1. Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Ladybug swung across a busy Paris street with Chat Noir closing in on her...again. She breathed out the panic clenching her insides and focused on her escape route.

"Oh, Bugaboo," he called with a teasing lilt.

She winced. The nickname was a knife through her already-shredded chest. It would be so much easier for the wound to heal if he didn't sound so much like the old Chat Noir, her former partner and friend.

Landing on the building's rooftop, her yo-yo snapped back to her outstretched hand, and she bolted forward into another sprint. She strained to hear his landing over her heart pounding in her ears.

It came much sooner than she'd expected.

Her gaze darted around as she ran, searching for the building's entrance.


Sliding to a stop in front of the metal door, her fingers gripped the handle. Just as she yanked it open, Chat's silver staff slammed it shut. She blinked at his weapon glinting in the sunlight, a bitter taste forming in her mouth.

In a sweet sing-song voice, he said, "Ah ah ahhh." He stepped to her. "Where does my Lady think she's going?"

"Getting away from you." She faced him, yo-yo zipping around in a wide circle.

He placed a gloved hand to his chest. "You wound me."

"Only if you make me."

His smile dropped. "Give me your Miraculous."

Why did he bother? He knew she would never just hand it over.

Flinging her arm out, she whipped her yo-yo around his legs to capture him, but he leapt into the air, a black blur. She jerked her weapon back into her grasp and turned to the door.

His staff was a vertical bar hindering her path. She glanced up to the top where Chat sat perched, watching her.

"I don't want to hurt you," he whispered.

"Then don't." She sighed. "I still don't understand why you're working with Hawk Moth. Just come back to me, Chaton."

His eyes closed in a pained grimace. "I can't."

"Why?" she pleaded. Maybe this would finally be the day he explained his betrayal.

He jumped down, his staff shrinking to its portable size.

Muscles tense, ready to spring away, she stepped back.

Looking at her with those blasted green eyes, so achingly familiar and now so foreign, he pointed to the side. "Run."

Her brows furrowed.

"Run!" His chest heaved, drawing in a ragged breath.

She straightened and put her yo-yo away. "No."

He jerked, as if she'd slapped him. Then he snarled and swung his staff at her like a bat.

The impact didn't register right away. Shock dulled everything. She'd gambled on their friendship, their past...and lost.

Vaguely, she registered falling, wind whipping through her pigtails and around her slender form. Tears pricked her eyes.

Then sensation exploded in her like a fireworks show, jarring her back to reality. She gasped. The simple movement nearly made her cry out in agony.

Focus, Marinette, Tikki said.

Gritting her teeth, she twisted mid-air and flung her yo-yo to catch a street lamp. Her downward momentum suddenly stopped, jerking her shoulder nearly out of socket, and she went careening to the side. Releasing her weapon, she stumbled to the sidewalk and doubled over. She grasped the side of her ribs with one arm as the other hung limp at her side.

Realization that he'd hit her, really hit her, stung worse than his staff had. He'd only ever chased her before. And, sure, they'd fought, but it was never with the intent to cause harm. She forced back a sob. Several tears escaped her tight hold and she quickly wiped them away.

A woman close by reached out a tentative hand. "Ladybug, are you okay?"

Marinette put on a smile and nodded. She looked up at the tall building and noticed a dark figure watching her from the rooftop before turning around and disappearing.

What was she going to do now?


Marinette glanced at the address on the paper, then looked at the buildings' numbers. As she walked, the shops changed from quaint to high end. There was no way she could afford an apartment in this district, even if having a roommate meant half the rent.

"This area looks expensive," Tikki said from within her purse, voicing Marinette's concerns.

A man skirted around her to cross the street, accidentally bumping into her injured shoulder. Yelping in pain, her gaze jerked to him, a blond in a sleek business suit.

"Pardon, mademoiselle," he said with an apologetic smile.

She brushed away her discomfort and grinned at him. "No harm done."

Striding through the arched entrance to the building's courtyard, she stopped, smile falling into an open-mouthed stare. There were sections of stonework that were intricate masterpieces. The long windows boasted elegant ironwork and delicate flowers.

She should turn around now and go home, rather than waste both their time. But...she was curious what the apartment looked like. And she did come all this way.

Once inside, and doing her best not to gawk, the concierge pointed her in the direction of the elevators, not disclosing the tenant's name. The paper listed the initials, A. A., but the man wouldn't give anything away, something about policy.

When she stood in front of a wooden door on the top floor, ready to knock, she hesitated. He must be famous or a politician or someone important.

"Are you sure we should be here?" Tikki asked.

"You're right. We should go."

Just as she swung around, the door opened behind her. She froze. The elevators weren't far. She could make it. Maybe the person would write off the oddity, thinking she got lost or something.

"Marinette?" a very familiar voice asked.


A. A. was Adrien Agreste.

Why couldn't the carpets be made of quicksand? Or even better, why couldn't Tikki have the ability to make her disappear at will?

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" he asked.

She shivered. Her name sounded so much better when he said it. Maybe if she turned into a pile of goo, she could seep through the floor and make her escape.

A hand lightly touched her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Her face flushed from the contact. She was definitely not okay.

"Yes," she tried to answer, but it was too high-pitched to be discernible to human ears.

Play it cool, Marinette. She plastered on a smile and turned around.

He took a step back, his own smile slipping out of place.

Oh god, she must look like a serial killer. She dropped the act and gazed at him sheepishly. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just..."

He perked up and words failed her. He looked amazing. A little taller since school ended, and broader. More man than boy now.

"You were just?" he prompted.

Lost. Wait, she had to say that out loud.

"Oh! You're here to meet about the apartment," he said. Then, without giving her a chance to respond, he placed a hand on her lower back and ushered her inside. "Why didn't you just say so?"

Her mouth went slack. Was he happy she was the one who'd made the inquiry?

Gesturing to the space, he said, "It's close to the University and the area is vibrant. Plenty of stuff to do."

The living room looked like it belonged in a magazine. High ceilings, massive fireplace, fancy staircase, and modern, yet comfy-looking furniture. It even smelled expensive.

"I take it you're going to ENS as well?" Adrien asked.

She nodded, torn between looking at him and the space. The kitchen was visible through a pair of doors, and her dad would totally fangirl over it.

"Great! Let me show you your room."

My room?

He walked in the opposite direction of the kitchen toward a spiral staircase, but then he stopped and looked back at her.

"Adrien, I don't think—"

"Don't worry about the coed issue. I'll completely respect your privacy. Plus, your room has a lock and its own bathroom. And—"

"It isn't that." Could someone die from cuteness overload and mortification at the same time? It was good to know he was still kind and considerate, but how do you tell someone you couldn't afford what they most likely thought of as reasonable.

He walked back to her, his expression wary. "Is it me?"

"No!" She cleared her throat and willed her sudden blush to disappear. "I mean, you're amazing and cute—er, kind. I just…" She shrugged. "There's no way I can afford this. The only reason I'm here is because I was curious."

"Oh." He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks turning a shade pink. "Well, I'd much rather have someone I know and trust living here, than someone I don't. Nino was supposed to room with me, but he and Alya got engaged."

Alya spent a lot of time with Nino now that he'd proposed. Marinette barely ever got to see her best friend. "Maybe one of your model friends would be willing to take it."

He shook his head. "I don't really know any of them."

They stood in awkward silence for a moment before Marinette said, "I'm sorry I wasted your—"

"What if you stayed here anyway? For free?"

She blinked at him.

"It's not like I need the money. And trust is a far more valuable commodity."

"Well...um...then I guess I'd have to say yes. But only if you agree to let me pay the electric bill and whatnot."

He beamed and the world was suddenly much brighter. "Okay then, come look at your room."

Was she dreaming? Did her life just fundamentally change in the span of five minutes? What would her parents think? Alya? Oh my, how was she going to live with Adrien Agreste? He'd see her when she was gross and sick, in the morning with bed head, at night and dead tired, even grumpy from a bad day. All her worst traits would be in broad view for him to see.

"Marinette?" he asked.

She followed him up the stairs, even though her brain screamed in terror.

Her empty room was nearly as large as the one at her parents', which was crazy big. But something was off. She glanced at the beige walls in slight distaste, then the long windows stretching from the floor to the ceiling. Walking to one, she looked out and the view had her mouth dropping in awe. Paris was laid out before her, teeming with life. What was off finally hit her. It was quiet. She was used to the sounds of engines, horns, and people talking. Studying was going to be so much easier without the distractions.

The bathroom he'd casually mentioned was ten times nicer than hers with its granite countertop, freestanding, jetted tub, and walk-in shower with multiple shower heads. And the closet was practically a whole other room. Was she salivating? It was highly possible.

On their way back to the stairs, he pointed to his bedroom. Which was across from hers. Like ten steps away. Four if she leapt. Twenty if she crept. But she wouldn't do that. No way would she try to listen to him sleep. Nope. Okay, she considered it but only for a split second.

"When can you have your stuff brought over?" he asked as they walked downstairs.

"Huh?" What if he brought a girl here? Did he have a girlfriend? Hopefully it wasn't Chloe. Never seeing her again was the best thing about graduating.

"You know, your bed and chaise lounge and—" He snapped his mouth shut, color tinting his cheeks.

His words finally made sense and she furrowed her brows. "You remembered my chaise lounge from when we prepped for that game tournament?"

"Tournament?" His gaze flicked around the room in thought. "Oh yeah, the tournament. Yeah, I remembered it from that." He chuckled, but it seemed a little off. "Anyway, do you need help getting it here? I can call a mover."

"Sure. So long as it's not a big deal. My parents have a lot of orders for the bakery this weekend and I'm...not exactly in the best shape to be lifting heavy objects right now."

Concern softened his features. "Why? What happened?"

"I, um, fell down some stairs yesterday. Hurt my shoulder and ribs."

His eyes widened. "Why didn't you say so? Here"—he gently moved her to one of the couches—"sit, rest. I'll get an ice pack and Tylenol."

She stifled a giggle. "I'm not that bad off. Really. I'll be okay."

"How did you fall?"

He sat next to her and her mind glazed over. "Someone hit me."


His hard voice snapped her out of her stupor. "I mean someone knocked me over. Accidentally. They bumped into me. And I fell. Besides, you know what a clutz I am."

"Yeah," he conceded, but still didn't look pleased. "You should be more careful. It's not as safe out there anymore."

"Not with Chat Noir switching sides," she said.

He tensed.

"How is Ladybug supposed to catch all of the akumatized people by herself?" she ranted. "Crime rates have even gone up because of him."

"Maybe no one would be akumatized if Ladybug and Chat Noir didn't exist."

She eyed him like he'd sprouted feathers. "But—"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up. I know it's a touchy subject for most people."

She'd been the one to mention Chat and Ladybug, not him.

He smiled, but it wasn't his usual carefree one. "When would you like the movers to meet you?"

After giving him a time, he walked her to the street. "Here's a key in case I'm not home. I have a crazy schedule. Sometimes I get booked for a last minute photo shoot or a fashion show, so don't be surprised if I have to run out or if I'm out late."

"Same here. I mean, not for modeling, but sometimes, the bakery calls—" She shook her head. "Sometimes, my parents call because the bakery is slammed and they need my help."

"Late at night?"

"People would surprise you." She affected a masculine voice and said, "I know you're closing, but I forgot my son's birthday. Can you have a cake ready for tomorrow?"

They laughed, but his was a little forced. Oh, yeah. His father, while a brilliant designer, wasn't very warm and loving.

Touching his arm, she said, "Thank you. For everything."

"You're welcome, Marinette." He picked her hand off his arm and kissed her knuckles.

Breathe. Just breathe.

"I look forward to having you as a roommate," he added.

This time his smile was bright, and she floated out of the courtyard with her heart dancing in her chest.

AN - this is my first story for this fandom. I just love the show, much more than my four year old. Lol. And the active fan base on Tumblr is what encouraged me to go for it. I truly hope everyone likes it!

This is a multi chapter fic. I'm not entirely sure how long, but it's definitely not going to be short. I have the outline done and I can't wait to write it for everyone.

A big thanks to my sister for checking over my work. She's the best! :)

Update: we're going over the chapters and polishing them. First one is done!