45. Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Ladybug hung in Chloe's grip as the blonde banged on Master Fu's door to the therapy room. The superhero had managed to call Alya to let her know the window wasn't going to work as her entrance.

The door flew open and Alya's gaze landed on Ladybug in relief for a split second before scanning around her. "Where's Ni—Carapace?"

"Alya?" Chloe asked with her mouth hanging slightly open. "What are you doing here?"

"Helping Ladybug. Obviously." She took her from Chloe only for Tom to rush over and bear the burden, placing Ladybug on the treatment cushion.

She felt like a hot potato.

"Thanks for helping," Alya said to Chloe with, surprisingly, only a touch of sarcasm before trying to close the door.

Chloe stood her ground. "And what is Marinette's dad doing here?"

I can't hold the transformation much longer, Tiki said.

Ladybug lifted a hand to get their attention just as Nathaniel and her mom charged downstairs with the first aid supplies.

"What is all that racket?" Chloe asked as she pushed herself inside the room. "Nathaniel? And you," she said looking at Marinette's mom. "Aren't you—"

Nathaniel and Sabine didn't pay her any attention as they rushed to Ladybug.

Her mom laid a gentle hand on Ladybug's arm. "You have to let go of the transformation so we can help you."

"Chloe." Alya pointed to the door. "You need to leave."


What sounded like a boulder falling over came from upstairs, then pounding footfalls, and finally Chat appeared through the doorway as he zipped downstairs.

Chloe stepped into his path with a fierce look narrowing her eyes. "Oh no you don't. I didn't save her, for you to—"

Chat darted past her and landed hard on his knees beside Ladybug. "Are you okay?" He winced. "Sorry. Clearly you're not. But is it bad?" He looked at her mother in question.

"We don't know yet."

"Hello?!" Chloe walked to them. "Chat Noir, Ladybug's villain, is. Right. Here."

Everyone turned to face her and said, "We know!"

Surprised by the outburst, she took a step back.

"I know Ladybug is hurt and all," Alya announced, "but I really need to know where Carapace is."

Ladybug opened her mouth, but Chloe spoke up. "That turtle guy?"

Alya's eye twitched. "Yes. That turtle guy."

"He chased off Shadow Heart so we could escape."

Alya blanched.

"Has anyone called him?" Chat asked as he gently smoothed Ladybug's hair out of her face. She wanted to say thank you; that had been annoying her.

"Yes," Alya answered. "And he didn't pick up."

"He's probably just busy," her dad said. "Nathaniel, go upstairs and see what the news is reporting."

Marinette, I can't hold...

Her transformation fizzled out and Tikki fell out of her earring to the mattress beside her head. Her dad immediately pulled a cookie out of his pocket and fed the little kwami.

"No. Way." Chloe stumbled forward. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Ladybug?"

"Well, shit," Alya exclaimed as Sabine started checking Marinette over. "Now all of Paris will know and—"

"Excuse you. But I'm Ladybug's number one fan. Even if…even if she's really Marinette." She shuddered. "God, this is so weird."

"But you hate her."

Her dad's brows lowered, and Marinette quickly licked her dry lips and said, "I trust her."

"You do?" Chloe smoothed out her face. "I mean, she does. See."

Nathaniel poked his head out from upstairs. "They haven't mentioned him on the news."

Marinette flinched as her mom pressed too hard against her stab wound, then looked at her best friend. "He did great out there today. I'm sure he's on his way back now."

Chloe's gaze bounced from her to Alya. "If Nino is Carapace, I'm going to scream."

"Well then, scream. Because he is. And he saved your butt today."

To Chloe's credit, she didn't scream, but she did start to argue that she would've been just fine without him.

"Are you almost finished?" Chat asked her mom as Chloe and Alya went back and forth.

She nodded, and Marinette did not look at how many bloodied towels were next to her mother's knees.

Sabine took the pile of discarded wrappings and supplies with her upstairs, and Chat said, "I want you to wear my ring to heal faster while Tikki recharges."

"But?" She glanced pointedly at Chloe still arguing with Alya.

"I trust her too."

He removed his ring and, as the flash of green light faded, Chloe finally did scream.

"Shhh," Alya said and slapped a hand over the blonde's mouth. "You want everyone in the building to call the cops?"

Marinette passed her earrings to Adrien.

Plagg flew out of the ring on her finger. "Isn't someone going to mention that we saved Master Fu?"

"What are those things?" Chloe squeaked as Marinette beamed at Adrien.

"I'm sure you'll tell her all about it once you're in her head," Adrien said to Plagg

"Who's Master Fu?" Chloe continued.

"Will you just wait?" Alya chided her. "We'll explain everything in a sec." To Adrien, she asked, "Did you get the gramophone?"

Plagg answered for him. "Yes we did. Despite there being a hundred guys after us and getting trapped in Hawk—"

"It's upstairs," Adrien said. "Along with Master Fu. I put him on the bed since he's kind of asleep."

"He's fine," her mom yelled from the apartment. "We're having tea."

"And still no news on Carapace," Nathaniel added.

At Alya's wringing hands, Marinette pushed herself upright while holding back a wince. "I'll go search for him."

"No." Adrien placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You rest. I'll go."

"Dudes!" Nino's voice floated from the apartment and Alya bolted upstairs. "That. Was. Awesome!"

"You should transform," Adrien said as she tried to get up.

"I will. Just help me upstairs first."

Adrien sighed, but relented when her dad lifted Marinette to her feet and practically carried her to Nino and Master Fu. Chloe followed closely behind, staring at the kwamis as they flew alongside them.

Her gaze landed on the small man, now even smaller than the last time she'd seen him. Bruises mottled his face and an angry cut split his lower lip. She hoped it wasn't infected. He nodded to her in greeting, the movement slow and careful.

Gabriel had done this to him.

Her blood boiled.

Alya's voice stole her attention, and she glanced at her checking Nino over with worried eyes and hands while chastising him before pulling him into a deep kiss.

Nathaniel coughed and looked away.

"So who's the old guy?" Chloe asked.

"He's—" Adrien started before Chloe cut him off.

"I am not talking to you right now, Chat Noir." The name was laced with acid and dripping with venom.

Adrien grimaced and stepped back.

Marinette's brows lowered. The temptation to defend him crept up in her, but she held her tongue. He had to confront this, the consequences of his actions. "He's the Guardian of the Miraculouses."

"The one you mentioned in the interview?"

She nodded to her, then made her way to Master Fu. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." She wanted to give him a hug but was afraid she'd hurt him. He looked so frail, it made her tear up.

He gave her a soft smile. "I knew this would happen."

"Then why did you go through with it?"

"Because Hawk Moth's lies were poisoning Adrien's mind, and he needed to hear the truth."

"But he didn't come back to us until after that." She shoved away the memories of that pivotal day.

"A puzzle is incomplete without all the pieces in place." He wiped a tear from her cheek. "I'll heal. For now, I'd like to have a word with you in private."

Sabine stood from her place beside him and waved them all downstairs.

"But I have so many questions," Chloe protested.

"And we'll answer them all downstairs," her mom said while nudging Chloe to move.

Like a lost puppy, Adrien lingered after everyone left before making his way to the door.

"I'd like you to stay as well," Master Fu said to him.

He tensed. "Me?"

Amusement brightened Fu's eyes. She had no idea how he could find any humor after what he'd been through. "No, the fly that snuck in through the window with us."

"Oh." Adrien's slumped form moved away from them.

"Yes, you, Adrien Agreste," Master Fu clarified. "Now, please close the door."

After Adrien did as commanded, he took a deep breath and faced them. "I know what you're going to say, and I agree. You should take back my Miraculous and give it to someone worthy."


"It's okay. I disappointed and betrayed you. I deserve it." His watery eyes hardened. "But please don't blame my actions on Plagg. I can't tell you how many times he tried to convince me to go back to Ladybug, to not listen to my father. Without him, I think I would have lost myself entirely."


"And I know it probably doesn't mean much to you, but I am sorry. For everything. But especially for taking you and handing you over to my father. There's no excuses, but I didn't think he'd...he'd…" Adrien seemed to cave in even more as he gestured to Master Fu's poor state. Pretty soon the blond would fold in on himself until he was just a speck.

"Are you done?" Master Fu asked him.

He drew himself together and nodded.

"Remember when I said you were worthy?"

Adrien's only response was the hardening of his jaw and stance, as if preparing himself for the rebuke that would take away Plagg.

"I still think so."

Adrien exhaled, his shoulders dropping a good two inches. "But after everything, why?"

"Because of your actions." He looked at Marinette. "Your mother filled me in."

She winced. "Are you mad they all know our secret?" she asked Master Fu.

"A wise man once said, 'You can't change what's been done.'" She smiled at the memory of him saying that after the interview. "But no one else can know."

"So...you're not going to take away my Miraculous?" Adrien asked.

Master Fu shook his head. "I knew you would eventually make the right choice."

"It just took a little longer than we would've preferred," Marinette added.

Plagg flew between them all. "Besides, I've kinda grown attached to your constant yammering." He turned to her. "I hope you're quieter."

Tikki joined him. "Just don't bother her incessantly about camembert."

"I only make an occasional request."

Adrien snorted.

Plagg's little face was the picture of shock.

"There's one more thing," Master Fu said.

Their gazes landed on him.

"I think Hawk Moth might be trying to gain more power."

"You mean other than getting our Miraculouses?" Adrien asked.

The elderly man nodded, and Marinette threw her hands up. "What now?"

"When he questioned me, it wasn't just about how to open the gramophone. He wanted to know more about the ancient spellbook."

A chill raced down her back. In hindsight, she shouldn't have given the book back to him, but she had been unwilling to lose Adrien.

At the confused look on Adrien's face, she said, "It's your father's book you brought to school and lost." She refrained from mentioning that she'd stolen it from him.

His face lit up in recognition. "That was a spellbook?"

Master Fu carefully sat at the table, leaving her to worry even more over his condition. "They give our kwamis and us extra abilities. Temporarily, though."

Marinette took the chair next to him and tried to keep her voice gentle. No need to make Master Fu feel bad if he'd been unable to withstand the abuse. "Did he get the information?"

"No. And I couldn't piece together which potion he was attempting to decipher." His eyes went distant and she wondered just what he'd been put through, then he looked at her. "You should transform. We'll need you in fighting condition to stop the akuma."

"Wait," Adrien said. "Shouldn't we make some for ourselves then? Just in case?"

Master Fu sighed. "It won't help."


"They're not meant to counter other Miraculous wielders." At Adrien's furrowed brows he added, "This way, if one turned evil, they wouldn't have the ability to easily take out the others."

"Besides, maybe he won't be able to figure out the code," Marinette offered with a tone that, unfortunately, lacked confidence in her own words.

Master Fu nodded. "You should transform."

She said the command, and a strange yet familiar energy washed through her. The sting in her side and the ache in her bones practically vanished. She breathed out in relief.

Glad I can help, Plagg said.

"Thank you."

"Adrien," Master Fu asked, "will you please bring up the others?"

"Of course." He dashed to the door and herded everyone upstairs. The apartment was getting smaller by the day.

Chloe looked at Marinette in the Chat Noir suit, then at Adrien and shook her head. She sat in one of the chairs at the table and said to her, "I prefer you as Ladybug."

"Lay off, Chloe," Nino said. "He's doing everything he can to make up for his mistakes."

"So you've forgiven him for lying to you, for letting Hawk Moth akumatize you?"

Nino gave a noncommittal shrug.

"Then go preach to someone else."

"How about we focus on what's most important right now," Marinette's mom quelled the brewing argument. "Gabriel and the akuma."

"What does Gabriel have to do with this?" Chloe asked.

Everyone glanced at each other then at Adrien. He rubbed the back of his neck. "My dad is Hawk Moth."

Her mouth fell open.

Blondie looks like a fish, Plagg remarked.

Marinette shushed him. "Master Fu," she said to change the subject, "Wayzz and I came up with a plan after you were taken." She purposefully did not let her gaze drift to Adrien. "But that got sidetracked when the gramophone was stolen. Now that we have it back, I think it could still work."


Wayzz flew to him. "Yes, Master. The reasoning has changed, but the strategy is still sound."

"I'm not your master anymore." Fu gestured to Nino.

Nino slapped a hand to his face. "I forgot he's your kwami."

When he started to take off the bracelet, Master Fu said, "Keep the Miraculous. I can't use it anymore and you've proven yourself worthy of him. Do you agree, Wayzz?"

The green kwami nodded. "He is true of heart."

"Good. Now tell me the plan."

Nino sighed in relief and leaned into Alya, who rubbed his back. Everyone else crowded around the table.

Marinette shifted in Chat's thick boots. They felt heavy and clunky compared to Ladybug's suit.

Hey, don't hate on my amazing design choices.

"It was just an observation, not a critique."

"Plagg," Adrien said, "be nice."

Tell loverboy I'll do as I wish.

Marinette ignored him and addressed Master Fu "I can't do this alone. Today proved that. It also proved that the three of us aren't enough."

"I think we did pretty awesome." Nino beamed.

"But we couldn't stop him. And, while I trust you, Adrien, you can't confront Hawk Moth alone." He nodded in understanding for which she was grateful. "I want to give the fox Miraculous to Alya."

"Really?" She nearly bounced on the tips of her toes.

"We would make a great team, and we should be able to handle Shadow Heart."

Adrien stepped forward. "Then once you're done, we'll all go confront Hawk Moth together?"

"No. Fighting Hawk Moth while he's distracted is a good plan. Besides, it'll be easier to fight an akuma we already know. If he quickly makes another, one that's even worse…" She let that sink in before continuing. "Once we finish off Shadow Heart, we'll come in as backup."

"But then who'll go with me?"

"My dad. The ox Miraculous suits him." He was certainly as strong and as big as one. But most importantly, her dad would protect Adrien as if he were his own son. "And because I think teams of three would be best…" Marinette looked hard at Chloe who stared back at her. The girl had nerves of steel, and she knew Gabriel, which might give them an advantage. "Chloe should have the bee Miraculous."

Before anyone could voice their opinion, or more aptly their disbelief, she plowed onward. "Mom, you'll stay with Master Fu. And, Nathaniel, you'll protect them in case Hawk Moth finds out where he is."

Nathaniel's eyes widened enough to shame an owl. "But I'm no fighter."

"You'll have the dog Miraculous to help."


"Nathaniel." She stepped to him and clasped his shoulders. "You can do this. Otherwise, I wouldn't have suggested it."

"You're sure?"

"Most likely nothing will happen. But if it does, I know you'll be able to handle it." She turned to the rest of the group. "Is everyone in agreement?"

"If I must," Chloe said as she looked at her nails in boredom. Though, the spark in her eyes belied her true feelings.

Mostly everyone voiced their assent with enthusiasm, especially her father who showed everyone what a great ox he'd make. Nathaniel just silently stood there, a look of solemn determination slowly transforming his face and squaring his shoulders. The sight made her proud.

Master Fu caught her eyes and he dipped his head in approval. The knowing smile he wore screamed 'told you so.' But she wasn't ready to be a Guardian. There was no way she would've been able to stay calm as Hawk Moth tortured her for information. She would've been akumatized within the first hour.

Adrien slipped out of the crowd and moved to the far end of the couch away from everyone.

And if Hawk Moth had been her father, if her mom's life had been on the line, and if she hadn't had the whole truth, she might've ended up like Adrien, sacrificing little bits of herself at a time until up felt like down.

It hasn't been easy for him. His father lied and manipulated him. A couple times, I thought he was going to kill his own son, Plagg said, confirming her suspicions. He tried twisting him into something he isn't. And it might've worked if it wasn't for you. He hates himself right now, and, as much as I loathe getting all sappy, the kid loves you more than I love camembert.

Her heart ached for Adrien and swelled at the same time.

She left the group to sit next to him on the couch. His minor look of surprise at her sudden presence turned to shock as she picked up his hand and interlaced their fingers. He squeezed them, a silent thank you, and she settled back into the cushions to let her eyes drift closed for a much needed rest. Tomorrow, they'd finally end Gabriel's madness, or die trying.

AN - More healing! More reveals! And all the pieces have been set for the big showdown. :)

Everything that has happened up until and including season two, episode 11 (Gorzilla) is part of this story. And I'm pretending Adrien lost his mom when he was six or seven. I think I mentioned a general age before, but I can't find it to change it in case I have it older. If anyone remembers, please let me know. Thanks! We'll be going through the entire story once I'm finished writing to smooth out things like that and make sure everything flows.

I can barely believe some of you guys have been with me since November, back when this story had so much fluff and silliness. Now look at us. Just full of angst and tears. In a way, I kinda feel like I tricked everyone and I'm not sure if I should cackle maniacally or ask for forgiveness and go sin no more. XD

Anyway, thanks for sticking with me. And, to the new readers, welcome to the party!

Also, thank you, my beta extraordinaire, for always helping, even when life gets busy!