19. Chapter 19

Half an hour has passed and still no vehicle in sight.

Standing a meter away from each other, Adrien and Marinette were silent as they observed the starless sky, and their solace on that desolated roadside was Plagg's whiny voice.

"Adrien, Adrien...I need my Camembert." the black kwami moaned as he floated above his charger's face. "I'm dying!"

"You're not being helpful here." the blond hissed. "Why don't you shut your mouth for a moment and behave like...like Tikki."

The boy glanced at the red kwami who was sitting solemnly on her charger's shoulder. Tikki gave an understanding wink, which earned her a smile. Her fellow kwami however, rolled his eyes.

"You must be thankful to have a kind Master who handles your overbearing attitude."

"You mean, cat-titude, Sweet Tooth." Plagg corrected. "And for your information, this lowly person you termed as my Master is far more overbearing than me."


A cheerful giggle sounded, which made Adrien's heart leaped from his lungs. It was a melodious music to his ears, something that he'll never get tired of hearing it. Something that he'll do everything to hear it again.

"Now I know where Chat Noir got his puns," Marinette commented. "And don't worry, we'll get you your cheese as promised."


He chuckled when Plagg flew towards the designer's face with glee. He couldn't help but gushed when he saw the smile tugged on her mask-less face.

Bluebell eyes turned to meet his green and glued for a moment as both appreciated the knowledge of discovery and the fear of rejection.

Then a lightning struck.

Marinette was the first who broke the contact, much to his dismay. She chewed her bottom lip as she looked at the darkened sky.

"We need to go," she told him.

"Why?" he asked, forcing himself not to capture her wrist. "The bus might be here in a few minutes. See, the schedule post here says that the last trip will be at seven."

"And what do you think the time is now?"

"It's..." he pulled his phone out from his pocket, then looked at the time display. "Seven."

"Now you know why we need to go now."

"Maybe the bus is running...late? C'mon, Marinette." he grimaced, which raised her brows. "We're in a zone that has a zero cell reception. We don't have any ideas if there are some lodging houses or hotels somewhere that's not beyond fifty miles. Plus, it's night time."

"What's wrong with walking during night time? As if I've never done it before." she retorted, and he knew she was referring to their patrols. "Don't get me wrong, Adrien, but with that rolling thunder there? I don't want to spend a night under a summer rain."

"But hearing a thunder on a summer night is normal, as it might be caused by the rapid cooling of the hot ground."

The girl scowled. "You can quote me Science, nerdbrain, but I'm leaving."

Adrien pursed a smile. He was totally an idiot for not seeing his Lady in her.

"Did you know that good thing come to those who wait?"

His companion paused, then narrowed her eyes as she turned around. "Then how about Time waits for no one?"

This time he scowled. Indeed, no one could give such snarky remarks like his Lady.

"I know that Knowledge without action is futile," he said as he crossed his arms. "But without Knowledge, the action is futile."

"At least I did something than nothing."

The boy knew only half of Ladybug's personality, and half of Marinette's personality and both has a common variable of being stubborn. Now that he realized that these two were only one person, that just doubled her stubbornness factor.

"We can't transform," he stated. "You know that."

"I can manage myself." she quipped. "And I'm not a scaredy-cat."

An invisible string snapped inside him. It wasn't because of the cat insult. It was due to something else.

"Manage yourself? Huh, don't make me count those incidents that you failed to 'manage yourself', woman." he spat out, then looked at the red kwami. "Hey, Tikki! How many times did your Master hurts herself outside the mask?"

"Erm...too many to count?" Tikki uttered, then gave a sorry look at the glaring designer. "If you include the air trips she made at school."


"Plagg!" Marinette jolted the black kwami. "You want cheese, right?"

"Uh...yes..?" he reluctantly replied, unsure if their conversation would eventually go south.

"If that's the case." she harrumphed. "Then we can't get one if we won't leave this place, right?"

"That's - "

"You're into cookies, Tikki?" Adrien cut him, still looking at the red kwami. "You think we can get you one faster if we ride a vehicle than walking in a middle of nowhere?"


Hey, Plagg!" the pig-tailed girl miffed. "Why don't you tell your Master that there's no bus, much more a vehicle, that passed here since the time we got abandoned in this place, and will never be in the next several hours!"

"Uh - "

"Why don't you tell your Master, Tikki." the blond inserted with emphasis. "That this is not Paris, a familiar territory that can be navigated even with eyes closed, and despite no soul was sighted doesn't mean it's safe!"

"Well - "

"Then why don't you tell your Master, Plagg, that he's an insufferable worrywart who thinks that civilization doesn't exist in this place!"

"I - "

"How about you tell your hard-headed Master, Tikki, that she's a - "


The teenagers stilled and looked at the angered red god with a flabbergasted face.

Marinette knew that Tikki was a sweet little being yet a ferocious beast once pissed. And right now, she was more than pissed.

"I'm running out of patience, and you two must resolve this pointless argument before I kick you both in the ass! And don't involve us in this mess you both created! Let's go, Plagg!" Tikki scolded the two then pulled her dumbfounded fellow who was still whining about cheese.

The teenagers were silent for a moment, still unmoved from their spot as they looked on the ground.

Their kwamis left them so that they could contemplate on their shaky relationship. Tikki was right, it was a private matter between Adrien and Marinette.

After a few heartbeats, the blond murmured. "You really despised me this much?"

The girl was taken aback by his words, almost gaped when she saw his downcasted gaze. "Despise is a strong word, Adrien."

He bit his lips hard. He knew he was nothing like Ladybug, and obviously an incompetent being, unlike Marinette. He was just a weak, inferior kid who has Daddy issues with a rotten luck. She, on the other hand, is an epitome of perfection.

"I'm not disappointed or hated you for that matter," she added much to his surprise. "In fact, I'm afraid that I ruined your expectations."

His head lashed towards her, meeting her sad, wistful eyes.

"I am nothing but an illusion."

Adrien's voice hitched, with a desire to wrap her in his arms, to assure himself that she was real, and also to convince herself that he desired anybody but her. Only her.

"Mari - "

"I know, Chat. You - you're the noblest, kind and compassionate person I've ever known. A trustworthy ally and a benevolent friend. The most amazing person with or without a mask." she interrupted him, raising a hand to stop his words. "And I know you love Ladybug. Only Ladybug."

He was unfazed when he saw the tears streaming in her eyes, with a painful expression ebbed on her face. It was a face he didn't like to see on her the most, but for some reasons, he finds it ludicrous.

"And who's fault is that?"

Marinette blinked her watery eyes and looked at his hazy image. "Huh?"

"Who's fault..." he breathed coolly. "Who's to blame why I fell in love with Ladybug?"

"I don't - "

"You introduced yourself as Ladybug, so what would you expect to be the name I'm going to presume to the girl that's behind that magical mask? I'm not fond of inventing names, and I don't think her name is 'Chloe' either, and you were adamant about keeping the identities so I didn't pursue my yearnings to know you better. If you just told me that you're Marinette from the start, then everything might be different."

"So it's platonic."

Her innocent words insulted him greatly, which only fueled his frustrations.

He wasn't aware that he even his raised voice. "Platonic?! That's bullshit, Mari! You don't know the agony I felt every night thinking about the superhero you and the civilian you! I even think of this as a puppy love or a celebrity crush, but no! It's more than that! I was scared because I thought I have a fickle heart! And you know what, it's your fault for making me this way - for making me a foolish guy that falls with you twice! And you played with my heart without even you knowing it!"

A profused blush crept on the girl's face but Adrien was a bit frenzied to notice it.

"I'm - "

"So don't ever tell me it's platonic when you already know the sincerity of my advances!" he hissed. "Unlike your half-baked crush!"

His accusations snapped her senses. "Ha - half-baked crush?! You're telling me that those feelings I've carried for years were nothing but a half-baked crush?!"

Wait, what?!

"I - "

"Have you ever thought how difficult for an ordinary girl to approach a guy like you without stutterings? You're a goddamn model that came from a reputable family! I don't know how to control my feelings especially it's my first time to fell in love, and I have no fucking idea how to enter a romantic relationship! God bless Alya for being my supporter - she helped me gather some information about you!"


Marinette was very mad to mind how the blond's jaw slacked with a beet-red face enough to light up the whole region of Normandy.

"Yes - I have pictures of you on my wall, on my computer, and heck even on my cellphone! I bought all fashion magazines that have you on the cover! I also have a copy of your daily schedule because hey, I can't approach you so why not try knowing your activities so that I can learn more about you? It might be downright creepy, and you have the right to call me a stalker, but not once I never cared about you!"

"Bu-but - "

"And here comes that flirty, pun-loving and ridiculous entity called Chat Noir, who was a selfless alley cat and won't think twice to save lives! He's brave, he's lovable and he's kindhearted, and even if your days were blue, he'll find a way to make it brighter!"

"So the reason why you lost your awkwardness is that - "

"I fell in love with you again, you stupid cat!" she hollered at him. "So you're to blame for my fickle-minded self!"

The boy only stared at her in disbelief.

Marinette huffed, catching her breath after pouring all of her resentments that she bottled up for years. Once she gathered her bearings, she finally realized what she just said.

Her face became sickly white. "Did - did I just..."

"Ye-yeah," he answered as he rubbed his neck. "Well, we-we did."

Another lightning struck.

And this time, it was followed by a pouring rain.

Her mortification shifted to annoyance as she felt the first drop.

"Oh, sweet lord! I knew it! I knew it'll rain!"

Adrien lost all of his senses, except the sight of a girl drenched under a night sky, with her wet clothes clung on her toned body, and the coldness of the rain made an accent on the paleness of her freckled skin.

Eroticism aside, he was seeing a drop-dead gorgeous angel.

And then he laughed.

It was a hearty laugh he once had when he first gave her an umbrella back when they were fifteen. It was something that was full of happiness and relief that someone cared - no, scratch that - someone loved him, and it was a requited one!

However, his beloved misinterpreted it as a mockery.

"See what I'm telling you, Adrien Agreste?! If we can't find a shelter in this dreadful place, we might either die of hypothermia or pneumonia!" she growled. "Screw you and that stupid Science theory!"

Her face scrunched with a beady stare, and a pout he absolutely adored. He shouldn't be sappy when she was this angry, but he couldn't help himself.

Marinette was so damn cute.

Adrien peeled off his white overshirt and then flung it above his head. Then he wiggled his brows with a shit-eating grin.

"Why don't you come here and take a shelter with me, Princess?"

Her eyes only narrowed more. "That's not even a shelter, Kitty."

"Aww, but we can fit together here."


He was glad that she didn't retreat when he walked towards her. Both could feel the heat emitted from each other's bodies, as the rain dampened the tension that was built a few moments ago.

"Hi." he greeted her.

"Hi," she replied shyly.

"Well..." Green eyes loomed towards her blue ones. "We just confessed our love towards each other, eh?"

The designer groaned, then slumped her head on his chest. He chuckled when he saw her pinkish ears. Adorable.

"I can't believe I said that." she murmured.

"Actually, I'm glad you did."

"I was supposed to tell you during our field trip."

He chortled. "Aren't we having our own field trip?"

Small arms wrapped around his body as he nestled his chin on top of her head. He purred.

"I have something to confess," he whispered.

"We've been pouring all of our secrets in less than a day." she chuckled. "Okay, what is it?"

"Remember our first Akuma?"


He hummed in response. "Yeah. Remember when you were insecure about your capabilities as a superhero, then afterward you waged a war with Papillion and cleansed Ivan's Akuma? That day I vowed myself to love the girl behind the mask."

"And I bet you did."

"Indeed," he smirked. "So you see, it's your imperfections that made me fall for you."

Marinette tightened her hug.

"I have something to confess too," she muttered.

"Oh? What is it, My Lady?"

"It was a rainy day when I fell for you," she told him. "You gave me a black umbrella as a peace offering for that gum incident, then you told me that you've been homeschooled all your life and that everything was fairly new to you. So you see, your imperfections made me fall for you."

Adrien felt a sting in his eyes, and he knew the rain was not to blame.

"We're both idiots for not noticing each other." he laughed.

"And all this time you're just sitting in front of me. Literally."

"I've seen lots of hints now, and I'm so blind to see them. You've never been akumatized. Not seen together with Ladybug. The mysterious disappearances, the sleepless nights. Crap, the pigtails!"

She giggled. "There's this one time Alya showed me a photoshop of you in Chat Noir's suit, and I didn't even glance at it for more than a second!"


"And there's your allergies, and the knowledge about Agreste's security system, and hell, the puns."

"I know you love them."

"I don't." she deadpanned.

"So if my puns didn't give me away, then we'll all blame it to Miraculous."

She snorted. "Yeah. Blame the Miraculous."

"Hey, Marinette?"


"Will you forgive me if I'll do something with you tonight?"

She tilted her head backward. "Like what?"

"Like this."

Without further ado, he cupped her cheeks with his hands as he dipped his lips to pressed hers.

Another lightning was struck in the sky, which timed the sparks that blew out their senses as they deepen their kiss. Marinette moved her head to the side to accommodate a better position while gripping the locks near his nape. She moaned when he bit her lower lip, with a tongue asking for an entrance, in which she complied with a hum. Adrien placed his right hand on the back of her hips, pulling her closer as he savored her senselessly.

It was a precious moment between two souls, enough for them to forget their surroundings - the rain, the thunderstorm, and most of all, the incoming vehicle.

"Well, well. Look at this, Maman." Sean smirked as he rolled the van's window. "I thought we left these two in Evreux?"

The old lady on the passenger's side peaked at the two lovers who were still lapping each other. "Is that...Marinette and Adrien?!"

Her son shrugged his shoulders and reluctantly pressed the vehicle's horn.

The blaring honk jolted the teenagers, which obviously broke their spell-bounded kiss.

The two turned their heads towards the perpetrator and was surprised to see a familiar van.

"Sorry to kill the mood, kids." the man grinned on their scarlet faces. "But I think it's appropriate if you continue that somewhere...indoors."

"Se - Sean?!"


"Hi, sweetie." the mother beamed at them with a wink. "Why don't you and your boyfriend get in here for a joyride?"