25. Savior

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Kylo Ren receives disturbing news about an impending Outer Rim invasion.

"We're well on our way, sir."

Colonel Vaden leans forward in his chair, thin lips twisting into a self-satisfied smirk.

"The First Order now controls sixty percent of the galaxy's known varium deposits. We're absolutelyswimming in the stuff. We've already mined well over what we need."

Kylo Ren paces the room, his shoulders relaxed, his hands clasped loosely behind his back. To the untrained eye, he would appear cold, dispassionate.

But the three men sitting around the meeting table know their Supreme Leader well enough to tell when he's in a good mood. He likes what he's hearing…

"And cortosis?" He asks in his distorted voice. "How much of that do we control?"

Colonel Reza sits up now, uncrossing his arms.

"We'll have a lot more by the end of the week." The square-jawed man turns his head sharply. "Once we destroy the scum on Apatros, fifty percent of the galaxy's known deposits will be ours."

"That's not what I asked you, colonel." The Supreme Leader sounds irritated now. "How much does the First Order control today?"

The colonel flushes a bit, embarrassed.

"Nearly a third of it, sir," he answers quickly.

Kylo Ren doesn't react, only continues pacing.

"And iridium?"

Colonel Foss squares his shoulders, fighting the urge to gulp. He can't help but curse the cruel twist of fate that put him in charge of overseeing iridium extraction.

Then again, it could be worse. He could have been assigned the kyber mines...

He shudders inwardly at the thought.

"Well, sir," the portly man begins. "As you know, we've had quite a few problems negotiating with the iridium-rich systems. As a result, we currently control…" He stiffens. "Five percent of the galaxy's iridium."

The Supreme Leader halts, pushing out an exhale.

The colonel sulks in his seat.

It's not his fault. He's in charge of extraction, not negotiation. He can't extract what he doesn't have access to…

Suddenly, the colonel jerks back, startled by the crackle of a comm. The Supreme Leader reaches for his commlink, muting the receiver.

"Tell me our progress in the mines we do control." Kylo Ren resumes his pacing.

Colonel Foss perks up now, his face brightening. Now he gets to give good news…

"We're making excellent progress, sir, absolutely phenomenal." The colonel beams. "Extraction in the Core Worlds and Inner Rim systems is nearly two/thirds of the way done, estimated to be complete within the year." He juts his chin up. "Of course, that's where we're focusing our manpower, so the mines in other systems aren't quite as far along, but—"

"The numbers colonel." The Supreme Leader cuts him off. "Give me the numbers for each territory."

"Of course, sir." The colonel glances at the data pad in front of him. "Extraction in the Core Worlds is at eighty percent. The Inner Rim is at sixty-five percent. The Expansion region is at forty-five. The Mid Rim is at thirty. And the Outer Rim is at fifteen." He inhales sharply, waiting for the Supreme Leader's response.

At first, he says nothing, continuing to pace around the table.

But soon he starts to nod.


Colonel Foss lets out his breath, not realizing he was holding it in.

"Given the size of your teams, that's good." Kylo Ren halts, turning to face the men. "But that's about to change."

The colonels shift in their seats. They glance at each other nervously.

"It's why I called this meeting." The Supreme Leader turns, beginning to pace again. "I've just been informed that by the end of the month, we'll have over three thousand new recruits to add to our extraction teams."

The men instantly brighten.

"You're here to help me determine how these new forces should be divided."

Colonel Foss leans forward with hungry eyes.

"Well, I can tell you right now, sir, I would be in a much better position—"

The colonel jerks to the door, interrupted by the crackle of a comm.

"Apologies, but I have an urgent message for the Supreme Leader," a voice announces.

Kylo Ren charges to the door and slaps a panel next to it.

"What?" He demands as the door whirs open.

"I'm sorry, sir." A middle-aged officer stands at attention outside. "We tried to reach you on your commlink but it must be malfunctioning."

"It's muted." The Supreme Leader grits his teeth. "I'm in a meeting. What's so important?"

The officer gulps.

"I have a message from General Petrov, sir." He squares his shoulders.

Kylo pushes past the man, stepping outside the room.

"Shouldn't he be mid battle right now?" He growls through his mask.

"Yes, well…" The officer tenses. "That's what the message is regarding. It turns out the pre-invasion report you approved was missing something." He pauses. "Something he thought you'd want to know."

"What?" Kylo demands, struggling to think of a single good reason why a general would delay a carefully planned and vetted assault.

"Th-the cortosis…" the officer begins tepidly. "It's interfering with our scans of the Blood Dawn bases. We didn't pick up one of our trackers until last night."

Kylo instantly goes cold.

"Someone on the no kill/no injury list is in gang's central headquarters."

"Who?" The Supreme Leader steps forward, bearing over the man.

"P-patient 8097, sir," the officer stammers.

A pang of fear seizes Kylo's gut. For a moment, he just stands, frozen.

The next instant, he charges forward, his boots clicking swiftly against the pristine floors of the hall. He snatches the comm at his belt.

"Prepare my shuttle," he commands. "What are her vitals?" He calls back to the officer.

"They're stable now." The man runs to catch up. "But they dropped severely twelve hours ago, almost to code yellow."

"What!?" Kylo rages. "Why am I just hearing about this now?"

"W-well, it's—" He's interrupted by the crackle of a comm.

"Destination?" A voice asks through the static.

Kylo whips the comm to his mask.


"It's not in the protocol, sir," the officer finishes quickly.

"Then change the protocol," the Supreme Leader snipes. "If her vitals drop anywhere below normal, I want to know about it."

"Yes, sir," the officer says dutifully, entering a note on his pad. "And what should I tell General Petrov?"

Kylo slows, quickly assessing the situation, running through the options in his mind. Try as he might, he only sees one…

He can't call off the invasion. It's too late for that now. They've already revealed themselves, surrounded the bases, the troops preparing to break through.

"Tell him to wait until I arrive," Kylo commands. "I'll be leading the ground forces in the assault."

"Sir?" The officer halts, eyes wide.

"You heard me," Kylo growls. "Do it."

He strides forward, not looking back, only looking forward, his mind fixed on nothing but the terrifying reality.

They have her.

Blood Dawn, their next target. One of the most vicious gangs in the Outer Rim. She's captured, injured, trapped in the gang's headquarters…

And it's about to become a war zone.

A man crouches, taut and ready, one of hundreds lined in rows behind a make-shift barricade, his blaster pointed directly at the wall ahead.

The wall is huge, tall and thick, made of cortosis and reinforced with quantum armor. It was built to last, to withstand any assault from any weapon.

The man gulps.

Then again, no one's ever tried to crack it open with a First Order siege canon.

He can hear it just outside. They all can. The rising and falling hum of the cannon as it gears up to release a devastating blast straight into the side of the compound.

They say it's a superlaser canon. They say it's a miniaturized version of the Death Star…

The man chokes out an exhale, his heart beating wildly in his chest. He tries to steady himself but can't seem to keep from trembling, his blaster rattling in his hands.

He grips it more tightly.

This is it. This is the day. His last day.

He hardens his jaw, hardens his body, as if tensing his muscles will somehow strengthen his resolve.

But he can't stop the thought from flashing across his mind.

He shouldn't have joined Blood Dawn. He should have stayed on Bonadan instead. Maybe saved up enough money to buy some land…

He straightens, sucking in an inhale.


He was never cut out for that life, never cut out for being tied down, slaving away day in and day out.

And for what? A pittance? To barely scrape by?


Blood Dawn's given him everything he always wanted. To be in charge. To be the boss. Control his own life, his own destiny.

He's done what he's wanted. He's taken what he's wanted. He's lied, he's cheated, he's killed, but he's never apologized. Not once.

And he's not about to start now.

The man shifts, adjusting his grip on his blaster.

No, he doesn't have any regrets. If he could go back, he'd make the same choice. He'd rather live a short life with Blood Dawn, free and unrestrained, than scrape by, beleaguered and broken, for a million years on Bonadan.

Besides, this isn't the end. Not really. Blood Dawn may die today, but their legacy will live on.

They've been ready for this. It was only matter of time before the First Order showed up on their doorstep. They just didn't know when.

There's no winning this battle. They're outnumbered, outgunned, outmatched…

But they have a surprise waiting, a nasty one, something the First Order won't expect, something they wouldn't even dream of…

The man smirks.

Yes, Blood Dawn is about to make history. They're about to go down as the very first crime syndicate to spit directly in the First Order's eye.

He can almost picture it, almost see it in his mind. He's never stepped foot on a dreadnought but he can imagine its smooth floors, consoles lining the walls, black clad officers and Stormtroopers marching in rows. He pictures an officer racing down the hall, weaving through throngs of people before sprinting up a flight of stairs that leads directly to the command center.

He imagines the officer halting, gasping for breath, just before the Supreme Leader who stands tall and imposing, wearing that mask, the image he's seen so many times in holos. He sees it in his mind, Kylo Ren turning, looking relaxed and confident, fully expecting to hear good news.

Then he pictures the officer telling him, telling the Supreme Leader what happened here today.

He probably won't react at first. He'll probably just stand there, dumbfounded.

Then he'll be furious. Furious. Absolutely insane with anger. He'll whip out that red laser sword and wreak havoc, screaming and thrashing, destroying everything in sight. He'll curse Blood Dawn's name, curse himself for ever provoking them, for trying to take what is rightfully theirs—

The man's thoughts grind to a halt.

The humming… The humming of the laser canon.

It stopped.


In an instant, he's flying through the air, thrust back by an explosive blast. He lands with a crack, scrambling for his blaster. He snatches it up and whips around to face the front of the compound, ready to fight, ready to fire.

He grips the rifle, eyes trained doggedly forward.

There's a giant, mangled hole in the wall. He can't see what's outside, only thick clouds of sand and smoke filling the open space. He watches the dust settle, index finger twitching at the trigger.

Then he sees it. A tall figure emerging from the fog…

He snarls, pressing to fire.

But suddenly, he freezes, his blood running cold. He can't move, can't blink, only stare in wide-eyed shock at the image before him.

A masked Kylo Ren strides into the compound, swatting away blaster fire with his lightsaber. His demeanor is calm, casual, like he's taking a stroll through a park and not a war zone.

With a single wave of his hand, he knocks down the makeshift barricade, equipment flying left and right, crashing into throngs of men. Stormtroopers pour in behind him, charging forward with all manner of arms— blaster rifles, flamethrowers, laser axes, repeating gunners, every weapon imaginable.

The compound descends into chaos, men screaming and running, plasma shots ripping through armor and flesh, melee weapons cracking and slicing.

Kylo Ren strides forward, deflecting blaster fire, casting groups of men into the air with a flick of his hand, occasionally running his blade through a brave soul who dares to get close.

Normally, he'd be enjoying this.

He loves the heat of battle, the chaotic calmness, like being in the eye of a storm. In any other circumstance, he might be thinking about how he should do this more often, lead the troops himself, take a break from an endless string of meetings and just spend an afternoon hacking and slashing.

But he's much too preoccupied to think about such things.

He's on a mission, his mind fixed on one goal.

Find Rey. Get her out of here. Now.

He charges forward, heading straight for a thick blast door. He rips his way through, cutting an opening with his blade and pushing through the molten edges of metal, singing thick fabric at his shoulders. He strides down a wide hall, its surface covered in dirt, deflecting bursts of fire coming through openings to his left and right.

Several men race into the hall just ahead, yelling and firing their blasters. Kylo Ren reflects the fire back at them with the swing of his saber. He steps over their bodies, barely slowing down, his eyes fixed straight ahead.

According to their intel, the entrance to the mines should be close. This entire compound is built over a massive cortosis deposit, a labyrinth of underground tunnels stretching out for miles. But Blood Dawn keeps them carefully guarded, only one way in— right here, their central headquarters.

He needs to find that entrance.

Because that's where Rey is. Not in the compound but under it, somewhere in the darkness of the mines. It's why they've had such trouble picking up her tracker.

Of course, she's in the mines.

Because that's where the slaves are.

He can only imagine why she's there, how she got herself into this mess, what happened that made her vitals drop so severely.

And that's exactly what he's been doing since he found out she was here. Imagining, his mind instinctively going to the darkest places. He sees her broken and bruised. Traumatized. Maybe an open wound, festering. Or maybe a missing limb…

He keeps reminding himself how powerful she is, what he's seen her do. She's taken down men twice, three times her size. Entire groups of them. She's Force blinded, frozen time.

But she's still human.

Vulnerable. Fallible. And so reckless….

He picks up his pace, charging towards another blast door.

He rips a gash down the center and is met by a barrage of fire the moment he splits the metal. He steps to the side, waiting as several footsteps approach from the other side. A second later, the long barrel of a blaster rifle creeps through the opening. Kylo lunges forward, gripping the barrel with a gloved hand and yanking it through. He casts it down the hall then turns to rip his way through the door, slicing through two men as he does.

He grabs another man by the neck, bashing him against the wall, then reflects a rain of plasma shots to their sources, riddling his attackers with their own fire.

There it is.

A thick hatch built into the floor, sealed shut, probably made of cortosis. He won't be able to cut through this one so easily…

He pushes towards it, hacking at a couple men and knocking the others into the wall, their bodies cracking loudly before crumpling to the floor. He whips out a hand, fingers spread like a claw, and reaches through the Force to grip the only one left standing, pulling him in, the toes of his boots dragging on the ground. He squeezes the soft flesh of his neck, the man choking as he looks up with wide, terrified eyes.

"What's the code?" He asks in his distorted voice, nodding to the hatch beside them.

The man says nothing. He can't speak. He can't even breath.

Kylo switches off his lightsaber, releasing the man, and immediately hovers a hand over his head to both fix him in place and rifle through his mind. The moment he finds what he needs, he brushes past him to the hatch, not bothering to kill him.

He hears footsteps running away as he kneels and flips open the key pad. He enters the code, then hears a low clang before the hatch creaks slowly open. He stands and walks to the front, barreling down the steps the moment he can fit through the opening.

He descends down the dimly lit staircase, the hatch closing behind him.

He's getting closer. He can sense her presence, drawn to it by instinct.

He arrives into a large supply room of dry, cracked earth, the annals of several wide tunnels stretching out in all directions.

The mines are dark but not pitch black, small, yellow lights affixed to the ceiling every few meters or so. They appear hollow, empty. He hears nothing, senses nothing.

Only Rey.

Kylo unclicks his mask, bringing it up and overhead. He glances around, then tucks it behind a pile of equipment.

He closes his eyes, concentrating.

A second later, they snap open.

He strides briskly towards the tunnel just ahead.

He needs to hurry. It's only a matter of time before the battle turns south for Blood Dawn, before their forces start pouring into the mines, desperately running from the fray.

He takes in his surroundings as he goes, creating a map in his mind. He'll need to find his way back without the benefit of a navigational device. Damn cortosis, interfering with their scanners…

He walks swiftly, Rey's presence growing stronger the further her gets. He concentrates on it, desperately seeking a hint, any sign of what state she might be in.

He knows she's injured. But is she unconscious? Disabled? He tries to keep his mind from descending to dark places, considering the worst scenarios…

But he can't fight his nature.

He turns with the sharp curve of the tunnel and notices a thick metal door to the right, built into the earth.

The door is wide open. He glances in as he passes, catching sight of a few ragged mats and pillows scattered along a long, dark space.

Slave quarters, obviously. But where are the slaves…?

He picks up his pace, almost to a run.

She's close now. Very close. Any second—


He halts, whipping towards the sound of her voice. He peers down another tunnel, this one much darker, no lights affixed along the ceiling. He steps into it carefully, his senses heightened.


He hears footsteps approach quickly from the darkness.

Rey emerges into light, looking like a tattered mess. Her clothes are grimy and ripped up, holes in her pants and shirt, large enough for him to see that her midsection is wrapped tightly with a rudimentary bandage. Her hair is down, tangled and matted, and she's covered in dirt.

Yet, she approaches with bright eyes and a smile.

"Ben!" She greets, running up to give him a hug.

He lets out a long exhale, all the fear and worry leaving his body as he wraps his arms around her. He holds her for a moment, then pulls back for a better look, focusing on the injury at her stomach.

"I thought you might show up, but I wasn't sure how hands on you are with these things," she starts excitedly. "Then I felt you arrive, and I knew things were about to get harry. What are you doing down here?" She knits her eyebrows.

Kylo stares at her, struggling to adapt to the situation. He's spent so much time imagining the worst, he wasn't at all prepared for this, for finding her so energetic, downright upbeat.

"Rey…" He grunts. "What do you think I'm doing? I'm getting you the hell out of here."

She jerks back.

"What?" She scrunches her face. "Why?"

He gapes at her.

"Do you not hear that?" He points to the ceiling.

Rey glances up, the sound of explosions and heavy thuds vaguely audible through the earth.

"There's a war going on up there, and it's only a matter of time before it makes its way down here." He points to the floor emphatically.

"Yeah, I know." Rey shrugs. "In fact, we should walk and talk. Come on." She brushes past him to the main tunnel, gesturing for him to follow.

He turns, confounded by her nonchalance.

Where does she think she's going?

"Rey—" He steps after her.

"I've gotta say, Ben," she cuts him off as she makes her way down the tunnel. "Your timing really could not have been more perfect." She glances back, brown eyes crinkled into a smile. "I was planning the escape for today, but I was only going to take a handful. Blood Dawn keeps this place locked tight."

"Rey, where are you going?"

"But then…" She ignores him. "Out of nowhere, your troops showed up at dawn, completely catching everyone by surprise." She turns sharply into a dark, narrow tunnel, and he turns with her, hunching as the ceiling gets lower.

"Within the hour, the mines were practically empty, all the overseers up top." She makes her way easily through the darkness. He can vaguely make out her form, one hand touching the wall as she goes.

"So, I just decided to take advantage of the opportunity." She bursts forward, and he picks up his pace. "You wouldn't believe it. I've been sneaking people out all morning. Hundreds. It's been incredible. Easiest rescue I've done so far." She emerges into a wide tunnel, pausing catch her bearings before turning right.

"Wait a minute…" He trails after her. "There's only one entrance to the mines."

Rey scoffs.

"There's always another way, Ben," she assures confidently. "Always. Even in a place like this."

He narrows his eyes.

"Our recon teams scoured the terrain here for weeks." He moves just next to her. "There's no other way into these mines. They're too deep, too heavily guarded."

"Well, they're not guarded now," she says matter-of-factly. "And the northwest corner is much closer to the surface. Maybe you need better recon teams." She glances at him, a glint in her eye.

"Rey." He grabs her arm and she halts, looking up in surprise.

"You need to get out of here." He pulls in the other direction. "Come on."

"What?" She yanks her arm away. "Ben, no. I've got two more groups to get out of here. Besides, it will be safer to go out my way." She turns and starts down the tunnel again.

"Rey." He follows close behind. "You need to get out of here. Now. There's damn war going on upstairs and it's coming this way any minute."

"I'm aware," she says absently, picking up her pace. "That's why I've got to get the last of the rescues and take them to the northwest corner. I made an opening not far from the mountain. Everyone will be safe there."

"Rey, you've done enough for one day," he insists. "The slaves will be fine. I'll see to that."

"Ben." She shoots him a patronizing look. "Don't you know anything about Blood Dawn? They'll kill all of the slaves once the battle goes south, just out of spite. Honestly, I'm surprised they didn't try to kill them this morning or bring them upstairs to use in the battle. It's exactly the kind of thing they would do."

He pushes out an exhale, twitching.

"Rey, you are clearly injured." He grabs her arm again, gripping tightly.

"Ben, I'm fine." She tries to yank her arm free. "It's nothing."

He glances at the cloth wrapped around her stomach.

"That doesn't look like nothing." He nods to her midsection.

She rolls her eyes.

"It's just a flesh wound, Ben." She shakes her head dismissively. "No organ damage. The blade barely went in."

He cocks his head, bearing down with cold eyes.

A flesh wound? Her vitals wouldn't have dropped so severely because of a flesh wound…

"Rey…" He intones darkly, still gripping her arm.

"Ben." She struggles against his hold. "Let go. Now."

He hardens his jaw.

They glare at one another for a moment.

Finally, he loosens his grip and she jerks away, jutting her chin up. She turns, resuming her swift pace down the tunnel.

"Not that it's any of your business," she calls back at him. "But I had to take a hit or else I'd blow my cover. I've been posing as a slave here, and unfortunately, Blood Dawn has a penchant for dipping their blades in poison."

"What!?" He rages after her. "Rey, you're poisoned?!"

"Oh, calm down, won't you? I'm fine." She waves a hand. "Trust me. Blood Dawn wouldn't do permanent damage their property." She spits out this last word. "Last night was rough, but it's out of my system now, and I'm no worse for the wear."

Kylo grits his teeth.


She gets poisoned, and she calls it a flesh wound?

"Rey." He follows closely, nearing the end of his rope. "You have got to stop being so careless. Why the hell does the Resistance have you doing this foolishness in the first place?"

She instantly whips around, and he barely halts before crashing into her.

"This…" She sticks a finger in his face, "is my project, Ben. I run this initiative. I built a team that does slave outreach. We help people devoted to stopping slavery in the galaxy. And most of the time, that means slave rescues, like this one."

"So, why are you alone?" He bites. "Where the hell is your team?"

She drops her shoulders.

"Things…" She shifts a little. "Don't always go according to plan, ok? I was posing as a slave on one planet, and got randomly sold to Blood Dawn. It happens." She shrugs. "But I've learned to just go with it, go where the opportunity leads." She turns as she finishes, continuing down the tunnel.

He watches her walk away, gaping. He starts after her the second he regains his senses.

"Are you telling me…" He stomps up beside her. "That no one knows you're here?"

He stares down, but she doesn't look up, eyes fixed forward as she moves with brisk strides.

"REY!" He roars. "Are you insane?! How do you expect to get yourself off this rock, much less anyone else?"

"This is a mining outfit, Ben." She drips with condescension. "There are transports all over. Big ones. Lots of empty space. Ripe for stealing."

"By yourself?" He challenges. "From one of the most dangerous gangs in the galaxy?" He grips her arm, jerking her to an abrupt halt.

"Rey,listen to me. Your recklessness—"

"No." She whips around. "You listen." Her eyes are fierce yet cold. "First off, I can take care of myself. I've been doing it for a long time. Secondly…" She steps in, her expression darkening.

"If you grab me again, you're going to lose a hand."

Her voice is even, more matter-of-fact than threatening, yet all the more menacing for it.

And there, just for just a second, just for the briefest flash, he sees it, a little of himself in her eyes, reflected back at him.

He releases her slowly.

She stares up at him, calm and steady.

Then, she lets out a sigh. She crosses her arms, glancing to the ceiling.

"How about this?" She looks back at him. "How about you go upstairs and do what you do, and I'll stay down here and do what I do." She starts to back away. "Meet up afterwards, maybe?" She shrugs, a glimmer in her eyes.

She turns, continuing down the tunnel.

He clenches his fists, seriously considering it as he watches her go.

He could just charge up behind her and knock her unconscious.

That won't go over well. But it would be for her own good…

He steps forward, but immediately stops.

Rey disappears around a dimly lit curve, not looking back.

He stands for a moment, his jaw twitching.

Then, he turns reluctantly. He begins down the tunnel, tense and churning with frustration, his fists clenched at his sides.

A flesh wound, she says. Poison. Surrounded by ruthless cutthroats. And not a single damn person in the Resistance knows she's here.

It's stupidly reckless.

He sucks in his breath.

There've been times when he regrets it, regrets putting that tracker in her body, dreading the thought of what would happen if she ever finds out…

And then there are times like right now.

If not for that tracker, how the hell would anyone have the slightest clue where she is, what state she's in?

Tracker or no tracker, she's going to get herself killed one day. How can she not? Putting herself up against such odds, letting herself be shipped away to some distant planet by the worst gang in the galaxy, locked inside mines infamousfor being sealed tight.

He charges down the tunnel, fuming, infuriated by her carelessness, the way she acts like she's invincible.

But beneath the rage is the fear, the terrifying reality, the inevitable outcome of such brash behavior.

It will happen. Sooner or later.

One day, her luck will run out…

He recoils, pushing the thought aside to focus on the present, what he can do now. He looks up and around, catching his bearings. He let himself get turned around in here…

Fortunately, the main tunnels are obvious, the ones with the lights affixed to the ceiling, and based on what he saw when he entered, they all lead to the same place.

The least he can do is go back there, keep Blood Dawn from getting too far into the mines, give Rey some time to finish up her business.

He moves briskly, focusing on his surroundings.

It strikes him how strange it is that it hasn't happened already, that by all appearances, not a single member of Blood Dawn is down here. There are always a few cowards, taking the first opportunity to hide rather than fight.

Then again, Blood Dawn is known for their ferocity. Maybe they live up to their reputation. Maybe no one in Blood Dawn ever runs from a fight.

He twitches, thinking, growing more unsettled as he does. He remembers what Rey said about being surprised Blood Dawn didn't try to use the slaves in battle…

It's exactly what they expected them to do. They were fully prepared for a repeat of Delphon, for Blood Dawn to use the slaves to make a perimeter around the compound. It's why they spent so much time looking for a back way into the mines.

He was shocked when he arrived to find the area around headquarters wide open, all of slaves apparently locked underground.

So strange…

Surely, Blood Dawn knows they have no hope of winning. They know how outmatched they are, how quickly the First Order took out the Merdos Syndicate, Zidon, Black Hole…

So why wouldn't they use every resource available to them? Why wouldn't they use the slaves to try to slow their progress?

It just doesn't make sense…

He looks up as he mulls over these things, trying to put himself in Blood Dawn's perspective.

What could they be thinking…?

Suddenly, he catches sight of something, a small red flash, dim but noticeable, coming from behind one of the lights on the ceiling. He stops just under it, peering up curiously. He shoves the toe of his boot into the earthy wall of the tunnel, hoisting himself up to get a closer look.

What is that…?

He pulls himself further, searching for the source of the red flash.

The moment he sees it, he freezes. He tries to breathe but finds he can't, like the wind's been knocked out of him.

For a second, he just hangs, his boot tucked in the side of the tunnel, his hand gripping the light.

Then, he drops down, racing to the next light on the ceiling.

There… another red flash, just barely visible.

He races to the next one.

There too.

He races to the next one.

It's all of them… All of the lights…

They're hiding explosives.

"REY!" He shouts, sprinting full speed.

"REY!" His heart beats wildly, thumping out of his chest.

"REY!" He hollers so loudly his voice reverberates down the tunnel.

It seems like a damn lifetime before he sees her, sees her turned with knitted eyebrows, his own urgency coursing through her the closer he gets.

"Ben, why are you—"

"They've rigged the mines to blow." He halts dead in front of her.

"What?" She jerks back.

"The lights, Rey." He points to the ceiling. "Look behind the lights."

She looks up and around, a low burning panic in her gut. She runs a few feet down the tunnel, leaping into crevices in the wall and crawling to one of the lights affixed to the ceiling. She doesn't examine it for long before he feels it hit her.

Sheer terror.

"No…" She drops to the ground, her face white.

"Go now." He commands. "Your way. To the mountains. I'll find you there." He turns, running the opposite direction.

"Wait!" She races after him. "Where areyou going?"

"Go! Now!" He yells without slowing down.

"But what about you?"

"I have to do something." He skids around a sharp curve. "I have to stop this."

"WHAT!?" Rey shrieks. "Ben, you've got to get out of here. Everyone does!"

"Rey, a fifth of the galaxy's cortosis is in these mines."

"Cortosis!?" She breaks into a full-on sprint. "CORTOSIS!? You're risking your life for stupid cortosis!?" She comes up fast, grabbing him and jerking back. "And you think I'm reckless!?"

"Rey, just go!" He pries her away, pushing in the other direction. "Go!" He sprints down the tunnel.

"No! Ben!" She bursts after him. "Cortosis doesn't matter. Your life matters. The lives of your troops. The slaves." She halts with a fresh pang of terror.

He stops, twisting around.

"Ben!" She runs up to him, white with panic. "You have to help me. Please! There are two more groups locked down here, and I can't get them both."

"What!?" He jerks back. "No! There's no time for that."

She sucks in a breath, nostrils flaring.

"You have time to hunt for a detonator but no time to get people to safety?" She hisses. "These mines, this entire compound, could blow at any minute!"



He's shocked when she Force-slams him against the wall.

"You have no idea what you're dealing with, whether you could even stop this at all." She points at him. "But you can get people out of here. You're the Supreme Leader. You decide what matters." She steps forward, eyes like lasers. "So, what is it? What does the First Order care about more? Cortosis or people?" She spits out the question in challenge.

He stares at her, panting, his body wracked with urgency, burning to just go, just push her away and run.

But he can't break his gaze from those sharp eyes, a desperate hope lurking under the ferocity. She holds in her breath, waiting for his decision…

Kylo grits his teeth.

Damn it.

He drops his shoulders, covering his eyes before slicking his palm over his face with a growl.

Rey exhales in relief.

"Come on." She nods in the opposite direction, then races down the tunnel.

He follows, lagging behind.


"You'll have to use the Force to open the door, but the lock's not complicated."

Shit, shit, shit!

"I'll go north, you go west. I'll show you where."


"When you open the door, tell them 'nbutu.' It means follow." They race around a sharp curve, and Rey skids, nearly crashing into the wall.

"And 'kasha' means hurry." They shoot down a long stretch, boots pumping against the ground.

"Then find me. Just sense me out, like you did when you came down here." Rey grinds to halt, so abruptly she briefly loses balance.

"There." She points down a dark, narrow tunnel. "That empties out into the west line. Turn right and run until you see a door. Trust me, it'll be obvious." She gives him a hard shove before turning and racing down the tunnel.

"Hurry!" She calls without looking back.

He sighs, stepping forward. It's nearly pitch black, the only light coming from the tunnel behind him. He moves briskly, snatching the comm from his belt the moment Rey's footsteps fade.

"Code red," he barks. "Message all active units on Apatros. There's a bomb on site. Find that detonator!" He picks up his pace, sensing his way through the darkness.

They have time…

Some time.

Blood Dawn is certainly waiting until they've drawn all their troops into the base. How long has it been since the battle began…?

"Right away, sir!" A voice answers faintly through heavy static.

Fifteen minutes minimum, probably more. The troops are halfway into the compound by now, possibly further. There's no way to know for sure…

The red flashes are an indicator. It means someone's armed the explosives. It wasn't like that when he first came into the mines.

If he could just get up there, he could sense it. He knows he could. Sense whoever has the detonator, the sick glee of some scum waiting for the signal.

Assuming the explosives are rigged to a detonator. It's possible Blood Dawn put them on a timer to avoid human error.

Or what if a droid has the detonator?

He sees faint light ahead, the main tunnel coming into view. He races towards it, furiously assessing the situation.

There's so much guessing, so much he doesn't know…

He bursts into the tunnel and halts, looking right, then left.

If he goes left, he can make it back to the entrance in five minutes.


He jerks back, jarred by the crackle of the comm.

"Message from General Petrov," a voice declares urgently. "He's sending in an explosives team. Is there any information on the bomb's location?"

Kylo looks up and around at the lights, the red flashing behind them.

They've sped up… What were once slow, methodical flashes are now a quick beats of red.

He pushes out an exhale like fumes.

"It's too late for that," he growls, turning right. "Tell him to pull the troops out, pull everyone out. Get them out of the compound and off the mines. Now." He reattaches the comm, breaking into a full-on sprint.


"Yes, sir."

He faintly hears the response as he races down the tunnel. He looks from side to side, searching for a door, raging inwardly all the while.

He knew this was coming.

The gangs are catching on, starting to prepare, to fight back in whatever measly way they can, destroying their own mines just so the First Order can't have them.



This is the beginning of a trend. Others will follow Blood Dawn's example. They'll prepare for self-destruction in anticipation of invasion, ready to blow themselves to hell and all their resources with them.

It's going to be a damn nightmare…

Kylo's thoughts grind to a halt.

There's a thick metal door just ahead, built into the wall at a sharp curve of the tunnel.

He sprints forward, dropping to his knees and sliding across the cracked earth just before the door. He quickly examines it, then extends an open palm to the lock, closing his eyes.

Half a minute later, he hears a click.

He shoots to his feet and swings the door open.

Light pours into a large, misshapen room, clearly carved from what was once a tunnel. It's packed with people, thin, wiry sacks of skin looking up with hollow eyes. There are at least fifty, probably more, mostly adults but some children.

They stare at him, scared and confused.


What was it Rey said…?

"Nbutu!" He declares finally.

Some of the slaves sit up, surprised. They look at one another, uncertain.

"Nbutu!" Kylo backs away, gesturing urgently down the tunnel.

The slaves just stare, guarded.

"Kasha!" He shouts, slapping his hands together.

He turns and starts walking down the tunnel, closing his eyes and reaching out, reaching for Rey.

He hears footsteps pour out of the room behind him, voices murmuring in another language.

His eyes snap open.

"Nbutu! Kasha!" He sprints forward without looking back.

The herd begins to follow, slow at first but soon a stampede of bare feet slapping the ground.

He barrels down the tunnel at full speed, through straight shots, skidding around curves, focusing on Rey all the while, her presence drawing closer.

He hopes to hell she's already out of here.

She should be. She went north, and that's where she said the opening would be, the northwest corner.

He pivots left into a dark tunnel, pitch black. He runs through the darkness, the slaves following close behind, jabbering urgently now, a low hum filling the narrow space.

They emerge into another main tunnel, Kylo immediately racing right. He glances at the lights.

The flashing is now a frenzied blur of red.

"Kasha, Kasha, Kasha!"

He sprints down the tunnel, his heart bursting from chest. He hears crying and yelling, a wave of fear cascading from behind, the slaves trying desperately to keep up.

He pants heavily, urgency coursing through him like fire. He runs until he reaches a dead end, turning left without skipping a beat, the stampede following on his heels.

He's close now.

He feels Rey's presence growing stronger.

He flies around a sharp corner and is met by actual sunlight pouring from an opening several meters ahead. It's elevated, at the top of a steep slope. It appears small at first but larger as he gets close, about the size of a landspeeder.

He stops dead at the bottom of the slope and turns back.

"Kasha, Kasha, Kasha!" He points to the opening.

The slaves begin crawling up the slope in a tangled mass, falling all over each other. He pushes some of them back, trying to stagger them, keep them from trampling one another.

They move swiftly if awkwardly to the opening. Soon, he hears cries of joy just outside.

It occurs to him that it's been years since some of these people have seen sunlight…

Then it happens. A loud boom, and the earth begins to tremble.

Kylo snaps to the lights.

But the explosives don't go off. It must be happening in a wave, starting and the center and moving outwards.

The slaves are screaming now, pushing furiously past him, stampeding up the slope in chaos. The tunnel is quaking, chunks of earth crashing from above, the boom of explosions drawing closer. He pushes the last of the pack up the slope, then turns to join them.

But he stops, catching a faint cry in the distance.

He whips around, racing towards the source of the noise, a vague form several feet back. It takes shape as he nears, a young boy crawling on the ground, dragging an injured leg behind him.

Kylo sweeps him up in one motion and sprints towards the opening, drawing the boy into his chest to shield him from debris crashing down all around. The quaking is violent now, a deep rumble filling the air. Kylo stumbles up the slope, explosive blasts just behind him, getting closer and closer.

He groans as something heavy lands on his head. He grits his teeth, ignoring the throbbing pain as he leaps out of the opening, racing away from the mines, the crowd of slaves running desperately towards the mountainside ahead.

He runs and runs and runs, weaving through the crowd, gasping, panting, not slowing down until he feels the earth stop shaking and the rumble die away.

Finally, he staggers, breathing heavily, desperate for oxygen. He's dripping with sweat, dark locks stuck to his skin, a dull ache at the back of his head. He stands, dazed, hardly aware of his body, the crying boy in his arms. He barely notices when a shrieking woman runs up to him, extending her arms towards the boy.

Kylo hands him over without thinking.

She takes him eagerly, pulling him to her chest and rocking him as he cries. She kisses the boy's forehead, then looks up, tears streaming down her face, saying something Kylo doesn't understand.

He just nods, dazed.

She bows deeply, repeating something over and over as she backs away.

Kylo just stares, then turns, searching the crowd for Rey.

She's alive. He would feel it if she weren't. But where is she…?


As if on cue, he hears her calling from the mountainside.

He snaps towards her voice, spotting her quickly. She's making her way down a rough, curved path, stumbling over a mass of tannish rocks before hitting the dry earth and running towards him.

He begins weaving through the crowd and she does the same, angling around the slaves to race towards him and leap into his arms, wrapping her legs around him.

"Ben!" She hugs him tightly. "I was so worried! We barely got to the mountain before I heard the explosion."

"It's ok." He wraps his arms around her. "I'm ok. Everyone's ok." He lets out a long exhale, his urgency melting away as he closes his eyes and holds her close.

She buries her face in his shoulder, tightening her arms around his neck.

They lose themselves in the embrace, the relief, the tangible knowledge that they're both alive and whole and together, actually together, for once in the same place at the same time.

He rocks her gently, surrendering to the peace of the moment, the shared warmth, the shared love, all the more precious after the harsh reminder of their mortality, how easy it would be to lose it all.

She nuzzles his neck, running her fingers through his hair.

Suddenly, she gasps, pulling back.

"Ben, you're bleeding." She drops to the ground. "Your head."

He reaches back to the dull ache, a sticky coat of blood in his hair.

"It's fine." He shakes his head but notices his vision is a bit blurry.

"Ben…" She admonishes, reaching up to pull his head down. "You could have a concussion." She angles to the side, rising to her toes to get a better look.

"Rey, I'll be fine," he assures, reaching for her wrists and pulling them away. "I'll run by a medical bay later."

She narrows her eyes.

"It should probably be sooner."

He grunts, straightening and looking away.

That's when he notices it.

The slaves.

They're behaving oddly. Most of them are kneeling, some pressing their hands together like in prayer. They're murmuring something, almost in unison. They seem to be saying the same thing, over and over again.

Kylo looks around with knitted eyebrows, trying to make sense of what he's seeing. He glances at Rey.

She's watching the slaves too, tilting her head as she listens closely.

"What are they saying?" He asks.

She presses her lips together.

"I think…" She starts slowly. After a moment, she looks up, a subtle smile on her lips. "I think they're saying, 'Blessed is the savior.'"

His eyebrows shoot up. He looks around again, turning to get a better look at the scene.

They're at the center of the crowd, the only people standing, smoke and sand from the explosion still filling the air, just meters from the mangled, sunken earth where the mines once were.

But the slaves don't seem to notice.

They're bowing or looking up through squinted eyes, continuing their chanting, low but impassioned, almost reverent. A woman bowing to the right reaches out to touch his boot, crying softly.

Kylo watches, dumbfounded. He doesn't know what to do, what to say. He's never been in a situation like this, never the center of so much… gratitude. He can feel it emanating from them in a powerful wave, how thankful they are to be alive, to be free.

It feels dissonant to be the recipient of this kind of admiration, least of all because he doesn't deserve it.

He's not their savior. Rey is.

In an instant, the moment is gone, everyone's eyes turning to the sky at the sound of ships overhead.

Kylo's command shuttle and two transports fly in formation, slowing as they pass and curving back to land in open spots around the crowd.

The slaves begin to stand, squinting, shading their eyes from the sun as they watch the loading ramps descend, touching down on the dry, cracked earth.

Stormtroopers pour out of the transports in rows, officers immediately directing them to the edges of the ruins that were once the mines. Technicians follow close behind, unloading what looks like some kind of mining equipment.

A black-clad lieutenant barrels down the ramp of the command shuttle, searching the crowd, eyes wide and eager. He brightens the instant he catches sight of Kylo, starting briskly towards him.

"Sir!" He calls out as he awkwardly makes his way through the crowd, glancing at the slaves with disdain.

"Sir!" He runs up and halts before him, snapping to attention. "We just received a message from Colonel Reza. He's organizing extraction teams to clean up this mess, but they won't arrive until tomorrow so for now our troops—"

"No," Kylo interrupts. "We'll deal with that later. Right now, we need get these people to shelter." He gestures to the slaves. "Order the troops to set up an operational camp. We need bedding, food, and medical personnel."

The lieutenant raises his eyebrows, surprised, but soon nods, pulling a data pad from his belt.

"Straight away, sir." He switches on the pad. "Is this all of them?"

"No." Kylo glances at Rey.

He's surprised to find her looking up with a strange kind of glimmer, almost like she's proud.

"How many are in the mountain?" He tilts his head, trying to read her.

Yes, that's definitely pride.

And admiration.

"Nearly a thousand." She turns to the lieutenant. "I'll show you the way." She reaches for his shoulder, directing him to the mountain. "Most of them speak Dashi, but some speak Basic," she debriefs him as they walk through the crowd.

Her voice fades as they move away but Kylo watches. She gestures emphatically and the lieutenant nods, entering a note into his pad.

He can't stop a smile from teasing his lips.

She's a natural, of course. She slips right into leadership without even realizing it.

It is so satisfying to see her like this, in this context, surrounded by First Order officers and troops, taking charge, confidently managing the situation. It's just the smallest sliver of his future, everything he wants, the way things will be when she accepts her destiny, ascends to the position she was meant for, to rule at his side.

He clasps his hands behind him, moving slowly towards Rey and the lieutenant, watching and smiling.

"It's best if their quarters are a bit dark," he hears her telling him as he gets closer. "They're not used to the light. They need some time to adjust."

The lieutenant nods, entering another note in his pad. Several units of Stormtroopers approach, a sergeant with a red pauldron at the lead. They halt at attention a few feet from the lieutenant, and he turns, walking away from Rey to speak to the sergeant.

Kylo steps next to her and she looks up, eyes sharp with focus.

"So, what will you do?" She gestures towards the slaves. "Where will you take them?"

"We'll do what we did on Delphon." He shrugs. "Shelter them. Feed them. Give them medical care and send them home. Or wherever they want to go."

Rey's lips turn up, that glimmer of admiration returning to her eyes.

He looks down, enjoying the moment, what it feels like to have her approval for once.

It's not just approval he senses. It's a deep kind of gratitude, much like what he felt from the slaves. But this time, it's infinitely more meaningful because…

It's her.

"We're ready when you are!"

Rey and Kylo snap out of their trance at the sound of the lieutenant's voice.

"Lead the way!"

Rey looks over and nods, then glances at Kylo. She gives him a smile, but he catches a flash in her eyes, feels it ripple inside her, a pang of sadness.

And his heart drops.

He knows what that means.

She doesn't plan on coming back.

She starts to move to the lieutenant but without thinking, Kylo grabs her hand.

She looks up, surprised as he pulls her in front of him.

"Stay." He squeezes her hand, his voice just above a whisper.

She doesn't say anything. She only gulps, brown eyes wide and full of conflict, everything she feels for him grating against a deeply held conviction, a sureness of spirit.

"Stay," he repeats, dark eyes pleading.

She takes a sharp breath, a twist in her heart. She parts her lips but says nothing.

"Stay," he pleads a final time, bringing a hand to her cheek.

She looks surprised, glancing towards the lieutenant, self-conscious, but he never takes his eyes off her.

"Stay and help," he insists softly. "Help us take care of these people. That's what you do, isn't it?"

She gulps again, at a loss.

But soon, he feels her well with resolve.

She takes a slow breath, the longing in her eyes receding, replaced by quiet determination. She tilts her head, reaching up to cup his face with a hand.

"You're doing a good thing here today." She strokes his cheek with a thumb. "But I don't belong here." She shakes her head. "I don't belong with the First Order." She slips her hand from his face, backing away.

"Rey." He closes his eyes.

"No." She steps back, his hand falling from her face. "No."

He pushes out an exhale, opening his eyes to find Rey just out of reach, her heart heavy.

She stares at him a moment, her gaze gentle but firm.

Then, she moves away, walking towards the lieutenant in front of a unit of Stormtroopers.

Kylo follows her with his eyes, noticing the troopers immediately look down, shifting awkwardly.

Rey begins to lead them up the mountainside, climbing up the path swiftly and purposefully, not looking back.

But he senses how much she wants to.

Part of him wants to follow her, to try again, convince her to stay.

But another part holds him back. The part that knows her, that knows exactly what the result of that will be.

So. Damn. Stubborn.

He hardens his jaw, a familiar weight bearing down on him, that crushing desire, how much he wants her, how much she wants him, how infuriating it is that she keeps fighting this, making both of them miserable.

He wants this so much, to start their future together, to start building their empire, one that will last.

What the hell is it going to take? What does he have to do for her to finally recognize the truth, the truth of the bond, their destiny?

He jerks back, jarred by the crackle of his comm.

"Message from General Petrov," a voice announces from the other end. "Assault units have cleared out the Blood Dawn scum at the perimeter."

He sighs heavily, reaching for the comm.

"How many of our forces did we lose?" He asks, rubbing his jaw.

"We're still working on an estimate," the voice responds. "But thanks to your warning, it seems a majority were able to make it out of the compound before the explosion."

Kylo nods, bringing the comm back to his lips.

"Tell the general I'll arrive shortly." He begins walking to the command shuttle, reattaching the comm. He looks around as he goes, watching the troopers help the slaves onto the transports. They're exhausted, squinting in the sunlight, but he senses their excitement, their utter joy.

And he feels a rush of satisfaction.

He shouldn't. He should be furious.

A fifth of the galaxy's cortosis buried in a heaping mass. Who knows how much of it is corrupted? Blood Dawn and the threat of a new trend of self-destruction, what this means for his ambitions to control all of the galaxy's most valuable resources.

Yet despite the trouble ahead, everything he's lost…

Somehow, today still feels like a victory.