6. Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Marinette paced the length of her bedroom with her phone in one hand. "I think I did something wrong, Alya."

"Don't tell me you snooped through Adrien's room and got caught."

"What? No. That's something you would do."

Alya chuckled. "Did you confess your undying love for him in a song and dance?"

Ignoring the comment, Marinette gave a small cookie to Tikki and asked, "What if I made a mistake?"

"Girl, if you don't tell me what you did, I'm coming over there and prying it out of you."

She halted. "You can't come over."


"Nathaniel is."

"Nathaniel is what?"

"Coming over. To pick me up." She fell back on the bed, bouncing a little from the impact, and draped an arm over her eyes. Why had she agreed to let him pick her up? Because he'd been earnest about it, and it was really sweet of him to be gentlemanly...and she was a complete sucker.

"Why is he coming over?"

"Because someone gave him my number," she said accusingly, "and he asked me out."

"That's why he wanted it? I thought it was about the party." Alya paused and a loud rustling filled the speaker.

Tikki flew to her, crumbs falling from her little face, as Marinette pulled the phone from her ear until the grating sound stopped. "What are you doing?"

"Eating," she said around a mouthful of food, then swallowed. "So what's the problem? You said Adrien only likes you as a friend. It's good for you to move on. And Nathaniel is nice and has had a crush on you forever. Plus, he's cute."

"I know, but what if Adrien does like me, and I've just blown my chance with him?"

"Then why'd you agree to the date in the first place?"

"For the same reasons you've said."

"Okay then."

Marinette flung an arm in the air, nearly swatting Tikki in the process. "Okay, what?"

"Go on the date and have fun. If Adrien acts jealous, then you'll know. You can break it off with Nathaniel and ask Adrien out."

Bolting upright, Marinette sat straight-backed with newfound purpose. "Or maybe I can go on the date without him ever knowing."

"Yeah, sure. Or you can act like a crazy person." She laughed. "Look, you're overthinking it. You two aren't a couple, and you don't even know if he likes you. Go get ready for your date, so I can finish my lunch. Call me afterwards, okay?"

"Yeah," she grumbled, then ended the call.


"What do you think Marinette would like to eat tonight?" Adrien asked Plagg.

The kwami sat on the countertop picking at his claws.

"Still giving me the silent treatment, huh?" Adrien rummaged through the fridge, thinking of everything his old private chef had taught him when he'd been younger.

Adrien glanced at Plagg over the fridge door. "How long are you going to ignore me?"

The kwami crossed his little arms and thrust out his chin.

It took some effort to hold back a laugh. He wasn't afraid to admit Plagg was adorable, like a tiny black kitten. That observation had slipped out once, and the kwami had been mad for a week.

He went back to pushing around items, unable to think of a recipe for what he had. Closing the door, he said, "There's nothing here to work with. I'm going to the store. You coming?"

Plagg had no choice, of course, bound to the Miraculous wielder as he was. The kwami floated to him, face still upraised, and disappeared into his pocket.

Adrien opened the door and nearly stepped into Nathaniel, standing with a fist in the air, ready to knock.

"Um, sorry," the redhead said.

Adrien lowered his brows in confusion. "The party is next Saturday."

"I know. I'm here for Marinette." He fiddled with the drawing pencil he always carried. "I'm a little early."

"Early for what?"

"Our date."

"Your what?"

Nathaniel stiffened. "She didn't tell you?"

Adrien shook his head, still not moving from the doorway. Marinette was going on a date. The thought made his stomach turn to lead. But why? They weren't together. He had no claim on her.

After a long moment, Nathaniel asked, "Is it okay if I wait for her inside?"

Adrien forced himself to breathe. What was wrong with him? "Sure." He stepped back and let him in.

The redhead looked around the room. "Nice place."

"Thanks." He shut the door and dropped his keys into the bowl.

"Oh, no need to stick around because of me."

There was no way he was leaving now. He smiled, doing his best to not make it sharp. "It's cool."


"Sure. I haven't really seen you since Dupont." He gestured to the couch for him to sit. "What have you been up to?"

Nathaniel blinked, gaze bouncing from him to the couch as if he had a hard time understanding what he was supposed to do. He finally sat, and, after visibly swallowing, he said, "I, um, got accepted into an art program."

"That's great."

Silence fell between them. While Nathaniel avoided eye contact, Adrien couldn't stop staring at him. Why did she agree to a date with him? Did she prefer red hair over blond? Did she like the sensitive artist type over handsome and charming? What did he have that Adrien didn't?

Nathaniel blew out a breath and finally met his eyes. "I can see that she means a lot to you. It's great that she has so many friends who care about her. But, I swear I'm not going to do anything that'll hurt her."

Friends. The word was a barb in Adrien's chest.

"She's kind and compassionate," Nathaniel continued, "an artist like me, and she's beautiful. She's just...amazing. I've always thought so." He looked down and chuckled. "I feel so stupid for never working up the courage to ask her out sooner." Then his gaze found Adrien's. "I'm just grateful no one else did."

Adrien's molars were about to crack. He tried to unclench his jaw to speak, but failed. Offering a tight-lipped smile, he nodded. As much as he wanted to hate the redhead, he couldn't. Nathaniel was a good guy. And how could he hate anyone who saw how special Marinette was?

She was everything he'd said. And now she was about to go out with him. Maybe even kiss him.

Red tinted the edges of his vision and spurred him to his feet. His heart raged against his ribs. What's wrong with me? Seeing Nathaniel's wide eyes, he said, "I should let her know you're here."


Marinette looked at her phone. Ten minutes until their date.

Checking the mirror one last time, she swiped at her red summer dress, smoothing away imaginary wrinkles; made sure her makeup was perfect; and that her hair, styled down this time, looked good. Nothing was too fancy, just a little more than she usually looked.

"Are you sure about this?" Tikki asked, floating over her shoulder.

"He can't know about the date."

"Maybe you should tell him how you feel."

She gaped at the little red kwami. "I can't do that. If he doesn't like me in that way, it'll make living together weird. I'd have to move out and go through another apartment hunt again."


A knock came from her door.

Oh no. Adrien. If he saw her like this, he'd know something was up.

"Yes?" she called, her voice too high.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just...not decent right now."

"Oh." He was silent for so long she thought he might've walked away, but then he said, "Nathaniel is here."

Every ounce of her blood whooshed to her feet. "What?" Realizing the word had been a whisper, she said it once more, but far too loudly.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

She took a deep breath.

If Alya were in this situation, she would be calm and just laugh it off.

She went for a chuckle, but it ended up being a cackle. The sound echoed off the walls.


Tikki looked embarrassed for her.

"Sorry, I just saw a funny video on my phone." She affected a laugh again, this time not sounding so maniacal, then gestured for the kwami to hide in her purse. "I'm coming."

She swung open the door, and he took a step back. "You sure went from indecent to perfect real quick."

The complement brought warmth to her cheeks. "You think I'm perfect?"

He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "You look lovely...for your date."

His voice had hardened by the end of the sentence. Maybe he wasn't happy about having dates meet her at the apartment. But he knew Nathaniel. It wasn't like she'd met him online. "I'm sorry. You said it was okay with Alya, and I just assumed it would be okay with others too. I—"

"It is okay. He's a...good guy."

She nodded. "He is."

His eyes flashed, but it was probably just a trick of the light. "Anyway, he's waiting for you." He held out an elbow for her to take. "May I escort you to your suitor?"

She chuckled, for real this time, and slipped her arm through his. They walked side by side down the stairs. The contact, along with every slight touch, graze, and bump, melted her bones. She practically floated her way to the first floor.

Nathaniel stood when he saw her. "You look stunning, Marinette."

The warmth in her cheeks surged to blazing hot. This was so awkward. "You look handsome as well," she said. He wore slacks with a nice button-down shirt, untucked with the sleeves rolled up. He really was cute.

Adrien hadn't let her go. In fact, he was as immobile as a statue. She glanced at him, and he relaxed. "How about I pour us a glass of wine? We can all catch up for a bit before you leave."

"I don't think we have much time," Nathaniel said at the same time she said, "Sure."

Marinette looked at the redhead sheepishly. She was a horrible person. She should've said no to the date, rather than lead him on. She could get over Adrien another way. Like joining a convent.

He smiled and nodded to Adrien. "We can spare a couple minutes."

"Great." The blond walked to the wine stand and pulled out a bottle. "Marinette, Nathaniel was just telling me he got accepted into an art program."

She beamed at the redhead. "Congratulations! You deserve it. I remember how good you were, and now, you're probably phenomenal."

"I wouldn't go that far, but I can show you some of my work after dinner at my place if you'd like."

A loud pop made her jump. Adrien held up the bottle opener and the cork with an apology, then poured them a glass. He was being really cool about all of this, not a hint of jealousy. Her insides twisted. They really were just friends.

"Marinette and I are going to ENS," Adrien said, handing them their glasses.

Nathaniel swirled the crimson liquid, then took a sip. "That's why you moved here?" he asked her.

"Yeah. It's kind of funny too because I didn't know Adrien owned the place until I showed up."

Adrien nodded. "I was as surprised as her. But it was a happy coincidence. Right, Marinette?"

Nathaniel watched them both.

"It did work out...well." She couldn't say perfectly because perfect would've been if he'd fallen to a knee and professed his love for her. She took a long pull from her glass.

Barely glancing at his phone, Nathaniel said, "We should really get going. I don't want us to be late for our reservation."

"Sure." She handed her glass back to Adrien. "I'll see you later."

His green eyes locked onto her, gluing her feet to the spot. But she had to let him go. It just wasn't healthy to pine over someone who didn't see you the same way. She dragged her gaze from him and focused on Nathaniel.


"Plagg, claws out!"

"I don't think this is a good idea," the kwami said as he was sucked into the ring, transforming Adrien into Chat Noir.

He locked the door and ran up to his room. "So, now you're talking to me?"

I know what you're going to do, and I don't think it's very smart.

"All I'm going to do is make sure he doesn't try anything stupid with her."

I thought you said he was a good guy.

Adrien stepped out onto the balcony and jumped to the rooftop. "You heard him." Changing his voice to sound like Nathaniel, he said, "Maybe I can take you back to my place to look at my art." He snorted.

If she sees you—

"She's not going to see me. Now where are they? I should've asked."

And sound like a jealous rival or, worse yet, her dad?

He checked the street, scanning for black-haired beauties in a red dress. "I'm not jealous." When she'd opened her door, he'd about nearly fallen over. She normally never wore makeup or styled her hair, let alone wore a dress. Cute was no longer the word he could use to describe her. Gorgeous was more like it.

If you're not exhibiting jealousy, then I'm a human having a really bad dream.

Was he jealous? He thought of his reactions to Nathaniel. How he'd suddenly felt angry, insecure, fearful, protective...he was jealous.

He'd thought Ladybug was the only woman for him. But now Marinette had somehow snuck into his heart.

You okay, kid?

Realizing he hadn't moved in for however long, he breathed out. "What am I going to do?"

Somehow Plagg knew what he was talking about. Tell her.

"I can't. She's into Nathaniel."

His kwami groaned and said something, but Adrien had caught sight of the couple nearly blending in with everyone else on the sidewalk. He chased after them, careful to stay hidden from view. People looked up more than ever now, watchful for another akuma attack.

The two weren't holding hands, so that was a good sign. Maybe he could pelt Nathaniel with pebbles if he tried. Was that petty? Maybe, but he couldn't find it in himself to care.

They made their way to a small restaurant known for their crepes and were seated outside. The weather was perfect, and, with the sun setting, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, it was rather romantic.

He gritted his teeth and settled into the perfect hiding spot where he could keep an eye on them.

I suppose this is a step up from your other escapades.

"Yeah, yeah. Now be quiet, so I can listen to what they're saying."

They talked about Dupont, about what he did for holiday, and what they planned on doing after university. It was all rather bland and boring. Yet, she seemed to be enjoying herself, listening attentively and talking animatedly. There was not a hint of awkwardness that she had with Adrien. He had secretly hoped that she'd harbored a crush on him, but now, maybe he just weirded her out.

"Am I weird, Plagg?"

Weirdest person I know.

He was hiding out on a rooftop, spying on a girl he just realized he liked.

Oh my god, he was the creep, not Nathaniel.

"I have to get out of here."


Without paying attention, he stood and heard a gasp from the table below.

—right now. Plagg sighed. Oh well.

Marinette watched him with ever-widening eyes. When Nathaniel turned to see what she'd been staring at, Chat dropped to his hands and knees.

"Do you think she saw me?"

No, he answered sarcastically, she could've mistaken you for a bird or maybe a gargoyle.

Peeking over the ledge, he locked eyes with her and waved.

Her brows shot to her hairline.

Nathaniel turned around again, but Marinette laid a hand over his, distracting him from doing so. Then she stood and walked toward the restaurant's entrance. With a glance at him and a nod to the back of the building, she went inside.

Chat ran in the direction she'd pointed and then jumped down to the alley to wait for her. The sun had officially set and the darkness lent an eeriness to the abandoned space. Dumpsters gave off a putrid odor, making him scrunch his nose in disgust, but he forgot about it as soon as she stepped outside.

"Are you spying on me?" she asked with her hands on her hips. Illuminated by the building's lights, she looked rather superhero-ish.

"No, I was just out minding my own business when I saw a beautiful face and just had to stop to admire it."

"Please." She rolled her eyes. "Twice now in two days is a bit strange, don't you think?"

"I like to call it fate." He eased his way closer to her. "You look like the cat's meow tonight. Pawsitively purrfect."

She didn't appear phased though, not by his stalking, nor by his puns. He frowned at her.

"Wait," she said, eyes bright. "Were you patrolling? I thought you might've stopped doing that once you switched sides."

She looked so hopeful, so happy that he couldn't let her down. "I do try to keep it a secret."

Her sudden smile was its own sun, brightening the alley and illuminating the darkness that had been consuming him the past couple months. He inched closer to her without realizing it. She was simply alluring.

"Your secret is safe with me then." She looked at her phone. "I should go before he starts to worry."

"Are you two a couple or is it just a friendly dinner?"

Her brows lowered, as if in thought. "It's our first date. I don't know what we are."

So did that mean she liked him or not? "Well, in my oh-so-humble opinion, you could do much better."

"You mean I could be with someone like you?" She grinned and tapped the bell at his neck.

His mouth fell open, heart nearly coming to a stop.

She laughed. "Relax, I'm just joking."

He drudged up a chuckle. "You know, I wouldn't be surprised if your date is looking for you right now."

Her eyes widened in alarm, and she turned to the door. Before going inside, she said, "Be careful out there."

He continued staring, lips curled into a dopey grin, even as the door closed behind her. Why was she so kind to him? He didn't deserve it.

Shaking himself out of his stupor, he vaulted himself to the rooftops and started running, listening for signs of trouble.

What are you doing? Plagg asked.



"I'm not a liar. I said I was on patrol, so I'm out patrolling. But only for tonight."

Are we really going to save someone?

Leaping across the street, he said, "Yes, but don't get too excited. I'm still the bad guy."

AN - thanks for reading! Is it bad that I love the jealous trope? Because I do. Lol! But I'll put a little different twist on it that you'll have to wait and see to find out. And Plagg got a taste of the good old days.

I love, love, love reading your thoughts. So thank you for leaving them! And I'm close to a hundred followers! That's wild! Thanks so much for showing your interest in the story. It makes writing this totally worth it!

Have I ever said I love my sister? No? Well, I do. (And this is after growing up together fighting like cats and dogs, with me literally kicking down her bedroom door. Lol) She's the best. And I appreciate her going over this chapter.

Update: 'tis done.