31. Hero

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Rey catches up with a friend before her mission to Kaddak.

"I don't know, Rey." Poe shakes his head. "I think we're gonna have to replace the whole turbine."

He leans forward on the grimy basement floor, pointing to the inner workings of the generator.

"The armature's damaged, the rectifier's shot, and even if we could reroute the power through the MT control, we'd still have problems with the field coil."

Rey sighs.

"No." She scoots forward. "Poe, I told you, there's no need to replace the turbine when we can shunt the field coil with a part from an old deactivator." She gestures to the tattered machine behind her.

At this, BB-8 perks up. It starts rolling towards the deactivator.

"What?" Poe jerks back. "That won't work."

BB8 halts.

"That'll just cause a bunch of problems with start-up."

The droid's head droops. It turns, rolling back to its place next to Poe.

"No, it won't," Rey insists. "Trust me, I've patched up plenty of generators with parts from a deactivator and they work just fine."

Poe grunts.

"Except for this one." He points to the machine in front of them. "And two over there." He waves down a long line of generators. "And one on the west side."

Rey rolls her eyes.

"I wasn't the one who repaired those." She gestures to herself. "If I had, we wouldn't be down here."

Poe waves a hand dismissively.

"Regardless, not everything can be fixed by patching it up with an old part. At some point, you gotta call it a day and just gut it, pull out the turbine, maybe even the DC reverter."

Rey groans, covering her eyes with a palm.

"You never learn, do you?" She shakes her head, wiping her hand over her face. "This just like Clava's Palace, always going for the most extreme solution when there's a simpler one right in front of you."

Poe lets out a sigh, sitting back on his calves.

"I wanted to slip in through the docks, completely unnoticed, but nooo, that wasn't good enough for you, was it? Instead, we had to dress up as pleasure slaves, infiltrate the court, make a big scene in front Clava and everyone. And how did that turn out again?" She cocks her head.

Poe looks away, rolling his eyes.

"You're never gonna let that go, are you?"

"No, I am not," Rey answers succinctly, leaning towards the generator.

A few seconds pass as she examines the field coil.

"It was worth it."

Rey turns, knitting her eyebrows.

Poe shoots her a sly glance.

"To see you in that outfit."


Rey gives him a hard shove, and he topples over, right into BB8.

The droid rolls back and forth, regaining its balance.

Poe rises to his knees, snickering, clearly pleased with himself.

Rey shakes her head.

"I wasn't the one who was propositioned five times in ten minutes." She points at him.

He just shrugs.

"Can't help it if I'm handsome." He winks.

Rey looks down, fighting back a smile.

But it's no use. The more she fights, the more her smile deepens.

"So, what are we going to do about this." She gestures to the generator.

He straightens, shifting forward, trying to refocus.

"I think…" He clicks his tongue. "We need a tie breaker." He looks down at BB8. "What do you think, buddy? Should we replace the turbine or throw in an old part, try to patch things up?"

The droid rolls around Poe to position itself between him and Rey, taking a closer look at the machine. It bobs lightly as it examines, extending a probe to the field coil.

After a minute, it rolls back, withdrawing the probe into its body.

It looks to Poe, then Rey. Poe again, then Rey again.

Finally, it droops, letting out a quiet string of beeps.

Rey juts her chin up smugly.

"Traitor," Poe grumbles.

But a second later, he reaches over to scratch the droid's head.

BB8 perks up, chirping.

"Thank you." Rey nods to the droid. "Now, would you mind grabbing that part for me? You know the one I need."

BB8 snaps back, then rolls briskly towards the deactivator.

"No, not that one." She points to the end of the basement. "There's another back there."

The droid beeps once, turning to where she points, making its way between the wide aisle of generators stretching out across the basement floor.

"And can you check out those other two having problems while you're at it?"

The droid beeps again, speeding up to roll quickly away.

Rey shifts to face Poe.

He's sitting on the floor now, a knee curled in his chest, staring at Rey with a strange sort of glimmer.

"What?" She looks him up and down.

"Nothing. Just…" He purses his lips. "I miss this."

"You mean…" She squints teasingly. "Arguing about generators?"

"It's not arguing," he insists, scooting closer. "It's banter." He gestures between them. "And nobody does it better than you."

She grunts, but can't help smiling.

"But I feel like I hardly see you anymore." He tilts his head. "Since you started that anti-slavery thing, it seems like you're always gone."

She scoffs lightly.

"That thing is the reason this base is full of people right now." She points to the ceiling.

"Oh, I know." He widens his eyes. "Trust me. You're all I ever hear about. The people around here worship you. In fact, I hear you've got a nickname now."

At this, Rey glances down, pressing her lips together.

"Hold on, hold on." Poe looks up. "Let me get this right." He mouths the words, practicing silently.

"Ba- Barache Cabani," he finally says. "Barache Cabani," he says again, a little more confidently.

"Chainbreaker." He squints at her.

Rey's cheeks grow warm.

Poe lifts both hands, like he's visualizing words in the sky.

"Rey, Chainbreaker."

She shakes her head, her blush deepening.

"No, no, no." Poe widens his hands a little. "Rey of the Resistance, Chainbreaker."

She looks down, embarrassed.

"You're getting quite the reputation, you know." He nudges her. "And not just in the Resistance. People are starting to talk about the Chainbreaker."

She bites her lip.

"You're giving a lot of people hope. Just knowing someone like you is out there."

Rey looks up and is met with soft eyes gazing into hers.

She lets out a nervous laugh, turning away.

"It's not just me." She shifts a little. "I'm nothing without my team."

"A team you built." He nods emphatically. "You started with twenty, and how big our you now? Four hundred strong?"

"Three hundred," she corrects him.

"Still, that's quite an accomplishment." He turns his head. "And with all the buzz you're creating, the people you're recruiting… You're the most valuable member of the Resistance right now, next to the General."

She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'm proud of you." He beams. "You've really shown people what you're made of, that you know what you're doing."

"Oh really?" She perks up. "Would you…" She squints a little. "Mind saying that again?"

"Uh…" He looks confused. "What? That I'm proud of you?"

"Yes," she answers. "And I know what I'm doing."

"Sure." He straightens. "I'm pr—"

"Wait!" She lifts a finger, leaning around him.

"BB8!" She calls loudly. "Could you come back for a minute? I need you to record something for posterity!"

Poe scoffs.

BB8 pops out from behind a generator far down the aisle, just barely visible.

"Ignore her!" Poe shouts, twisting around.

The droid pauses a moment. Then it disappears.

Rey smiles, sticking her tongue out as Poe turns back to her.

"Very cute," he says wryly.

"In all seriousness…" She's still smiling. "Thank you. That really means a lot to me, especially coming from you. I know we haven't always gotten along, so it matters all the more that you've grown to trust me, to trust my judgement."

He tilts his head, his expression softening. For a few moments he just studies her, a strange look in his eyes.

She sits up, gazing back at him.

And that's when it hits.

Subtle but unmistakable. A warm glow welling within.

For a split second, she could swear he starts to lean in.

But she immediately jerks back, shifting to the generator.

Poe sinks inwardly.

"Anyways…" She reaches into the machine, grazing the field coil. "It's nice to know you have my back." She glances at him. "And you know I've always got yours. That's the important thing right now. Like Leia says, solidarity can win a war, squabbling can lose one."

He leans back with a sigh, resting his palms on the floor behind him.

"She would know." He raises his eyebrows. "Speaking of which, did you hear she approved Madani's plan?"

Rey instantly snaps up.

"Yep." He nods. "The admiral's putting teams together as we speak. They'll be going to all the planets the First Order's likely to negotiate with, trying to convince the powers that be to keep their resources to themselves."

"But not any planets they're currently negotiating with, right?"

"No." Poe shakes his head. "But we are recruiting donors from those systems. Leia thinks the First Order will be less likely to go after them since it could cause a stink, possibly interfere with their negotiations."

Rey presses her lips together.

"Things are starting to heat up." Poe swells with satisfaction. "We're getting closer, Rey. Every single day. This war's about to get real. And we're ready for it." He sits up. "We'll be raiding First Order facilities in six months, maybe less." He smirks. "Kylo Ren's about to get a swift punch in the gut."

Rey looks down.

"Do you… really think we're ready?"

"We've been ready." He doesn't skip a beat. "It's time to finally do something, get off our asses and take a stand."

Rey lets out a slow exhale, bringing her hands to her lap.

"I suppose it is," she says quietly. She bores holes into the floor.


She looks up at the sound of Poe's voice.

He reaches over, resting a hand on her shoulder.

"You're ready for this." He dips his chin. "You know that, right?"

She waits a moment, then gives a small nod.

Poe squeezes gently.

"You are," he assures. "And you're gonna show everyone that Kylo Ren is not the most powerful person in this galaxy."

Rey's throat tightens.

Poe withdraws his hand, a gleam in his eye.

She turns to the generator, trying to quell a sick feeling in her gut.

Suddenly, she straightens, just remembering something.

She snaps to Poe.

"Weren't you supposed to be in the training room at 1500?"

"Oh, shit!" He jerks back.

He shoots to his feet, brushing the grime off his pants.

"I gotta go."

He pulls a chrono from his pocket.

"Shit, I've really gotta go."

He turns and starts racing towards the exit.

But he halts halfway there, whipping around.

"You'll be at dinner, right?"

She nods.

"Good. I wanna see you before you leave. Where are you going this time?"

She tsks.

"Can't tell you that. We're playing this one close to the chest."

He narrows his eyes, suspicious.

"Trust me." Rey leans forward. "It's in everyone's best interest that we keep this one quiet."

He purses his lips, still suspicious, but turns slowly.

"You know what you're doing, Rey," he shouts as he heads for the exit. "Just make sure you're careful, alright?"

"Always!" She lifts a hand to project her voice.

He slaps a panel by the door, charging out of the room the instant it whirs open.

But he sticks his head in before it closes.

"Hey!" He calls. "Bring BB8 back when you're done?"

"Yep!" She nods.

He nods back, then snaps away, disappearing down the hall.

The door whirs shut behind him.

For a moment, Rey sits still, staring at the door, half expecting him to pop in again.

Then she turns to face the generator.

She stares blankly, hardly noticing it.

After a minute, she sits back on her calves, blowing out a long exhale.

She looks up to the ceiling, her mind busy with thoughts about Poe— everything they just talked about, the look in his eyes when he said he missed her.

She sighs, shaking her head.

Truth is…

She misses him too. She's really grown to like him, and not just because of his street-smarts, his values, his heroism.

He's a good man.

Then again, that's exactly the reason she's glad to be away from the base most of the time now.

She droops, remembering what she sensed in him only a few minutes ago.

She recognizes that feeling.

It's not the first time she's sensed it in him, either. And every time she feels it, it grows a little bit stronger…

She buries her face in a palm.

If she were at the base more, this would be a problem she'd have to deal with. But since she's gone so much, she can't help but push it to the side, put it off, hoping that maybe, just maybe…

She drops her hand, sighing.

She knows what she should do.

She should be honest with him, let him down easy, tell him she doesn't think of him that way.

But the idea of hurting him absolutely crushes her.

She pictures his handsome face, crestfallen, imagines his heart, that golden heart, breaking into pieces.


She can't bear that. Not for a single minute.

She can only hope that in time the feeling will pass, that he'll move on, meet someone else, someone who will return all those warm feelings and so much more.

If anyone deserves that, it's him.

Rey stares into the floor, wishing desperately that the cosmos would send someone Poe's way, someone wonderful, someone who would make her look like a cheerless dump in comparison.

She focuses on this idea, tries to picture it in her mind, what she might be like, the perfect person for him.

She should be beautiful, of course. And have a bit of flair. She should be confident, funny, street-smart and maybe even a little edgy, someone to keep him on his toes.

She runs through a catalogue of faces, people she knows, their backgrounds, their personalities, searching for someone who could be just the right fit…

But for some reason, Daja's the only person who comes to mind.

Rey grunts.

No, that won't do. Those two would kill each other.

She sighs.

Then, she snaps up, shaking her head briskly.

She shifts her focus to the generator, reaching forward to graze the field coil.

That's right… She can't do anything without that part.

She leans back, peering down the aisle of generators, trying to catch sight of BB8.

But there's nothing.

She pushes up from the floor, turning to walk a few paces to the old deactivator. She kneels down in front of it, starting to shift through the parts, all the while knowing that the one she needs isn't here.

She starts sorting them into piles, one for junk and one for salvaging.

It's not long before her thoughts begin to drift, back to Poe, this time to the last thing they talked about before he left.

She hears his words echo in her mind.

"This war's about to get real. And we're ready for it."

She cringes, dropping a part with a clang.

The Resistance may be ready.

But she most certainly is not.

And the more she thinks about it, about what's about to happen, about what all their hard work has been building to…

She tosses another part onto the junk pile, then sits back on the floor, planting her hands behind her.

She stares down, hardening her jaw.

Destroy the First Order.

That's the endgame. Always has been.

It's a great idea in theory. Rid the galaxy of people like General Hux, weapons like Starkiller, usher in an age of freedom and peace.

But then she thinks about the reality, what it would take to bring this vision into being.

She remembers what it was like to be on the first Starkiller when the planet started destabilizing, the earth opening up all around her, swallowing the forest whole.

She thinks about the base, all the people inside, the troopers, the technicians, the operators.

And she can't help but wonder…

How many people like Sylas died that day? How many people like Finn? Just regular people, cogs in the machine?

So many lives…

Was it worth it? Was it worth it to sacrifice them all for the greater good?

Or is there another way, a better way, one that doesn't end in so much bloodshed?

Rey shifts on the floor, hugging both knees into her chest, churning.

As she mulls over these questions, she can't stop the memory from replaying in her mind.

She's not sure why. On its face, there's nothing particularly relevant about it.

Yet there's something in it, something she can't quite put her finger on. It seems to contain the truth somehow, the answer to everything…

She went Leia before she came here.

Of course she did. She always contacts her after she sees him, even if it's at a distance, just to let her know what happened, how he's doing.

But this time, she needed to see her in person.

She had to.

She couldn't just pull the trigger on this plan with the invasions without running it by her, hearing what she thinks.

Leia reacted about how Rey expected her to.

She pointed out that they'd be helping the First Order, granting them quicker access to resources by diffusing the bombs and boosting their reputation by saving the slaves.

"So…" Rey leaned forward in her chair. "You think we shouldn't do it?"

Leia sat back with a sigh.

"No," she shook her head. "Those people's lives matter more than this war. But you need to be careful," she warned. "Prepare your team, and keep things quiet. I don't want to hear about anyone getting locked in a First Order prison."

Rey nodded.

"And don't do anything foolish." Leia pointed at her. "Stick with the plan, and stay with your team. I don't ever want to hear about something like Apatros again."

At this, Rey jerked back.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean." Leia leaned in. "Getting yourself sold to one of the most dangerous gangs in the galaxy, going in those mines alone, no back up, no plan for escape—"

"But I had a plan!" Rey protested.

"Oh, really?" Leia raised an eyebrow. "Tell me, what was your plan beyond some vague idea that you'd find your way out of the mines and sneak a few people out while you were at it?"

Rey looked away.

"That's what I thought," Leia sat back. "Rey, I admire your confidence, I admire your guts, but you have got to learn to exercise more caution. One day your recklessness—"

"What!?" Rey shot forward. "I can't believe you. You are just like him. Why can't you both just trust me, trust that I know what I'm…"

But her voice trailed off, surprised to see Leia chuckling softly.

"The more things change…" The older woman shook her head.

Then she leaned back, a faraway look in her eyes.

"You two…" She smiled to herself. "Remind me so much of me and Han. Only he's me and you're Han." She widened her eyes.

Then she sighed, looking away.

"Han drove usboth crazy, you know," she continued, seeming to talk to no one. "That man thought he was invincible. He'd do the stupidest things. And he was gone half the time, wouldn't come back when he said he would. I'd try to contact him. No answer." She rolled her eyes. "So, me and Ben would just wait, hoping he was still alive but preparing for the worst, imagining all the ways he could have gotten himself killed."

Leia sighed, a strange look on her face, wistful despite the darkness of the subject.

"Ben…" Her lips turned upwards. "He always wanted to be just like his father." Her eyes crinkled, old memories seeming to flicker across them.

"But…" Her smile faded. "He was always more like me instead." She looked down.

Rey watched in silence, her heart weighed down by a heavy sadness, the one Leia carries around with her day in and day out.

It's a familiar ache. A mirror of her son's.

"He…" Rey spoke tentatively, "mentioned once that you fought a lot. You and Han."

Leia pursed her lips.

"We did." She nodded slowly. "But…" She squinted at Rey, a glint in her eye. "We always fought with love."

"What?" Rey turned her head. "I don't understand. How can you fight with love?"

"Well, there are different kinds of fighting, Rey." Leia sat up. "People fight with all kinds of intentions. Some fight to show dominance, to exert their will over another. Some fight to destroy, to tear someone down. But when you fight with love…" Her lips turned upwards. "You fight to build a person up, to make them stronger, better." She leaned in.

"And when you know that, when you feel it in your heart," She patted her chest. "Well…" She leaned back. "Those fights tend to end very differently than the other kind." She smiled to herself.

Rey sees the woman's face in her mind, almost as if she were sitting before her now— her soft features, that twinkle in her eyes. She remembers what she felt in her in that moment, a perfect peace, a rare respite from that deep sadness always tugging at her heart.

Rey shifts on the basement floor, slowly refocusing on the present.

She still hears Leia's voice in her mind.

"We always fought with love."

It seems like such an absurd concept, to fight with love. How is such a thing even possible?

But then she thought about it…

She thought about Ben. She thought about Poe. She thought about Daja. All of them people she loves dearly, yet she finds herself fighting with them half the time they're together.

She thought about how even in the heat of their bitterest disagreements she still feels connected to them, still feels loyalty, still feels love. She thought about how these feelings seem to shape the course of the fight, guiding its outcome.

Then she started thinking even more…

And the more she did, the more the idea struck her.

It's not just that there's some truth in it…

Maybe it's the truth, the ultimate truth, the key to everything— this war, the bond, the changes she and Ben are going through, all that's happening between them.

Maybe this is what it's all about. Maybe this is the purpose of the bond, of their relationship.

Maybe the Force is trying to teach them how to fight with love. Maybe it's priming them, pushing them to turn the coming war in a different direction, one that won't end in destruction and bloodshed.


Rey shifts, loosening her arms around her knees.

She looks down, entranced by this idea, but also uncertain.

She drops her legs, crossing them and hunching over, staring blankly at the jumbled mess of parts in front of her.

She wishes, not for the first time, that the Force would send her some sort of message, something, anything that lays it all out in no uncertain terms— the purpose of the bond, why it works the way it does, what it's supposed to be leading to, the grand destiny she's meant to accomplish…

She grunts.

Fat chance.

She shakes her head briskly.

Then she takes a deep breath and sits up, trying to refocus on the task at hand. She rises to her feet, crouching, twisting around to call for BB8.

But suddenly, she freezes.

She crouches, perfectly still, ears alert, like she's listening for something.

But what she's sensing is internal, something from within. It fades in slowly, a gentle warmth in her core.

Her lips turn upwards.

Well, if that isn't a sign, she doesn't know what is.

Rey shoots from the floor, swelling with satisfaction, the warmth rising, bringing his presence along with it.

She brushes the grime from her pants, then straightens, looking up and around.

The warmth surges out from her core and into her limbs, then vanishes as quickly as it came.

And just like that, she feels him in the room with her.

Her smile deepens.

She turns slyly, a hand on her hip.

He's standing a few feet away, head cocked, a glimmer in his eyes.

"Didn't I just see you?" She points teasingly.

She doesn't wait for a response, immediately skipping to meet him.

He steps towards her, not bothering to examine the surroundings.

His eyes are only on her.

She halts with a hop in front of him.

"How are you?" She asks cheerily.

He gazes down, seeming to take a moment just to enjoy the sight of her.

"A lot better now." He lifts a hand to her face, leaning down to greet her with a kiss.

She rises to her toes, eager to meet him, curling a hand behind his neck.

They connect softly.

She flattens to the ground, smiling.

"And how are you?" He slips a hand behind her waist, drawing her closer.

"Better now," she whispers.

He smiles, leaning in.

They kiss again, lingering this time, taking a moment to revel in the sensations, soft flesh connecting, warm bodies pressed against each other, sweet scents teasing their nostrils, making them lightheaded.

He inhales deeply as he pulls away, seeming to breathe her in.

They can't take their eyes off one another, can't keep their hands from traveling, hers brushing locks of hair from his face, his sliding up her back, tracing the curves of her body.

They connect again, their lips meeting once, twice, three times, blending into a string of kisses, almost like a conversation, each one a little different, communicating its own nuance of tenderness and affection.

She wraps her arms around his neck and he tightens his hold.

But suddenly, she snaps back, eyes wide.

"What?" He knits his eyebrows.

"Just…" She unwraps her arms and pushes against his chest. "One second." She lifts a finger.

She runs over to the door, stopping just beside it. She glances up, searching her mind for a moment, then flips open the keypad and enters a security code to lock.

She turns away when she hears a beep of confirmation, heading back to Ben.

"This isn't exactly a private room," she explains as she walks. "And there are a lot of people on this base."

He nods, taking a moment to look around the basement, down the rows of generators stretching out on either side.

"It doesn't look like anyone comes down here much."

"No." She slows as she gets closer. "But I'd rather not take any chances." She stops just in front of him. "Don't you ever worry about that?" She tilts her head. "People walking in during the bond?"

"I don't have to," he says matter-of-factly. "No one enters a room I'm in without my express permission."

She grunts.

"Well that must be nice." There's an undertone of mocking in this response.

But he doesn't seem to notice, already slipping a hand behind her waist.

He starts to lean in, a smile on his lips.

But suddenly, they both jerk back, snapping to the side.

BB8 rolls swiftly down the aisle, a probe sticking out from its body, the part Rey asked for in hand.

She instantly pushes against Ben, stepping away.

The droid slows as it gets closer, stopping just below them.

It turns its head to Rey, then Ben. Rey again, then Ben again.

Finally, it looks to Rey, letting out a string of beeps.

"Yes, BB8." Her eyes flit upward. "This is my friend."

BB8 chirps a question.

"What do you mean how did he get here? Through the door of course." She gestures behind her.

The droid doesn't appear convinced, rolling its head back to examine her.

Rey crouches, twitching.

"Did you check out those two having problems?"

It beeps a response as she takes the part, then withdraws the probe into its body.

"Are you sure we have to pull out the turbine?" She rises, turning to the generator she was working on with Poe.

The droid beeps matter-of-factly.

"Well, if you say so." She crouches in front of the machine, reaching out to graze the field coil. "But the other one can be repaired with one of these, right?" She wiggles the part in her hand.

BB8 chirps once.

"Good," she replies. "There's another deactivator on the west end."

The droid turns and begins rolling down the other side of the aisle.


It halts when Rey calls.

"Actually, before you go…" She gestures for the droid to come close. "Will you check out the DC reverter in this one and tell me if you think it should be replaced?"

BB8 beeps in assent, rolling back to the generator.

"Thanks." She rises. "I really think it's fine for now, but I'd appreciate a second opinion."

BB8 moves close to the machine, extending a probe inside it. It rifles around, making quiet noises, talking to itself as it examines.

Rey turns to Ben.

He's eyeing her coolly, a condescending look on his face.

"Really?" He points to the droid. "This is what the Resistance has you doing? Fixing generators?"

Rey rolls her eyes.

"I volunteered for this, Ben." She steps towards him. "Believe or not, I actually like doing this. It's so satisfying— Spend an hour with a machine, fix it, walk away feeling accomplished."

He narrows his eyes.

"Don't you have more important things to attend to?" He asks pointedly. "Like preparations?"

"We're already prepared." She juts her chin up. "I'll do one more debriefing tonight, then we're off tomorrow morning."

"To Kaddak?"

"No." She shakes her head. "Slave market on Savereen. But we've got someone on the inside who'll make sure we get sold to the right place."

"And you're certain of this?" He leans in.

"Yes, Ben." She sighs. "I know what I'm doing. Apatros was a fluke, and I've got way more contacts posing as slavers than I had then. Trust me. We'll end up right where we need to be."

He straightens, eyeing her doubtfully.

But he decides not to push any further.

Instead he steps to the side, clasping his hands behind him.

"And what does your team think of all this?" He walks a few steps.

"There are…." She clicks her tongue. "Conflicting opinions. But I've been careful to choose people who know what's at stake and understand the importance of discretion."

"And how many have told?" He turns to face her.

"Only those tapped for the mission, fifteen recruits plus me. And—" She catches herself before finishing. "The General." She looks down.

She feels Ben's eyes on her.

"So…" He starts reluctantly. "What did she have to say?"

Rey takes a deep breath.

"She doesn't like the idea of giving the First Order quicker access to the planet's resources. But…" She looks up. "She likes the idea of a thousand slaves getting buried alive a lot less."

His eyes flicker.

"She's a good woman, your mother," she finishes quietly.

At this, he turns away, a flash of pain in his heart.

The feeling is brief but crushing, like someone just reached into his chest and squeezed.

Rey's throat tightens.

"So, no one else in the Resistance knows?" He quickly moves on.

"No." She shakes her head. "And I intend to keep that way. Even after we're done."

"Good." Ben nods. "Very good." He walks towards her. "And you don't have any questions, anything you need to know?" He stops just in front of her.

She looks to the ceiling.

"Not really." She shrugs. "I assume it will be like Apatros, your troops will show up at dawn, the battle will start around noon…" She raises an eyebrow to confirm.

"More or less." He tilts his head. "The timeline may shift depending on a couple of factors, but you should have at least five hours between the time we arrive and when the fighting begins."

"And you'll be there, right?" She looks up eagerly.

"Yes." His lips turn upward. "I'll be there." He lifts a hand to her face.

Her cheeks grow warm at his touch.

She smiles as he leans in, his lips seeking hers.

But suddenly, she jerks back, glancing to the generator.

BB8 snaps to face the machine. It starts whistling softly, putting on a show of focusing on its work.

Rey narrows her eyes.

Ben twists to look at the droid.

"What?" He turns back to her. "You're worried about droids finding out about us now?"

"That one…" She lowers her voice. "Yes. It's very nosy and…" She leans around Ben, eyeing the droid. "Is known to record conversations without people's permission."

At this, BB8 swings around, whining.

"Don't deny it!" She points to the droid.

It droops guiltily for a moment before turning back to the generator.

Rey looks to Ben, shaking her head.

"It sure is taking a long time to asses that reverter." He raises an eyebrow.

She nods once, catching his meaning.

She steps to the side, eyeing the droid.

"BB8," she calls crisply.

The droid chirps once.

"How's the reverter looking?"

It lets out a complex range of beeps, a probe still extended into the machine.

"Yeah, I think you've had plenty of time to give it a good look." She crosses her arms, walking towards it.

BB8 chirps defensively, withdrawing the probe into its body.

"Uh huh." She observes the droid coolly. "I'm sure you weren't at all motivated by an opportunity to eavesdrop."

It whines, rolling back and forth.

"Yes, I do know you like to be thorough." Rey drops her arms. "So why don't you take your thorough little self to the west end to pick up that part for me, aye?" She points down the aisle of generators.

BB8 beeps once, then begins rolling to where she points, very slowly.

Rey rolls her eyes.

"Chop, chop." She claps her hands, and the droid speeds up a little. "And didn't Poe just say there's another one down there having problems?"

The droid beeps a couple of times, slowing.

"Well, take a look while you're at it, will you?"

The droid picks up its pace.

"And feel welcome to be very thorough!" Rey calls after the droid.

BB8 beeps haughtily as it speeds down the aisle.

"Silly thing." Rey shakes her head. "Good droid, though. Very loyal." She turns to Ben with a smile.

But it fades when she notices his expression.

He seems colder now, guarded.

"So…" He purses his lips. "Poe was just here?"

"He was…" She answers slowly, confused by the sudden change. "But he won't be back any time soon, so no need to worry."

"Isn't he a pilot?" He narrows his eyes.

"Yes..." She tilts her head.

"Then what is he doing fixing generators?"

"He doesn't, usually." She shrugs. "Which is…" She tsks. "For the best."

"Then why was he down here?" He demands.

"Because…" She knits her eyebrows. "He wanted to help. And we don't get to see each other much these days, so it was a good chance to catch up."

Ben twitches, walking towards the deactivator.

Rey studies him closely, trying to read him.

He feels… strange. Almost like he's angry.

She can't imagine why. She knows he interrogated Poe once, but from what she heard, the encounter was brief and he got exactly what he wanted. If anyone has a reason to be angry, it's Poe, not him.

Maybe there's more to the story than Poe revealed…?

She continues to observe him, attuned to his inner rhythm. He nudges the deactivator with a boot, still burning with a strange kind of anger.

Perhaps she should change the subject.

"You know…" She steps towards him. "I was thinking about something just before you got here—"

"He's not on your team to Kaddak, is he?"

"Who?" She jerks back. "Poe?"

Ben turns slightly, raising an eyebrow.

"No." She shakes her head. "He's not involved with the anti-slavery initiative at all. He's too busy running the base." She points to the ceiling.

"Good." He turns away. "I don't want someone like him involved."

"What do you mean someone like him?" She crosses her arms.

"I mean…" He whips around to face her. "A loose canon. And a fool."

"Poe's not a fool," she says defensively. "Well…" She bobs her head. "He can be foolish sometimes, but he's not a fool. He's a brilliant pilot. And a strong leader. He was my boss before I started my own project."

"I figured," Ben spits.

Rey drops her arms, a bit bruised by his tone.

"You figured?"

"Wasn't he the reason you ended up a stowaway on a First Order transport, exhausted and badly injured?"

"No." She flits her head. "That wasn't his fault."

"But it was his idea to steal First Order tech, was it not?"

"Yes," she admits begrudgingly. "But it wasn't his fault that things went bad. It just happens sometimes."

"Like it happened when I found you half-naked in a slaver's dungeon?"

Rey sighs.

"That was…" She blows out a puff of air. "Definitely his fault. But he learned his lesson." She pauses. "Kind of." She looks down.

She feels Ben's eyes on her, feels him burning with a strange kind of fire, like anger and something else, something she can't put her finger on…

She looks up and he immediately turns away, walking back to the deactivator.

She presses her lips together, studying him.

Part of her wants to press further, to get to the bottom of what she's sensing.

But the stronger part of her would rather set him at ease, not waste their time bickering over something silly.

She steps forward, moving just next to him. She reaches for his hand, weaving her fingers between his.

He looks over at her, his coldness fading.

She squeezes gently.

He turns to fully face her, his eyes softening, gazing into hers.

She smiles.

"If you don't mind a change of subject…" She lifts a hand to his face. "I have something more important I'd like to discuss with you." She strokes back a lock of his hair.

He gives a small nod.

"Good." She caresses his cheek with a thumb. "Because I was thinking about something before you got here, something about the bond." She drops her hand. "Just before Poe left, we got to talking about the war—"

"If I were you..." He jerks his hand from hers. "I wouldn't put much stock into anything Poe says."

Her shoulders drop.

"It wasn't anything he said specifically." She sighs. "It was more the subject matter, the fact that—"

"Because if you're not careful, that man's going to get you killed one day," he spits.

"Ben." Rey sucks in a breath. "I told you. Poe is not my superior anymore. He has absolutely zero say in anything I do."

"Are you sure about that?" He crosses his arms. "He's your friend, isn't he? A leading figure in the Resistance? Are you telling me you never consult with him, listen to his advice?"

"I mean…" She shrugs. "I do get his perspective sometimes. But that's because I value his opinion. He's been with the Resistance a lot longer than I have, and I still have things to learn."

"And what exactly can you learn from Poe?" He leans in, eyes cutting. "How to put your life in danger in newer and stupider ways?"

"Ben!" Rey's hands fly up. "What is wrong with you? Why are so stuck on Poe, on judging a man you don't even know?"

"Because I do know him." He straightens. "I know men like him. And I see the influence he has over you."

"What?" She jerks back. "What do you mean? What influence?"

"I mean…" He steps in close, bearing over her. "Your recklessness, the way you're willing to put your life on the line for practically nothing. A man like that—" He points to the door as though Poe were standing on the other side. "A man who will put himself against all odds, who will run straight into the line of fire just to show off—"

"That's not showing off!" She protests. "That's being a hero, that's being the kind of person who faces danger head on instead of running away."

"That's not heroism." Ben shakes his head. "That's idiocy. Think about it. What does it accomplish to sacrifice yourself, to sacrifice the lives of others, to fight a battle you can't win? Isn't it better to exercise discretion? To think strategically and choose to engage only when the odds are in your favor?"

Rey scoffs.

"If everyone waited until the odds were in their favor to act, then nothing would ever change. Bullies would stomp all over the galaxy and so many people would have absolutely no reason to hope that their lives will ever get better." She gestures emphatically.

Ben glares at her for a moment, his jaw hardened.

Then he steps to the side, walking away, his shoulders tense and rigid.

"You know…" Rey crosses her arms. "You say Poe's a show-off but the truth is…" She turns her head. "He doesn't even think of himself as a hero. And in my eyes, that makes him more of a hero."

Ben halts, his back to her, that strange fire returning.

"He doesn't put himself in danger for glory or recognition but because he cares. He cares so much. You have no idea." She steps towards him. "I feel it in him all the time, how much he cares about everyone— the people in his charge, the people he answers to, even random people, people he doesn't even know. He cares about all of them." She stops next to Ben.

But he says nothing. He doesn't even look at her, only stands in silence.

"And when he puts himself against the odds, he doesn't do it because he wants to, he does it because he feels like he has to— for them, for everyone, for all the people too small or too weak to fight for themselves."

Ben doesn't move. He simply stares forward, his hands clasped behind him.

Rey watches closely, trying to read him, baffled by that strange burning in him, a mixture of anger, resentment, and…


They stand silently for a minute.

"You…" Ben glances at her. "You really do like him, don't you?"

"Well…" She knits her eyebrows. "Of course, I do. He's my—"

And just like that, the realization hits, what she's been sensing in him, what this whole thing has really been all about.

Her face grows white.

"Oh, Ben." Her heart swells with compassion. "No." She shifts to face him. "No, no, no. I do like him but… not like that, not in the way you think."

She reaches for his hand but he turns before she can take it, walking down the aisle.

She follows him with her eyes, that heartsickness weighing as heavily in her as it does in him.

"Ben, please. Listen to me." She steps after him, reaching for his shoulder.

But he jerks away.

She sighs, dropping her hand.

"I do…" She starts hesitantly. "I do love Poe. But as a friend, a very dear friend. I don't think of him at all the way I think about you."

He grunts.

"Is that right?" He shoots her a look.

"Yes," she answers. "Ben, I promise you—"

"Rey." He shakes his head. "You can't lie to me, remember? We're bonded. I feel what you feel." He continues down the aisle.

She watches him go, that pain deepening.

"Ben." She scuttles to meet him. "I don't know what you think you're feeling, but it's not that." She grabs his arm, stopping him, her eyes pleading with his.

But he just stares straight ahead, hardened like a statue.

"It's not," she repeats.

He doesn't move.

She drops her shoulders.

"I…" She starts tentatively. "I respect him. I admire him." She pauses. "I… I aspire to be more like him."

Ben twitches.

"But I am not in love with him." She moves just in front of him, desperate to catch his eyes.

But they remain fixed on nothing.

"Ben." She lifts a hand to his face. "Please look at me."

Finally, he glances down, but his black eyes are cold, armored against entry.

"The way I feel about you…" Her throat tightens. "I've never felt that way about anyone before. Anyone." Tears push at the backs of her eyes. "Not ever."

He softens.

But that fire still burns inside him, low but relentless, like it's eating him slowly from the inside.

He lifts a hand to her cheek, his face blank except for the faintest trace of sadness.

Then steps around her, walking towards the deactivator.

"Tell me something, Rey." He lets out a heavy exhale. "Have you…" He halts, straightening. "Have you ever…"

He stares down, shoulders hunched.

"Have you ever talked about me the way you just talked about him?"

"I-I…" Rey sputters, caught off guard by the question. She looks down, searching her mind, running through her conversations with Leia.

"That's what I thought," Ben says quietly.

"But…" She lets out a huff. "That's not a fair question. I don't have anyone to talk to about you. And it's not like I can go around extolling the virtues of Kylo Ren given the company I keep."

"And if you could?" He whips around. "If you could talk to people about me, what would you say?" He cocks his head. "That you respect me?" He steps forward, eyes piercing. "You admire me? You aspire to be more like me?"

"To…" Rey shrinks a bit. "To a degree, yes."

"But not like Poe."

She sighs, bringing a hand to her forehead.


"Don't bother," he spits. "No need to explain yourself. I can feel your answer."

He turns, stalking away.

But he slows after only a few steps, halting outright.

He shakes his head, looking to the ceiling.

"You…" He grunts softly. "Even after all that's happened, you…"

He hesitates, stiffening.

"You still think of me as the villain."

"That is not true." Rey shoots towards him, reaching for his shoulder.

He jerks away, but she just moves around him, planting herself in front of him.

"You know exactly how I think of you." She looks him straight in the eyes.

He tries to look away, but can't do it, caught in the intensity of her gaze.

"Don't…?" She steps in close. "Don't you remember?" She tilts her head. "In the throne room? When I let you into my mind? Into…" Her voice falters. "Into my heart?"

His eyes flicker.

"You remember, right?" She pleads. "What you saw? What you felt? The way I see you, the way I think of you?" A tear rolls down her cheek.

He softens.

"Ben." She brings a hand to his face. "You know. You know that I see you, all of you, the person you are, the hero you can become. You know—" Her voice breaks, tears running down her cheeks. "You know that you have my heart." She strokes back his hair, her gaze locked on his.

He gazes back, looking as torn as he feels, his eyes pained, conflicting emotions flickering across them, compassion and coldness, love and heartache.

"But…" He twitches his jaw. "He has your admiration."

She gulps.

She wants to deny it, to assure him that she admires him just as much as she admires Poe.

But she can't do that.

Because she can't lie.

She stares up at him, a hand still at his cheek, desperately searching her mind for something to say.

Suddenly, she gasps, sensing it before it happens.

Without thinking, she grabs the nape of his neck and pulls his lips to hers, rising to meet him.

But they barely connect before he's gone, his warm body disappearing all at once.

Rey staggers, losing her balance.

She regains her footing, gaping at the space where he used to be, his scent still in the air.

Her breath is shallow, seeming only to enter the top of her lungs. Her face is wet with tears, her lips tingling, still feeling traces of his warmth.

For a minute, she just stares in silence, adjusting to the difference, the way the room feels now that he's gone.

So cold. So empty.

She scrunches her face.

She tries to hold back, tries to keep the floodgates closed, squeezing her eyes shut.

But the tears burst through anyway.

She buries her face in her hands, shoulders heaving, tears pouring down in a steady stream.

But suddenly, she straightens, the tears halting at once.

She wipes her cheeks quickly, turning the other way, trying to regain composure.

She peers down the long rows of generators, tilting her head.


Her voice echoes in the empty basement.


The room is utterly silent.

"BB8, I know you're there. Come on. Stop hiding."

At this, Rey hears a low beep.

A second later, BB8 rolls slowly from behind a generator only a few feet away.

She crosses her arms.

"BB8, how long have you been there?" She raises an eyebrow. "And where's that part I sent you for? Did you even go look for it?"

The droid lets out a low beep, drooping.

Rey sighs, shaking her head.

"Come here." She uncrosses her arms, gesturing for it to come closer.

BB8 beeps once, rolling slowly to meet her.

She crouches before the droid.

"How much did you overhear?"

BB8 whistles, sliding its head back, rolling it from one side, then the other. Finally, it lets out a low range of beeps.

Rey balks, sitting back on the floor.

"Oh BB8…" She covers her eyes with a palm. "You have got to learn to mind your own business. That was a very, very private conversation, and it was not appropriate for you to listen in at all. Do you understand?"

The droid lowers its head.

She sighs, dropping her shoulders.

"It's alright." She strokes the droid's head. "I'm not mad at you. I just need you to be more considerate, keep those nosy little wires out of other people's business, ok?"

BB8 chirps, straightening.

"Good." Rey crosses her legs. "Now we need to have a talk."

The droid slides its head to the right.

"Remember the last time you saw my… friend?" She looks from side to side.

BB8 beeps slowly.

"Do you remember how I asked you to keep it a secret, to not to tell anyone?"

The droid beeps once.

"And you kept your promise, didn't you? Like a good little droid."

At this, BB8 perks up, beeping proudly.

"I know you always keep your word. It's one of your best qualities." Rey sits up. "And now, I need you to do it again. I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone about what you saw today, about what you heard. Can you do that for me?"

The droid doesn't respond, only bobs from side to side like its uncomfortable.

"Oh, come on!" Rey goads. "You shouldn't have even heard anything to begin with!"

BB8 beeps defensively.

"That doesn't matter!" Her arms fly out beside her. "What matters is that you did exactly what you knew you shouldn't have."

The droid droops guiltily.

"BB8." Rey slides closer to the droid, extending a hand to its rounded body. "Please. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that no one finds out about this."

The droid rolls its head up, beeping a question.

"Yes." Rey's eyes flit upward. "Of course, it's always better to tell the truth. But I'm not asking you to lie. I'm asking you to keep quiet. You can do that, can't you?"

BB8 beeps matter-of-factly.

She sighs.

"It's not a lie of omission as long as no one asks you about it. And trust me, they won't."

The droid rolls its head back, eyeing her doubtfully.

"BB8," Rey whines. "Please. Please, please, please." She shifts on the floor, sitting back on her calves and leaning in, eyes pleading. "This is complicated human stuff that I can't explain. All you need to know is that it's of dire importance that you keep this just between us. Please."

BB8 bobs from side to side, like its trying to make a decision.

"Let me put it to you this way." Rey leans back. "You like Poe, don't you?"

The droid beeps eagerly.

"You're loyal to him, you want to see him happy and not sad, right?"

The droid beeps again.

"Well…" Rey sinks, looking at the floor. "If Poe were to ever find out about what you heard today, about my… friend." A pang of fear seizes her gut. "It would hurt him very much."

The droid jerks back, letting out an alarmed beep.

"I know you'd never want to hurt Poe." She looks up. "Which is why it's so important that you keep this between us." She leans in. "Ok?"

BB8 rolls its head back slowly. For a few seconds it says nothing, only examines Rey.

Finally, it straightens, letting out a range of beeps.

"What condition?" Rey knits her eyebrows.

BB8 wiggles a little, beeping haughtily.

Rey instantly rolls her eyes.

"Fine." She shakes her head, looking to the ceiling. "Fine," she says again, clearly resentful. "You…" She crosses her arms. "You were right about the sexual tension. Are you happy now?" She cocks her head.

BB8 chirps.

"Good. Now promise you'll keep quiet."

BB8 straightens, promising solemnly in beeps and whirs.

"Thank you!" Rey shoots forward, encircling the droid's round body with her arms. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

BB8 rolls its head back, like it's not sure what to do.

After a few seconds, Rey straightens, letting out a relieved exhale.

"You really are the best droid, you know that?"

BB8 beeps matter-of-factly.

"Well, I admire your confidence." Rey laughs, pushing up from the floor.

She rises quickly, squaring her shoulders.

"Alright." She takes a deep breath. "Let's try to finish our work, shall we?"

BB8 beeps in assent, twisting to roll down the aisle.

"Don't worry about that!" Rey calls.

The droid halts.

"I'll go down later to grab the part. Just help with this one for now." She gestures to the open generator. "Besides I… I'd rather not be alone at the moment."

BB8 beeps softly, rolling towards her.

Rey turns, heading for the generator, BB8 following behind. She halts when she gets to the machine, stooping to take a seat on the floor. She looks to her right, then her left, searching for the deactivator part.

BB8 rolls up beside her, beeping.

"Ah!" Rey twists behind her. "Right you are." She grabs the part and turns the generator. "Let's see." She leans in close, extending a hand to the field coil.

She examines the inner workings of the machine, running through what she needs to do.

The images flash by, the steps she needs to follow, the things she needs to watch out for…

But it's hard to concentrate with that look in Ben's eyes flashing in the back of her mind, tugging at her heart.

She sighs, drooping.

In the next instant she sits up, refocusing on her work. She turns to BB8, extending her hand.

"Will you hold this for a minute?"

The droid opens a squared section of its body, a probe shooting out for the part.

"Thanks." She hands it over.

Then she shifts to the generator, starting to loosen the field coil, taking note of the state of the rectifier beside it.

And just like that, she gets drawn in, losing herself in a complex arrangement of wires and parts, a mechanical order at once complicated and simple. She lets herself go, surrendering to her work, the comfort of a problem she knows she can fix.

NOTE: I am continuing to write this story and will post the rest of the chapters once it is complete. It will be fifty chapters total and the estimated completion date is November 1, 2019. Thank you for reading!