5. Chapter 5

Media was actually Ladybug's last resort if ever she wants to reveal her civilian self.

But due to unforeseen circumstances, her civilian self decided to drop the freaking bomb.

Because of this, Marinette was desperately scanning all online press releases, even social media posts, and tweets for name-drops. So far none was revealed yet.

She knew that it wouldn't take that long for the public to learn about the identities of the so-called 'Parisian couple' - a term coined much to her embarrassment - which might turn to worse if it would lead them to her alter-ego. Worst if Papillion would spot her first.

Who would've thought that they saved a prominent person - more, a highly influenced ex-politician not only in Paris but the whole country of France?

Adrien's action was understandable because he does fencing, but for Marinette, she had to bluff.

If Chat Noir was watching the news and connected the dots, he would definitely seek her to her wit's ends.

Little did she know that Chat Noir failed to connect the dots, that the said superhero was also involved in the fiasco as his civilian self, and that civilian self was currently sitting beside her.

Adrien was also panicking, but with an urge of prancing.

It must be the cat in him, or probably his habit of not staying at one place whenever he needs to think. And he couldn't do that inside of a running bus without disturbing the passengers, especially Marinette whom he had bothered the most.

He was clutching his phone like a lifeline, checking it every now and then for notifications or calls from Natalie. He even formulated several alibis in case his father saw the news and forced him to be isolated in that cold, dark mansion forever.

But none came. Yet.

Another problem were the clues that might connect him to his alter-ego, which will be a cat-astrophe if Papillion got it all.

Luckily, the infamous Ladyblog didn't make any featured article about his connection.

It might be because of the blogger, who happened to be his classmate, was on a field trip. And even though the blogger herself was aware of the news clip, and probably watched it for several times thru online streams, she decided not to post anything about it.

Marinette's action was understandable because she does gymnastics, and as a half-Chinese, she might've learned some basic martial arts, but for Adrien, he had to bluff.

Since when did fencing incorporate acrobatics into its curriculum?

If Ladybug was watching the news and found out that the cat out himself from that proverbial bag, she would definitely smack him with a yo-yo till death.


This is bad, he shook his head. He could hear his Lady calling his real name.

"...ein. Adrien? Are you alright? Hey."

He turned his head towards the source of the voice and saw a mask-less, bluebell eyes looming on his face.

The mistake almost gave him a mini heart attack.

"I - I'm sorry if I startled you." he apologized quickly.

"I - I'm the one who should say that." Marinette squeaked with a blush. "I was - I was wondering if you - if you would like to have a breather outside. We - we're having a shortstop."

The blond realized that their bus already passed the toll gate and made a stopover. Looking around, he noticed that most of the passengers were already outside for a toilet break, while others were buying some snacks at a nearby convenience store.

"Why don't we - "

Both teenagers jolted when a phone vibrated. It was coming from Marinette's again, and when they checked the caller ID, both paled in horror.

It was from Miss Bustier.

The designer gulped audibly before hitting the Answer key.


"Mme. Dupain-Cheng, I was completely informed by Mme. Cesaire about your current situation, as well as M. Agreste whom I believe is with you right now."

"I'm here, Miss Bustier." Adrien professed.

And by completely informed, he strongly believed that Alya didn't rat them out by telling their teacher about the controversial news. Being caught absent during the trip was a whammy. Got involved in a civic fight instead of attending the trip would be a double whammy.

"And being exemplary students, both of you." their adviser emphasized. "You both know that the school will be held accountable if something happened during the course of the trip. That the school is liable for their student's welfare. And I know for the fact that everyone signed a waiver stating those rules. Did you two get what I'm saying here?"

"Yes, Miss Bustier." the two answered in unison.

"Now tell me, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste, what would be your valid reason why I should not suspend both of you and be removed from the list of candidates for graduation?"

That was a low blow.

It was obvious that their kind and compassionate teacher since collège was seething with anger. They couldn't blame her, but her punishment was downright unfair.

Why would she threaten their future careers just because they got left behind?

And if ever a certain villain would pick her fury, they might be ended up dealing an Akuma candidate who can hostage their friends while they're hundreds of kilometers apart.

As much as possible, both wanted to have Ladybug and Chat Noir stayed out of the picture.

Screw graduation, Adrien muttered internally.

"It's my fault, Miss Bustier. Marinette's involvement was due to my selfishness," he told their teacher. "We got sidetracked, and I admit that mistake, but we never wished to be left behind. And since Marinette was there to help me, I made a suggestion to follow the class without letting anyone know our situation."

Marinette stared at her classmate in disbelief.

He was lying, of course.

She was the one who made the suggestion, not him, but he was owning it like he wanted to take the blame. He was sacrificing himself for her, and she didn't want that!

But instead of stealing his spotlight, she went the other way around.

"I'm sorry Miss Bustier, but I went along with the plan. Voluntarily." the designer interrupted him, making the model gaped incredulously.

He mouthed 'What are you doing?' voicelessly, but she raised an index finger for silence, probably to appease his anger.

His anger only doubled over.

"We panicked during the Akuma attack and got separated from the rest of the class. Then we told Alya about what happened. However, I told her to keep it as a secret." she breathed deeply before continuing. "Because as a class president, I have to ensure the safety of my fellow classmates. That letting everyone know about our current situation might cause problems and misunderstandings that may disturb those students who wished to enjoy the study trip, and a class deputy has the capacity to do that. I believe that Adrien, a fellow classmate, is also my responsibility to be part of the said study trip, being a student officer designated by the school."

The seconds of silence overwhelmed them, especially Adrien who couldn't remove his gaze from his classmate.

That witty reasoning didn't occur to him at all, and even though she sounded confident over the phone, her face told him otherwise.

"Did you inform your guardians about it?" their adviser asked.

"I will once they arrived at the convention," Marinette answered mildly then eyed her seatmate.

"Once my father touched down New York." was the blond's reply.

"I trust you both on that. And Mme. Dupain-Cheng?"

"Ye-yes, Miss Bustier?"

"We'll talk this later once you arrived at the hotel."

Then the caller hangs up.

For the first time since the fiasco, the teenagers finally sighed with relief.

"I - I never thought our teacher will buy that." Marinette uttered with disbelief.

"You pulled out a rank." Adrien pointed out. "Of course she'll buy that."

I pulled out Ladybug, she thought with a smile. Since when did Ladybug become her instinct?

"It's kinda amazing."

"You're amazing."

The designer was surprised. She didn't even know he was staring at her the whole time until she met his eyes. His familiar green orbs glimmered with amusement, and when he gave his loop sided smile, she blushed.

"Marinette." he purred. "You must be my angel sent from Heaven."

Marinette was left stunned and froze on the spot.

And that was how it dawned on the blond model - he was not wearing a mask.




Since when did Chat Noir become his instinct?

"I - It was a compliment!" he babbled with a beet-red face. "I was amazed and floored and hands-down impressed!"

His words could've destroyed her weak heart, but the comical way of thrashing his arms in the air turned the tides around.

She giggled. "I know. I'm just surprised that's all."

He relaxed then remembered their initial topic. "Oh yeah. You asked me for a breather. I think I might need that."

He moved out from his seat and wondered why she didn't follow him.

"I'll stay here, looking out for our seats," she said after noting his confusion. "I'm done with my break anyways."

"Okay. Will bring some drinks then. My treat."

He immediately walked out from the bus before he could hear her refusals.

"Flirting with your girl friend, huh?" Plagg taunted shamelessly. "First Princess, now Angel."

"Shut up, Plagg. She's not my girlfriend."

Even though the kwami was hiding inside his shirt, he could still see the phony innocence. "I didn't say, girlfriend. I said girl friend. You're jumping to conclusions."

"You pronounced them similarly."

"So you're denying that girl's not your friend?"

"Of course not. Marinette is my - "

He wasn't paying attention to see a young woman in front with a bunch of chips. Both collided, and with her nasty remarks about their fall, he winced.

"I - I'm sorry. I didn't notice you..." he apologized profusely while picking up the snacks.

"Of course you never noticed me, you dimwit." she snarled. "If you're paying attention to where you..."

The blond was alarmed when the chips he painstakingly collected and handed to the owner were immediately dropped to the ground.

"Adrien...Agreste?" the woman muttered with bewildered eyes. "Adrien - fucking - Agreste?"

He didn't want to answer. Damn, he refused to answer her, but his face gave it away.

The woman gave a shrill akin to the one that screams Akuma "Adrien Agreste is here!"

His animal instinct kicked in, but not enough to rub the hands off that held his torso. At least he was still composed not to kick a female, but hell his patience was tested when another person joined the tackle. Then another. Then another group he knew were boys.

Wait, he has male fans?!

How he wished Gorilla was there.

Marinette thought it was an Akuma attack, but when she saw a crowd - well, it was a stampede - on the store's entrance, assaulting a certain blond guy who looked like he mugged people's hearts, everything got clicked.

She forgot that her classmate was a famous begotten son of Gabriel Agreste, a world-renowned designer, who happened to be a Class-A model. A model who had his face plastered on all billboards and magazines around Paris. A celebrity that was included among the Top Ten as the Most Hottest Guy in France. A guy that was included among the Top Five as the Boy Girl's want to Have Sex With.

"Tikki," she called with a face-palm. "We need some distractions."