21. Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Chat stood on the iron railing outside Marinette's window. It was surprisingly locked. Maybe she was trying to keep him out after he'd kissed her. Honestly, he hadn't planned it. She'd been right there, so tantalizingly close, and the next thing he knew, his lips were on hers. And it was amazing.

Marinette looked up at him and froze.

He blew her a kiss and snickered when she flushed. Teasing her was going to be so much fun.

She waved to shoo him away.

Putting his hands on his hips, he scowled.

She mimicked him.

So she was going to play hard to get. Okay then. "I'll be good!"

Her eyes widened and she jumped on her desk to open the window. "Shhh. You trying to get yourself caught?"

"Unless Ladybug is around somewhere, I don't think it matters." He slid in beside her and gave her a crooked smile. "Did you miss me?"

She sighed and climbed down to the floor. "You said you would be good."

"I can be very good." He waggled his brows.

"Out." She pointed to the window.

Lifting his hands in surrender, he said, "Okay, okay. I'll stop."

She nodded, grabbed her design book, sat on her bed, and proceeded to flip through the pages.

"If you tell me who the lucky guy is," he added as a caveat.

A sigh escaped those wondrous lips of hers.

He plopped in her chair and swung side to side. "Seriously, who is he?"

Without looking up at him, she said, "None of your business."

"It is too."

Finally, those blue eyes met his. He could stare into them all day. "And why is that?"

"Because…" Because I love you, but he couldn't say that.

"Exactly." She looked down at her book. "Besides, I don't want you to torture him."

He faked a gasp of horror. "I would never do such a thing."

"Mm hmm." She flipped a page.

"I wouldn't."

Silence greeted him.

"Fine. Don't tell me." He stood and walked around her room, poking at the various things scattered around.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Just looking."

"At what?"

"At everything." He took in all of the framed pictures on her dresser, mostly of her family and friends, some from Dupont.


He looked over his shoulder at her and gave her a sly smile. "Does it make you nervous?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Everything here is part of you, and I guess I'm just getting to know you better."

Placing her book on her lap, she said, "You can always ask me, you know?"

"Okay." He walked around and sat facing her again. "What do you love most?"

"People. Specifically the kindness in each of us."

"Even me?"

She nodded.

That she saw him in such a positive light filled his heart with happiness. He leaned forward. "What do you fear most?"

"Not being able to help someone." She looked down. "Losing them."

He didn't think someone close to her had passed away. "Have you? Lost someone, that is."

She took a breath and shook her head. "Not yet. What about you? What do you fear?"

Thinking of his mom, his father, and even Ladybug, he said, "I guess the same as you."


He nodded. "What makes you angry?"

"Wait. Who are you afraid to lose? Ladybug?"

Ignoring her question, he said, "I'm thinking people being inconsiderate really lights a fire in you."

She snorted. "Fine. At least tell me what you love most."

"You don't want to know that."

"Why? Is it cat food?" She snickered.

"No," he huffed.

"Kitty litter?"

A growl bubbled up from deep in his chest.

She smiled. "Catnip?"

Pouncing on her, she squeaked in alarm and fell backwards on the bed. Her book dropped to the floor with a soft thump. Hands on either side of her head, he stared down at the pulsepoint in her neck ticking faster. He wanted to kiss that spot. Hell, he wanted to kiss every inch of her. "I love the way your heart beats faster when I'm near."

"Well, you did just attack me." She flushed a lovely shade of pink.

"That too. I love when you blush." He bent closer to her neck and breathed in. "And I love the way you smell."

"It's just my soap." Her words trembled slightly.

He gently brushed his lips across the pulsepoint. Her heartbeat thrummed under his touch.

She swallowed. "Chat."

Straightening his arms, he looked down at her. "I know. I said would be good, and I don't want to upset my princess."

She blinked at him. "You fighting Ladybug upsets me."

Huh. She didn't ask him to back off. "Unfortunately, I can't do anything about that." Testing the limits, he placed a firm kiss on the crook of her neck.

"But you can." Her voice came out much higher than normal and considerably more breathy. "You can stop and return to her. I'm sure she'd forgive you."

"It's not as simple as that."


He kissed her neck again, then suckled the tender skin there.

Her sharp intake of breath was music to his ears. Tingles, painfully pleasurable, shot straight through him. He nearly groaned.


"Yes?" he asked, working his way closer to her jaw.

"I. I…"


She placed her hands on his sides, and the simple touch sent him over the edge.

Capturing her lips with his, he relished the feel of her against him. Soft and warm. No, scalding. He was on fire. Or she was. He couldn't tell, and he didn't care. Nothing mattered but this moment with her.

Her fingers gripped his waist, but then she pushed against him, clearly trying to create distance. He yielded and sat upright. Her lips were red and puffy. She panted and gazed at him under hooded lids. "I can't do this. I...I like someone else."

"But you like me too."

She said nothing.

"You're not committed to him are you?"

She shook her head.

"Then what's the problem?"

"I want to be in a relationship with him."

"Does he want to be with you?"

She shrugged. "He doesn't even know."

"Then be with me."

Her lips parted in surprise.

"I want you, Marinette. And you clearly want me." She flushed, and a corner of his mouth lifted at the beautiful sight. If he couldn't have her as Adrien, he'd happily have her as Chat Noir. "Will you be mine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng?"

She bit her lower lip, and he wanted to tug it free with his teeth. Giving into his desires, he bent to do just that.

"I can't."

He froze inches away from her.

"I don't even know you. The real you, that is."

Sitting up straight, he said, "I'm me."

She pushed herself up and leaned back on her arms. "Yeah, But what's your real name? What do you look like? How old are you? What is your day job? Where do you—"

He laughed. "All that matters is that I...like you." He'd almost said love. "And that you like me."

"I can't be with a giant question mark. I mean, sure we have undeniable chemistry, but that's not enough."

Slipping off her, he stood at the edge of her bed. "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you my true identity."

"And you won't tell me why you're with Hawk Moth. You won't tell me why you can't go back to Ladybug. You won't tell me anything."

"Because I can't," he said louder than he'd intended. "Please, Marinette. Just accept me as I am."

She looked away from him. "I can't allow myself to fall in love with a mask."

Why didn't she understand he was more himself this way than he was as Adrien? Why couldn't she see that he was already in love with her?

"I don't see you for days. I have no way to contact you. What if you get hurt? How will I know? How can I—"

He lifted her chin with a finger. "I love you, Marinette."

She shook her head.

"I do."

"But I—"

"I know you like someone else too." He took a breath, wondering if he was tempting fate. "Tell him."

Her eyes widened in fear.

"Tell him. Maybe he likes you too and you choose him." Just the thought of it stung. "Or maybe he doesn't, in which case, I'll be here. And we'll figure out the rest in time."

"I can't tell him. It'll make things too weird if he doesn't like me."

"So what? It's not like you live with him." She tensed as he bent to place a soft kiss on her lips. Was her reaction because of what he'd said, and she actually liked him? Or because he kissed her? "Figure out your heart, Marinette. I'll be waiting."

Chat leapt to the desk and out the window, his own heart in a vice.


Chat had said he loved her. And he seemed completely sincere. Marinette wasn't sure how to handle that information. He barely knew her. How could he develop such deep feelings for her. And he wanted the same from her.

Chat, the very same person who she fought at least once a week, the same person who sided with Hawk Moth...the same person who was kind and self-sacrificing when it came to her, the same person who kissed her senseless and yet tenderly, loved her. Her.

And she knew she could love him back. But, at the same time, she had to fight him, to protect herself from him, maybe even officially turn on him.

To say she was confused and conflicted was a severe understatement.

And maybe he was just as vulnerable right now. Maybe he would talk to Ladybug instead of fight.

"Tikki," she said glancing at the kwami watching her with concern. "Spots on."

Ladybug jumped out the window and leapt in the direction Chat had gone.

What are you going to say to him? Tikki asked.

"I have no clue."

Where was he? He couldn't have gotten too far.

Be careful to not give yourself away.

"I won't. I just want to see if he'll talk."

And if he won't?

She sighed. "Then I guess we'll fight again." The thought of doing so while his amorous touch still lingered on her skin made her insides knot.

Stopping on top of the tallest building near her, she looked around. It was daylight so he should be easy to spot, yet he was nowhere in sight.

Well, Tikki said, on the plus side, you don't have to fight him.

"Yeah." She picked up her drooping shoulders and forced herself to be positive. He might open up to Marinette...eventually.

Do you love him?

She dropped to her bottom and rested her chin on her hand. "I don't know. I've always cared for him. We've had each other's backs for so long. But now, I see there's more to him. And I certainly enjoy kissing him." He had her heart beating so quickly she'd felt light headed.

Can you keep your feelings separate should it come to taking his Miraculous?

"I think so."


"Yes. It'll be for the best and I'll be helping him. So yeah, it won't be a problem."

An alarm blared in the distance, and she got to her feet. "Looks like we're needed."


Adrien came home not long after he left as Chat Noir. He'd wanted to press Marinette, see her reaction to Chat and maybe gather information about this mysterious guy she liked, but she'd left. Maybe she'd needed fresh air. He certainly had.

Deciding to kill time with chores, he started with his laundry, then moved onto picking up his room. His father had offered to send a maid over everyday, but he preferred not to have people hanging around all the time. Once a week was plenty.

As he emptied the trash cans, the building's concierge sent up flowers and a card from the family of the girl Marinette had saved. Thinking it would be a nice surprise if he set it up in her room, he opened her door and froze.

Ladybug was in Marinette's bedroom. From the looks of it, she'd just slipped inside through the window.

She stared at him, a deer in headlights.

His hand twitched, wanting to reach for his staff that wasn't even there, but, instead, the card bent in his grasp. It made him remember himself. He wasn't Chat Noir right now, and she wasn't his enemy.

"Ladybug? What are you doing here?"

She lifted a finger. "Well, actually. I'm, uh." She scratched her head. "I'm just checking on the girl who lives here."

"Marinette?" Were they in cahoots? Maybe Marinette didn't even care for Chat. Maybe she was just trying to get close to him so she could take his Miraculous for Ladybug.

She nodded in answer.

"Why?" He had to be careful to keep his tone light.

"Because...she's a friend of a...friend. And I just wanted to make sure she was okay."

Oh. Maybe Ladybug didn't trust Chat with her. Maybe she thought he would hurt her. He wasn't certain which theory upset him more. "Do you check on her often?"

"Oh no. I'm far too busy. This is my first time here. I'd almost forgotten about her actually."

So neither theory was true? And she really was just checking up on her since Marinette was important to Chat? Or maybe she was lying. Argh, he needed the truth. "Well, as far as I know, she's well."

"That's good." She eased back to the windows. "I'm glad to hear."

He stepped further into the room. "I'll tell her you stopped by. If you want, that is."

"It doesn't matter."

Why was she acting so weird? She was definitely hiding something. "Ladybug?"

She stopped on top of the desk.

"How are you handling things? With Chat Noir?"

"It's not easy. But everything will be okay."

Affecting a concerned and hopeful expression, he asked, "Do you have a plan?"

She tittered. "Not really. But, one way or another, he'll come to his senses."

One way or another, huh? So she was using Marinette, trying to turn her against him.

"What's wrong?" She hopped down to him.

He blinked away the sudden anger and took a step back. "Nothing. Why?"

"For a moment there, you seemed upset."

"I was just thinking about how Chat Noir and Hawk Moth need to be stopped."

She nodded, then pointed to the flowers and card with a slight smile, "Did you get those for Marinette?"

"They're from the family of a girl she rescued from drowning."

"Oh. I heard about that." Her gaze drifted to the side before landing on him with sudden determination. "She sounds pretty cool."

"She is."

Ladybug stepped closer to him. "And she's kinda cute too, right?"

"Yeah." Beautiful was a more appropriate word.

"So you think she's pretty?"

He felt like a spotlight should be on him. "Yes."

She leaned in. "You wouldn't happen to like her, would you?"

He swallowed. "Um." Maybe she thought he might get in the way of her plans to use Marinette against Chat. "We're just friends."

"I know. But do you like her as more than a friend?"

He wanted to say no, but he couldn't. For some reason he couldn't lie about his feelings for her. "I...I don't see how that's any of your concern."

She flinched back. "You're right. I'm sorry. I just get excited when it comes to love and romance." She moved to the desk and jumped out the window, but stuck her head back in. "It was good seeing you again, Adrien."


Marinette walked inside the apartment like a normal person. No more jumping into her bedroom as Ladybug. Seeing Adrien in her room had been a close call. If she didn't know better, she'd say he'd seemed suspicious. But he was just surprised and then probably scared when she'd interrogated him. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"Hey," Adrien greeted her from the couch as soon as she closed the door. "Some flowers and a card were sent here for you. They're in your room."

"Thanks." She moved to the stairs, but he blocked her path.

"Ladybug was here today."

She widened her eyes. "Here?"

"In your room."

Trying to look confused, she lowered her brows. "That's odd."

"Apparently, she was checking on you."

"Even odder."

"Is it?"

"Yeah. I have no idea why she'd check on me."

"She said you're a friend of a friend."

Why did he seem so suspicious? And tense? If his jaw was any sharper, it'd cut paper. "Oh. That."


"Yeah. Um, I don't know if I should even tell you this, but I've run into Chat Noir a couple times and he must've mentioned me."

"To Ladybug? Aren't they enemies?"

She shrugged, surprised he wasn't taken aback by her knowing Chat. "I won't even pretend to know what goes on with superheroes."

He softened. "So you don't know Ladybug?"

Squashing her hatred of lying, she looked him in the eyes and shook her head. "Would it have bothered you if I did?"

"No." He smiled and sat back down. "It would've been pretty cool actually."

Maybe she'd read him wrong? But, still, something seemed off. "Yeah. Alya would've definitely died from jealousy."

He laughed. "Very true."

"I'm gonna check out those flowers."

"Sure." He changed the channel on the television.

Stepping up the stairs, she couldn't help but think of how strange that entire conversation was.

AN - that's the last marichat kiss. And we're so close to adrienette actually becoming a thing! Three more chapters, folks. Just three.

Only one update again this week. I swear the days go by so fast. Plus, it didn't help that one of my writing days landed on a holiday, which meant no school for the little one. Hopefully, I'll get back into the swing of things and be able to update more often.

Thanks for sticking with me! And especially for the comments. I love them more than I love s'mores. And you guys have no idea how much I love s'mores. Nom nom.

As always, my sister has my gratitude as well. Her unwavering support means the world to me. *hugs*

Update: edited