10. Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Marinette weaved her way through their friends chatting over the music and opened the door. Nathaniel smiled at her and leaned forward, kissing her on the cheek, a bit too close to the lips.

She suppressed a wince. She had to stop this before it got too far. It wasn't right, and he deserved someone who could give their heart fully to him. Hers belonged to Adrien, even if it would be the death of her love life.

Tomorrow, though. No reason to start drama during the party.

"These are for you, ma chérie," he said, offering her the bouquet of lilies he held.

"They're lovely." She smelled the flowers and was disappointed they held no aroma. She smiled anyway. "I'll go put these in water. Mostly everyone is here if you want to say hi."

He nodded, and she turned to catch Adrien watching her from the side of the room. His eyes were two hard stones again. He shifted his focus back on the people talking around him, though he didn't seem fully engaged. She wondered why he didn't like Nathaniel. He was nice.

After setting up the flowers in the kitchen, she checked on the food and drinks, and made sure the freezer wasn't fully stocked with ice. It was necessary for her plan. The caterer was an older woman built like a tank with a face that was just as hard. Marinette liked her. The toughies always had soft centers.

"Adrikins!" a familiar and oh-so-annoying voice practically screeched. Chloe. She was going to regret getting Alya to invite her as well. Adrien wanted her there, and who was she to tell him no?

She poked her head into the living room and saw Chloe smothering Adrien in a hug. Sabrina stood behind her taking a picture of the two.

Marinette gripped the newly-replaced door frame.

"Thank you for inviting me." She hooked her arm around his.

Were they together? He hadn't mentioned that they were. Marinette turned to the counter where the caterer poured glasses of champagne for the toast and downed one.

The woman looked at her with a raised brow.

"I'll just go wash this." Marinette focused solely on the clear glass and the warm soapy water, not thinking about the way Chloe was so cozy with him.

It was fine. She was fine. Who he liked and spent time with was none of her business.

She handed the now-dried glass to the caterer, then steeled herself and walked back into the room.

"Girl, you okay?" Alya asked. "You look like you ate something rotten."


"Say no more." She took her arm and pulled her into the crowd. "I can't believe everyone came. But I bet it was more to see Adrien's apartment."

"Are you kidding me? People like you and Nino. They're totally here for you two." She nudged her with an elbow. "Oh, I talked to Adrien about the Miraculouses."

"Did you find out why he's no longer a giant Ladybug nerd?"

She sighed. "No."

A familiar determined expression settled over her friend. "I'll look into it."

Marinette barked a laugh.


"Nothing. I just feel bad for Adrien."

Alya feigned indignation with a scowl, then spoke out the side of her mouth. "Here comes Chloe and Sabrina."

Marinette glanced in the blonde's direction and grit her teeth. Her arm encircled Adrien as she led him toward them.

"Congratulations on your wedding." She released Adrien and wrapped Alya in a hug.

Sabrina took another picture.

"Wow, um, thank you," her friend responded, eyes wide and brows high, looking at Marinette in question.

She just shrugged. Maybe this was a case of the body snatchers.

Chloe pulled back and grinned at Marinette. "I hope you're taking care of my Adrikins. He told me you're rooming with him."

"I am. But, really, he's been taking care of me. Did you know he cooks? And he gives phenomenal foot massages."

Instead of Chloe fuming with jealousy, she just stood there with that annoyingly sincere smile still in place and said, "I know."

Marinette frowned.

Adrien chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "How about I show you the rest of the place?" he asked the blonde.

"I'd love that." She snaked her arm around him and, as the three of them moved toward the dining room, she added, "l don't see any raggedy pieces of furniture. Did Marinette really move in?"

Marinette's frown twisted into a scowl. Not body snatchers, then. Just plain Chloe.

She took a deep breath. "There is no one else who can get under my skin like her."

"Preach'n to the choir," Alya said.

"I think I need another drink."

Alya's brow lifted. "Another?"

"I wasn't going to drink at all, but...Chloe could drive the Pope to the bottle."

She laughed. "How about we do the toast and officially start the party?"

"Sounds good to me. Just let me check with the caterer."

After everyone held a glass and was gathered into the living room, Marinette stepped to the bottom of the stairs to stand with Adrien. He smiled at her, and she nearly broke her champagne flute from gripping it so hard. He furrowed his brows, but she turned to face Nino and Alya and lifted her glass.

"To my best friend, Alya, we party tonight in honor of you and Nino." The crowd cheered, and she waited for it to quieten. "You wanted to spend your last days of freedom together, rather than apart, because your upcoming wedding is not a funeral for bachelorhood, but a celebration of the love you two have shared for years now. It's a beautiful sentiment, and I'm glad I get to experience it with you."

She glanced at Adrien as everyone took a sip. Hers turned into a long pull that left only a swallow.

He leaned toward her. "Are you okay?"

"You could've told me you and Chloe are a thing." She couldn't bring herself to say 'couple.' But she really should've just kept her mouth shut. It wasn't her business who he dated. He didn't like her and that was just fine. No drama tonight.

His brows shot up. "We're—"

"Adrien. Adrien. Adrien," the crowd hollered.

He was forced to turn to the throng and give a toast she barely heard over Chloe's imperious gaze leveled on her.

As soon as he finished speaking and everyone took the requisite sip, she made her way to the kitchen to keep herself busy. She helped the caterer put away the glasses and restock the food.

No drama. This was Alya's night, and it had to be perfect. It would be, especially when her plan came into play.

The music blasted and the lights, now dimmed, cast shadows everywhere.

"Who are you hiding from?" the caterer asked.

"I'm not hiding."

"Then why do you keep ducking below the counter every time someone walks by the kitchen?"

She tucked back her hair and scoffed. "I was just. I—" She sighed. "It's stupid. I'm sorry to be a bother."

The woman smiled at her. "Don't let people get to you. That only feeds them."

Marinette stood straighter. She was right. Chloe was probably gloating right now, thinking she'd scared her away. "Thank you."

Nino and Alya danced in the middle of the crowded living room along with Rose, Kim, and Alix. She hadn't seen much of them over the summer and they all looked pretty much the same.

Off to the side, Juleka talked with Mylene, and, after noticing Marinette, she waved her over.

"Great party," the shy girl said, practically yelling to be heard.


Chloe twirled by with arms around Adrien like steel manacles. He glanced Marinette's way, but then they were back in the middle of the undulating crowd.

"Marinette?" Mylene asked.

"Yeah." She smoothed her face of the completely ridiculous jealousy eating away at her and blew out a breath. "I'm going to get a drink. Do you guys want one? A bottle of wine or a barrel of whiskey?"

They looked at her like she'd gone crazy, but she laughed as if it was a joke, and Juleka smiled. "I'll take a glass of red wine."

"Yeah, I'll have one too," Mylene added.

"Two glasses of wine coming up."

Marinette delivered their drinks, then went back for her own. She settled onto the couch in the dining room next to Max as he played a game.

"Wanna battle?" she asked him, picking up a remote.

"Sure." He flipped to the menu and changed the settings to two player. "Maybe this time I'll beat you."

She scooted forward and sat perched on the edge of the cushion. "In your dreams."

It was the perfect distraction. She'd forgotten all about Chloe and Adrien and having to break it off with Nathaniel. Instead, she focused on winning, crushing the life out of Max, and pulverizing his spirit.

"Marinette," the caterer said, breaking her out of her trance, "we're out of ice."

That was her cue. She paused the game and stood. "Sorry, Max. Looks like you'll have to wait to feel the sting of bitter defeat yet again."

"Savage," someone said, and she realized they had an audience.

She bowed, feeling rather relaxed, then picked up her empty glass and put it in the kitchen.

Nathaniel stepped to the counter as she grabbed her purse. "Do you want to dance?" he asked.

"I actually have to go get ice right now. Maybe later?"

His face fell, but he quickly put on a smile. "Sure. Do you want me to go with you?"

She twitched. No one could go with her. "I actually need you to tell Adrien he's in charge while I'm out."

"Oh, okay. Be careful." He leaned forward to give her a kiss, but she purposefully dropped her purse and bent to get it.

She stood and waved goodbye.

Tomorrow. She just had to make it through tonight and then she wouldn't feel like a jerk any longer.

After slipping out of the apartment, she made her way to the little cluster of trees on the side of the building.

"Careful not to drink too much, Marinette," Tikki said.

"Don't worry. I know I have to be sober in case there's an akuma attack." She tapped the kwami's nose. "You ready to make Alya's night?"

Tikki nodded, and Ladybug jumped to the top of the building.


Adrien finally freed himself of Chloe's nagging and hid in the kitchen. She wanted to make certain Marinette wasn't a gold digger trying to weasel her way into his life by getting herself pregnant and so on.

"You too." The caterer shook her head. "Kids these days."

Adrien looked for the second person but found no one else. Maybe she'd been sampling the liquor.

"If you see a blonde girl with a high ponytail and sunglasses on her head, I'm not here."

"Sure, sure." She pulled out a tray from the oven. "How long do you plan on staying down there?"

"I don't know. Until Chloe gives up being ridiculous."

He settled back in the corner and tapped out the beat of the song.

"Excuse me?" Nathaniel asked the older woman. "Have you seen Adrien?"

She nodded down to his position

Traitor, he mouthed.

"You didn't say anything about a redhead."

Nathaniel poked his head over the counter, and Adrien pretended to be tying his shoes. "Hey, man. What do you need?"

"Marinette said you're in charge."

"Why? Where is she?"

The caterer nudged them aside to put a bowl on the counter. "She went to get ice."

Nathaniel nodded in confirmation, then turned to leave.

"So, you guys are serious now?" Adrien asked him before he got too far. Marinette had been upset earlier. He wanted to think she might've been jealous, but that was absurd. She'd made it clear she was into Nathaniel.

He stopped. "Huh?"

"You and Marinette. She said you were her boyfriend."

His face brightened, eyes nearly sparkling. "Really?"

Adrien was officially confused. Why would he be surprised she told him? Unless they'd been keeping it a secret. "Yeah. Sorry if I wasn't supposed to know."

"No, that's great! Has she said anything else?"

"Not that I can think of."

Nathaniel suddenly hugged him. "I'm so glad you're not into her. For a while there, I thought you were, which made things weird, but—" He sighed. "This is great." He nodded and walked out.

Adrien found himself scowling at the redhead's back.

"Strange kids," the caterer mumbled.

"I guess I better check on everyone. Make sure there's enough toilet paper." Maybe he could use that as an excuse to leave for a bit. Marinette shouldn't get to be the only lucky one.

"Ladybug!" Alya squealed.

The music came to an abrupt halt and everyone who'd been in the dining room surged into the living room.

Ladybug was indeed in the apartment, standing at the top of the stairs. Adrien marveled at her, then wondered if he should change into Chat Noir and try to get her Miraculous. But no, without Marinette, he had to be available. Plus it would be too suspicious.

"Alya," Ladybug said, "creator of the Ladyblog, and my number one fan—"

"Excuse me," Chloe said from somewhere in the room. "I'm your number one fan."

Ladybug ignored her and continued. "I heard you're getting married, so I wanted to personally congratulate you."

"Can I get a picture with you?" Alya asked.

"Of course."

The brunette ran up the stairs fast enough to make any coach proud. "I can't believe you know about my wedding."

"It's all over your blog."

Alya squealed again. "You still read my blog?!"

Nino beamed at her as she took selfies with the superhero. He was totally in love with her. Adrien smiled at them. There was no way he'd ruin their night by picking a fight with Ladybug.

"Too bad Marinette isn't here," Nathaniel said.

Not him. Adrien withheld an eye roll and nodded in agreement. Marinette would've gotten a kick out of seeing Ladybug. Or, at least seeing Alya's glee.

"So, I was thinking," Nathaniel said, "since you're cool now, maybe we could all go on a double date."


"You and Chloe."

He shook his head. "We're not together."

"Oh. Well, maybe just the three of us then?"

Great, now he thought they were all going to be best friends. "Sure." Maybe he should also start a practice of self-flagellation.

Ladybug disappeared into Marinette's room, much to the dismay of the partygoers. He'd be sure to tell Marinette to lock her windows, not that anybody else could reach the top floor of their building. It was the principle that mattered.


Marinette walked inside carrying two bags of ice, careful to act like she didn't know Ladybug had been here. The superhero's name was on everyone's lips, and she had to focus to keep a straight face.

"Oh good," Chloe said, "the help has arrived."

Ignoring her, Marinette deposited the ice in the chest and was immediately pounced on by Alya.

"You missed the most amazing thing ever! Ladybug was just here!"

Marinette beamed as her friend gushed about it for ten minutes straight and showed her the pictures at least twenty times.

Nathaniel, standing taller than he had all night, moved to Marinette's side and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Welcome back," he said with a smile that could've lit a planetary system.

He was practically a different person, confident, even suave. What had changed?

Stunned, she was unable to move as he swooped in to kiss her on the lips.

People hooted around them, and Nathaniel pulled back blissfully unaware that she was a statue. Alya stared at them, unblinking, as if she needed a reboot.

"Looks like we might have another wedding soon," Chloe said as she and Adrien passed by. He looked away from Marinette, face completely unreadable.

Her heart plummeted to her feet. No, to the fiery pit of the Earth's center.

Alya shouted, "Drinks!" Then she pulled Marinette to the kitchen. "What was that?"

"I don't know. I thought he was starting to realize I wasn't into him."

"What are you going to do now?" she asked while pouring them a glass of whiskey.

"I have to tell him. I'd planned on tomorrow, but maybe I should do it now."

"Normally, I'd say yes, but...could you hold off? Until after the party? I want people to remember it for Ladybug showing up, not for Nathaniel running out, crying."

She nodded and picked up her glass. "For strength."

Alya followed suit. "For friendship."

They laughed and downed the alcohol, expecting it to burn. It didn't. Not bad.

"That's not how you drink good whiskey," the caterer said with her gruff voice, making them jump from her sudden appearance. "You sip it, like wine."

Alya looked at Marinette, who merely shrugged. The caterer was an interesting woman.

"Let's get some for everyone else," her friend suggested.

They loaded up a couple trays and carried them out. In no time, they were filling seconds and thirds, to the point of going back for more bottles.

Remembering Tikki's words, Marinette didn't drink anymore. She felt a tad light and pleasantly happy, and that was good enough for her. But not for others.

People danced with abandon. They talked louder, laughed harder. Several couples snuggled in the darkened corners, and someone had even fallen asleep on the couch next to Max. All the while, Marinette kept herself busy, doing her best to stay clear of Nathaniel and Chloe.

"Marinette," Adrien said, catching her arm as she passed by him in the kitchen to drop off a tray, "you can take a break, you know. Maybe go spend time with your boyfriend." The word held some heat. "He's been looking for you."

"Why don't you like him?" Nathaniel really was a sweet guy, and she just didn't understand the barely contained animosity.

The question seemed to take him aback. His face blanked and he looked away while shifting on his feet. "It's not that I don't like him."

"But whenever you refer to him, you have this angry vibe."

He stopped and stared at her. "I'm not angry, Marinette. I'm. I'm…" His green eyes sparked with something, maybe jealousy. Whatever it was made her heart rate jump to double time.

She should do what Alya said and tell him Nathaniel wasn't her boyfriend. But no. No. She couldn't put everything aside for the very slim possibility he liked her as more than a good roommate.

A lock of hair slipped out from behind her ear, falling forward to block her peripheral vision, and he tucked it back for her. His fingers lingered on her jaw and neck, stealing all thoughts from her head. She lifted her chin to look at him more fully, and her breath caught at what she saw: desire, raw and pure.

He closed the distance between them and captured her lips with his own, soft yet demanding, as if laying claim to her body. And Marinette let him. She yielded, muscles turning to water, bones to mush.

Under his scalding touch, there was no party, no Nathaniel, no Miraculouses. It was just Adrien's affectionate lips, his sweet taste, and heady scent wrapping around her, filling her, consuming her.

His fingers tightened around her arm and the back of her neck, and pulled her closer against him.

Her grip on the tray slackened. It fell from her hold and crashed to the floor, making him jerk back in surprise. He paused, took in their position, and practically jumped away.

"I shouldn't have done that. I've. I've had too much to drink." Picking up the tray, he handed it over without looking at her. "Forgive me."

He turned and left her standing there confused. The kiss was everything she'd ever imagined it to be: passionate, yet gentle. But it had to have just been the alcohol. It made people do things they normally wouldn't, things they would later regret.

The caterer mumbled something under her breath about kids as she worked.

Knees weak, Marinette touched her swollen lips, pulsing in time with her heartbeat. She sighed. Too bad it hadn't been a real kiss.

AN - I'm cruel, I know. Muwahaha. But hey, they did kiss.

Thanks for favoriting, following, and/or commenting! It's always fun to read your thoughts on the story, any predictions, misunderstandings (looking at you, M. Lol), and just hear that you're enjoying the fic. I love it all.

My sister is sick right now, so I'm sending extra love her way. Thanks for double checking my work!

Update: fixed a made better