16. Chapter 16

Chapter 16 - I did some research on French wedding receptions, but nothing extensive. So, I might've Americanized it. My apologies, if that's the case.

Nathaniel watched Marinette stand with Alya at the head table talking to a guest, smiling brighter than the sun. She was the epitome of beauty in her flowing bridesmaid's dress, a soft pink that contrasted wonderfully with her black hair and made her skin glow.

He sighed and leaned back in his chair, the ache in his chest flaring. Forcing his gaze away from her, he stared at the white table cloth covering the circular table he sat at. The hall was filled with the chatter of people, soft music, and clanking dishes. He wasn't very social, but he was happy to be here for Alya and Nino. They'd always been nice to him. Plus, Adrien was here.

Adrien the Brave. He didn't think he'd ever get over that night at the restaurant. The guy was so frustratingly humble about it too, but that was always the case with real heroes.

He searched out Adrien and found him walking around the tables, making small talk. Nino was with him, his ubiquitous headphones now wrapped around his neck. Surprisingly, he hadn't worn them during the ceremony.

When Adrien came near his table, Nathaniel stood and waved him over. The blond did so with a smile. He was the coolest person ever.

"Hey," Nathaniel said, trying not to appear too eager to talk to him. They hadn't had a chance all evening. "Everything looks like it's going smoothly."

"Yeah. Keep your fingers crossed. It was good seeing you."

Adrien moved on, and Nathaniel made sure to congratulate Nino as he passed. He sat and tried to remember the details of Adrien in a suit to draw later. The model could easily pass for a blond James Bond. It gave him another idea for the comic book.

The waitstaff swept in behind them, clearing plates and pouring drinks, then the lights dimmed and the DJ told everyone it was time for the first dance.

Nathaniel walked to Marinette as Alya and Nino stepped out onto the dancefloor, a spotlight shining down on them as a slow song played.

Marinette had eyes only for her friend, but she did glance his way and smile.

"May I dance with you tonight?" he asked.

"Oh. Yeah. Sure."

Her smile was now strained. Hoping he hadn't crossed a line, he added, "As friends."

She relaxed, and they went back to watching Alya and Nino.

The couple swayed in time with the music, not being too adventurous with the dance moves. Alya beamed, the definition of a blushing bride.

"She looks great," he said to Marinette. "The dress is perfect for her."

"Thank you. I think so too, but I'm mainly just happy it's holding together." She laughed.

The DJ cut into the song, and, instead of inviting everyone to join the couple on the dance floor, he asked for the maid-of-honor and the best man to do so.

Marinette's eyes widened, whether in alarm or surprise, he didn't know. Adrien had the same look on his face. Strange. Why would Alya not tell them?

Nathaniel nudged her forward. "I think that's your cue."

She nodded, but didn't move. She just stood there, staring at Adrien as if he were the boogeyman.

Face now composed, the blond model made his way to her with not a hint of a smile on his face. Were they not happy about having to dance with each other? They shared an apartment. What was just one dance, especially for their best friends?

Adrien reached her and bowed slightly, holding out a hand for her to take as another spotlight centered on them. She seemed to be holding her breath, a frightened deer ready to bolt. Maybe she didn't like being the center of attention—well, half of the attention since Alya and Nino were out there too.

Saving Adrien the embarrassment of her fleeing, he gave her a little shove forward. She squeaked and ended up catching Adrien's hand for support. The model used it to spin her into him, and she landed with her hands on his chest. A fierce blush sprang to her cheeks, but Adrien pretended to not notice and led her further onto the dance floor, as if he'd been ballroom dancing his whole life. Nathaniel wouldn't be surprised if he had.

James Bond, indeed.

The two moved awkwardly. Well, Marinette moved awkwardly. She kept stumbling over absolutely nothing. It was like her legs didn't know when to bend and when to straighten. And she was still blushing, refusing to look at Adrien.

It was so weird.

As they passed Alya, Marinette gave her a solid glare, but the brunette only stared hard at her, as if trying to communicate something. Then Adrien twirled them away and Marinette was forced to hold onto him tighter. He pulled her in until only a sliver of space separated the two. She seemed to gasp, her lips parting slightly, and her gaze finally met his.

The room ceased to exist for them. Their eyes took in nothing else. They barely even blinked.

Nathaniel's stomach twisted.

She liked him. That was why she would blush and stammer around him. No...based on the way she looked at him, she loved him. And he her.

Which explained why she couldn't be more than friends with Nathaniel.

He stepped back, easing between the multitude of guests to meander back to his table. Adrien had really been jealous. It hadn't been his imagination. Yet Adrien had tried to be cool about it. He'd been selfless.

He really was a hero.

Nathaniel stopped in his tracks.

And what better ending for his comic book than for the hero to end up with the girl?

The song ended, and as another began, the DJ finally invited everyone on the dancefloor.

"Nathaniel," Marinette called from behind him.

For some reason she was holding back her feelings for Adrien. But why? Was she afraid of rejection?

She walked around to face him, watching him carefully. "I didn't know she had that planned. But we can dance now if you'd like."

An idea struck, like a gong in his head. And it was perfect.

She waved a hand in front of him. "Nathaniel?"

"Is Adrien still on the dancefloor?" he asked.

Her brows creased. "I think so."

"Then let's go." He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the throng of dancing couples.

Nathaniel wrapped an arm around her waist, searched out the blond model, found him with Alya, then steered him and Marinette toward them.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm great, actually." And, surprisingly, he was.

As he carefully weaved a circuitous path so as to not alert her of his true mission, he stood taller, feeling a bit like James Bond himself. Maybe he could write himself into the comic as the sidekick or the mysterious benefactor.

"Alya," he said once they reached her and Adrien. "May I have this dance?"

She took one look at Marinette and tossed Adrien over to her friend as if the model was bad Ladybug intel. The two suddenly found themselves in each other's arms again, standing still with dazed expressions, and Alya guided Nathaniel away like absolutely nothing had happened.

"Thanks for coming," the brunette said.

He blinked, just as surprised as them at the quick turn of events, even though it was his goal. "You know she likes him?" he asked, putting together her swift action. He wanted to slap himself. Of course she did. They were best friends.

"I, um. I. It's just that—"

"It's okay. That's actually why I cut in. Because Adrien was dancing with you. Great wedding, by the way. Thanks for inviting me."

"You know?!" She glanced at the people now looking at them and lowered her voice. "But I thought you liked her. I mean. I know she broke up with you, but still."

"I do. She likes him, though, and he likes her."

She closed her hanging jaw. "Why?"

"Well, I guess because he's good looking and can do everything. And she's kind and beautiful and—"

"No. Why would you make them dance together when you know they like each other?"

"Because Marinette won't do it herself. She's too shy around him."

She stopped dancing. "But why?"

"Because I want her to be happy."

Alya looked at him like he was the cutest puppy in the world, and got them moving again. "That's really kind of you."

He shrugged. "If there's anybody other than me for Marinette, I'm glad it's him. But I'm not going to lie. It stings."

"I'm sorry." They quietly danced for a while longer before she spoke again. "Have you noticed anything strange about Adrien?"

"Other than how awesome he is?"

She snickered. "No. It's just his view on the Miraculouses and whatnot. It's a little strange."

"He should have a Miraculous. And then, maybe they'd finally defeat Hawk Moth and free the city."

When she didn't respond, he looked down at her. It seemed she was no longer present. "What?"

"Nothing. Maybe. I don't know. Just something you said." Her gaze landed on Adrien, her brows twisting slightly, as if she was trying to solve a puzzle.

All he saw, though, was a blushing Marinette doing her best to not look at Adrien while he couldn't keep his eyes off her. "It's like she's blind when it comes to him."

Alya barked a laugh. "And stupid."

"You know, I think I have a plan on how to get them together."

She looked up at him, a brow raised. "Whatever it is. I'm in."


The music lowered, changing to what had been playing during dinner, which meant it was now time for dessert. Everyone began moving back to their tables.

Marinette breathed out in relief, happy to be finished dancing.

"It was a pleasure dancing with you again," Adrien said as a server passed them a sparkler and a set of matches.

She nodded. His feet probably had felt like they'd been put through a meat grinder. She'd stepped on and tripped over them at least a hundred times. Being so close to him, soaking in his warmth, breathing in his scent, touching him had rendered her speechless and, apparently, immobile.

And she'd somehow ended up in his arms for at least five songs. It was like everyone was square dancing, changing partners so quickly until they were together.

"I'm sorry you got stuck with me so much," she finally said. Now that they weren't locked together, she could think.

"I enjoyed it."

"No one enjoys getting stepped on. I've probably ruined your shoes."

"You could ruin every pair I own and I'd still want to dance with you."

She stumbled, and he caught her, holding her up with his hands on her arms. Her heart hammered at her ribs as she stared into the liquid green of his eyes.

He pulled her closer to him.

Her breath turned to lead in her throat. It felt so much like he was flirting with her, but he was probably just being extra nice so she wouldn't feel bad. Still, the air seemed to spark around them.

"Marinette," he whispered, his voice low and gruff.

Transfixed, she leaned closer to him. "Yes?"

The lights dimmed and the DJ said, "Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for...le gateau! Le gateau! Le gateau!"

Everyone started chanting with the DJ.

But what did Adrien want to say? She lifted her chin to better look at him.

He licked his lips. "I—"

Sparklers lit up all around them, and they jerked away from each other, fumbling with the matches to follow suit.

Her dad and an attendant wheeled out the cake, a four-foot tower of cream-filled puff pastries dripping in caramelized spun sugar and wrapped with a pretty ribbon. Her dad had made it, and she was proud her family had been such a big part of Alya's wedding.

The flames sputtered out and the newlyweds broke off a couple of the pastry balls and fed them to each other. Everyone clapped and cheered. Then her dad wheeled the cake away to be cut and served to all the guests.

Adrien's hand was still on her arm and he stood incredibly close to her.

She looked up at him again. "What were you going to say?"

"I just—"

Someone clinked a glass and started a speech, but she was so focused on Adrien...until she heard her name.

"...Marinette, and the best man, Adrien," Nathaniel said, and all the guests turned to look at them. It didn't help they were still standing while mostly everyone else had made it back to their seats.

Adrien released her and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Marinette tittered and waved at those near her.

"They've done a fantastic job helping out our newlyweds here," Nathaniel said, holding up his glass, and gestured to Alya and Nino standing there still chewing, looking very much surprised at the toast. This wasn't on her schedule. He must be winging it.

Marinette swallowed.

"They've been very generous. Adrien offered up his place for the coed bachelor party, and Marinette made Alya's amazing wedding dress." People clapped. "They're the most amazing people I know."

Adrien, rubbing the back of his neck, and Marinette, fiddling with her hands, glanced at each other. Guilt wrapped around her like a hungry boa constrictor. She'd just broken up with Nathaniel and here she was hoping that Adrien was about to confess his love for her. She was a terrible person.

She slid a step away from the blond.

Alya cleared her throat, looking hard at Nathaniel, as if to tell him to stop, but he continued on. "I don't think I've met anyone quite like them. She's so beautiful, yet she either doesn't know it or doesn't care. And she's kind, like give-you-the-shirt-off-her-back kind. And, to top it all off, she's very talented."

That boa constrictor of guilt cinched around her, tightening with every compliment he uttered. It was hard to keep the corners of her lips lifted in what she hoped was a pleasant smile. They seemed to weigh a hundred pounds each.

"And Adrien…"

The blond's shoulders lifted, as if to hide under them.

Alya cleared her throat even louder.

"He's a one-of-a-kind guy. This man isn't just a pretty face. And don't get me wrong, he does have a very attractive face, right Marinette?"

She froze. People were staring at her. Adrien was staring at her. Could she pass out from too much blood to her face?

"She's just shy. Adrien, I'm certain she thinks you're attractive."

Marinette groaned.

Alya slapped a hand to her face.

"Anyway, this guy ran into danger to help people. He's a true hero. And I just realized something today, he's also selfless." He paused in thought. "You know, when their traits are laid out like that, they seem like quite the pair."

Had he drank too much? That could be the only excuse for such a speech at Alya's wedding, or anywhere for that matter.

"I'm glad I know them and was brought back into their lives." He lifted his glass higher. "To Marinette and Adrien."


Nathaniel thought the spontaneous speech went quite well. If they hadn't already known the other's good traits, then they did now. And he hoped that calling them a pair would be like a subliminal message, digging into their brains, helping them to accept the possibility.

"What was that?" Alya asked, grabbing his elbow and pulling him off to the side.

They'd just finished passing out the pastry balls and everyone was now eating them.

"I thought they needed to hear the other's good qualities."

"So you work them individually. Not in front of everyone." She pinched the space between her brows. "Didn't you realize you were making them feel guilty?"


"Yes. That's why they looked so uncomfortable. It was like you were trying to drive them apart."

Oh no. He'd thought they were just being shy. Hopefully he hadn't ruined everything.

"Listen, play it cool until the bouquet toss," she said. "This is what we're going to do…"


Alya had been right. Marinette wouldn't even look in Adrien's direction now. Which told Nathaniel she was keenly aware of the blond's location. Which meant there was still hope.

As for Adrien, he would glance her way often. He seemed to always be on the lookout for her, making sure she was okay. Another heroic trait.

They were so frustrating, though. Nathaniel wished he could come out and tell them to drop the act and just get together already.

Alya looked pointedly at him.

Nathaniel took the cue and walked to Marinette. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"


They moved to where Alya had indicated would be the best spot for her to catch the bouquet.

"What did you need?" she asked.

"Um." He looked around him, wishing he had thought of something beforehand. "Well, I…" He coughed. Hurry it up, Alya.

"Do you want some water?" She started moving away, but he grabbed her arm.

"No, no. I'm okay." A hard gaze bored into the back of his head. Looking over his shoulder, he noticed Adrien watching him, his eyes feline and predatory. Nathaniel immediately released her.

Protective. That was another heroic trait. Except the good guy didn't usually have a murderous look. He shivered.

The DJ's voice filtered in through the speakers. "Ladies, get your game face on. It's time for the bouquet toss."


Alya appeared not too far in front of them and winked conspiratorially as most of the women filled in the space. Nino and Adrien walked to where she'd said they'd be and everything seemed perfectly set up.

Nathaniel was about to leave the mass of girls when Alya turned and tossed the bouquet. It went wide. She didn't tell him she was a terrible shot.

Needing to do something, he pushed Marinette in the bouquet's direction. She pitched to the side, arms and legs flailing. Everyone around her scooted back to avoid getting hit.

Marinette fell in slow motion as the bouquet sailed through the air. People watched in shock and horror.

Shame filled him. He'd been so focused on the mission, he hadn't considered that she might get hurt in the process.

He reached for her, but Adrien was faster.

The blond leapt forward, like a cat springing into action. He caught her with both arms, twisted mid-air, and landed on his back.

A collective gasp rushed through the room like a breeze through a grove of trees.

Marinette lifted her head and gazed down at Adrien. "You saved me."

His arms stayed wrapped around her. "I guess I did."

Further proof he was a hero!

The bouquet of flowers hit her in the back. Leaves and petals sprang free in every direction as it bounced off her. Adrien snatched it out of the air and looked at it for a moment, as if not realizing what he'd caught. Then he handed it to her. "I believe this is yours."

She blinked at it, then at him and a savage blush colored her cheeks. He grazed his fingers across her flushed skin.

Alya covered her mouth, probably to contain a squeal of delight. It certainly was an intimate moment. So intimate they had to have forgotten they had an audience.

And then, everyone clapped, breaking the spell.

Nathaniel sighed in exasperation. But he supposed it was unreasonable for him to expect anything else.

Jerking away from Adrien, Marinette whipped around, caught sight of the crowd's eyes on them, and jumped off him. As Adrien got to his feet, someone hooted and asked if they were getting married next.

Adrien ignored the comment, but Marinette turned a shade redder. He handed her the bouquet, now bald in patches with some of the flowers sticking out of place, and she tried to hide behind it.

"Okay. Now that's done," Alya said, coming to her friend's rescue, "Nino and I are ready for the last dance."

The music kicked in and everyone forgot about the bouquet toss fiasco. Everyone except Adrien and Marinette. She kept looking from the bouquet to him and he kept pretending to not notice.

AN - it looks like I got a bunch of new readers recently. Welcome! I'm glad you found my story. Thanks for leaving reviews, favorites, and/or follows!

My sister and I cackled while brainstorming for this chapter. Nathaniel is just great. He won't be so prominent anymore, but he'll be around playing Cupid. Lol. My sister has started reading the reviews to her husband and he's like, why are you so invested? It's because this is as much her baby as mine. I think she checks everyday now. :D

To everyone sharing the story and actually talking about it with their friends, I'm just so incredibly amazed and elated and honored. You have my sincerest gratitude.

To the guest, and anyone else, who's went back and reread the story… O.O You must really like it to do so. I've only ever done that for just a couple fics, including published ones. So, to me, that's a huge compliment. Thank you!

To the guest asking about a future scene with Marinette and Adrien in self-defense class. There will be a scene like that, but a tad different. I'll say no more. Muwahaha.

Update: edited and still laughed at the cringey speech.