7. Friends?

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Rey gets an opportunity to test the limits of the Force bond.

Rey walks down a long hallway, guiding a hoverstretcher covered with odds and ends.

Stacks of supplies line the hall, a lot less than there were a week ago, but there's still a lot to get through. So much to unpack, so much to put away…

She's on Omega 9. It's not the planet's true name, but she's taken to calling it that, even in her head. It's just a codename. The Resistance refers to all of its bases in code. Once they get this place in shape, it'll to be their primary medical bay.

Since Crait, the Resistance's activities have pretty much been limited to scavenging, establishing new bases, and recruiting. The last one is the most difficult because it tends to draw the First Order's attention, and after the Denash debacle, the General ordered Rey off recruiting duty for a month.

Truth be told, she was happy for the break. She's enjoyed setting up these new bases, getting to know people, spending time with her friends. When Rose asked her to help out here, she jumped at the chance.

But they were only here a couple of days before Poe dropped in with an emergency, a recruiter nearby who needed some back up. One of them had to stay, and since the General ordered her to lay low, she was the natural choice.

That was five days ago. She'd been worried sick until she finally heard from them yesterday. They're all safe, but they can't make it back immediately. Poe said it would be another two days at least.

No matter. She has BB-8 for company. Two more days alone isn't so bad.

And she has things to keep her busy— unpacking, organizing, repairing, learning. This place is full of medical equipment, and she's taken the opportunity to educate herself as best she can. With Resistance numbers as low as they are, every member needs to be a jack-of-all-trades.

But she'll be happy when the others get back. She misses the sound of people's voices…

It's not like she's a stranger to long stretches without conversation. She could go for weeks on Jakku without that. But at least there was the daily ritual of bringing her finds to Niima outpost, cleaning them off next to other scavengers, overhearing conversations while standing in line to see Unkar Plutt. She's not used to going so long without hearing so much as a peep from another lifeform.

No offense to BB-8. That plucky little droid has more personality than most peopleshe knows.

As if on cue, she sees the droid roll out from a door just ahead, moving in her direction. It beeps a question as it approaches.

"I'm heading down to unit 3 for another pass at that droid." Rey gestures to the parts on the hoverstretcher.

BB-8 chirps matter-of-factly.

"Well, thanks for that vote of confidence." Rey shoots the droid a look. "You know, I might have more luck if I had help from, say… another droid."

BB-8 whines as it passes.

"Fine," Rey calls back. "Take your time. But come to unit 3 when you're done, ok?"

The droid beeps once, rolling away.

She guides the stretcher forward, slowing as she nears the unit 3 entrance. She angles the stretcher, moving it through the doorway.

She enters a long, rectangular room— a white table in the center, upper and lower compartments lining the walls. The countertops are a mess— supplies and medical equipment strewn everywhere. At the back, there's a couple of auto-meds along with several hoverstretchers in stacks.

Rey guides the stretcher to a med droid in front of the compartments to the left. She stops, changing a setting, then brings the stretcher down to the floor. She settles beside it, crossing her legs.

She sighs, examining the droid.

BB-8's right. This droid's a disaster. She's been working on it for days and getting nowhere.

But she's not giving up. It's just not her way. She's learned that with enough patience, she can figure anything out.


She purses her lips, scanning the droid. She tries to focus on it but she can't stop her mind from drifting, a pang of loneliness tugging at her heart.

She straightens, squaring her shoulders.

Stop being silly. Just two more days. It's nothing. Focus on your work and it'll pass before you know it.

She turns, reaching for a part on the stretcher.

Suddenly, she freezes. She keeps still, concentrating, her senses heightened…

She's starting to get better at this, knowing when the bond is about to bring them together. It used to take her a few seconds but now she recognizes the feeling almost as soon as it hits.

It starts in her core, then grows to her chest and out through her limbs. It seems to fill her up, the sound around her muting.

When it comes back, she can sense his presence in the room.

For a few seconds, she just sits still. Then, she scoots around on the floor.

He's standing on the other side of the table, arms crossed. She senses he's… feeling down in some way. Not entirely unlike herself.

"Hey," she says softly.

"Hey," he responds in kind.

They stare at each other.

Is it weird to think that this is starting to feel almost… routine?

It doesn't happen that often, every couple of weeks as best she can tell, but she's starting to get used to it. It's not welcome. It's not unwelcome. It just is what it is.

Rey uncrosses her legs, rising to her knees. She starts to stand but halts when she hears a sound in the hallway.

BB-8 rolls into the room.

Both of them snap to the droid.

It stops.

For a moment, everyone is frozen.

Then, BB-8 swings its head to Ben. Then to Rey. Then to Ben. Then to Rey. Ben, again. Rey, again. Finally, it lets out a series of beeps.

Rey gasps, flying to the droid, crouching just in front of it.

"You can see him?!" She sticks a thumb to Ben.

BB8 chirps a confirmation.

Rey glances at Ben, then to the droid.

"What is he?" She asks in eagerly.

BB-8 beeps once.

"A human male!" Rey shoots to her feet. "Do you know what this means?" She turns to Ben.

He knits his eyebrows.

"It means you are physically here in this room."

His lips twist wryly.

"I think that's pretty well established at this point, Rey."

"No." She rolls her eyes. "We've established that you can see my surroundings and touch things, not that you're here in the sense that a droid can read your vitals." Suddenly, Rey jerks back, an idea springing to mind.

They are completely alone in a base fullof medical equipment. When are they ever going to have this chance again?

Probably never.

"Would you…?" Rey tilts her head. "Perhaps be willing…?" She steps forward. "To let me run some tests on you?"

He narrows his eyes.

"What kinds of tests?"

"Oh…" She waves a hand. "Just standard medical procedures. Nothing complicated."

His studies her warily.

"Oh, come on!" She goads. "This is a one-time opportunity! No one else is here except for BB-8 and we're in a medical bay. Aren't you curious about the bond, about how it's been growing?" She widens her eyes. "This is the perfect time to test its limits, see exactly how physically here you really are."

He stares at her, unblinking.

"Come on." She bounces a little.

He sighs, shaking his head.


Rey smiles, jutting her chin up.

"Perfect." She turns, beginning to search the room, making a mental list. "Ok…" She lifts a hand. "Take off your coat and sit down." She points to a chair next to the table.

He starts removing his waistband as she walks over to the countertop, shifting through some equipment.

BB-8 rolls up behind her, beeping a question.

"Uh…" She glances up. "He is…" She starts confidently but goes no further.

BB-8 supplies an answer.

"No." Rey scoffs. "He's not my friend." She turns, walking to place a few things on the table.

Ben's sitting down, now wearing a long-sleeved undershirt, his coat draped over the chair.

BB-8 supplies another answer.

Rey whips to the compartments, her cheeks growing red.

"No," she hisses. "He's definitely not that." She shoots the droid a look before walking back to the counter.

BB8 chirps, confused.

"He's just…" She pushes out an exhale. "An acquaintance. A guest, alright. Does that satisfy you?"

BB8 pauses, then beeps once.

Rey rolls her eyes.

"Well, that answer will just have to do you for now." She snatches a piece of equipment and marches to the table.

Ben's sitting back in his chair, following her with his eyes.

"Ok." Rey puts her hands on her hips, scanning the table. "Ah!" She grabs a probe, then makes her way to Ben. "Roll up your sleeve," she commands, fiddling with the probe.

"Absolutely not."

She snaps up, startled.

"I'm not giving you a blood sample." He eyes the probe suspiciously.

Her shoulders drop.

"What do you think I'm going to do? Clone you?"

"No blood samples." He turns his head sharply. "No fluid samples of any kind. I'm not having my DNA lying around… wherever the hell this is."

Rey sighs.

"Fine." She sets down the probe. "We'll start with something simpler." She scans the table for a few seconds, then reaches for a medisensor. She turns to Ben, device in hand, flipping to the back, then the front.

Ah! There it is.

She presses the button, and the small screen comes to life.

"Alright, scoot back." She shoos him from the table, still focused on the sensor.

The chair scrapes against the floor.

She walks behind him, examining the sensor, trying to remember how it works.

"Actually…" She squints down at the device. "I think you need to stand up."

He pushes out an exhale.

But a second later he rises, crossing his arms.

She extends the sensor to the side of his body and starts scanning, beginning at the shoulder and sweeping to his feet. She comes back up and moves to the other side.

BB-8 watches nearby, bobbing back and forth. It beeps a question.

"I think it is…" She stops, examining the device. "Yes, it's working." His vitals begin appearing on the screen. "It's picking up everything, heartbeat, body temperature, blood pressure—" She stops. "Huh."

"What?" He looks down at her.

"Oh, nothing." She quickly turns, stepping to the table. "You can sit now." She sets down the medisensor, then starts rifling through the equipment. She picks up an auscultator, running a thumb over the edge of the device.

"Ok…" She turns to Ben. "This one needs to go over your heart, I think…" She purses her lips, trying to recall how it works. "Yes, that's right. Uncross your arms."

He does as she asks, and she extends the device to his chest.

Suddenly, BB8 interrupts, chirping.

"Oh, right." She glances at the droid. "Thanks." She looks to Ben.

"Take your shirt off," she says curtly.

He raises an eyebrow.

"Don't be weird about it." She puts a hand on her hip. "BB-8 says the sensor has to touch the skin."

He pauses a moment, then he does as she says, lifting his long-sleeved shirt overhead and casting it on the table.

Rey immediately looks down, fixing her eyes on the auscultator.

She should've skipped this one. But it's too late for that now.

She takes a breath, kneeling before him. She applies the auscultator directly over his left pectoral, trying to focus on the device, not his chest, not his abdominals, not his arms.

Don't blush. Don't blush. Do not blush. Do not blush, Rey. I'm not kidding. No blushing.

Despite her brain's commands, her cheeks begin to warm.

He's watching her. She can practically feel him smirking at her.

The moment the device beeps, she shoots up and whips around.

"Put your shirt back on," she commands urgently.

He takes his sweet time following her order.

BB-8 rolls up to her with confused beep.

"No need to scan other organs." She waves the droid away. "One's quite enough." She shifts through more equipment on the table.

"Well, your heart's in good shape." She turns to Ben with another device. "Now, pull up your sleeve."

He rolls his eyes but does as she asks. Despite all of his sighing and eye rolling, she can sense he's enjoying the attention.

She leans down to snap the circular device around his arm. It gradually tightens for about thirty seconds before releasing. She unsnaps the device and brings it up to read the results.

She tsks, shaking her head.


"Oh nothing." She places the device on the table.

"Rey…" He draws out the name.

"Well…" She purses her lips. "It's just that…" She tilts her head. "This is the second device that says your blood pressure is higher than average." She looks at him. "What's your diet like?"

He takes a breath.

"Nothing out of the ordinary." He shrugs.

"Have your stress levels increased at all lately?"

"Not really."

She narrows her eyes.

"What about your sleep? Has that been irregular?"

"No." He tightens his jaw. He's getting impatient…

"Do you ever have trouble controlling your temper?"

"No!" He practically barks.

Rey widens her eyes, and BB8 turns its head slowly to Ben.

He looks from side to side, a little sheepish.

"No," he says more calmly.

"O-K." Rey glances at BB8.

The droid lets out a knowing whistle.

Ben twitches, annoyed.

"When did this turn into a full-on medical exam?" He throws himself against his chair. "Haven't you found what you were looking for?"

"I suppose I have." She tilts her head in concession. "According to all of this equipment…" She gestures to the medical devices in front of her. "You are physically here in this room. I could perform surgery on you right now if I wanted to."

"Please don't." He raises his eyebrows.

She grunts, taking a seat at the head of the table.

Ben reaches for his coat and slips it back on. Rey rests an elbow on the table, propping her chin on her palm.

"Do you still have the coat I gave you last time?" He wraps his waistband around him.

"And your gloves." She nods absently. "So, it's confirmed we can exchange things through the bond."

He nods once in acknowledgement. The room grows quiet.

"You don't seem satisfied." He studies her.

"Well…" She sits back with a sigh. "We still don't have any answers about what's going on here, why the bond's evolving this way." She furrows her eyebrows.

They sit silently for a few minutes. Rey gazes across the room, and Ben stares at the floor, arms crossed. BB-8 stays next to Rey, bobbing back and forth.

"So, what is this?" Ben breaks the silence. "Where are you?" He gestures to the room. "Don't tell me." He leans in with a glint in his eye. "You've left the Resistance and are now are now the most ill-trained medical professional in the galaxy."

Rey rolls her eyes but can't stop her lips from turning up. She looks at him cheekily.

"None of your b—"

"Business." He nods, sitting back. "I know, I know." He flits his head in annoyance.

She looks away. Silence descends again.

"I've been alone here for five days," she says abruptly. She's not sure why…

"That explains a lot."

"What do you mean?" She looks at him.

He scoffs softly.

"You're not usually so happy to see me." He has the faintest hint of a smile. "You must be desperate for company." He squints teasingly.

BB-8 whines beside Rey.

"Sorry droid." Ben glances down.

Rey sits up, resting her forearms on the table. She doesn't bother denying this… She knows it's true. She bites her lip, thinking.

"So…" She draws out the word. "What's the longest you've ever been without any human contact at all?" She nods to him pointedly.

He instantly sits up, caught off guard but intrigued by the question. He looks to the ceiling, eyes flitting rapidly as he reviews a catalogue of memories. Suddenly he nods, uncrossing his arms.

"Thirty-six days."

"What!?" Rey gapes at him.

He shrugs, nonchalant.

"What possible reason could you have to be alone for thirty-six whole days?" She scoots her chair into the table. "Another one of Snoke's trials?"

"No." He turns his head sharply. "That was with the Jedi."

She sits up, surprised. She leans in, eager for an explanation.

"Practiced solitude was part of our training," he begins. "We started small. All of us would go into the mountains for three days. Then a week. Then two weeks. You get the idea." He waves a hand. "The point was to learn to be alone, embrace solitude. It's not a ridiculous concept." He smirks. "The Jedi philosophy isn't complete bullshit."

Rey grunts. She bobs her head from side to side, processing.

"But why?" She looks to Ben. "Why is embracing solitude part of being a Jedi?"

"It's supposed to help identify patterns of reality, the rhythm of the Force. To that, you have to remove yourself from all noise, arguments, contrivance, demands…" Ben knits his eyebrows. "I never understood that part of it, really. But it did teach me to be self-sufficient."

"Well, I know all about that." Rey straightens, squaring her shoulders.

"Do you?" His squints at her.

She glares at him, steely-eyed.

Suddenly, the lights in the room flicker, and everyone looks up.

"BB-8, is that the generator?" She glances at the droid.

It beeps once.

"Wonderful." She sighs. "Not again." She rises and begins moving to the entrance but BB-8 cuts her off, racing to the door with an urgent string of beeps.

"Alright, alright." Rey turns back to the table. "You do it. I wouldn't want to mess with your precious work." She sits down, shaking her head. "Droids..." She looks to Ben.

He's sitting back in his chair, arms crossed. He not looking at her, but gazing out thoughtfully.

Rey rests back, crossing her own arms.

"So, you think I'm not self-sufficient?" She juts her chin up.

"I think…" He starts slowly. "You know how to survive on your own."

"And what's the difference between that and self-sufficiency?"

"Desire," he answers curtly. "Want. Need." He shifts forward, resting his forearms on the table. "The Jedi taught that the highest form of solitude was the absence of need, the ability to just be alone and desire nothing more." He raises an eyebrow.

"Is that right?" Rey sits up with a huff. "Well, perhaps you should've completed your Jedi training. I'm not the only one here who struggles with loneliness."

His eyes flicker. He sits back, looking away.

A minute of silence passes.

"Ben…" Rey tilts her head.

He doesn't look up.

"Do you really think…?" She presses her lips together. "That needing people is such a bad thing?"

He still doesn't look up. He just stares into nothing, his jaw tense.

"I think…" He takes a breath. "That needing people is a weakness."

Rey bows her head.

"No, it's not," she says quietly. "It's just human." She looks up.

Ben's gazing at her softly, black eyes deep with emotion.

She knows that look. She remembers it from Ahch-To. And the throne room. And many times since.


Of course, he needs people. She feels that every time the bond brings them together. Perhaps that's the purpose of the bond for him… to remind him of that.

Without thinking, she rests a hand on the table, palm up, and slides it towards him.

He jerks back, surprised. He looks uncertain, almost afraid, but she holds his gaze without flinching.

Then, slowly, he removes a glove and extends his hand. He has a vulnerable look as he slips his fingers between hers.

She squeezes gently, staring at him with soft assurance.

One small moment. One innocent touch. One powerful reminder that it's ok to need people.

He squeezes back, black eyes soft. For once, he looks satisfied, satisfied share a connection with someone, to actually be seen.

Suddenly, Rey gasps, sitting up.

It happened so fast. One moment he was right there, his hand curled around hers, and the next he was just… gone.

Rey slumps back, staring at the chair where he used to be. She can still sense vestiges of his presence…

Her chest tightens.

She can't stop the thought from flashing… She wishes he were still here.

She bites her lip, looking down.

Then, she rises, wiping a palm over her face.

She needs a distraction. Badly.

She turns to the broken med-droid, starting towards it. She hears BB-8 roll into the room behind her.

"Did you fix the generators?" She sits down next to the stretcher.

BB-8 approaches, beeping a reply then a question.

"He's gone." She twitches. "And I told you, he's not my friend."

It stops next to her, chirping.

She scoffs.

"What do you mean I'm wrong according to your relationship analytics?"

BB-8 answers curtly.

"What criteria?"

BB-8 lists the criteria for its programmed definition of friendship in a series of electronic noises.

Rey follows along, nodding every so often.

"Mm hmm… ok… true, I guess…" Suddenly, she snaps back. "We did not share personal stories!"

BB-8 nudges her, beeping earnestly.

"Oh yeah." Rey's shoulders drop. "Fine." She looks down sheepishly. "Go on."

BB-8 finishes its analysis, ending with a triumphant series of beeps.

Rey narrows her eyes, processing. Then, begins shaking her head.

"Wait a minute…" She looks at the droid. "What do you mean you've classified us as 'Friends, Question Mark'? What's the question mark for?"

BB8 answers matter-of-factly.

"What!?" Rey shoots to her feet. "Sexual tension!?" She flies past BB8, charging to the door "That's it!"

BB-8 rolls swiftly to catch up.

"Your programming on human relationships is obviously in need of a tune up. You are completely off base." She marches down the hall.

BB-8 beeps urgently behind her.

"No, I'm not going to do that now. I don't even know how. I'll just mention it to Poe when he gets back."

The droid beeps cheerily.

"Whoa!" Rey halts, crouching before the droid with a flash of panic. "You cannot tell anyone about what you saw here today, about my… friend. Ok?"

The droid jerks back, considering the request. After a few moments, it beeps once.

"Thank you." Rey lets out an exhale. Her shoulders relax a bit. She takes a deep breath as she rises, turning to continue down the hall.

"Come on." She calls back at the droid. "I want you to show me what you did to those generators."

BB-8 lingers for a moment, turning to the unit 3 entrance as if waiting for someone else to walk in the hallway.

A few seconds pass.

It turns slowly back to Rey, then follows swiftly after her.