48. Partners

Chapter Summary: Rey seeks answers about her destiny.

The cave is quiet, almost silent. Crystals crawl up the walls, lighting everything with a white-blue glow. They're like twinkles in the night sky, and when Rey comes here, she likes to lie back and imagine it's the only place in the galaxy where she can touch the stars.

But now's not the time for games.

Rey moves by the wall, hovering over the crystals. Whispers pass through her, but she ignores them like conversations in a busy marketplace.

Suddenly, she halts, fixed on a cluster at the base of the wall.

Did one of those crystals just flicker?

She scurries forward, crouching. There are six in the cluster, one in the center and five around it. She examines a moment before reaching for the one at the top.

The crystal warms at her touch.

Rey closes her eyes, whispers fading as she focuses on the energy at her fingertips.

This crystal is irritated. It sulks quietly as the others in its cluster argue about something Rey doesn't understand.

She dissolves into the Force, reaching out.

I need your help, little crystal, she speaks the language of the heart. I need you to help me understand my destiny.

She waits.

The crystal doesn't respond.

Please. She leans closer. Please help me. Tell me how to break the pattern.

Seconds pass.


Please. She grips the crystal. Please show me the way. Show me what we're supposed to do.

The crystal grows warmer.

Rey gasps, eyes flying open. A second later, she feels the crystal's response.

Go away.

She snatches her hand back.

The crystals flickers, taunting her.

Cruel crystal, she taunts back. Mean, uncaring, callous little crystal.

It ignores her.

She growls, shooting to her feet.

Fine. That's fine. There are plenty of other crystals here. Plenty.

She squares her shoulders.


She twists around.

"I'm still not hearing anything." Ben stands a few meters down. "I keep trying but—"

"Ben." She struggles to control her tone. "I told you. Just let go. Open your heart and listen."

"I am doing that, or trying but—"

"DON'T. Don't try. Don't concentrate. Don't control anything at all. Just melt into the Force, and I promise you'll start to hear them."

"Then, what? I can't ask them anything if I don't know how to talk to them."

"Ask them anyways! If they want to respond, they will. Trust me. Trust me like the galaxy depends on it because it does!"

He narrows his eyes. She senses a protest, but he keeps it to himself. "Ok."

Rey huffs, turning to the wall. Her eyes drift up, following the crystals stretching along the ceiling.

So many… There are at least a thousand here, probably more. One of them will show them what they need to know, she's sure of it. They just have to find the right one…

She steps forward, searching for her next target. She hasn't been to this end of the cave yet, so maybe she'll have more luck, better than she's had so far.

She sets her jaw.

Most of the crystals are ignoring her. A few responded rudely— Go away. Leave us alone. Figure it out. A couple asked if she wanted to see the vision again, as if that would help.

She doesn't need visions; she needs answers, real answers. She wants specifics, exactly what pattern she and Ben are supposed to be breaking and step-by-step instructions on how to do it. She is done with all this vague talk about destinies and mold-breaking. She wants to know, once and for all, and she wants the answer before another star system is blasted to oblivion.

She slows, clenching her heart. There's an ache there that won't go away. She felt it even before they got the news, billions of lives snuffed out like they were nothing.

Tears sting in her eyes.


She halts.

No crying. Stay vigilant. Stay focused.

"Rey." Ben comes up behind her. "Why don't you take a break?"

"No." She doesn't turn. "No breaks, not until we get what we came for. I'll stay up all night if I have to, all week."

You hear that? Sheglares at the crystals. I will not rest until you show me what I want to see. You WILL show me.

"Rey…" A warm hand rests on her shoulder. "Please. Take a break, just a short one."

"NO!" She whips around. "We have to figure this out, Ben, and we have to do it now. Every second we waste could mean another billion lives lost."

"Rey, Iknow you're upset, but you're not doing any good working yourself up like this."

"I'm not worked up. I'm focused."

"You are worked up. I can feel it. I can feel how angry you are, how frustrated, how…" He softens. "How heartbroken."

She looks down.

"You're not acting like yourself." He rubs her arm. "You hardly said a word when you heard about Lothal, just dragged me to Falcon, didn't talk the whole way here, and now you're running around bullying kyber crystals."

"I'm not bullying! They're the bullies." She stabs at the wall. "They're omniscient, Ben. They know exactly what we should be doing, but they insist on keeping their secrets while the whole galaxy burns!"

"Rey…" He passes a hand over his face. "How many crystals have you talked to since we got here?"

"I don't know… A hundred maybe."

"And none of them have answered."

"So. What's your point?"

"They're a collective consciousness. Clearly they've decided this isn't information you should have."

"DON'T lectureme about kyber crystals. I'm telling you, they can make individual choices, and if we try hard enough, one of them will talk."

"And how much longer will you keep at it before you admit it's not working?"

"It's going to work! It has to work! You're giving up too easily. We've barely been here an hour—"

"We've been here three hours."

She jerks back. "No, we haven't."

"Yes, we have, and it took eight to get here, which means you haven't slept in a day. You're exhausted."

"I'm not tired." She crosses her arms. "But if you are, the mat's over there. Get some sleep. I'll figure out how to save the galaxy." She turns away.

"Rey, no." He grips her arm. "Just stop. Stop this. You're acting like a lunatic."


He leans away.


He lifts a hand as if to hold her back.

"These crystals know, Ben. They know! They're just not telling us! STUPID CRYSTALS!" She kicks the wall. "How can you be so SELFISH!? How can you keep a secret that could save BILLIONS!? You claim to care about life so much." She charges to the center of the cave. "If any of you gave a shit about life, you'd tell us how to end this war RIGHT NOW!?"

A few pebbles trickle down the wall, shook loose by her voice.

"OR IS THIS IT!? Is this OUR DESTINTY, to watch everything we love DIE!?" She searches the cave.


The crystals glow no brighter than usual, like it's just another day. She's overheard hundreds of conversations since they got here, none of them about Lothal.

"Why don't you care?" She whispers to the ceiling. "Why won't you help us?"

"Rey." Ben comes up beside her. "Come on. You're done. Go back to the ship, get some sleep."

"No. I'm not leaving until I get some answers."

"You need rest."

"I won't sleep." She shakes her head. "Not when I know Hux could destroy another system at any second."

"Rey, I want to stop him just as much as you do, but neither of us will do any good when we're too tired to think. Come on." He slips a hand behind her back. "Come to the Falcon with me."

"NO!" She jerks away. "You're just trying to convince me to go back to base."

He sighs.

"Well, I'm not falling for it. I am not leaving this cave until I get what I came for."

"Rey, the Resistance needs you. My mother needs you."

"Ben, you realize what's going to happen if we go back, what the leadership is probably discussing right now?"

He stiffens.

"They'll say we should attack Starkiller, blow it up, and do you know what I'll have to say to that?"

He just stares.

"NOTHING! I won't say a thing because I can't disagree with them. That weapon is death, and as long as Hux can use it, the galaxy is in danger. We have to blow it up, and we have to do it soon, and if we do that, it'll be all-out war with billions caught in the crossfire."

His shoulders sag.

"Sylas will die. Your troopers will die. All the people you've sworn to protect will die. And it won't just be the First Order, it'll be us too, everyone in the Resistance— your mother, Finn, Rose, Daja. They'll all die, and it'll be our fault because we couldn't figure it out; we couldn't break the pattern. And I can't. I just can't," she chokes on a sob. "I can't watch it happen. I can't bear it, so much pain…" She keels over, tears spilling down her cheeks.

Warm hands pull her up, and before she knows it, she's in a cocoon, strong arms wrapping around her. She trusts in the embrace, her muscles falling slack.

Ben tightens his hold.

"I still feel it…" She sobs in his shoulder. "All those people… They're just gone."

"I know. I know." He rocks her.

"I-I failed them…"

"No. This isn't your fault."

"B-but we're supposed to stop it. We're supposed to break the pattern."

"We will."

"But we haven't, and now it's too late."

"No." He pulls back. "We can still do this. We can stop Hux. We can stop the war."

"But war's inevitable now. Everyone knows that. There's no stopping it."

"There is. We'll find a way. We're meant for this."

"Ben…" She goes limp. "The bond's been bringing us together for over a year, and we still haven't figured out what we're supposed to do. What makes you think we'll figure it out now?"


"We wasted it. We wasted our time together, and now we've missed our chance. We failed."

"We did not fail." He frames her face, a little roughly. "I refuse to accept that. I refuse to accept this has all been for nothing."

"So, what? What's it been for? What have we accomplished inall the time the bond's brought us together?"

He thinks a moment. "This." He drops his hands, pulling her close. "Us."

"Great." She rolls her eyes. "What an accomplishment, all our fighting and flirting."

"No, I mean who we are now. Think about it. Think about the way we were when the bond first started."

Her eyes drift down.

"We were so selfish, so fixed on our own vision of how things should be, but now? We've gotten to know each other. We've listened. We've compromised. It's not about turning each other anymore; it's about finding a way to work together."

She bites her lip.

"What if that's what the bond's about? What if it's been preparing us for this moment? Right now."

She looks up and is met with black flames.

"This is it, Rey. This is what it's all been building to. We don't need the crystals; we just need you and me." His eyes burn with absolute confidence, that certainty she's come to envy and admire, like he can mold the universe with his bare hands.

She swallows, unable to look away. "Ok…" She whispers. "We'll figure this out, you and me."

His lips curl.

"But we do it here."

His smile dies.

"I meant what I said, Ben. I am not leaving this cave until I get what I came for. When I walk out, I want to know what we're doing next."

The corner of his eye twitches. "Fine." He jerks straight. "But I'm not watching you badger kyber crystals all night. You need sleep."

"I can sleep here." She shrugs, gesturing to the mat. "It's not like I haven't done it before."

She catches the slightest eye roll. "Sleep, then." He turns her around. "But do it now. You're done for the night." He pushes her towards the mat, and she staggers along, grumbling under her breath.

When they get there, she collapses, crawling to the blanket and pillows at the top. She starts arranging the bedding, her lids heavy over her eyes. She blinks, just noticing how hard it is to keep them open.

After she throws the blanket over the mat, she pulls off her boots, casting them to the side. She starts to turn when warm hands grip her, pulling back.

Ben nestles her against him, slipping one arm under her and wrapping the other around her. "Go to sleep."

Her eyes obey without question, closing like they've been dying for it. Her muscles go slack—her jaw, her shoulders, her back.

"That's it." He takes her hand, tucking it into her chest.

She exhales, sinking into him.

He plants a kiss on her neck, that soft spot just below her hairline. It sends a shiver through her, and he doesn't miss it. He kisses her again, trailing to her ear.

"Sleep," he whispers. "Sleep, and when you wake up, I'll be here."

She nods.

"We'll stay in this cave until we'll figure it out. Tomorrow."

She tucks her chin, lulled by his promise.

Oh, how she loves this… Is there anything better than being enveloped in his strength and warmth, his voice rumbling at her back?

Surely not.

It's enough to make her forget, forget Hux and the galaxy at the brink of war, the destruction that's been and could be. In his arms, it all melts away, her weary mind reveling in the escape. She starts thinking of how glad she is he's here, how lost she would be without him…

But she drifts to sleep before she finishes the thought.

Rey stirs, her mind foggy and dull.

The first thing she feels is warmth— warmth at her back, warmth around her, warm breath at her ear.



She rolls over, blinking as his face comes in view.

"You're awake." Long fingers brush strands from her forehead. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good," she slurs. "Very good. But long. Too long."

"You needed it."

She nods sleepily, arching her back to loosen her muscles.

His eyes drift down.

She notices. There's something tactile in his gaze, her skin tingling where it travels. She reaches for him.

He looks up. To her bleary eyes, he's like a dream, blurry at the edges. Maybe he is a dream…

She traces his features, testing if they're real. She slides her fingers along his jaw, the curve of his chin. She moves to dark locks tumbling over his face, taking one between a thumb and index finger. She moves to his lips, tracing soft fullness.

He covers her hand, turning it in to kiss her palm.

Her arm tingles.

He moves over her, pinning her wrist to the mat. He hovers there, eyes soft.

She sees the kiss coming, but it surprises her all the same. The touch is gentle, otherworldly. She feels the sensations— the warmth of his lips, his hand sliding down her arm— but there's a surreal overlay, like they're on a different plane, a liminal space between sleeping and waking.

She slips her fingers through his hair as their kisses blend, no beginning or end, just skin pulling on skin.

"Good morning," he murmurs.

"Good morning."

They connect again, his hands searching, raking over soft curves and smooth skin. He's everywhere— the weight of him on top of her, his grip under her body— and she must be dreaming because he's the only thing she feels.

She wraps around him, their kisses slow and languid. His heart is pressed to her chest, beating with her own until their bodies seem to merge. She revels in the sensation, a melting of lips and limbs. He starts to travel, trailing kisses along her jaw then her neck, hot breath dragging over her skin. She moans softly, gazing at twinkles in the night sky.

She knits her brow.

The crystals come into focus, white-blue clusters scattered above.

She goes cold.

Reality descends— where they are, why they're here, Hux, Lothal, the galaxy on the brink of destruction.

Ben stills, sensing the shift.

She disentangles herself, limbs falling to the mat. Her eyes are on the crystals, her body stiff where it was once relaxed.


She looks to Ben. She manages a smile, but there's sadness in it.

He pulls up, planting a forearm by her head. They share a look, grim at first but transforming quickly to acceptance, then determination. His eyes affirm his promise— They will stay in this cave until they figure this out, together.

He trails a finger down her cheek, lingering at her jaw. His eyes are sharper now, that "down to business" look that reminds her of Leia. "Come on." He nods to the side. "Let's eat." He slides off her, moving across the mat.

She sits up, stretching.

"Are these portions all you have?" He sorts through her supplies.

"Yeah." She crawls to him. "Why?"

"Because I was hoping to feed you more than synthetic garbage."

She shrugs. "I survived for years on that garbage."

"And you're still eating it?"

"When it's convenient."

He doesn't look up, but she senses disapproval.

"What? Are my portions not good enough for you?"

"I didn't say that." He opens a water canteen, handing it to her.

"I didn't think you were so picky, Mr. 'food's just fuel.'"

"This is not fuel." He tosses her half-empty pack. "It has next to no nutritional value."

"It fills my stomach, so in that, it's quite valuable."

He shakes his head but says nothing.

They prepare the meal quickly, sitting across from each other as they pour water into small bowls, then crumble rations in them. The water bubbles to bread, and they begin eating in silence, drifting in and out of private thoughts.

Rey looks up, trailing over the crystals. She hears their whispering but doesn't concentrate, so all she catches are snippets. They're behaving like normal, a swirl of bickering and overtalk, a lot of discussion of the mold-breakers but nothing that makes sense and nothing about Lothal.

She sets her jaw.

She knows she should be more understanding. Why should they care about Lothal when they experience past, present, and future all at once? But she can't help feeling angry that they seem entirely unconcerned.

"Let it go."

She snaps to Ben.

"We don't need them. Let it go." He dips his chin.

She nods, tearing off a piece of bread. She glances at Ben's bowl and raises her eyebrows. She'd always thought she eats fast, but he puts her to shame, consuming food with droid-like precision. One of these days, she's going to get him to slow down and actually enjoy a meal…

He chases down his last bit of breakfast with a gulp of water, then tosses the canteen to the side.

She watches, lips pressed in a secret smile.

It's nice to share a meal with him even if he approaches it as a chore. They've rarely had a chance to do this, just sit down and eat together. She's taken note of it the past few days, all the little things they can do now that they don't have to rely on the bond to bring them together.

She chews absently, her thoughts drifting to last night, what Ben said about the bond. His words echo in her mind…

"It's not about turning each other anymore; it's about finding a way to work together."

She looks down.

Maybe he's right. Maybe the bond hasn't been about achieving their destiny but preparing for it, learning to be a team.

Memories start to flash, a year's worth of small moments.

Him reminiscing about his father under a speeder.

Her begging him not to destroy the Falcon.

Collecting firewood together, sparring together, talking together.

Giving each other advice, encouragement. Playing games.

Inviting each other to see their thoughts. Comforting each other.

Each moment in itself is nothing, but as a whole, the picture comes to surface—Rey and Ben, who they are together.

She glances at Ben to find him watching her.

"What are thinking about?"

"Just… you." She sets her bowl to the side. "And how you were right."

"My favorite subject." There's a glint in his eye.

She shakes her head.

"Tell me…" He scoots in. "How am I right?"

"What you said last night, about the bond…" She glances at the crystals. "Do you remember when it brought us together in that cave, the one like this?"

He knits his brow.

"You were searching for my crystal. It was just after the throne room, when we…"

"That I remember."

She smiles, looking down. "It was so ridiculous, the idea of us being together. I told you as much, said we were enemies, but… you said you saw me as your partner." She glances up. "Now here we are, actually together, and… you really are my partner."

He softens.

"So much has changed. We've changed. I think about the bond, where we were when it started and where we are now…" She reaches for his hand. "We're us. We're a team."

His fingers curl around hers.

"And you're right. We don't need the crystals. We just need you and me. This is what the bond is for, to get us to this point, where we can work together."

His lips twinge up. He tugs at her hand, pulling her close.

They connect.

"So, thank you," she murmurs, lips grazing his. "Thank you for reminding me there's never a reason to despair as long as we have each other."

The bond hums, an open path between their hearts. He doesn't have to say it for her to know he feels the same.

She pulls away, settling on the mat. "So, let's do this. Let's figure out how to stop Hux, stop this war."

In an instant, the air changes, cold where it was once warm.

Ben sits up, squaring his shoulders. He has that sharp-eyed look, confident and determined, but she feels the layers underneath— fear, uncertainty, but above all, guilt.

"It all comes down to Starkiller." He brings a hand to his jaw. "It's the seat of First Order power, and Hux has very liberal ideas about when to use it. I can understand…" He swallows. "I can understand why the Resistance wants to destroy it. He will use it again, and soon. I thought the lockdown would keep it from getting in the wrong hands but…"

Rey presses her lips together. She would make a comment about his arrogance thinking he could control something like that, but it's unnecessary.

He knows.

He closes his eyes, choking on regret.

"Don't." She shoots a hand to his knee. "Beating yourself up doesn't do us any good. We have to focus on what we can do now, and you're right— As long as Hux can use Starkiller, the Resistance will want to destroy it so…" She withdraws. "We need to figure out a way to take it out of the equation."

"I've been thinking about that." He nods. "I was thinking about it all morning while you were asleep, and I have an idea."

She perks up.

"It's… not ideal. But it's the only way to protect the galaxy."

"Ok…" She draws out the word. She wants to be open-minded, but it's hard when she can already sense his reluctance.

"Starkiller's more than a weapon; it's a major training base— home to a third of our troops, our special forces, our most cutting-edge equipment. If Hux were to lose control of it, it would devastate his resources."

"Lose control of it?"

He raises an eyebrow.

"You want to sneak onto the planet…" She studies him. "You want to take over the planet."

"Rey, I know Starkiller like the back of my hand. If anyone can steal it away from Hux, it's me."

"But how would you get through the shields? Lightspeed through them?"

"What!?" He jerks back. "No. Are you crazy? Where'd you get the from?"

"Um… nowhere."

"There's no reason to risk flying into a mountainside when there are better options. Transports from Sienar-Jaemus come to base regularly, once a week at least, so we break into one of their facilities, find the time and place of the next shipment, then commandeer one of their transports."

"Sounds doable, but once we're on the planet, we'd have to break into the command center and—"

"Leave that me. The center's well-guarded but easy enough to infiltrate if you know the facility. The real problem will be making sure Hux isn't nearby when it happens."

"Will he be on the planet?"

"No. Hux is a traditionalist, and the Supreme Leader traditionally remains on the Supremacy, but he will be close. He'll be anticipating an attack and have the planet surrounded. At the same time we sneak in, we'll need to draw him and the rest of the dreadnaughts away."

"So, how do we do that?"

"Well…" He hesitates. "I was hoping the Resistance could help with that."

"Ah." She leans back. "You want us to be the bait."

"Do you… think the leadership would be open to that?"

"Depends. I can tell you right now there's no way they're putting our resources at risk."

"What if the distraction required minimal resources and just a handful of people?"

She tilts her chin up.

"Think about your attack on that data center. What if Hux were to believe the Resistance was going for a bigger target, one that didn't just contain data but First Order scientists and prototypes…?"

"I take it you have one in mind."

"There's a facility on Hays Major— subterranean, very secret, the seat of our weapons development. If Hux thought it were compromised, he'd go there immediately, surround the planet with dreadnaughts."

"So, we sneak in and make him think it's under attack."

"Exactly. You'd just need a small team, one that can send a distress signal, then shut down communications."

"That could work." She sits up. "I know just the people for it. Rose is a genius in comms, and Finn knows First Order culture and protocol."

"You want J'ia, too. Trust me."

Rey clouds. It takes a moment for her to realize he's talking about Daja. "Oh, right. I keep forgetting she's Force-sensitive. She'll be able to mind trick people, if necessary."

"Not just that. There is no one, and I mean no one, better at subterfuge and misdirection. You want her there."

"Alright… So, Rose, Finn, and Daja draw away Hux and the dreadnaughts while you and I sneak onto Starkiller. We break into command, disable comms and tracking, move the planet, then…?"

"I take over operations, and you get off world as soon as possible."

"Wait a minute..." She lifts a hand. "There's no way it'll be that easy. Once the people on Starkiller realize what's happened, won't they… try to overthrow you?"

"Some in the leadership will put up a fight, but you'd be surprised. The First Order runs on chain of command, so if you replace the head with recognizable authority, the rest will fall in line, and if I'm that authority…" He grunts. "Let's just say there will be plenty on Starkiller who are all too happy to turn on Hux. For every officer who worships him, there's another who hates him, and the Hux loyalists will be at the disadvantage."


"Because they'll be separated from him— no communications, no travel on or off the planet. Besides, the majority there are lower ranks, and they're all loyal to me."

"Huh…" She tilts her head back.

"With the planet in my control, I'll have a third of the First Order's forces and their best equipment at my command."

"Hux'll go after you when he realizes what's happened, and even with tracking disabled, he will find you. It's not like you can hide a planet."

"Yes, but by the time he does, I'll have moved it far from habitable systems and stars powerful enough to charge the weapon."

"Ok… so, then what?"

He looks down.

Rey goes cold. Suddenly, it hits, what this plan's really about. "You want to start a civil war."

His eyes are on the mat.

"You want to draw Hux's fire from the galaxy onto you."

He doesn't move.

"Ben." She falls slack. "No—"

"Rey, this is the only way keep the galaxy safe. Hux won't destroy Starkiller, but he will try to get control of it, and with the planet's defenses, the conflict will last months, maybe more."

"But the whole point is to stop Hux without starting a war. How is this better than letting the Resistance destroy Starkiller?"

"Because a war between the First Order and Resistance will rip through the entire galaxy. It'll interrupt trade routes, cause poverty and starvation. A civil war will keep the casualties contained—"

"But that's still casualties! That's still death, destruction, all the troopers, the people on dreadnaughts—" She gasps. "Sylas!"

Ben tucks his chin.

"What about Sylas!? You said he's probably on the Supremacy, yes?"

He keeps his head down.

"What about him? What'll happen to him in all this?"

"I…" He swallows. "I don't know."

Her heart drops.


"Ben…" She struggles. "You can't. You can't leave Sylas alone on the Supremacy. You know what Hux will do to him when he finds out what happened—"

"You think I don't know that?" He snaps up. "You think I haven't agonized over it, thought of every possible way to get him out?"

"Ben…" She passes a hand over her face. "No. Just no. This isn't right… This whole plan."

"Rey, I don't want to this, but we have to do it. There's no other way."

"No! There has to be another way. This isn't our destiny. This isn't breaking the mold."

"I don't care about breaking the mold; I care about stopping Hux. I will not sit back and watch that man destroy another system with the weapon I built. I want to protect the First Order, Sylas, but…" His eyes tighten. "I can't let the galaxy keep paying for my mistakes."

Rey sags. She feels like she's ripping to pieces, Ben's pain and guilt screaming inside her. She hangs her head.

The air grows heavy, a weight pressing on her shoulders. In the absence of voices, she starts to hear the crystals, whispers rolling like waves. She twitches, trying to ignore them.

The whispers rise.

She rubs her temple, starting to ache from the noise. It's insistent, not the normal chatter but more like screaming. She catches some of the words, cresting and breaking.

…come together…

…loyalty song…


She looks up and around the cave.

The crystals grow brighter, flickering like they're trying to get her attention.


…swarm power…


"Rey?" Ben looks around. "What's going on?"

"The crystals… They're trying to tell us something."

"Tell us what?"

"I'm not sure." She closes her eyes. The crystals hum in her mind, louder and louder. She plucks words from the chaos, playing with them like a puzzle. She arranges them here and there until it starts to come together, what they want her to see.

She opens her eyes, blinking.

"What?" Ben leans in. "What'd they say?"

"Thank you," she whispers to the ceiling.


"I think I know what we need to do." She scoots in. "But I need to ask you some questions, make sure I have things straight."

"Ok…" He looks dubious.

"Earlier, when you were talking about taking over Starkiller, you said the lower ranks are loyal to you." She tilts her head. "Why is that?"

"I made some changes after I became Supreme Leader." He shrugs.

"Like what?"

"Like…" His eyes drift. "A lot of things. I equalized food distribution, opened up access to training modules, made it easier to get promoted."

"And what else?"

"I… started a program through my cadets, gave technicians and supply workers the opportunity to become special forces."

"Sylas mentioned that when I saw him on Llanic, told me other things too, like some punishment you'd done away with for the troopers?"

"The Walk of Perdition." His lips twist grimly. "It was a series of trials for the worst violations, but a third of the troopers didn't survive it and those who did were often too maimed to be used in combat. It was a waste and unnecessary cruelty. Though I'm sure Hux has reinstated it by now…"

"Do you think he reversed the other changes?"

Ben snorts. "I'm sure he's reversed a lot of things. He never shut up about how I was turning he First Order into a charity, debasing myself by listening to people like Sylas."

"So, the lower ranks probably aren't too happy with him?"

"Rey…" He narrows his eyes. "Why are you asking me this?"

"I just…" She shrugs innocently. "Can't help but wonder…. What would happen if, say, everyone in the lower ranks decided Hux isn't fit to be Supreme Leader?"

Ben stills. "No." He shakes his head. "Just no."

"No, what?"

"What you're thinking right now—it's not possible, not for a hundred reasons."

"What reasons?"

"Rey, the First Order is an authoritarian organization— those at the top give the orders, those below follow. Everything is structured around this, our infrastructure, our protocols, the way we think and act. Everyone in the Order has been taught, some since birth, unquestioning respect for authority. No one challenges this, especially in the lower ranks."

"I don't know about that. Finn told me he heard rumors about a trooper insurgency during his training."

"That was crushed before it even started."

"But the fact it was attempted proves the lower ranks are capable of rebellion."

"Rey, do you know what happened to the troopers who attempted that insurgency?"

"Um…" She shrinks. "Something terrible?"

"It made the Walk of Perdition look kind. The harshest punishments are reserved for those who upset chain of command, and everyone knows it. Even if the lower ranks wanted to rebel, most don't have the courage to attempt it."

"But if everyone in the lower ranks rebels at the same time—"

"Rey, do you have any idea what it would take to organize a rebellion on that scale, not just troopers, but technicians, supply workers, operators, all of them? It can't be done."

"It would be difficult, for sure." She nods. "Whoever did it would have to be very smart and very cunning." She gets a sly look. "Someone who can do anything."

"Exactly, which is why—" Ben stiffens.

Rey raises an eyebrow.

"No." He goes white. "No."

"Oh, come on. Sylas is perfect for this. He's been in the lower and upper ranks, so he knows both. He told me you sent him on observations all over the place, so he sees the bigger picture. And when he took me to your shuttle after invasions, some of the troopers greeted him, even joked with him. How did the troopers even know who he was? I thought his job was negotiations."

"Sylas…" Ben hesitates. "Makes friends easily, and he's popular with the lower ranks. They used him as an advocate, passed their concerns to him in hopes they'd get to me."

"So, he knows people in all divisions?"

"Yes," Ben grudges.

"There you have it. Sylas is smart and well-connected. He can do this."

"Even if he could, we can't communicate with him. Hux has certainly tightened security since I escaped, increased surveillance, limited messaging outside the Order."

Rey brings a finger to her lip, thinking. "I bet Rose could figure it out." She drops her hand. "You sit down with her, tell her everything you know about First Order comm systems, and she'll find a way. I know she will."

"Rey…" He sighs. "The message could be intercepted, and even if it wasn't, you think people wouldn't notice Sylas running around the Supremacy, sending comms to every dreadnaught, base, data center…"

"What if they were distracted, too preoccupied with, say, a Resistance attack on an important facility…?"

He narrows his eyes.

"What if the mission to Hays Major isn't about getting Hux away from Starkiller but covering Sylas while he gets the word out? Things'll go haywire while it's happening, everyone desperate to find out what's going on. It's the perfect window."

Ben scowls at the mat. She feels him work, testing the idea.

After a minute, he snaps up.

"It's too risky." He shakes his head. "Too many things could go wrong. All it would take is one person, one loyalist to run to a superior, and the whole thing falls apart."

"Ben." She groans. "Of course, it's risky. Of course, things could go wrong, but don't you think it's worth a try? If this works, you could stop Hux without shedding a drop of blood. Don't you owe it to your people to give them that chance, the chance to live?"

His eyes flicker.

"Don't you owe it to Sylas, your cadets, everyone who's been loyal to you? You've taken care of them, made their lives better. Now, let them take care of you. Let them show you how much the love you."

Ben sits still. His expression's unreadable, but she senses him waver.

"Have faith in them." She leans in. "If not in their loyalty to you, then in their own self-interest. They know Hux doesn't care about them. They know as long as he's in charge, their lives will get worse."

He looks down. For a moment, he says nothing.

Then, he pushes up.


He walks to his things tucked neatly in a corner, sweeping a boot from the ground.

"What are you doing?"

"I need to move." He shoves the boot on.

"Wait." She scrambles up. "You said we wouldn't leave until we figured out what to do. Does this mean—"

"It means I need to work out the details, and I can't think just sitting here."

"So, that's a yes?"

"That's a maybe."

She narrows her eyes.

"Rey, we've been here long enough, and it takes an hour to get to surface. By the time we get there, I'll have made a decision. I promise."

She studies him, considering.

This is probably the best she can expect from him at the moment. Besides, she got something from the crystals, even if it wasn't exactly what she wanted.

She moves to a messy pile on the other side of the mat, grabbing her jacket. She pulls it on, then reaches for her boots.

A minute later, and she and Ben are heading to the cave opening, the crystals chattering behind them. They start up an incline, rocks arranged in jagged steps. As the glow of the cave fades, Rey grabs a light from her pack, switching it on.

They make their way through dark tunnels, ducking when the ceiling gets low and careful of rifts below. Ben is quiet at first, but after a while, he starts talking, more to himself than her.

At first, Rey just listens, letting him sort through his thoughts. Soon, she asks questions or offers suggestions. Before long, they're absorbed, testing various parts of the idea.

They argue, of course, but they also listen. They hear each other out, then go silent, thinking through the other's perspective. They go back and forth, picking up bits and pieces from each other until the idea becomes a plan. Soon, they no longer speak of possibilities but contingencies, what they'll do if this happens or that. They imagine themselves in Sylas's shoes, all the things he'll have to be careful of.

Time flies and before they know it, they're emerging into dim light, cloudy gray skies above and a sea gritty earth stretching in all directions. They walk to the Falcon hand in hand, the ship stationed a few yards away.

"This is crazy." Ben shakes his head.

"Crazy enough to work."

"Hux won't see it coming, not in a million years. He thinks of the lower ranks like insects."

"Insects are powerful when they're in a swarm. Hux is about to learn that."

"Assuming it works."

"It'll work." She squeezes his hand. "You have loyalty on your side, the Resistance to back you up, and a friend who'd do anything for you."

Ben nods, but inside he's churning, wracked with worry and fear.

"Have faith, Ben." She nudges him. "Just have a little faith."

The churning subsides, replaced by a warm glow. He releases her hand and wraps an arm around her, pulling her in. She smiles, tucking her head in his shoulder.

As they near the Falcon, she reaches into her pouch to open the ship. The ramp creaks, lowering slowly. "Let's comm Rose as soon as we can, get her thinking about how to sneak a message to Sylas."

"My mother will need to convene the Resistance leaders, get their approval for the distraction."

"We'll comm her first, let her know we're on the way."

They disappear into the ship, the ramp closing behind them. A few minutes later and the Falcon hums to life. It lifts from the surface, then shoots into the sky, disappearing into gray clouds.

The dust settles where it took off, only a faint imprint remaining. All is silent now on this dim, desolate planet, nothing but rocky plains and the smallest of creatures, evolved to survive in scarcity. There's no sun, no wind, only grays and browns blending in dullness.

Deep underground, the crystals glow brightly, whispering.

It's all happening like they knew it would, the mold-breakers on the cusp of their destiny. Even now, they see it, past, present, and future, everything that's been and will be.

The end is just the beginning, they know. The mold-breakers have a lifetime of work ahead of them, a thousand successes and failures, joys and heartbreaks, and they'll experience it all together.

It will be hard, and it will be rewarding. They'll get weaker, then stronger again. They'll fight and learn and teach and grow. Everything they've become will ripple to touch their friends, then their friends, then their friends. Their influence with stretch through generations, long after they're gone.

In this way, they will never die. Their example of love and partnership will be the star that burns forever, covering the universe in brilliant light.

NOTE: Ok so… I won't be making my Nov. 1st deadline for completing this story, but I figured I'd upload the chapters I've finished so far. Chapter 49 should be uploaded on November 23rd and the final chapter on December 14th.

Thank you for your patience and thank you for reading!