28. Sovereign

Chapter Summary: Kylo Ren deals with a tricky negotiation and an ongoing attempt to undermine his authority

Heads up: This is a "no Rey" chapter. Think of it as Kylo's version of chapter 19. I don't plan on doing this often, but I need to set up some First Order plot and character development that will be important later in the story. Thank you for reading!

"So, how bad is it this time?"

General Meric casts a cool glance to the colonel next to him.

The portly man sighs as he leans over the meeting table, hollow-eyed and exhausted.

"It could be worse," Foss answers. "A third of the explosives malfunctioned, so the mines aren't entirely destroyed. Just…" He grunts. "Mostly." He sighs again, covering his eyes with a palm.

"Tsk. Tsk." The young general shakes his head in feigned commiseration. "How terrible." His tone is sympathetic but there's a glint in his eye. He can barely contain a smirk as he glances at General Hux seated across from them.

"Yes, it really is quite a shame." Hux sits back in his chair, relaxed and impassive, an arm draped over his lap. "Especially when it could have so easily been avoided."

Foss instantly drops his hand, incredulous.

"How?" He demands petulantly. "What could we possibly do to stop this insanity? After Apatros, half the Outer Rim scum are prepared to self-destruct. The moment we show up at their doorstep—"


He slams his fist on the table.

"We can't do a damn thing." He huffs, exasperated.

"Not now." Meric raises an eyebrow. "But it could have been avoided in the first place." Foss turns to the general but Meric just nods to Hux across the table.

"I spoke to Ren about this months ago." Hux sits up now, a little fire in his eyes. "I told him this was a possibility, that the gangs would start to catch on, try to slow us down. I suggested we invade more systems at once, snuff them out before such a thing occurred to them. But…" He shakes his head ruefully.

Foss looks down, toying with this alternative in his mind.

"Yes… That would have better," he mutters. "But it's too late for that. All we can do now is grit our teeth and clean up the mess." His sighs, defeated, his shoulders drooping.

"Do you have a team there yet?" Meric looks over at him.

"No." Foss crosses his arms, disgruntled. "I've got one coming in from Aeneid, but it won't arrive for another two days."

Hux knits his eyebrows, his narrow face pinched in confusion.

"Surely, there's something that can be done in the meantime." He leans into the table. "What's the infantry doing? Twiddling their thumbs?"

"No." Foss shakes his head. "The Supreme Leader has them building an operational camp for the slaves."

Both generals immediately scoff, rolling their eyes.

"Again?" Meric snorts in disbelief. "What are we now? A damn charity organization?"

"What a waste," Hux spits in contempt. "Housing gutter rats when we could already be digging out the tunnels."

Suddenly, the door whirs open and General Kas strides swiftly into the room. He pulls out a chair, a to-do list written across his face, and wordlessly takes a seat. He doesn't acknowledge the others but glares down with furrowed eyebrows, consumed in thought.

The three men barely acknowledge the middle-aged man, continuing with their conversation as though he weren't there.

"What is this?" Meric blusters. "The fifth time he has our troops taking care of riffraff?"

"The fourth," Foss supplies eagerly.

"It's a waste of our manpower," Hux growls. "It's a waste of our time. It's a waste of our resources."

"Added to the fact that he has us rebuilding half the damn galaxy." Meric sits back in his chair, his cropped blonde hair gleaming in the light. "Don't forget that." Hux sneers at the reminder.

"At this rate—"

"Where's Voigt?" Kas demands abruptly. Hux twitches, annoyed at the interruption.

"You know he's always late." Meric waves a hand dismissively. Kas sighs, looking back down.

"Ren's running us into the ground with this nonsense," Hux fumes. "We're a glorified mining and construction outfit now. He's cut our military spending in half. Soon, we'll barely have an army left."

"Well…" Foss starts tentatively. "That makes sense, doesn't it? Now that the war's over—"

"War is never over." Hux shoots forward in his chair, blue eyes cutting. Foss shrinks a bit. "Most of the Outer Rim is still overrun by gangs, the Resistance is growing more and more every day—"

"Not that the Supreme Leader's doing anything about it," Meric adds caustically.

"Exactly." Hux points at the general. "They're a ticking time bomb, and while they're growing stronger, we're growing weaker. Expending resources on foolishness, negotiating with scum…"

"Speaking of which," Meric smirks. "Can you believe he let that twitchy little shit sit in on a Generals' meeting?"

"Don't remind me." Hux covers his eyes with a palm. "It's unconscionable," he spits. "Giving a lower ranked twit high security clearance, letting him be privy to top secret information. Half the time he's here, he follows at Ren's heels like a dog."

"The Supreme Leader's pet," Meric mimics sarcastically. "I heard he went down to visit the boy's old unit, all the way to the loading decks."

"Oh, that's not the half of it." Hux practically cuts him off. "He's added visits to the lower ranks to his rounds. Our esteemed sovereign, descending to the slums, consorting with engineers and technicians and supply workers."

"Supply workers?" Foss gapes in disbelief.

"Can you imagine if Snoke had done such a thing?" Meric smirks.

"Snoke would have never even considered debasing himself in such a manner." Hux gestures emphatically. "He actually respected his position, understood that he represented our supremacy, our power, our authority." Hux grows angrier with every word, his nostrils flaring. "The comparison is enough to raise the question, isn't it? If Ren is truly fit—"


Kas abruptly slams his fist on the table, and the three men jump, startled. The older general leans in, eyes fixed on Hux.

"Firstly…" He cocks his head. "You really should refer to him as the Supreme Leader." Hux opens his mouth to speak, but Kas cuts him off.

"Secondly…" The general bites. "The First Order is more powerful now than it has ever been. Thanks to wise leadership, planets are lining up to negotiate with us for their resources. We're tightening our grip over the galaxy's economy by the day, and if we've recently had to make a show of benevolence, it's only been to repair the damage that you did to our negotiating power after Garos." At this, Hux's face turns as red as his hair.

"And that lower-ranked twit, as you call him, is smarter than half the men at this table." Kas raises a mocking eyebrow as Hux seethes.

"Careful Armitage…" The general continues in a foreboding tone. "If you keep talking like this, someone might suspect you of attempting to organize a mutiny."

The room instantly falls silent.

Foss and Meric freeze in their seats, too terrified to speak. Only Hux keeps his head up, maintaining a defiant gaze, his upper lip twitching as Kas stares at him coldly.

Suddenly, the door whirs open, a welcome break to the tension in the room.

"Finally." Kas twists around in his chair but is surprised to see Sylas Bonden in the doorway. His shoulders drop in disappointment. "If Voigt isn't here in three minutes, I'm leaving," he mutters as he turns to the table again.

"Uh… hey." Sylas steps into the room, sharp and alert, sensing the tension. Both Hux and Meric shift away from him in their chairs.

"General." Sylas walks swiftly towards Kas.

"Why are you here?" The general asks absently, not bothering to look up. "Shouldn't you be meeting with the Supreme Leader?"

"We're supposed to meet with him, remember?" The young man looks confused. "We're pitching the terms."

"You're pitching the terms." Kas turns to him emphatically. "I gave him my report this morning. It's all on you now."

"Oh." Sylas jerks back. "Ok." He stands awkwardly for a moment. He glances at the others but all of them make a point of avoiding eye contact. "Right." He turns and begins tepidly towards the door.

"Boy!" Sylas immediately snaps to Kas. The general twists in his chair to face him. "I am sick of being on that shithole of a planet, boy." He points a finger at him. "The Supreme Leader likes you. I need you to use that silver tongue of yours and convince him to accept the terms. Can you do that?"

Sylas stares blankly for a moment, but his lips soon twist into a smile.

"Sure." He shrugs. "I can do anything." He winks at the general.

Kas grunts, shaking his head with an amused look on his face.

"I'm starting to believe it," he mutters as he turns in his chair.

Just as Sylas starts towards the door it opens and General Voigt strides casually into the room.

"Sorry I'm late, gentlemen," he announces with an air of nonchalance. Kas rolls his eyes. "Shall we begin?" Voigt turns, noticing Sylas standing next to him. "What are you doing here?" He narrows his eyes.

"Uh…" Sylas backs away. "Leaving?"

"Good." Voigt strides to the table. "Run along." He shoos him away.

Sylas immediately turns and scurries out of the room.

He halts the moment the door whirs shut behind him, letting out a giant exhale of relief.

He covers his eyes with a palm, oblivious to his surroundings, throngs of black-clad operators and officers bustling down the wide hall of the dreadnaught.


The generals are so intense.

And half of them hate his guts. He'd avoid being around them if he could, but the Supreme Leader wants him learning the ends and outs of this place— the protocol, the politics… Who knows? He might just be a general one day.

Suddenly, Sylas gasps, dropping his hand.

The Supreme Leader. The meeting.

He's gonna be late.


He instantly barrels down the hall, weaving through the crowd, barely keeping himself from crashing into people as he goes.

"Excuse me! Sorry!"

He apologizes to anonymous faces as he darts by, searching wildly, trying to remember exactly where he is so he can figure out how to get where he needs to be.

Ah ha!

He turns sharply to the left, but nearly kicks a BB-9 unit at his feet. The droid swerves out of the way just in time, turning its square dome of a head to Sylas and cursing him in a series of beeps and whirs.

"Hey!" Sylas shouts as it rolls away. "That was uncalled for!" He points at the droid but it continues on without acknowledging him.

Sylas shakes his head, turning back down the hall.

First Order droids are the worst.

He charges on quickly, the turbolift to the command bridge just ahead. He breaks into a full-on sprint when he sees the doors start to shut, squeezing his lean frame through just in time.

He catches his breath, nodding to the only other occupant, a young operator standing with her hands clasped in front of her. Sylas can't help but notice that she's quite attractive— small, delicate features and long, blonde hair pulled back into a tight bun.

Sylas positions himself next to her as the turbolift ascends, the upper levels of the dreadnaught rushing by in a grey blur. They stand silently for a moment.


He looks over with a smile. The operator responds with a slight nod, hardly turning her head.


"Do you work on the command bridge?"

Another nod. She still doesn't look at him.

More silence.

"That's a big job." Sylas turns towards her. "You must have been with the First Order for a while now, huh?"

This time, she doesn't respond at all, only stares forward.

The turbolift begins to slow.

"Well…" Sylas squares his shoulders. "I'd love to talk, but I've got to make a meeting with the Supreme Leader."

He bursts forward the instant the doors whir open, not looking back to see the operator's face as she gapes after him.

Sylas smirks to himself as he barrels down another hall, this one much less populated, only a few officers strolling by. He races towards a thick blast door guarded by two Stormtroopers armed with blaster rifles.

Sylas slides to a halt just in front of them. He glances nervously at one, then the other. Neither say a word or acknowledge him at all.

"Uh…." He starts tentatively. "I'm here to meet with the Supreme Leader." He cocks his head.


Sylas shifts awkwardly.

"I'm on the schedule," he assures them. "Sylas Bonden."

The troopers continue to stand, staring blankly forward in their white helmets.

Suddenly, the blast door whirs open and the officer who manages the Supreme Leader's appointments strides through.

"Sylas," the older man announces, eyes fixed on his datapad. His face is well-worn, weathered with wrinkles. "Right on time." He finally looks up.

"Come along." The officer gestures. "You know he doesn't like to be kept waiting."

The man turns and Sylas scuttles after him.

They make their way quickly down a dark, narrow hall with curved walls. It's lit only by a low red glow beneath the perforated edges of the floor, giving it an eerie quality.


The officer halts abruptly, Sylas nearly ramming into him.

"Wait," he commands. Sylas nods, clasping his hands behind his back.

His gaze drifts to the floor, his mind wandering, beginning to practice the conversation in his mind, how he'll pitch the terms to the Supreme Leader…

His head snaps up when he hears a door whir open just ahead.

General Ailen strides confidently out of a room to the right, a smirk of satisfaction on his pudgy, young face. He's followed by two hollow-eyed officers staggering by like they've just survived a war.

Ailen passes with a curt nod.

Sylas starts forward but the older officer clutches his arm, halting him in his tracks.

"Not yet," he hisses. He grips Sylas tightly as they wait in silence.

"Send him in." A distorted voice finally commands through a nearby comm. The officer releases his arm, nodding towards the door. The young man takes a deep breath, then steps down the hall.

He turns into a long, rectangular room with a small meeting table in the center, chairs pulled out all around it. The walls are lined with consoles, flashing with a never-ending stream of data, except the very end, which is nothing but a giant window overlooking the stars.

A masked Kylo Ren faces the darkness, draped in black robes, gloved hands clasped loosely behind his back. He doesn't turn as Sylas approaches.

The young man stops only a few feet behind him, straightening to stand at attention, arms pressed into his sides.

"Sir." He greets dutifully.

The Supreme Leader stares out the window for a few moments. Then he turns, lifting his hands to remove his mask.

Sylas looks up at the now familiar face— dark eyes, intense and penetrating, angled features, a faint scar cutting along his right cheek. He's young, not at all like Sylas had pictured him. It makes sense why he wears the mask, why he makes a point to separate himself from everyone else.

Though he always takes it off when it's just the two of them.

The Supreme Leader regards him coolly, his expression neutral except for the faintest hint of a smile.

"You spent the morning with Colonel Galen?" Kylo raises an eyebrow, stepping forward.

"Yep." Sylas answers with a firm nod. "Just like you told me."

"Good." Kylo stops just in front of Sylas who still stands at attention. He stares down, studying him silently.

"Tell me what you learned." He steps to the side, heading towards the table. Sylas turns, relaxing his stance.

"Well…" He starts, searching his mind for where to begin. "I learned we're projected to double in size within the year. Since Delphon, recruiting's been a breeze. We've been growing quickly some sectors and selectively in others, getting the best of the best. Once galactic relations becomes its own division, we'll need more—"

"I already know this." The Supreme Leader sets his mask on the table. "Tell me something I don't know." He looks at Sylas pointedly as he takes a seat.

The young man nods, then looks down, taking a deep breath.

He knows what the Supreme Leader really wants. It's just taking him a while to get used to doing it.

It feels so…. wrong. Looking the head of the First Order dead in the eye and telling him everything he doesn't like about how things are done around here, things that can be improved, things he doesn't understand.

But that's exactly what he wants.

It took couple of meetings for Sylas to figure it out. At first, he thought the Supreme Leader was just testing him, sending him to various divisions to see how well he picked up on things.

But no, it soon became clear that what he really wanted was to see this organization through different eyes, someone who notices things he wouldn't, asks questions he might not think to ask.

"Why…?" Sylas starts tentatively. "Why don't we recruit anyone out of the Outer Rim?"

Kylo narrows his eyes.

"I mean, I know we've picked up some mining teams there," Sylas corrects himself, scuttling forward to take a seat. "But other than that—"

"Why do you ask?" The Supreme Leader sits back in his chair.

"Because…" Sylas leans over to rest his forearms on his knees. "It kinda seems like our recruiters make a point of avoiding the Outer Rim."

"It seems that way because it is that way," Kylo answers bluntly.

"Why?" Sylas knits his eyebrows.

"Because," The Supreme Leader starts in his authoritative tone. "The Outer Rim is less populated. The pool of qualified potentials is smaller. And the people there are less educated and more…" He pauses, mulling over his next word. "Rebellious," he finally finishes. Sylas tilts his head.

"You're not wrong," he concedes. "But…" The young man's eyes drift to the ceiling. "With all we're doing out there lately— these invasions and now negotiations with groups like the Lords. It just seems like…" He shrugs. "We could use some more people who know the Outer Rim. And not just lower ranked people. Officers and such." Kylo lets out a half laugh.

"Sylas." The Supreme Leader leans forward, his tone condescending. "I trust you've learned by now that the culture of the First Order is a bit elitist."

Sylas grunts.

That's gotta be the understatement of the year…

"The people here have very well-refined ideas about what makes a person qualified for the upper ranks and what doesn't," Kylo continues. "And their perception of the Outer Rim populace doesn't exactly suit those ideas."

"Yeah, I've noticed," Sylas grumbles, looking down.

He quickly looks back up, worried the Supreme Leader might think he's being ungrateful for his promotion. But Sylas is surprised to find the man's eyes not only empty of reproach but slightly softened.

Sylas seizes the opportunity.

"Sir," he starts eagerly. "You knew before you promoted me that everyone would say I don't belong, that you shouldn't give a nobody like me this kind of responsibility. But you did it anyway." He leans forward, eyes locked on the Supreme Leader's. "Because you knew we needed someone like me up here. And isn't that the point of having a sovereign in the first place?" He sits back again. "You see something that needs to be done, so you override everyone's preferences to make it happen."

Kylo purses his lips, considering this.

"That's true…" His tone is careful, measured. "But a sovereign can't just do what he wants without respect to the organization. Change has to happen slowly."

"Ok." Sylas shrugs. "So, start slow. Give Colonel Galen a quota to hit for Outer Rim recruits in all divisions. A small one," he hastily adds. "And maybe…" Sylas tenses, bracing himself. "Consider tweaking some of the requirements for promotion?"

"What requirements?" The Supreme Leader snaps at him.

"Well…" Sylas blows out a puff of air. "Mostly the one that gives preference to people who have been with the First Order the longest."

"That protocol is in place for good reason," Kylo responds emphatically.

"I know, I know, rewarding loyalty and all that." Sylas waves a hand. "But as long as that's the rule, the upper ranks of the First Order will only be people who remember how things were, who came in during the war." He raises his eyebrows. "You're the one who's always saying we need to be a governing body now. That'll be a lot harder if everyone in charge has a military mindset." The Supreme Leader looks away, eyes dark with thought.

"We're getting all this fresh blood right now, mostly in the lower ranks," Sylas continues. "And none of them have even the slightest chance of getting promoted. It just…" He tilts his head. "Seems like a wasted opportunity. There could be some really good people being overlooked, people who could help make the changes you want to see around here."

The Supreme Leader stares into the floor, eyebrows furrowed, looking like he's angry.

"I-It's just a thought." Sylas backs away, sounding more tentative. "I mean… you're the Supreme Leader." Kylo continues staring down, oblivious to Sylas, lost in his own mind. The young man starts to grow nervous…

"Let's get to the reason you're here," the Supreme Leader abruptly changes the subject. Sylas lets out an exhale, not realizing he was holding it in. "General Kas tells me we're ready to come to terms."

"Right." Sylas nods, shifting gears quickly as he scoots his chair into the table. He rests both forearms on the surface, clasping his hands together. "So, it wasn't easy, but here's where we're at." He takes a deep breath, preparing himself. Then he looks up with a direct gaze.

"The Lords will pull out of all the iridium mines on Anthan Prime," he starts confidently. "And agree not to interfere with the First Order's access to them in any way, if the parliament puts half of what we give them for the mines into repairing the planet's waterways." The Supreme Leader's expression remains neutral.

So far, so good.

Now comes the hard part.

"And…" Sylas draws out the word. "If the parliament makes it illegal for anyone in the Anthan government to step foot on the Spire." Kylo's eyebrows immediately shoot up.

"And the Anthan Parliament said they'll agree to this?" He asks, incredulous.

Sylas clicks his tongue.

"Yeah." He nods. The Supreme Leader stares at him, eyes like slits. Sylas fiddles with his hands as Kylo continues to stare coldly.

"It's my understanding…" The Supreme Leader leans in. "That most members of the Anthan parliament live on the Spire, do they not?"

"Not officially." Sylas squirms in his seat. "But yeah, they each have private quarters and pretty much spend all their time up there."

Kylo's expression darkens.

"Well, you see…" Sylas struggles to maintain his confidence. "The idea is that if they have to spend all their time on the planet, then they'll be more likely to, you know…" He bobs his head. "Actually care that it's a giant garbage heap." He presses his lips together.

The Supreme Leader looks less than pleased.

"And what would you say is the likelihood that the members of parliament will keep their word?" Kylo never takes his eyes off Sylas.

The young man squints.

"Uh…" He twists his lips to one side. "I would say…" he continues slowly, "the likelihood is somewhere in the general vicinity of…" He looks up, feigning internal calculation. "About zero," he concludes.

The Supreme Leader's jaw hardens.

"Thenwe haven't come to terms," he spits. "This agreement will fall apart in less time it took to negotiate it, and we'll be right back where we started."

"Not necessarily," Sylas pipes up. "Hear me out." He wiggles forward in his chair.

"So…when you think about it," he begins with a sly look. "The goal here isn't exactly to come to a lasting agreement." The Supreme Leader stares at him with cold eyes. Sylas clears his throat. "I mean we've all got different goals, right?" He gestures on either side of him. "Our goal is to get access to the mines. The Lords' goal is to clean up the planet. And the parliament…" Sylas wrinkles his nose. "They just want to add a new deck to the Spire." He pauses, tilting his head.

The Supreme Leader still looks unhappy.

"My point is…" Sylas raises an index finger. "If we play this right, I think there's an excellent shot that two out of three parties can meet their goals."

"How?" Kylo challenges.

"So, here's how this will have to go down." Sylas squares his shoulders. "When we draw up the agreement, we need to be…" His eyes drift upward, searching for the right word. "Vague," he says finally, "about this whole 'don't step foot on the Spire' thing."

"Vague?" Kylo raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Sylas nods. "Basically, we need to give parliament the impression that they'll easily be able to break that part of agreement without much repercussion." The Supreme Leader nods, starting to look more curious than angry.

"Then after it's official," Sylas emphasizes the timing. "We reveal the details."

"Which will be…?" Kylo turns his head.

"We put trackers in all the members of Parliament," Sylas declares matter-of-factly. "Every time any one of them steps foot on the Spire, we publicize it to the whole planet." The Supreme Leader furrows his eyebrows.

"And when that happens, what will the Lords do?" He probes.

"Well, you see…" Sylas starts nervously. "That's actually why Lord Ixion likes this plan. He thinks that once the Anthan people see their leaders breaking their promise again and again, it'll whip everyone into action so he can finally start his rebellion."

Kylo instantly rolls his eyes.

"Excellent." His voice is dripping with sarcasm. "So, we'll be mining iridium in a war zone. What a perfect environment for efficient extraction." He cocks his head caustically.

Sylas sighs, dropping his shoulders.

"Do you have any idea how long wars like that drag on?" The Supreme Leader barks at him. "They last forever."

"Unless." Sylas perks up. "The First Order were to say…" He drums his fingers on the table. "Arm the Lords?" He suggests tentatively. Kylo rolls his eyes again.

"Sylas, the First Order cannot be seen giving weapons to an organization in open rebellion against their own government."

"But we don't have to be seen!" Sylas practically cuts him off. "We can go through third parties. We've got plenty of weapons contractors who owe us a favor."

"No." The Supreme Leader shakes his head. "Sylas, no."

"Ok, listen." Sylas raises his hands defensively. "Let me finish." Kylo sighs, annoyed, but nods for him to continue. Sylas leans over the table, eyes fixed on the Supreme Leader's.

"We can arm the Lords without the weapons being traced back to us. I know we can." He maintains a firm gaze. "You gave me high security clearance, remember? I did my research. I can name three contractors right now who will do this for us like that." Sylas snaps his fingers.

"And if the Lords are well-armed, the Anthan government will fall in a month, probably less," Sylas declares confidently. "Then, Lord Ixion will set up a new government in its place, one that is completely and utterly loyal to the First Order. It'll be like Delphon all over again. They'll bend over backwards to support us in whatever way they can."

Kylo brings a hand to his jaw, growing thoughtful. Sylas pauses for a few moments, watching closely, trying to read him.

"Even if that were to happen…" The Supreme Leader starts slowly. "There's no way we would escape suspicion for colluding against the Anthan government. They may not be able to prove it, but half the galaxy will think we tipped the scales in the Lords' favor."

"So?" Sylas shrugs. "It's not like anyone will have much sympathy for parliament. They're the ones who've been letting the whole planet rot while they pour money into the Spire. They're the ones who will break the agreement and start this whole mess in the first place. They'll have brought it on themselves. And if anyone thinks we had anything to do with it, they'll probably see it as…" Sylas pauses. "Justice," he finishes with a smile.

The Supreme Leader eyes him warily.

"I'm sure there will be many governments across the galaxy who won't see it that way." Kylo leans forward. "And they'll remember this when we show up to negotiate with them."

"Yeah, well maybe that's a good thing." Sylas leans forward too, a little a fire in his eyes. "Maybe this is the perfect way to start these kinds of negotiations. You know…" Sylas sits back in his chair. "When I first showed up on Anthan Prime, Lord Ixion just assumed the First Order would be biased in parliament's favor, that we'd treat the Lords like scum. He was shocked we'd consider a plan like this." Sylas leans into the table again.

"Just like all the other groups rebelling against governments that don't do their jobs right will be shocked when this all goes down and we're suspected of helping the Lords." Sylas raises his eyebrows. "And you better believe that they'll remember this when we show up to negotiate with them."

"And the governments they're rebelling against?" Kylo challenges. "How will this affect our negotiations with them?" Sylas looks down, considering this for a moment.

"They'll be more wary of us…" He nods slowly. Then he looks up with a glint in his eye. "But they'll make damn sure they can keep to whatever terms they agree to."

The Supreme Leader grunts. His gaze remains fixed on Sylas as he leans back in his chair.

"I'm surprised Kas supports this plan." He narrows his eyes. "This will make his job more difficult moving forward."

"He doesn't see it that way." Sylas shakes his head. "He likes the idea of governments getting nervous about what could happen if they break their agreements."

"They'll be a lot more than just nervous," Kylo responds darkly. "They'll be fastidious, nitpicking. This trick of yours, being vague on the details, will only work once. After this, they'll want to know every detail of any agreement they sign." He looks away, rubbing his jaw with a hand. "Negotiations will take longer…" He furrows his eyebrows.

Sylas straightens, moving his hands to his lap. He watches the Supreme Leader closely.

"It'll be worth it." He interrupts the silence.

Kylo glances at him.

"It'll be worth it," Sylas repeats. "To send a message."

"What message?" Kylo raises an eyebrow.

Sylas juts his chin up. "The First Order can be just as tough on governments that break their promises as they are on scum that break the law."

The Supreme Leader's hand slides from his jaw. His expression is still neutral but…

He rests a forearm on the table, dark eyes sharp and focused.

"I want you…" The Supreme Leader begins slowly. "To meet with Colonel Sykes. Today. Talk to him about our options for arming the Lords through one of our contractors." Sylas perks up in his chair. "Then report to me at 1800 with Kas. I want to see both of you." Kylo leans forward. "If you can find a contractor fit for the job…" Sylas brightens, a smile tugging at his lips. "I'll approve the terms."

"Yes!" Sylas leaps out of his chair without thinking. He quickly retakes his seat, glancing sheepishly from side to side. "Yes, sir," he says in a more deferent tone. "I'll meet with Colonel Sykes and come back with Kas. It won't take long." He shakes his head, his smile widening to a grin. "We'll be on our way back to Anthan Prime tomorrow."

"We'll see," The Supreme Leader answers with his signature coldness but there's a glimmer in his eye.

Sylas takes a deep breath, surging with confidence.

"Alright," he announces with a flush. "This is good. This is gonna be good." He starts to nod, looking down, rubbing his hands together as he mentally runs through his research on weapons contractors… So many options…

"What are you still doing here?" He looks up at the sound of the Supreme Leader's voice.

"Oh!" Sylas springs from his chair. "Right. Of course." He straightens to stand at attention. "Thank you, sir." He gives a small bow. "I'll…" He points to the door. "Be back. At 1800…" He steps to the side and begins scurrying around the table.

He moves quickly towards the exit but halts only a few feet away. He stands awkwardly for a moment, staring down and fidgeting.

"Yes…?" The Supreme Leader draws out the word behind him.

Sylas tenses. He keeps his eyes on the floor, a war waging in his mind.

He does not want to bring this up.

The Supreme Leader probably knows about it anyway. The surveillance on these ships is insane. If he hasn't heard it from someone, surely he gets some kind of report, a summary of recorded conversations or something.

Then again, he can't imagine the Supreme Leader has the time or the interest to review First Order gossip. And he can't think of anyone who'd have the guts to mention this to him...

"Sylas." The Supreme Leader sounds annoyed now. "Either spit it out or take your leave."

The young man sighs, dropping his shoulders. Finally, he turns, slowly, reluctantly.

Kylo shifts in his seat to face him.

"It's just—" Sylas starts but immediately stops. He looks down to the floor. "I thought maybe I should tell you…" He scratches his head. "I mean, you probably already know, but uh…" He drops his hand, still fidgeting.

"Know what?"

"Well…" He shuffles his feet. "It's just that… There's been a lot of talk lately." He tenses, bracing himself. He can't believe he's about to do this… "F-from General Hux." He glances up tentatively.

The Supreme Leader is sitting back in his chair, relaxed and impassive. He doesn't appear to react at all, his expression remaining absolutely neutral.

"And what has Hux been talking about?" He doesn't even blink.

Sylas gulps.

"Apatros," he answers. "And… Crucival now." He studies the Supreme Leader, searching for a sign of whether or not he should keep going.

But the man's face is inscrutable, like a second mask.

"He… He's been telling everyone…" Sylas struggles to continue. "That he warned you the Outer Rim gangs might start destroying their mines out of spite. He says he recommended speeding up the invasions before it became a problem but…" He bites his lip. "You said no." He tenses again.

But the Supreme Leader does nothing. He simply continues staring, a forearm resting casually on the table.

"Is that all?" He asks evenly.

Sylas lets out a long exhale.

"No." He shakes his head. "I've heard he talks about me a lot. He says I'm not fit for this position. And you've endangered the First Order by giving me high security clearance."

The Supreme Leader tilts his head.

"Anything else?"

Sylas sighs heavily.

"Well… yeah, but…" He covers his eyes with a palm. "If I told you everything Hux complains about, I'd be here all day." He drags his hand over his face. "I just thought you should know that he's been talking a lot lately and…" He looks down. "Some people are listening."


Dead silence.

At least, that's what it seems like to Sylas. He bores holes into the floor, waiting for the Supreme Leader to speak.

"Who's listening?" Kylo asks quietly.

Sylas takes a deep breath.

"Some of the generals." He blows out a puff of air. "Like Meric and DeVries. Some colonels. Some lieutenants. A little bit of everyone, it seems like." He looks up. "I even overheard a couple of operators the other day. They didn't mention Hux by name, but they were complaining about all the stuff he talks about. It's like..." He pauses. "Everything he says filters down. He complains to the generals, the generals complain to the colonels, the colonels complain to the other officers, and it just goes on and on like that…" Sylas makes a circular gesture with a hand.

The Supreme Leader stares at him, his dark eyes intense. But he doesn't look angry. He doesn't even look concerned.

"It just…" Sylas gulps. "It just seems like he's trying to poison people against you. In fact…" He shifts awkwardly. "Sometimes it seems like…" He presses his lips together, not sure how to put this. The people around here are really uptight about the word "mutiny." But maybe in this case…?

"It seems like he's trying to convert people," he finishes. "Convert them to seeing the First Order the way he does. Which is…" Sylas grunts. "Not at all like you see it."

At this, the Supreme Leader lets out a long sigh, his first visible reaction.

"And would you say…" He begins, sitting up. "That his efforts are successful?"

Sylas instantly shakes his head.

"Not for most people," he answers. "Most people think you're doing a great job. Some even think you're better than Snoke. But…" He presses his lips together. "Since Apatros, I think people have been a little more… susceptible." He chooses the word carefully. "Susceptible to believing the bad things."

At this, the Supreme Leader looks down.

"Most people still support you," Sylas quickly adds. "The ones questioning your decisions are the minority. But if Hux had his way…" He grunts. "Apatros was like a gift to him." He rolls his eyes. "It's an easy way to make you look bad. And he's desperate to find other ways to question your fitness as a leader. Like…" Sylas pauses.

"For example…" His starts to grow nervous. "He's been trying to find out about…" His throat tightens. "The girl," he mumbles.

"What girl?" Kylo glowers at him.

"Th-th sector 12 girl?" Sylas stammers. "The one you pulled off a transport in the loading decks?" He gulps as the Supreme Leader darkens. "S-some say she was on Apatros." He takes a weak breath. "Apparently, a few troopers saw you…" He shrinks a little. "Kiss her…?"

Kylo instantly rolls his eyes. He shoots up from his chair to stalk towards the window, stopping just in front of it. He crosses his arms and glares out at the blackness of space.

"What else do people say?" He demands, his back to Sylas.

"Well…" The young man starts tepidly. "All kinds of things. Who knows what's true. Some say she was once a prisoner of ours. Some claim she was on the ship the day the Supremacy got spliced in two. Others say she used to be a Knight of Ren. A few think she's some kind of cult leader, like a Jedi or something." Sylas pauses, waiting for the Supreme Leader to react.

But he only continues to stare out the window.

"I don't think anyone knows much." Sylas tries to sound reassuring. "Nobody knows who she is. But everyone wants to. Even I want to." He lets out a nervous laugh. "But Hux most of all. He really wants to find out as much about her as he can."

Sylas tilts his head, studying the Supreme Leader closely. He can't see his face, yet he can tell he's angry, his body all tense and rigid.

Sylas blows out a long exhale as he continues to stare at the Supreme Leader's back. He starts fidgeting absently, tapping a finger at his side. A minute passes and he starts to worry.

Maybe this was a bad idea… He shouldn't have brought this up, any of it…

"Sylas." The Supreme Leader finally breaks the silence. He turns slowly, uncrossing his arms to clasp his hands behind his back. "You're loyal." He takes a few steps towards him. "And loyalty is an invaluable quality."

At this, Sylas perks up, his worry quickly abating.

The Supreme Leader stops a few feet in front of him.

"I want you to keep doing what you're doing," he continues, dark eyes fixed on his. "Keep listening. And keep reporting to me."

Sylas nods eagerly.

"Of course." He looks up at the Supreme Leader. "I can do that."

"Good." Kylo turns back towards the window. "Go now." He walks away, his hands clasped behind him.

"Yes, sir." Sylas snaps to attention then turns a heel and strides towards the door.

But once again, he halts just a few feet in front of it. He pauses a moment before turning slowly to the Supreme Leader.

"Do you…?" He starts tentatively. "Do you mind...?" He purses his lips. "if I, uh, ask…" He squints a little. "Who is the girl?"

Kylo instantly whips around.

"Get out!"

"Yep. Getting out." Sylas scampers out of the room.

Kylo glares after him as the door whirs shut. Then he sighs, turning to face the window.

He stares out at the stars, faint twinkles of light in a sea of blackness. Somehow, they make the darkness seem darker. They're so dim, so far apart, emphasizing how so much of space is just that.


Kylo sighs again as the view fades to the background, becoming nothing more than a place to look as he withdraws deep into his thoughts.

He thinks about everything Sylas just told him— Hux poisoning every level of this organization with his grousing and gossip, desperately searching for information on Rey…

Kylo grits his teeth.

The boy didn't tell him anything he didn't already know. But the fact he felt compelled to mention it is an indicator of how bad it's getting.

Apatros gave Hux a weapon, one he's wielding expertly. And now that Crucival has confirmed this is a trend, he'll only get worse…

But the bastard's being careful. He knows First Order law like the back of his hand. He wrote half of it. He's flirting with the line but never crossing it, never doing anything that could have him kicked out or executed.

He's just talking. And he's getting others to talk too. Slowly but surely, he's twisting people's perceptions, how they see Kylo's leadership, how they interpret the changes he's making to the organization. Some are starting to feel like he's lost sight of what the First Order truly is…

But most are still loyal. They see the necessity of this evolution, how the First Order must become something different now that they've won control of the galaxy. Hux's poison doesn't work on people like Kas and Voigt, practical men who understand the complexities of building an empire.

But Hux is eager to tip the scales, to convert more of the generals to his way of thinking.

This problem with the Outer Rim gangs isn't enough. And as long as Kylo's methodical about it, his changes to the First Order's structure aren't enough either.

But if the generals were to find out about Rey…?

Kylo instantly grows cold.

They would interpret his hands-off approach to the Resistance in a very different light.

They're already getting impatient, eager to take the offense before the Resistance beats them to the punch. Kylo thought he could avoid that kind of confrontation through his leadership, through showing the galaxy there's no need for any organized effort against his reign.

But he can't undo Snoke's mistakes. He can't rewind time and soften the wanton cruelty he exercised in their rise to power.

And he can't banish the ghosts of Hosnian Prime.

If only he had a way to show the galaxy that this sacrifice was worth it, that in the long term a weapon like Starkiller can save more lives than it ends.

But that takes time, time he doesn't have…

And in spite all his success, all the support he's gaining throughout the galaxy, the Resistance is growing like wildfire. New blood is pouring into their ranks, thanks to Rey. According to his intel, she's become quite the little recruiter.

He's trying to keep the war cold for now, limiting their response non-military action— cutting off their access to resources, shutting down their donors. But he can only do that for so long.

This war will become hot. Sooner rather than later.


He stares intently into the blackness.

Unless he can convince Rey to join the First Order before that happens.

He tenses, clenching his jaw.

Then he lets out a heavy sigh, turning to walk towards the table. He absently takes a seat, his eyebrows furrowed, churning inwardly, a sense of urgency grating against a softer inclination, what he knows about Rey.

On the one hand, he's realized he needs to be more patient with her. What he's asking her to do isn't easy. She's surrounded by people who hate the First Order, people she considers friends, family even.

Of course she's reluctant to join an organization everyone in her community views as evil. Of course she feels shame at the thought of leaving them to stand with him instead.

And it's not just shame keeping her from embracing her destiny, her place by his side.

She's so vulnerable. So tender. So innocent. She's spent most of her life alone. The idea of being so close to someone terrifies her.

But she's finally starting to let go…

At this, the memory washes over him, the images flashing in his mind.

He sees her sitting before him in the cave, her eyes soft and full of purpose. He sees her lean in, her lips connecting with his, slowly, deliberately, savoring the moment. If he closes his eyes, he can almost feel her, the way she crawled on top of him, her body pressed against his, her fingers running through his hair, her lips soft and wet, hungrily taking his again and again and again…

His eyes snap open.

He takes a deep breath, a swell of warmth overcoming his senses.

He meant what he told her. Every word.

Ideally, that's exactly what he would do. Cast all their differences to the side and just be with her as often as he can— through the bond, in whatever way possible. Let everything else work itself out in time.

But he doesn't have time. That's the problem.

War's on the horizon, inching steadily closer.

Then there's Hux, desperately searching for her all while she's becoming the face of recruitment for the Resistance.

Kylo's done everything he can to bury any evidence her, of any connection between them. He destroyed her medical records, reassigned the designation of her tracker, wiped clean all evidence of her off the ship's surveillance.

But he can't stop the inevitable…

People will find out. Eventually.

Of course, they will.

But it must at the right time, after she takes her place at his side. He can't have the entire the First Order erupt into a frenzy of gossip about his relationship with a leading figure in the Resistance. He doesn't even want to imagine what Hux would do in that situation…

Kylo shudders inwardly. He leans forward, resting his forearms on his knees, growing increasingly unsettled.

If only there were a way to speed up this process, a way to get closer to her, to see her more, let her experience everything she's missing, everything she knows is true in her heart— that they belong together, that it's their destiny to rule together, side by side, leading the greatest empire this galaxy has ever seen.

He's thought about it. He's thought about it so many times. Finding excuses to be near her, to go to where she is, contriving scenarios like Apatros, reasons for them to see each other outside of the bond.

But he can't do that.

Or at least, he'd have to be very careful doing that.

Because he doesn't ever want her wondering how he knows where she is...

Kylo immediately darkens. He tenses his shoulders, hunching over, eyes fixed on the floor.

Suddenly, he sits up, startled by the crackle of his master comm.

"Sir, the representative from Sienar-Jaemus has arrived," a voice announces through the static. "He's waiting in hanger C in Sector 11."

Kylo snatches the comm from his belt.

"Tell him I'll be there shortly," he commands. He sighs, rising and reattaching his comm. In one swift motion, he sweeps his mask from the table, then strides towards the door.

But he slows as he gets nearer, halting only a few feet away. He stares at the floor, feeling heavy, a strange kind of exhaustion overtaking him, not physical but something else, like a weariness of spirit.

He stands like this for a minute.

Then, he slowly lifts his mask up and overhead, clicking it into place. He squares his shoulders and exits the room without looking back.


But for those who want to know, I thought I'd share the general outline for this story and how long it will take to complete.

When I realized that these oneshots were turning into a story, I decided to do something I'd been wanting to do after I finished my first story, which is use the Force bond as a means to take Rey and Kylo/Ben full circle through a relationship. There's the part where they fall in love (we've gotten through that), the part where they begin a relationship (we're getting to that now), the part where they break up (take one guess what will cause that) and finally, the part where they make up. Of course, this whole process will have a major impact on the larger story, the conflict between the First Order and Resistance. The idea is to explore how the experience of being in a relationship can be an agent of growth and change. That's why I'm taking this slow, focusing more on the journey than the destination.

The estimated length of story is sixty chapters, but that's a ballpark. I'd like it to be somewhere between 50-60 chapters. I know where I want to end, but I'm still ironing out the details on how to get there. This does mean we have a ways to go, so I hope you can be patient. The goal is to finish the story around the time episode 9 is released.

To meet that goal, I need to get myself back to a two-week update schedule, maybe even a weekly update schedule during the summer. I apologize for the recent slowdown. Lately, work stress has spiraled into mental and physical health issues, a pattern I'm sure many of you are familiar with. I know this story is full of mistakes but you guys have been so gracious, helping me stay positive instead of hyper-focusing on everything I do wrong. You have no idea how much I appreciate that. This is the kind of hobby that can feel like work sometimes but you help keep it fun!

In an effort to get back on schedule, the next update will be December 15th. Thank you for your patience and as always, thank you for reading!