Anne. "Is there any way we can save her without having to hurt her?" "Maybe," said Darrel. "Darcy did explain to Andrias that Marcy is locked somewhere in her mind. I could see what they were discussing through the Core's eyes. They may have used her memories as a way to keep her locked away. So if we get inside, we may have a chance to get her back."
Before Darrel could explain any further, the four armies came up to the borders of Newtopia. Battalions of robots were manufactured and ready for the invasion. Andrias was still looking at his monitors. Then a server bot comes up to offer him cider for the invasion.
"The preparations for the Earth invasion are complete you majesty," said the server bot. "Would you care for some sparkling cider before we begin?" Andrias was happy with the gesture, "Ooh, don't mind if I do."
Then, he hears a war horn from beyond the city limits. He sees the resistance coming from his window. "What have we here?" he said. "It looks like the worms have decided to make a final stand." Andrias grinned, knowing that the resistance would just be delaying the upcoming invasion.
The armies of Frogs, Newts, Toads, and Salamanders get ready to make their first move. The robots get into defensive positions, equipping themselves with their weapons. The faction leaders stood at the front lines, drawing their weapons. They all knew, it was now or never.
"People of Amphibia!" Croaker called out. "Are we gonna sit here and let the past steal our future?!" "NO!" cried the armies. "Well then, CHARGE!" All the frogs, Newts, Toads, Salamanders, Kill-a-moths, Dragonflies, and Olms ran down the slopes to do battle with the robot army. The robots at the front lines didn't get a chance to attack, and the armies did battle.
Andrias looked down, feeling a bit upset. He underestimated their spirit. "That's actually a pretty big army," he said. "Guess I better get down there." He takes the time to finish his cider before going into battle. "Ohh that's good," he said. "What is that? Raspberry?"
As the fight goes on, Sasha, Anne, and Darrel land on a spot next to the castle. The three get ready to infiltrate and take back the box. They hear music coming their way, and they see the Plantars, Grime, and Tint land with Joe Sparrow.
Sasha shushes them, "Shh! Stealth mission! Hello?" Grime turns off the phone immediately, "Right, sorry." "Okay," said Anne. "We get in, get the music box, and save Marcy, got it?" "Got it," said everyone.
Darrel turns to Clipper, Joe, and Domino 2. "If you three want to leave right now, I understand," he said. "This may be a one way trip." Darrel turns to the group and enters the castle. Joe, Domino 2, and Clipper just sit there, showing their answer.
Inside the castle halls, robots were patrolling the area. But the group were quiet enough to sneak past them. Along the way, Sasha starts to talk with Anne and Darrel again. "Okay, so let's say you're right, and we've been taking Marcy for granted. That doesn't change what she's done."
"It's not about what she did," said Anne. "It's about why she did it." "So I'm just supposed to forgive her?" Sasha asked. "Like it's easy?!" Darrel walks up slowly, wanting to speak his mind. "It isn't easy," he said.
"Sasha, after Marcy became Darcy, I was cut off from my magical abilities. At that time, all I could think about was Marcy, and how much we hurt each other. I was angry at her, but I was also angry at myself for allowing this to happen to her. And I couldn't forgive myself. I was a wreck, because I had all this guilt. And I tried pushing it down, but there was no hiding from myself. And all I wanted to do was sulk." Sasha was surprised at Darrel's past predicament.
"But thanks to Tint, I came to terms that I was justly angry at her, and that she needed my friendship. And soon, I overcame my negativity by learning to forgive myself. And I was rewarded with regaining my magical abilities." "What does all this mean?" Sasha asked.
"Forgiving yourself can be as challenging as forgiving others," said Darrel. "It's hard, and it takes time." "Believe me," said Anne as she approached Darrel's side, and looked at Hop pop giving them a thumbs up. "It's worth it. I mean just look at what the three of us have now." "We have you, our old friend, standing up with us to do the right thing instead of being selfish and using us," said Darrel.
Sasha was brought to tears with what they said. "Of course you both are right," she said. "You two are made for each other after all. Now let's save that loveable little nerd so we can make things right with her." "That's what we're talking about," said Anne. "Come on, the throne room is just up ahead." The three catch up to their amphibian friends and make their way to the throne room.
They open the doors to the corridor leading to the throne room and continue their progress. However, they get sidetracked when a couple of familiar faces jump down from above their heads. It was Lady Olivia and General Yunan, under the control of the collars. "Going…" "Somewhere?"
"Lady Olivia! Yunan! It's us!" Sprig cried. "You're wasting your breath boy," said Hop pop. "He's right," said Tint. "They're under mind control." The two newts position themselves for an attack and leap at Hop pop.
Hop pop screams, but Grime pushed him out of the way in the last second and blocked Yunan's blade. But Olivia jumped in and side swiped his legs, knocking him down. Sasha jumps in, saving Grime at the last second.
Back at the fight outside, the amphibians rallied against the robot army. They cooperated by using their special skills to make their attacks better. The Olms pop out of the ground and take care of the bigger targets. Even the Moss man that Wally thought he saw, appeared to help him. "I told you he was real!" he cried.
Then, the armies get an even bigger surprise. Their tyrant king, Andrias jumps down to fight the resistance. He takes out his plasma sword, makes his entrance, and glances down at the armies. "Well don't stop on my account." "This is it!" Croaker shouted. "Charge!" The four armies give all they have to stand against the evil king.
Back in the castle, the group was not having any luck fighting against Olivia and Yunan. "They're too in sync," said Polly. "We can't land a hit." "They're not the only ones who are in sync," said Anne. "Sasha, remember that super dance fusion routine we always used to do?" Sasha smiled, "How could I forget?" "And how could I?" Darrel asked. "Considering I was your cameraman."
"Hit it Grime," said Sasha, snapping her fingers. Grime takes a moment to find their song on her phone, until he finds it. The song starts pumping, giving Sasha and Anne time to get in sync with the music.
As Olivia and Yunan attack them again, The two humans taunt them then attack as well. And their dance routine works well with their fight. They jumped, dodged, and landed blows the same way Olivia and Yunan would do as they worked as one. They give the newts a push back, causing them to skid. They interlock their hands and dodge them again. Then, with a synchronized spin, they get enough force to land a double kick on the newts' collars. They finish the fight with a dance pose and Olivia and Yunan's collars break off.
"Well done ladies," said Darrel. Olivia and Yunan snap free from their mind control. "Wha-what happened?" Olivia asked. "Where are we?" said Yunan. "Long story," said Tint. "No time to explain."
"He's right," said Anne. "We're here for the music box." "And Marcy," said Sasha. The three humans race to the door, but the two newts stop them. "No wait," "Marcy has changed. She's no longer the girl you knew."
Darrel turns to Olivia and Yunan. "We know," he said. "I saw what happened to her." "How did you know?" Olivia asked. "Magic," replied Tint. "Anything's possible." "Besides," said Darrel. "We're not the same people we were either." He turns back to the door and takes a deep breath. "I'm ready to face them."
The three humans open the door and see the music box in plain sight. The rest of the room was pitch dark. But that didn't matter to them, just their mission. "Something's not right," said Darrel. "I don't see Marcy," said Anne. "First thing's first," said Sasha. "Get the box."
They walk over to the box, just inches away from taking it away from Andiras. "I can't believe it," said Anne. "It's over. We've won." Darrel takes a glance around the room for a brief moment to try and process the situation. Then, he recalls what he said back in the air with Sasha and Anne. 'They may have used her memories to keep her locked away.' His statement echoed in his mind over and over. Until he realized something very bad.
"Wait! Stop!" he cried. "It's a Trap!" At the last second, Anne touches the music box, only to realize that it was a hologram. "What!?" The entire room goes dark, then glowing eyes start appearing on the walls. Those eyes shot tentacles across the room and grabbed Sasha, Anne and Darrel. Darrel drops his staff in the process. The rest of the group get tangled up as well.
More glowing eyes filled up the room, until there was a small patch of darkness facing the group. Darrel at that point knew that this would be their dramatic entrance. "Darcy," he growled. One giant eye glowed in front of them, revealing the monster controlling their friend, carrying the calamity box. "Hello humans," they said.
"Nice of you to fall for our trap." "What is she wearing?" Anne asked. "Not she," said Darrel. "They." "Indeed," said Darcy. "We are a collection of Amphibia's-" "Amphibia's greatest minds, uploaded into one unified conscious," finished Darrel. "I already gave them that piece of information."
Darcy chuckled, "Hahahaha. Of course, leave it up to the nosy so-called wizard to ruin everything," "You're one to talk," said Darrel. "You nosed your way into Marcy's memories, knowing that this was exactly like War of the Warlocks." Darcy just chuckled even more, "Very cute."
"Give us our friend!" Sasha demanded. "Or I'll rip that helmet off and take her back!" Darcy just smirked, "Your friend? Don't be silly. You're not friends, not anymore. And examining Marcy's memories, it's doubtful you ever were."
Darcy then glances at Darrel, "But for the wizard's case, hehe. We examined them and she thought it could be more than that. It was hilarious for us to see. All the same interests, all the time you four spent together. She had more fun with him than the rest of you. She really liked him for that."
The three humans were in shock, especially Darrel. "Marcy crushed on me?" he asked. "Darrel, don't listen to this thing!" Anne exclaimed. "Ahh, the famous Anne," said Darcy. "Dumber than a bag of rocks, and yet somehow, this rebellion's last hope."
Darcy looks down and picks up Darrel's staff. "At last! The most powerful relic in the world." "You can't take that!" Darrel shouted. "And why not?" Darcy asked. "Wouldn't you like to know that out of all the minds we've collected, one of them happens to be the one who made this staff? Elim the Eternal?"
Darrel was shocked. "Of course, they refused," said Darcy. "And ran off. But in the end, we found them and made them a part of our consciousness. And now with the power of this staff, his soul is now complete. Ultimate power is ours!" Darrel shook his head, 'They're entirely clueless. that's not how magic works,' he thought.
"Oh, now I just remembered," said Darcy. They take the group to the balcony of the castle and look down at the resistance. "Frogs, Toads, Newts, and Salamanders of the Resistance," announced Darcy. "Your leaders have been captured! Your rebellion is over!"
"FALL BACK!" Darrel shouted. And the resistance does so. "There's nothing else we can do," said Tritonio. Andrias looks down at the retreating army, and grins, "Later Losers! I'd say you put up a good fight, but I'm not that good of an actor."
Andrias takes a giant leap back to the castle and lands on the balcony. Darcy and Andrias continue their plan to invade Earth. "Everything is ready my Lord," said Andrias. "The rebellion is in shambles and Earth is ripe for the taking."
"And all that's left is for us to do what you could not," said Darcy. "Kill Anne and Darrel." The group was shocked at what they were going to do. "It's been risky enough using the box until now. We don't know what will happen as long as they hold a piece of their power."
"I don't believe it," said Anne. "They're as clueless about the stone as we are." "It must be the magic within," said Darrel. "Of all the smartest minds in Amphibia, they fail to understand that one single subject."
Darcy throws Anne and Darrel to the floor. Then restrains them to avoid running away. "Let's make this quick," said Darcy. Holding a plasma dagger, they raise it up, preparing to slay the two humans. On the brink of death, Darrel had one more card to play.
"Wait! Hold on!" he cried. "Amusing," said Darcy. "You two wish to beg?" "I implore you to ask yourself something," said Darrel. "If you kill us, will the power of the stones return to the box?" "What if killing us extinguishes the power of the box all together?" Anne asked. "Ask yourself before you can kiss your invasion plans goodbye," said Darrel.
"Don't be ridiculous," said Andrias. "You think the Core haven't considered-?" "SHUT UP ANDRIAS!" Shouted Darcy. They shut their eyes, along with the others across the throne room. Darrel grinned for a second, knowing that his card was playing well.
"Well?" Darrel asked. Darcy opened up their eyes and said, "Unprecedented, we can not reach a consensus. Therefore, we must confirm the energy can be safely extracted before killing them." "That's what I thought," said Darrel.
"Did we seriously just outsmart you?" Anne asked. "You only bought enough time to watch your planet fall," replied Darcy. "We will look forward to dissecting you two, alive." They turn to their guards, "Guards! Have the rest of them fitted for collars immediately! Andrias, portal, now. It's time." Andrias does what he's told.
As Andrias opens up the portal, a robot guard takes the amphibians, and Sasha away for collars. The group gasps at their plan falling into place. The castle starts glowing bright lights of blue, red, green, and purple. Then, their device activates and opens the portal to Earth. The resistance below gasps in horror, and the robots all regroup at the castle, leaving the amphibians behind.
Back in Los Angeles, the citizens were going about their businesses. Until they start to feel the ground shake. At first they believed it was an earthquake, considering the fact they happen often in California. "Duck and Cover! It's a Big One!"
But the next thing they know, they see a bright light appear in the sky, then Andrias' castle comes out from the other side. Robots and factories follow behind, making the crowd scatter in fear. This was it, Andrias and Darcy have reached one of the first steps to world conquest, arriving on Earth.
Darrel watched in horror, breathing heavily at the outcome. They've passed the point of no return. "What have we done…?"
To Be Continued…
And with the last two episodes coming up, I've decided that the next chapter of my Amphibia story, will be my last. And throughout the third season of my story, I've created a secret message along the way. That message will be the the title of my last chapter. I've worked on the message like Dana Terrace did with the Owl House. So pay attention to the chapter titles and figure out what the last chapter is going to say.