33. Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Marinette rushed back to Gabriel's office after defeating another akuma. They were happening everyday now. And at the worst possible times. She'd gotten the alert while sitting with him in a meeting, told him she had to use the lady's room, and was just now getting back...ten minutes later. As Ladybug, that was pretty quick. As a person using the restroom, people certainly had to be wondering if she was still alive.

She rushed past the receptionist and into the design area. Gabriel's assistant looked at her with laser-focused eyes. "Where have you been? He's been asking for you."

"Sorry. I think I ate something bad at lunch."

The woman sighed. "Here." She handed her an armful of sample fabrics. "Take these to him and see which ones he likes for the new line." She clicked the speakerphone and told him Marinette was coming in.

She got no response from him. She never did.

Marinette balanced the cloths in one arm as she opened the door and walked in. They teetered and wobbled, making her feel like a circus performer doing an act on a tightrope. In Gabriel's presence it always felt like she walked a thin line.

"Do you always take extraordinarily long breaks, Ms. Dupain-Cheng?"

"No. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." She hoped.

He watched her for a long moment, then waved her over.

As she stepped to him, her foot caught the leg of a chair and she stumbled forward. The fabrics tipped over, but she practically performed a quadruple jump and a triple backflip to prevent any from falling out of her grasp.

Beaming, she placed the pile on his desk. If he only knew what a clutz she was, he'd see what she'd done as a miracle. Instead, he just watched her with a raised brow.

She pulled out a polka dot swath as if nothing had happened. "This one would be nice for the girls' dress." Then she told him why. That was the routine, but him staring at her, barely even glancing at the fabrics, wasn't. He was probably going to fire her. She swallowed. It hadn't even been a week and she'd already screwed up so bad, he was planning her demise. Now her stomach really did hurt.


"I suppose I'll see you in"—Gabriel looked at his watch as he moved to the door—"an hour."

She piled the rejected cloths to take them to his assistant. "I will?"

"For the Bourgeois charity gala. You are still planning on attending, are you not?"

It was Saturday already? She groaned. Her days were all blending together. Realizing his gaze was still on her, she straightened. "Yes, sir." She'd just need Ladybug speed to get ready.

"Then I'll have the Gorilla pick you two up in exactly an hour." He opened the door. "Do try to not be late again."

As soon as he was out of sight, she hightailed it out of there, rounded the corner of the building, ready to transform—Tikki would just have to deal with her using her powers for personal reasons—but Chat landed in front of her. She skidded to a stop before she slammed into him.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" he asked.

"Home. I have a thing to go to and I don't have much time."

"Well, in that case…" He scooped her up and vaulted them up to the rooftop.

Wind whipped her bangs around as he sprinted to her apartment. In no time, they were standing in that little grove of trees close to her building, the very one she had first ran into him. They've certainly come very far.

"Why'd you bring me here?" she asked.

He still held her in his arms. "I figured your roommate would wonder if you just happened to appear in your bedroom."

The way he looked at her made her insides knot, a tangled mess of emotions. She had to keep reminding herself to not act like Ladybug. "You mean my boyfriend?"

"Oh? He's your boyfriend now?" He didn't let her go. Instead, the corner of his lips lifted in that sexy crooked grin.

No. No. She couldn't think of him like that. She had to keep her head on straight. "Well, we haven't put a label on our relationship yet."

"No?" He bent closer to her, slowly closing the distance between them.

She scrambled out of his arms. "Bad cat."

He snickered. "Good thing you don't have a spray bottle."

Or a fire hose. "You'd be a sopping wet, mangy cat right now if I did."

He gasped in mock horror. "I'd never be a mangy cat."

"Mm hmm." She crossed her arms. "What were you doing at the fashion studio?"

"Checking up on you."

Now, this kind of talk she was more comfortable with. "You still think someone is after me?"

He shrugged. "Have you noticed anything strange?"

Besides Gabriel watching her like she was a failed science experiment? "No."

"How's the internship going?"

All her pent up anxiety flooded out on an exhale, and she finally relaxed. "Horribly."

"What happened?" His hands curled into fists.

"Nothing that you have to fight someone over. I'm just a colossal screw up."

He recoiled as if she'd slapped him. "Excuse you. While you certainly have your quirks, you're perfect."

She bit her lower lip to keep from grinning like a fool. He thought she was perfect. No. No. She couldn't think like that.

"I mean it. What happened?" he asked again.

"Nothing. Just forget it. I should go get ready."


She'd started to turn away, but stopped. "Yeah?"

"Tell me if anything happens between you and your boss, okay?"

"Why?" Gabriel might be a jerk, but she didn't want Chat to hurt him.


That didn't sound like a man bent on revenge. What was this about? She nodded, and he jumped to the rooftop.



Adrien wasn't certain what his father wanted with Marinette. Maybe he was just taking her under his wing and helping her or maybe he was keeping her close as a warning. He hated not knowing. Worse, he hated thinking his father was capable of hurting her to hurt him. Because he did think it. And it made his skin crawl.

He flipped the channel, waiting for Marinette to come downstairs. She'd been in her room since he'd snuck in, which was before she even got to the front door. Surprisingly, she hadn't made a dress for the event. Something about not having any time because of the internship and everything else. He had no idea what 'everything else' was because she'd always just brush it off or finish with a mumble, then change the subject.

Knowing how formal the event was and how she owned nothing close to appropriate, he'd gotten her a dress. It felt like such a nineties movie thing to do, but he couldn't let her go and feel even more out of place. Chloe and his father as companions weren't exactly comforting. And neither were many of the wealthy and judgmental attendees.

She'd found the large box on her bed and screeched in delight. He'd breathed out in relief, not knowing how'd she take the gift. Then she had ran out of her room and hugged him hard enough to make his ribs groan before darting back upstairs to get ready. Her pure joy was infectious. It'd made him feel good, buoyant even, until he started thinking of what he'd do without her. If his father tried something.

"Okay," Marinette's voice came from upstairs.

He stood and looked up to find her door partly open. "Marinette?"

"Don't laugh."

"When have I ever laughed at you?"

"This morning."

"In my defense, you walked out of the apartment with your hair in a towel." She was absolutely adorable with her eyes half closed and moving like a zombie.

"I was just tired."

"From staying up late working on your designs. Yeah, I know." He was kinda worried she might not be getting enough sleep. "Are you gonna come out now?"

After a long silence, the door swung open and she tentatively stepped out. The long gown fit her perfectly. Almost too perfectly. She walked down the steps, careful not to trip on the bottom, then stopped when she caught him staring. That neckline. Good lord. It was much lower than he thought when he picked it out. He wanted to tug at his collar. And go stand under a fan. And have a bucket of ice dumped on his head. While she wasn't large chested, the dress definitely accentuated what she had. And someone slap him, he couldn't stop staring.

"It's too low, isn't it?" She shifted and he looked away. "It's beautiful," she continued, "don't get me wrong, but I don't normally wear something quite so…"

He nodded, then realized she could take the gesture as him agreeing that it was too low, so he switched to shaking his head, and now he just looked ridiculous. "You," he squeaked and cringed.

She turned red. "Is it that bad?"

Did she not know the effect she had on him? "No. It's just that I'm stunned. You're...stunning." Not only did she turn him into a prepubescent boy, but she also made him forget words.

"Are you certain?" She shifted again and he thought he was going to die.

"I'm quite certain." His phone buzzed, jerking him out of his stupor. "That's my dad. We better get going."

She froze. "Gabriel?"

"Yeah. Didn't he tell you he was riding with us?"

"No. He just said the Gorilla was picking us up."

He held out an arm for her to take. He'd use any excuse to touch her and he wasn't ashamed in the least. "You won't need your purse."

"Oh." She looked down at the strap over her shoulder, as if she'd forgotten it. "I'll feel more comfortable with it."

Odd. But whatever got her moving. His father hated waiting.

When they slid into the backseat of the limo, Gabriel addressed them with a curt nod. The Gorilla closed the door hard enough to make the car rock. Marinette flinched. She sat so stiff-backed, he felt like a slumped over pauper next to her. Was their time together always this uncomfortable?

Adrien cleared his throat. "So—"

"I take it that is not one of your designs?" Gabriel asked with a glance at her dress.

She shook her head. "I didn't have time to make one."

His father's long silence said exactly what he thought of that. "What do you do with your free time, Ms. Dupain-Cheng?"

"Well…" Her gaze fell to her hands, wringing in her lap.

"She takes self-defense classes and helps Alya with her blog," Adrien offered.

"And that takes up all your time to the point you'd miss out on an opportunity to showcase your own work to potential contacts and buyers?"


"Father," Adrien warned.

Gabriel sighed. "Next time, I suggest you prepare better."

It wasn't like she had much advance notice. And it wasn't like he had her coming in everyday, practically all day. He had talked to his father about that, but he just said he needed to see how committed she was.

Relaxing her hands, she said, "I will."

"I have something for you, Ms. Dupain-Cheng." Gabriel reached for a small black box beside him.

She furrowed her brows. Adrien was just as confused.

"I noticed you always wear the same earrings, which I assumed wouldn't be appropriate for the occasion." He stretched out his arm, but she just stared at the jewelry box.

"Wow," Adrien said. They both looked at him, and he blushed. "What? You don't normally give gifts."

"It's also an apology for the way I treated you." He moved the box closer to her.

She visibly swallowed. "I'm very honored, but you don't have to. The internship offer was more than enough."

"The offer wasn't because I felt bad. You deserved it."

"You feel bad?" Adrien asked even more astonished.

His father gave him a sideways glance, then leaned forward to put the box in her hands. "Please."

Adrien's mouth fell open. He never said please.

"Thank you, but I can't take this." She tried to give it back. "It's too much."

He waved away her concern. "Try them on."

"Really, I can't."

Most girls would be thrilled to get jewelry. Of course, Marinette wasn't like most girls. He smiled at her, encouraging her to take them. She really shouldn't be so modest.

"Why is that, Ms. Dupain-Cheng?" Gabriel asked.

"It's just that these earrings are very special to me."

"How so?"

"They're very old. Been in the family for many generations. And I swore not to ever lose them."

Huh. He didn't know that. In fact, he'd never really paid attention to her earrings before.

"That's understandable." Gabriel leaned back without taking the box from her. "I can keep your earrings safe. There's a vault at the Bourgeois hotel I have access to."

"This is all very kind of you, but I can't. I'm sorry."

"Marinette." Adrien stared at her, pleading for her to accept the gift. His father wasn't normally so generous and he wanted to encourage the behavior. "If it makes you more comfortable, just put them in your purse. You always keep it on you anyway. They'll be safe there."

Gabriel's jaw ticked.

She waited a long moment before breathing out and nodding.

The earrings Gabriel had given her were beautiful, a long line of gold that broadened at the end, like a stretched out teardrop, and was absolutely stuffed with diamonds. She almost dropped the box and he had to hold back a laugh.

She put them on, but she still looked a little squeamish. He'd never realized she wasn't good with gifts.

"They look lovely on you," Adrien said.

"Are you certain you don't want me to keep yours safe?" Gabriel asked. "What if you lose your purse?"

"I won't take it off my shoulder for any reason, trust me. Thank you, though. For everything." She smiled at him, and he nodded, his stoic expression unchanging.

The car stopped and shook as the Gorilla climbed out to open their doors.


Not wearing her Miraculous felt weird, like she was naked and vulnerable. She shivered.

"Are you cold?" Adrien asked.

She shook her head, but he pulled her closer to him, giving her his warmth. She was the luckiest girl in the world.

They walked into the banquet hall and she forced herself to not stare at all of the flowers and silk filling the space. It all looked so elegant...and expensive.

"Adrikins!" Chloe yelled when she caught sight of them.

Marinette cringed before remembering their truce. They were going to be civil. There was no animosity between them. None whatsoever. She repeated it over and over as the blonde made her way to them while dragging a man behind her. Sabrina wasn't too far behind.

Everyone here looked so glamorous, like they belonged. She felt like an imposter.

"I'm so glad you could make it," Chloe said, greeting Gabriel first, then Adrien more warmly. When she made it to Marinette, she paused before leaning in.

Plastering on a smile, Marinette kissed her cheeks, then quickly straightened. That wasn't so bad. Neither of them looked like they were going to vomit.

"This is Prince Sebastien of Geldenberg, my fiancée," she introduced the handsome young man and held up her hand to show the ring. Her grin seemed genuine enough.

"Congratulations, Chloe." Adrien patted him on the shoulder. "Good luck. She's quite a handful."

"Oh, stop it." She laughed and held the prince closer, then told him their names. Marinette didn't get anything elaborate, but she was surprised she was mentioned at all. Maybe this really wasn't a ruse.

"I'm expecting a dance later," she told Adrien before leaving to mingle with the other partygoers.

"Dancing?" Marinette asked with a gulp. Yay, she'll get to embarrass herself in front of all these people.

"Yes," Adrien answered.

"I hope you wore steel boots."

He laughed. "You're not that bad."

Gabriel just stood there, watching them with a lifted imperious brow. He probably thought dancing was below him. He probably thought this whole thing was below him. He probably thought she was below him.

Adrien elbowed her. "Quit stressing. It's not until later anyway."

Like that helped.

A man in a perfectly tailored, very stylish suit walked to Gabriel. "I thought you couldn't make it tonight?" he asked with a heavy Spanish accent.

"I never said I wasn't coming."

The man sniffed, then looked at Adrien and her, and she finally recognized his face. "Matias Perez." He was nearly as famous as Gabriel, and, based on the latest rumors, very competitive with him. "I loved the color choices for your latest line, and the details at the hems were genius," Marinette said.

"Well, well. Who do we have here?" He stepped to her, grabbed her hands, and kissed her cheeks. "Such a beauty with impeccable taste." He then kissed her knuckles, and she couldn't stop the blush from spreading on her cheeks. "And so innocent too." He looked at Adrien. "I hope she's not with you because I'd be forced to steal her away."

Marinette laughed. He definitely lived up to his flirty reputation.

Adrien smiled, taking the man in stride. "She's my date for the night and for the foreseeable future."

"And my intern," Gabriel said with some possessiveness that surprised her.

"But maybe not for long." There was a twinkle in Matias' eye as he winked at her. He pulled out a business card from his coat inner pocket.

Gabriel snatched it out of his hand in a flash. "Go poach from someone more unassuming."

Marinette blinked. Gabriel was surprisingly fast and very intense, his eyes more frosty white instead of blue. But Matias either didn't notice or didn't care.

"When you tire of being stifled under him, look me up." He sauntered away, smiling as if nothing had happened.

Woah. Competitive was an understatement.

Gabriel turned and walked away as well. People made space for him as if he were death incarnate.

"Matias worked under my father for a while," Adrien explained. "They had a falling out."

"I'd say so."

Compared to that escapade, the rest of the evening was pretty uneventful. The only strange thing was Gabriel watching her, which really shouldn't be considered strange anymore, seeing as how he always watched her at the studio. And now she might understand why. He probably thought she was going to be the next Matias and was waiting for her to turn on him. The man probably had abandonment issues. First his wife, then his apprentice. No wonder he'd held such a tight leash on Adrien growing up.

When it came time to dance, Chloe dragged Adrien away before Marinette even had a chance to stand from the table they'd been eating at. He shot her an apologetic look before he disappeared into the crowd flowing far more elegantly than the kids at the bachelor party. Certainly nothing as rambunctious. She bent to sit back down, but Gabriel stepped to her and held out a hand.

"I feel it is imperative that I accompany you on the dancefloor." He glanced at Matias not too far from them.

Oh. She closed her hanging jaw and stood. "I'm not very good."

"I overheard."

He didn't run away in fear, so she took his hand and walked with him away from the dining tables. Doing so was the weirdest thing she'd ever done, and she'd certainly been through a lot of strange things in her years.

They assumed a very formal dancing position, keeping a good foot of space between them, and stepped in time with the music. All she could think about was not mutilating her boss and hoping her hands didn't break out into a sweat. She'd already done so in the car, and once was enough.

"Tell me more about this family heirloom of yours," he said, though it was more of a command.

"Honestly, I don't know much." He watched her with such intensity she felt like a spotlight should be on her. "I didn't realize you had an interest in antiques."

"Only in specific cases."

"Oh." She had nothing else to add and felt like a dolt because of it. Come on, Marinette, you can make better conversation than that. "I'll ask my mom and let you know what I find out."

"So it's from China?"

"I think so." She needed to change the subject. "You're very good at leading. I haven't tripped once." While he was as stiff as a pole, he was graceful and supportive.

"Adrien still has a lot to learn about leading."

"I suppose you do have more experience." He did run an international company.

"It's just not in his nature. But I'm working on it."

They passed Chloe and Adrien, gaping at them, and Marinette withheld a chuckle. "Because you're grooming him to take over the business?"

"Something like that." He glanced down at her. "You seem very fond of him."

She blushed. "I am."

"What do you think of Chat Noir?"

She tripped, but he gripped her waist and hand and kept them moving as if nothing had happened. That was if she didn't count his sharp tsk.

"Sorry. Like I said, I'm not very good at this."

He spun them around. "Well, what do you think of Chat Noir?"

"He's a hero at heart. Not a villain. He's just misguided."

"That's quite a controversial viewpoint you hold."

"Well, the interview made up my mind."

"The interview..."

"Yeah. The one with my friend, Alya." Was she sweating?

"I'm aware of it."

"What do you think of him?" She wasn't certain if putting the focus on him seemed suspicious. Not only was she keeping her Ladybug identity a secret, but she needed to not let anyone find out Chat visited her regularly. Her life was growing way too complicated.

"He and Hawk Moth are a menace to society," he stated.

"Oh." She blinked. For some reason, his answer surprised her. "I think it's all Hawk Moth. He's controlling Chat...Noir. Besides, he's the one who started attacking Paris."

"You sound fond of Chat Noir too."

"What?" She lifted her brows in faux bewilderment. "I don't even know him."

He just watched her, face unchanging. God, she was a horrible liar.

Adrien approached them from the side. "May I have this dance?"

She hadn't even realized the song had changed.

Gabriel nodded, gave a curt bow to her, and left the dancefloor. She watched him go.

"He didn't say anything did he?" Adrien asked, taking her in his arms, much closer than Gabriel had, and got them moving. "I mean. I know you two talked. But—"

"He didn't embarrass you." She smiled. She certainly would've been concerned if her parents had alone time with her boyfriend.

"Was he nice, though?"

"Yeah.." Intense. But he was always intense.

"Good." He pulled her even closer to him. The front line of his body pressed against hers and a blush sprang up on her cheeks. She tried to duck her head so he wouldn't see it, but he made certain to keep her in sight. "Have I told you I love that?"

"My blush?"

He nodded.

He and Chat both loved it, apparently. She groaned. "Well, I'm certain you'll see it often enough."

Grinning, he dipped closer to her, making her heart kick into overdrive, then suckled on the side of her neck.

She gasped and her knees nearly gave way.

He leaned back to look at the fierce blush now staining her face and beamed at what he'd done. "Beautiful."

Lord, she was most definitely sweating now.

AN. I totally made up Geldenberg. I didn't want to use a real country. Felt too weird. Lol. And Matias is made up as well. I thought it would be fun to fill in Gabriel's backstory. He's not going to be a returning character though, so don't get attached. Speaking of Gabriel, me thinks he's a wittle suspicious…

We are seven chapters away from the reveal! I seriously can't wait to write it! The outline is done, and it looks like 48 chapters will be the total. Things can change though. I give myself the freedom to tweak the story as I write. Sometimes better ideas pop up that way. It's weird.

Thanks for being awesome readers! And to my sister, thanks for being an awesome beta!