Oligos Lake (1)

"Oh, sorry. I don't know if Father is still busy…."

Hadrian, Ichabod, and Calore immediately turned to Desmond. The boy was about to leave when Ichabod quickly intervened.

"No, no. Young Master," Ichabod called quickly. "At a time, you are more important than me and Sir Calore."

"Does Young Master wish to speak to His Grace?" said Calore.

Hadrian and Desmond's eyes met. The boy looked doubtful and embarrassed.

"N-nothing important," said Desmond quietly. "You may continue your conversation. You must be working, right? I'm sorry I suddenly came in."

"It's okay, Desmond." Hadrian stood up and took Desmond in his arms. "Sir Calore, please tidy up the paperwork."

Desmond looked at Hadrian in astonishment. "Where are we going?"

"To your room."

As soon as he brought him to the Melchoir restate, Hadrian immediately thought Desmond should get a room with the best lighting. Desmond finally got a room on the second floor with a light vent to keep it bright all day. Hadrian also confirmed that Desmond's room was close to any access.

Well, actually, Desmond's room now is the room of Hadrian's late brother.

"It really doesn't matter," said Desmond sheepishly. "I… I just wanted to ask if I… can see Lake Oligos or not…."

"Lake Oligos…" Hadrian repeated absently.

Lake Oligos is between the Melchoir and Whitley estates. In the past, the two madams of the residence used to have picnics there to drink tea, eat dessert, or just talk. They could see the lake if they climbed to the highest tower in their respective estates.

Should Hadrian take Desmond to the tower? Or would it be better if Desmond saw Lake Oligos in person? However, Lake Oligos was an important place for both families and now Desmond is part of both families.

"If Father doesn't like that idea, there's no need to go there either," Desmond said quickly. "I'm just curious because I heard a little story from Prince Axelle."

Hadrian smiled gently at Desmond. "In the past, Lake Oligos was where the Melchoir and Whitley families met. My late mother and Lady Talisa often talked there," he recalled slowly. "And I... I quite often drop or pick up Mother there."

"Oh, you mean you often go there?" asked Desmond. "What's it like there?"

Behind the scary story, Lake Oligos is a beautiful lake. The surface is serene, only shaking when the wind blows. The water is so clear you can see a mirror over it. Then that surroundings… Even though Lake Oligos was famous for being lifeless, but the surroundings were filled with beautiful flowers and green and soft grass. One tree used for shelter is also very shady and sturdy.

"Sounds like somewhere out of a painting," Desmond commented.

"Let's work out a schedule to go there with your mother," Hadrian said. "Rheannon… she would love to see Lake Oligos."

"Really? Shall we go together?"

"Yes. Since it's nearby, I don't think there's much to worry about."

Desmond looks happy to hear that. "I'm really looking forward to it!"


"Picnic to Lake Oligos?"

"Yes." Hadrian put down the comb he had just used to comb Rheannon's hair. He looked at his wife through the mirror then. "Desmond heard it from Prince Axelle, and he seems impressed with the lake story."

Rheannon gave a long oh. "I think it's okay. The lake is not dangerous as long as we don't jump into it," he said.

"No madman throws himself into any lake, Rheannon," Hadrian said.

Rheannon chuckled. "You are right." She stood up, facing Hadrian. "At a picnic like this, it feels like we're just a real family."

"We are family, right?" Hadrian said breathlessly. "Do you still think that I will kill you?"

Rheannon shrugged her shoulders and climbed into bed first. "But we had to get married because of that, right? You can just divorce me after all this is over."

Hadrian let out a deep breath, then joined Rheannon on the bed. "If we get divorced, you'll be the first to file for it. I never thought about divorce until before this," he said honestly.

"You are fine with being stuck with me for life?"

"I don't feel trapped, Rheannon."

"So we're going to be playing house like this forever? With Desmond as your son and one day inheriting your name and the two of us like this forever? You have no thoughts of marrying the woman you love and starting your own family?"

Hadrian suddenly became wary. "You're not intending to take Desmond as Whitley's heir, right?"

"What?" Rheannon laughed at that. "No, no."

"Then don't talk about it anymore.I don't have any women I love or even have thoughts of divorce," Hadrian said. "Living like this isn't bad either."

"You don't want to have children of your own?"

Hadrian looked at Rheannon in shock. Why was his wife suddenly talking about something like this?

He's not inviting me, is he? thought Hadrian.

The crooked smile on Rheannon's lips made Hadrian realize that his wife was just making fun of him as usual.

"That way of you having fun is absolutely terrible," Hadrian commented, slightly irritated then. Sure enough, Rheannon laughed again at that. "Don't joke around on something as serious as this, Rheannon. It's not funny at all."

"Okay, sorry, sorry," Rheannon said. "It's just that I… well, kinda feel sorry for you. I'm not the type of person who is easy to love, but you want to really love your family."

"As long as everything goes well, I don't need something like love."

For just a moment, Rheannon looked taken aback. "It seems… I've been looking at you carelessly. Okay. Then, please cooperate until one of us dies."

Ah yes. Of course, marriage is a lifetime contract.

So even though Hadrian had now seen a bright spot… Forever, he would be with Rheannon.

We form a strange family composition, Hadrian thought before sleeping.