48. Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Adrien lazily opened his eyes, stretching his limbs as if he'd been dead asleep for days. A vaguely unfamiliar room greeted him. Bolting up to a seated position, he looked around.

The makeshift cot he was on was high in the room, black railing surrounded the small space, and a windowed trapdoor was directly overhead. Pink walls was the final clue that switched on the proverbial light bulb. He was in Marinette's old bedroom.

But why?

Dust. Blood. The hilt of a blade. Pain. Death.

Death… He'd killed his father. Coldness seeped through him as if he'd committed the act again. He bonelessly fell back on the cot.

The hilt of a blade… He'd been stabbed. Hands flying to his side, he lifted his shirt and felt around. There was no bandaging, no cut, not even the hint of a scar. He'd have to thank Chloe for saving his life.

A curved blade bearing down on an unaware Ladybug… He jumped out from under the covers and flew down the stairs. Ignoring the multitude of arranged flowers filling her room, he threw open the trapdoor and continued his mad dash into Marinette's parents' living room...where he abruptly halted at the sight before him.

Everyone was crowded in the space talking, eating, reading, drawing.

Plagg stopped chasing Tikki and looked at him. "Look who's finally awake."

Adrien's gaze dropped to his hand and landed on the silver ring around his finger. He'd thought they would've surely taken his Miraculous after taking a life, even if it had been someone evil.

Marinette stood from the small table where she'd been eating a sandwich and walked to him. A gentle smile graced her lips, and while a pleasant tingle swept through him that she'd still look at him that way after everything, he wasn't deserving of it.

Tearing his gaze off her, he let it roam over the people in the room. Natalie was well, in her usual pantsuit but with her auburn hair down, sweeping past her shoulders. The unfamiliar sight made him blink twice. Nathaniel, while pointedly not looking at him, was also in seemingly good health. Master Fu held a tea cup to his lips with both hands. Adrien's attention snapped to Chloe sitting with Sabine.

"You healed all of us?"

She lifted her chin. "Of course."

Her answer had made it sound like it'd been a piece of cake. But he knew the strain of quickly and repeatedly transforming to reuse their special powers took. "Does that mean…"

The already quiet room went completely silent.

Maybe he didn't kill his father. Maybe—

Marinette placed a hand on his arm. "She can't bring people back to life."

The burgeoning hope rising in him popped like the fragile bubble it was. It must have showed on his face because Marinette squeezed him a little tighter.

Alya shifted beside Nino. Based on the way he flinched, she'd elbowed his side. "Dude, you saved the day. We were totally bogged down and then all of the people turned back to their normal selves."

Adrien merely nodded in acknowledgment.

Marinette stepped even closer to him and whispered, "You did what had to be done. No one thinks less of you." She interlaced her fingers with his. "Especially not me."

He couldn't hold her intense gaze and his fell to the side. Two large bags off in the corner looked stuffed to the brim with something lumpy.

Marinette noticed what he'd been looking at and said, "Condolence letters."

The realization that people felt bad for him made him wince. They didn't know he was the traitorous Chat Noir. They didn't know that he'd been the one who'd murdered Gabriel.

Natalie stood and moved to him as well. "Officially, the public thinks Hawk Moth destroyed the mansion believing Gabriel was there, then tracked him down to where he was getting a session with Master Fu and was attacked. Ladybug and Chat Noir stopped him, but were too late to save Gabriel."

Alya added, "There are a lot of videos showing the various akuma attacks and how they all suddenly changed back at the same time. There's no body, of course. But we blamed it on his magic consuming him. With the videos and...Ladybug's trustworthiness, they believed the story."

He didn't miss how he hadn't been included as trustworthy. Not that he was surprised. "You should have told them the truth."

Everyone looked shocked by his statement. It had even earned direct eye contact with Nathaniel.

"Don't be ridiculous," Plagg said.

"What he means," Tikki clarified, "is that having the Agreste name besmirched and casting suspicion on you is counterproductive to you being Chat Noir."

"Maybe I shouldn't be."

Chloe sighed exasperatedly. "Look, you've been through a lot. We get it, but enough is enough. You and only you are Chat Noir, Ladybug's partner, and you better start acting like it. She needs you and you know you need her so—"

Marinette hissed Chloe's name, but Master Fu lifted a finger to forestall an argument. "She's right." Chloe smiled as if she'd won and he continued. "Ladybug needs you. Paris needs you. Take some time off to heal, but don't give up on yourself."

He scratched the back of his neck to conceal the slight flush of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. So long as Marinette needed him, he would do anything for her. And not just because he owed her after what he'd put her through, but because he loved her.

Sabine gave him a soft smile. "You're welcome to stay here." She glanced at everyone in the room. "You're all welcome."

To Adrien's surprise, the entire group accepted her offer, even Chloe and Nathaniel. Sharing the secret of the Miraculouses, fighting alongside and protecting each other had brought them all closer.

"How long have I been asleep?" Adrien asked. He figured, based on the cot and the amount of letters, it had been at least a day.

"Not long," Marinette answered.

Tom added, "Several hours."

Adrien's jaw slackened.

Noticing his surprise, Natalie said, "The letters started pouring in as soon as the announcement was made. Instead of letting them pile up at the design studio, I had a runner bring them here. These are just the hand-delivered ones. You'll get even more tomorrow when the post comes. I can have them sent elsewhere if you don't want them."

He nodded. His father had been a monster, and he didn't want to read notes detailing how amazing Gabriel had been. Neither did he want to be constantly reminded of what he'd done.

Nino said, "We just wanted you to see that people care about you."

But those people didn't care about him. They didn't even really know him. Doing his best to sound genuine, he thanked them, then turned to go back upstairs. He wanted to sleep until he no longer felt so tired and worn.

Tom jumped off the couch. "Wait. Aren't you hungry?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

Marinette followed him to the trapdoor. "I could go for a nap too. Mind if I join you?"

Despite his gut telling him he should say no and let her be free of him, he wouldn't deny her anything.

They walked up to the cot in silence and snuggled under the covers. He made sure not to touch her, which wasn't easy in the small space, and promptly closed his eyes.

"Adrien," Marinette whispered. When he made a soft sound in the back of his throat, she continued. "I can't imagine what you're going through and I don't know what to do to help, but I'm here if you need to talk or be held or...just know that I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."

Her kind words twisted inside him, freeing the tears he'd been keeping steadfastly at bay. He turned away from her so she wouldn't see him cry, and she gently rubbed his back.


Marinette could barely breathe. Silence, pierced by an occasional sniffle, choked the gravesite of oxygen. Rays of light stretched downward like fingers reaching out to touch the funeral attendees, offering warmth that was stolen by chilly gusts of wind. Goosebumps pricked her bare arms and she smothered a shiver.

Adrien's gaze was fixed on the mahogany casket slowly disappearing into the ground. She squeezed his hand and he returned the gesture with just a twitch of his fingers. His face was a careful mask dawned for his father's business associates and acquaintances. If you looked closely, though, his jaw was a touch too sharp, his eyes a fraction too intense.

He was hurting, filled with warring emotions, and her heart ached for him. She wanted to take him into her arms and never let him go. Instead, she shifted closer to his too-still form, lending her steadfast support, friendship, and love. It was the least she could do after he'd sacrificed so much to save them.

The fight with the akumas had been draining. She'd known she was about to die and then, out of nowhere, the magic dissolved and the akumatized people slumped, confused and completely normal again.

She'd nearly sagged from relief and fatigue, until Chat had suddenly collapse.

They still had their issues to work through, but, for now, Adrien needed her. They all needed each other. It was why they had stayed together at her parent's house. Everyone pitched in, helping Natalie plan the funeral and Master Fu look for a new apartment.

As the funeral attendees stood, preparing to drop their rose down to the coffin and say their goodbyes, Marinette lightly rubbed her thumb along the back of his hand. When it was her turn, she couldn't give Gabriel a farewell, because she was glad no one else would suffer at his hands, so she thanked him for bringing Adrien into this world. That was about as kind as she could be.

On their way back to the limo, a vaguely familiar heavily-Spanish-accented voice called to them. "Excuse me, Mr. Agreste."

They stopped and looked at Matias, Gabriel's old apprentice and competitor, slip between a small group and approach them.

"Forgive me for intruding, but I wanted to say that while I disliked your father, I hold no animosity towards you. And if you need help with the business, I'm happy to be of assistance."

Marinette blinked. She and Adrien hadn't talked about the fate of his father's company, and she wished she could stop time to just let him grieve without having to constantly handle his father's affairs.

Adrien nodded. "I'm signing over the business to Marinette." His completely serious, non-joking gaze swung to her. "Natalie is currently drawing up the papers. I'll have her give you his contact."

She no longer blinked. She just stood there and stared, mouth hanging slightly open.

"She'll be in touch," Adrien said to Matias. They shook hands and the Spaniard turned to her, kissing the back of her hand as he had at the Gala, then left.

She finally closed her mouth. "You're what?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise, but…" He watched her for a long moment and got them moving again. "It appears I should have discussed this with you first."

"You think?"

"You're the only person I fully trust. And I. I...can't take over his company."

At his pained expression, she softened her features.

"Besides," Adrien continued, "you're the one with the talent, the knowledge, and the passion for designing."

"Are you trying to butter me up?" she joked, grateful for the flicker of a smile it brought him. If this was the help he needed, then she wouldn't let him down.

"You don't have to do it. I just thought—"

"I'll do it. But anytime you want it back, it's yours."

He nodded. "I'm selling the mansion too."

Whiplash had her head spinning. "What?"

Dark memories flashed across his face that left her in complete understanding. "My apartment has plenty of space." He fell silent for a long moment, then shyly looked at her. "I'm assuming you'll want to move back in with your parents."

She sighed. Did he really think she would leave him?

He stopped walking, forcing her to do so as well. "Or not. I just don't want you to feel pressured into doing anything you don't want."

"I'm not going anywhere, Adrien. The faster you realize that, the better."

"But I. What I did. You shouldn't…" He trailed off as people passed them with soft smiles and kind words.

"Chloe gave me her therapist's number. We have an appointment next week."


She nodded. The blonde, not-entirely-irritating woman had said he would need all the help he could get after everything he'd been through. "He works with couples as well."

Adrien watched her and she could see a battle playing out in his head. It was the same war she'd witnessed many times since he'd woken up. She knew part of him wanted to push her away for her own good, and she was tired of beating around the bush.

She locked gazes with him and repeated herself. "I'm not going anywhere."

A long bout of silence stretched between them. "Then I'm still going to spend everyday proving myself to you, earning back your trust."

If that was what it took for him to heal, she'd happily play along. Hooking her arm around his, she smiled. "I wouldn't expect anything less."

When they reached the limo, Nino and Alya were already there waiting for them.

"Doesn't this feel weird?" Alya asked as they slid onto the soft seats.

"What?" Marinette asked. "That people are unknowingly grieving a man who caused them so much strife?" She breathed out. "Yeah, but the sooner the public can move on, the sooner we can." And there was no way, she'd let this haunt Adrien for the rest of his life.

Adrien turned his gaze out the window. "It feels like cheating. The Agreste name isn't being dragged through the mud, I'm not going to jail, and I still have all of my friends." He shook his head.

"Dude, what did we talk about?"

He sighed. "I know."

"Besides," Alya added, "you're going to make it up to Paris and you can't do that from inside a cell."

Based on the look in his eyes, Marinette thought Paris just might become the safest city in the world. In the short time between losing his father and attending the funeral, he'd already rounded up Hawk Moth's spies and hired thugs, and dropped them in front of the police station.

Yes. Paris would definitely be well taken care of.


"Can you translate this?" Master Fu asked Marinette while pointing at an ingredient in the Miraculous spellbook. Tikki hovered near the plate of cookies her dad had placed on the kitchen table for them. The kwami picked up her second one and started on it.

Marinette stared at the characters, trying not to go cross-eyed. They all looked so similar, she kept mixing up the words. "A tear of joy?" What a strange ingredient.

"Good." He pointed at another one. "And this?"

A secret in a shell? That couldn't be right. She glanced at him and found him watching her expectantly.

"Some ingredients are what they appear, like the tear of joy," he explained, "and some are in code."

"An extra failsafe? In case someone got their hands on the book?"

He nodded and took a sip of his tea.

"It didn't stop Hawk Moth," she muttered under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," she said quickly and focused on the ingredient. If her translation was right, then this should mean something else. A bell dinged in her head. "A pearl!"

"Good job, Marinette," Tikki said, little crumbs falling from her face to the table.

Smiling, Master Fu continued the lesson, going over the different potions while explaining the Guardian's history and their purpose.

"So it's okay that you're training me to be a Guardian even though I'm an active Miraculous wielder?"

His face took on a far away look, loss pulling at the edges. It made him look decades older. "These are different times. We must adapt."

She touched his hand resting on his tea cup. "I'm sorry."

He blinked away the past and smiled. "Would you like to make one of the potions?"

Despite the excitement bubbling up within her, she asked, "Is there one that lengthens your life? Is that how you've lived so long?"

He shook his head. "It's a side effect of wearing the Miraculous. The kwamis are pretty much immortal, their powers infuse you and so do their extended lifespans."

Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. "But. You." She pointed to him, then at herself. "Me and Adrien. Does that mean?"

"Wayzz was my kwami for many years." He took a sip of his tea and she sat, transfixed. "As you get older, the transformations get harder until it can't be done at all." He smiled at a memory and she noted to ask him about it later. "At a certain point, the wielder begins training to become a Guardian, then chooses their successor."

Realizing what that meant, she flushed and shifted on the chair. "So, in giving Wayzz to Nino, I kinda stole your right to pick?"

He smiled gently. "Nino was a good choice. As to you and Adrien, yes. So long as you constantly wear the Miraculous, your aging will slow as well. I'll teach you how to handle the challenges that come with a long life later." He opened the spellbook to a certain page. "For now, let's focus on the potions."

She stood to retrieve his kit that held all of the mixing tools from her parent's closet and practically floated there. She and Adrien were going to live far longer than the typical eighty to a hundred years.

She glanced at the gramophone as she passed it and a stone formed in her stomach. Was it selfish that she wanted to convince him to let the others constantly wear their Miraculouses as well? He'd said it was to prevent Hawk Moth's travesty from happening again, but she didn't want to lose her friends and parents sooner than was absolutely necessary.

A counter argument began to form in her mind.

"I know that look," Tikki said as she came to rest on her shoulder.

"Are you going to help me?"

Tikki snuggled against her ear. "Always."


Adrien shifted the slightly crumpled folder to his other hand and knocked on Nathaniel's door. Even though they weren't close, he felt the need to smooth things over. They never did get a chance to talk while he'd stayed at Tom and Sabine's.

Nathaniel opened the door. His eyes flickered wide before narrowing on him, only to widen once more when he saw the folder. "I threw that away."

For some reason, Adrien's mouth went dry. Marinette hadn't told him that when she'd given it to him. "Oh."

They watched each other for a long moment and Nathaniel moved to close the door.

"I'm sorry," Adrien said quickly.

Nathaniel paused, his face still hard. "Me too," he bit out.

Anger flared in him. "Look, I know I didn't live up to your expectations. I didn't live up to anyone's expectations," he added half under his breath. "But I told you countless times I wasn't a hero."

"So it's my fault you ended up being a...a traitor?"

Adrien's fingers clenched into a fist. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to relax. "I didn't come here to fight with you."

Nathaniel's jaw worked and he went to close the door, but Adrien blocked it.

"I came here to tell you that you're a talented artist. You deserve that scholarship and that spot in the art program."

"Thanks." Sarcasm laced the word.

Adrien tamped down on his irritation. Out of everyone, Nathaniel had been the only person to show no signs of forgiveness. And maybe Adrien should have just left him to his feelings. They were well-deserved, after all. "I also wanted to tell you that even though, you thought I was the hero, it was you. You're the one who rose above the situation and not only stepped aside so Marinette and I could be together, but played matchmaker. You're the reason we're together."

Nathaniel opened his mouth to undoubtedly wish that he hadn't done so, but Adrien held up a hand to stop him.

"And even though it wasn't an easy situation, we're happy we're together. We'll always have you to thank for that."

"And Alya," Nathaniel huffed quietly.

Feeling bolstered, Adrien continued. "You're also the one who'd stayed and protected Sabine and Master Fu from...my dad. They said you fought fiercely and that you stopped him from taking Marinette's earrings. You faced your fears and stood firm. You're the real hero, Nathaniel. Not me." He handed him the folder. "You."

Nathaniel took the folder, his gaze lowered and his brows furrowed as if he were in deep thought. Adrien took a step back, then another. The redhead looked at him but said nothing as Adrien turned and left.

"You did good, kid," Plagg said from inside his coat pocket.

That went better than he thought. At least, that last look hadn't been filled with scorn. Maybe Nathaniel would come to forgive him and, when that day came, Adrien thought they just might become friends.


"Are you sure about this?" Adrien asked Marinette as they approached their apartment.

She tilted her suitcase upright and waited for him to fish out the keys. "Yeah. Nino and Alya are back at their place, Master Fu has his new apartment, and I'm sure my parents are happy to have some space again."

"Your parents will always be happy to have you with them." He tried his best not to sound bitter that she had parents who wanted and loved her.

She touched his arm. "Stick around long enough and you'll be just as trapped."

Her playful smile and soft touch soothed the ache in his chest. He was grateful for the momentary relief. "I'm not going anywhere," he repeated her words from the other day.

Her eyes seemed to darken with desire, and he coughed. While he yearned for more than chaste kisses and brief touches, he couldn't. Once he was worthy of her again, they could discuss taking their relationship further once more.

"What are we doing tonight?" she asked with a suggestive lilt to her tone.

He missed the keyhole and nearly dropped his keys. "I. I'm going on patrol later."


He swung open the door and grabbed her suitcase. She followed him inside, only to stop on the doorstep, as if hesitant to go any further. "You don't have to stay here," he reluctantly said.

She rolled her eyes and shut the door. "It's not that. I just had this intense moment of relief, like I'm finally home."

Happiness shot through him from head to toe. She really wanted to stay with him. The realization just kept hitting him over the head like heavy punches. He had no idea what he'd done in his life for her to choose him, but he wasn't going to risk losing her ever again.

She smiled at him.


Her lips stretched even wider. She was radiant. "Your expression. It's all dopey and cute."

"It's your fault."

"Oh, really?"she sauntered to him, but stopped halfway. Her gaze had suddenly fixed on something behind him.

He turned and saw the textbooks stacked on the coffee table. "Natalie brought them over for us."

"I can't believe I forgot about university."

"I can." He chuckled. He would've been more surprised if she hadn't. "We start in a couple of days."

"Remind me to send her a box of macaroons tomorrow. That woman is a godsend." Then she paused, as if remembering something.

Tikki and Plagg flew out of their hiding spots to another room. He distinctly heard Plagg saying something about the kwamis finally getting some alone time and he did not want to think about what exactly that meant.


He refocused on her. "Yeah?"

"Master Fu told me something the other day." She ushered him to the couch and had him sit. He wasn't certain if he should be nervous. Maybe the Guardian had decided he couldn't trust Adrien with his Miraculous after all. "You know how he's really old?"

Despite being confused by the randomness of the question, he nodded. One-hundred-eighty-something if he remembered correctly.

"Well, apparently, the Miraculouses slow our aging. We won't be immortal like our kwamis, but so long as we wear the jewelry, we'll have even more time together." She shifted and a light blush spread across her cheeks. Her gaze dropped from his. "Which, of course, you're not obligated to stay with me for a hundred-sixty plus years. I mean, that's a long time and I guess—"

He kissed her, a soft, lingering meeting of lips that stopped her downward spiral. That she thought he wouldn't want her for the rest of his life, no matter how long that might be, was absurd.

Just as he meant to lean away to break the kiss, she slipped a hand around the back of his neck and pulled him closer to her. Her body heat seemed to draw him in even more, but it was her intoxicating scent that finished the job.

He grabbed her hips and slid her closer to him. The taste of her sent his heart into overdrive. His skin tingled, hyper aware of each touch: their knees pressing against one another, her chest grazing his with each of their heavy breaths, her fingers in his hair and gripping his shoulder, his hand kneading her hip and his other pressed flat against her back.

She was with him, wanted him, despite everything. And he would show her he was worthy of her until he drew his last breath.

When she finally pulled back, her cheeks were a delightful rosy hue. She touched her swollen lips. "That was the first time you've kissed me since...since…"

"It was the only way I could think of to stop whatever was going on in that head of yours."

She punched his shoulder and he laughed.

"Well, come on." She stood and moved toward the stairs. "Lets scour Paris for trouble."

"You don't have to patrol just because I'm going to."

She walked back to him and pulled him to his feet. "We're partners, aren't we?"

He interlaced his fingers with hers. "Always."

AN - Ta da! All of the important bits are tied up in a pretty bow and all is good in the world. Or is it… (you'll have to wait for the epilogue to see what I mean)

I forgot to mention that Ladybug's Lucky Charm in the last chapter was meant to save her father, while Adrien had to kill his. My sister and I liked that tragic juxtaposition.

Also, I didn't intend for Nathaniel to sound like a jerk, so I apologize if he came off that way. It's just part of his development. He's no longer a pushover. And that section was to finish off his character arc and show the beginning of forgiveness and friendship.

One of my readers wrote a one shot loosely based on the last chapter: Rock Bottom by MsBlackOut. It's so cool that this story has inspired people to draw and write.

Next chapter will be a funnier one with a small time skip. Not to mention it's the very last one. *ugly sobs*

Thanks for reading and commenting and everything. You all are great. Just like my sister. :)

Oh, yeah. I'm thinking about adding another chapter to Marry Me. I've been so focused on this (and getting my baby girl ready for kindergarten—hello loads of paperwork and supplies hunting and clothes/shoe shopping. She starts Monday. *ugly sobs again*), I haven't had time to really think about it, so I can't give you a time frame. Follow me or the story, if you want the notification for when I get to it.