26. Chapter 26

"Are we there yet?" Plagg asked his charger with excitement.


A few minutes later, he asked again. "Are we there yet?"


Another minute has passed. "Are we there yet?"

"Plagg," Adrien growled, then looked at his flying kwami. "Ask me again, I swear, and I'll have this vehicle swivel around you're not going to see that place called Camembert."

"Impossible." the black kwami crossed his small arms. "There's no way you can turn this pickup around. This is a one-way narrow road surrounded by muddy grounds."

"Oh yes, I can. Or I can tell Jacques to go straight ahead to the train station."

"You can't do that!"

"Guys, calm down." Marinette giggled at the banters. "Don't tease your kwami that much, Kitty. And Plagg - relax, will you? Want some cookies?"

"Eew! No thanks!"

"Plagg." Tikki scowled. "Don't you ever say 'eew' to cookies. Show some respect."

The teenagers gave an exasperated laugh as they munched their meal. They were thankful that Sean's household packed them some butter cookies and a thermos of hot cocoa even though they initially refused the offer. A free ride towards their destination was enough already, however, the man felt like the gesture wasn't enough to pay all the deeds that they made to save his sister's wedding.

Currently, the two were sitting in the back rear of the truck where the cargoes were loaded. Jacques didn't question the two why they opted to stay there, or even concerned about their safety. He somewhat knew that urbanites like them tend to enjoy the dewy mornings of the French countryside.

Travelling to Camembert was fairly easy. It took them less than thirty minutes to reach the small commune, and since their guide was a local, they were able to enter one of the dairy farms there without further negotiations.

"Oh, the cheese...I can smell the cheese in the air!"

The three only groaned in unison upon witnessing the black kwami's antics.

He squealed when the pickup stopped at an unknown orchard, then flew inside his charger's shirt pocket. Adrien only rolled his eyes while Marinette chuckled as Tikki slipped inside her purse.

Before they could touch the ground, a burly man around sixties walked towards the driver's area - probably another local who knew Jacques - then eyed the two with curiosity.

"They're the buyers." their guide introduced them.

"I'm Devon, the owner of this humble mill." the man greeted. "And welcome to Camembert."

While Jacques decided to park the vehicle, the teenagers followed Devon as he led them to his vast property.

A Normande cattle of black-pied cows were grazing almost everywhere. They weren't hostile, but the two couldn't help but be wary in case an unexpected 'stampede' occurred and victimized them.

Sensing their worries, the man laughed "Oh kids, they might be big but they're harmless like babies."

His light-hearted words failed to convince them.

Upon approaching the barn's entrance, Marinette halted her steps.

"Uh, Adrien?" she muttered, fidgeting the hem of her overcoat. "I'll wait for you here. Outside."

"I concur!" a faint voice from her purse seconded.

Green eyes grew like saucers as he stopped, with paled face knowing that the love of his life - and her kwami - was abandoning him alone. Alone inside a barn full of moldy cheese.

"I thought you love me. From the moon to the back," he uttered, flashing her a betrayal look. "Why are you leaving me?"

"I love you. From the moon to the back," she answered sheepishly. "But my love for you was not enough to numb my sense of smell."


She laughed when he pouted his lips, something that made him so irresistible she had to peck it with a kiss. He smirked.

"Just because you're a beauty I'm going to tolerate this kind of relationship."

"Nah, you're doing this because you love me."

"That you do."

A fake cough interrupted the two, making them look at the flustered owner who was standing near the doorway.

Unaware that he was intruding her personal space, Adrien stepped back, but before he could apologize to the man and follow inside, he flicked his girlfriend's forehead with his index. Marinette responded with a venomous glare.

"Your lady seems to be a playful type," Devon commented.

"I think it's the other way around, Sir." the blond shrugged. "She's just putting up with me."

"Must be a keeper, then."


It was his first time to enter a cheese factory, so he didn't know that visitors had to wear face masks. He was more than happy that they gave him a spare, but the gear wasn't enough to filter the pungent smell that began to assault his senses.

"Heaven." Plagg sighed inside his pocket.

"Hell." he deadpanned.

The odor was slightly muted when they got in the stock area. Inside were boxes full of cheese wheels, segregated depending on the production date and the type.

Devon's barn was just one of the small-scale businesses in the country that fermented authentic camembert cheese, but Adrien couldn't help but be awed on the number of products it housed and the places they distributed.

Absentmindedly, he began to mutter the budget he normally allocates for Plagg's consumption versus the volume he might get if he purchased them from the direct source. It was a no-brainer to know about the savings, but he had to take into consideration the transport cost if everything would be feasible or not.

He sighed, realized how Plagg was running him out of money since Day One. Litter-ally, that black cat was nothing but a mini-god of misfortune.

"I can give you a discount, like €1 each." the owner told him. "Depending on how much you're going to take."

It was an interesting offer, a cheap deal if he'd compare it to the retail price in the market. But he was an Agreste, a sole heir born and raised to rule a certain business empire in the future. And the fact that crunching numbers was his forte, then bidding would be a piece of cake.

Wishing that he brought his lucky charm (and not left it with his belongings), he began to name his price.





"I think I'm starting to agree with Plagg," Tikki said as she nestled on her charger's shoulder. "That this post-revel would bring nothing but troubles."

"What do you mean?"

"First - you two are disgustingly sweet," she answered stoically. "Such tooth-rotting sight enough to bring me cavities - which lead me to Number Two. Distractions."

Marinette was apprehensive. "So it's a bad thing that we - "

The kwami shook her head, then landed on her palms. "That's not it, Marinette. You and Adrien are not the only Ladybug and Black Cat who engaged in romances. The truth of the matter is, the more you two bond together, the stronger your powers will be. Like Yin and Yang. Two halves combined into one. However, knowing each other means another weakness that can be utilized by enemies, especially Papillion."

The girl was silent as she listened to her kwami.

"It's like a double-edged sword. You knowing Chat's identity can be your strength and at the same time your weakness. And vice versa. Sometimes it can muddle your thoughts, or make you focus on the plan."

"Tikki," she interjected. "Are you telling me that Adrien might leave me someday?"

The red kwami made a brief pause. "I don't know, Marinette. I'm not a seer or a god that has an ability to predict things. But I've been living for centuries enough to witness how many times my chargers got abandoned, hurt and died. You know the reason why I forbid you to reveal yourself, and the reason why I condoned it. I don't know Adrien as much as I know you - not that I have trust issues with Plagg's judgment - but I want you to know that your happiness is my top priority."

"Oh, Tikki..."

"I'm sorry if things ended up this way," she confessed with a sniff. "If only I was attentive enough to sense the second Akuma, maybe these uneventful things would never happen. You and Adrien might've been able to attend your school's field trip with your friends, and perhaps you two confessed your feelings to each other like what you've done yesterday. Then lived happily ever after. Not... not like this."

Marinette didn't say anything. She just cuddled her kwami then wiped some fat tears that began to spill on her blue eyes.

She never thought that Tikki was carrying such baggage that was way heavier than hers, and that knowledge only strengthened her resolution not to cry anymore. As a Ladybug and a protector of Paris, she must be an exemplary and a solid rock among those who were losing their hopes from an adversary.

"It's okay, Tikki. No one's to blame but Papillion." she soothed.

"I'm the one who's supposed comfort you - not the other way around."

"I don't mind having our roles reversed."

Then the two laughed in unison.

A few heartbeats later, and after sensing her kwami's calmed nerves, the girl asked her again.



"What's the difference between defeating Twiddle Doom and his partner versus Twiddle Doom alone?"

"Utilization," Tikki answered. "There's always a correlation between Champions, and even each has their own independent powers, they couldn't use it as effective without the other. A group would be stronger once together, but weaker once dwindled and separated to one another. A rogue Champion, however, is a different story."

Adrien had told her about Plagg's experiences during Edo period, and the horrible realization gave her a cold-wrenching fear that shivered to her core.

"Every human body has a living soul. An Akuma is artificial with a corrupted soul. It's like an illness that once it enters your body, it'll become a catalyst and infects your purity. The longer it stays there, the harder it'll be cured. Remember this, Marinette - defeating an Akuma doesn't mean you're only saving the citizen of Paris; you're also saving the sanity of an inflicted soul."

"Tha - that's..." the pig-tailed girl bit her lip. "That's kinda...heavy responsibility, eh?"

The kwami shook her head with a smile. "It's not. It actually serves as your motivation to do your best and follow the things you ought was right."

She nuzzled her cheek, grateful how this little god chose her to be the embodiment of Lady Luck.





Marinette was a bit surprised when Adrien went out from the barn carrying a duffel bag, and if her hunch was correct, full of camembert cheese.

"How's it going there?" she asked, noticing the sweat that beaded on his forehead. "Are you okay?"

"Ye-yeah," he answered with neck rubs.

She didn't buy it, and of course, he knew it.

"It was...fairly well." he began - complete understatement of the century. "You know, we better head back to the truck. Jacques must be bored waiting for us, and God knows if he has some tasks waiting for him in the chateau. And don't worry about Monsieur Devon - I already bid him farewell on your behalf. We must head back to Paris immediately, and once we got there can we drop off at your house first? Not that there's a problem or whatsoever but I want to have these cheese be taken care of? And I would like to speak with your parents first, well your father specifically, because - "

"Hey, Adrien!"

The blond winced upon hearing his name called by the mill owner. He was practically dragging Marinette out from the vicinity by the arm, and the confused girl was allowing him despite knowing that he was sputtering bullshits.

"Hey, you forgot your receipt!"

Felt like it was impolite not to respond, the boy paused on his tracks then looked back with his model-like smile.

"Oh, yes Sir. I'm sorry I thought I grabbed it before I left. I'm so forgetful, ha-ha-ha, coz' I'm so excited going home and bring these things as gifts - EEEEEPPP!"

Marinette had to pinch his back just to stop his ramblings. He was showing his fake expressions again, and she didn't know why.

Devon was brimming her his toothy smiles. "You never told me you're Tommy's daughter!"


"Yeah, Thomas Dupain? Tom? You're his Marinette, right?"

She was surprised when the man shook her hand. "Ye-yeah! My name's Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Yeah...?"

"You really looked like Sabine. Maybe 40% Sabine, coz' the rest was more like Tom's." he said, still shaking her hand. "It's been years since I last met your Papa. We're in the same circle during Uni days, Tom and I. He was dating your Maman that time. Guy's got head over heels in love with her. You're also like that, hun?"


"If your husband didn't tell me about his father-in-law, I might've not recognized you! Wow, look how time flies...your father finally got his dream bakery, and I bet you two would take over the business later on!"

She gurgled incoherently while her proverbial husband only shuddered in response.

"These cheese must be for the Patisserie's supplies, huh? No wonder you were trying to buy in bulks. Don't worry, I'll send you some supplies if needed - and because you're my friend's children, I'll give you half the price." the man patted their shoulders, then hovered near their ears. "So when are we going to see the buns in the oven?"

The two froze and paled on the spot as he guffawed.

"Oh kids, there's no need to be ashamed on that! Don't care if you're too young - as what the saying goes, Love knows no bounds!"

Nobody answered.

"Oh, and you're going back to Paris, right? Geez, I've been holding up your time. Why don't you two come back here and visit my farm sometimes? I'm also extending my invitation to your parents, hun. Your Papa and I have lots to catch up, you know. I might introduce to you to my grandkids - that way they'll befriend your kids someday."

Still, nobody answered.

"Gotta go back inside now. Jacques! See that these kids arrived at their destination safely and well." Devon called their guide, then hugged the stunned teenagers. "Have a safe trip!"

The two nodded, then gave a stiff wave.

Without further ado, they immediately climbed the pickup's backside and left the place without any qualms.

It took them five minutes to recover their thoughts and organize the chain of events.

"Adrien Agreste."

He never thought she could utter his name like it was synonymous with a death sentence.

"What in the world did you do?!"

Her cold-blooded voice lashed his entire being, numbing his brain cells and blood veins. If he was transformed right now, his ears would flatten out with a tail dangled between his legs.

He had experienced Ladybug's wrath before, being the receiving end, but never on a sweet and cute Marinette. But hell, her seething anger was so eminent he couldn't get any oxygen in the air.

"I didn't do anything!" he squeaked.

Her silence was a torture.

Mustering all of his strength and willpower to meet her piercing gaze, he bawled. "I'm sorry I didn't know why it ended up that way! We're just talking about cheese and pastries, then suddenly he talked about his childhood days, then it snowballed into your father! And here I was rambling about how I know you and your Papa and your Maman, then he was talking about something and stupid me I wasn't listening but I said 'yes' and 'yes' and 'yes' until I realized I hypothetically married you! And now I have to talk to your father and ask for forgiveness for tainting his daughter's reputation and at the same time for using your bakery as a proxy on my cheese shopping spree!"

"Wow." was all she could say.

"Forgive me, My Lady, for I revealed my intention in advance and now I have to buy you a ring and arrange for a Mayor's appointment and a chapel and the - "

"Whoa, whoa...hold your whiskers there, Kitty." she interrupted by raising her hand out. "Don't stress yourself about something petty, okay?"

"It's not something petty." he whimpered. "I tainted you."

"You never tainted me." she cleared out.

"But I introduced myself as your father's son-in-law."

"Are you?"


She deadpanned. "Your confidence never failed to astound me."

"It's inevitable." he declared. "And I'm going to prove that once I've talked to your parents."

"Adrien." she sighed, massaging her temples. "Have you ever realized what's going to happen after we finished this Akuma ordeal?"


"Everything will be back from the beginning. So whatever nonsense you've spouted back there, or negotiations you never intended to keep, will poof. Vanish. So chill out, will you?"

He stared at her in silence, unnerving her. "What?"

"I'm still going to talk with your parents." he insisted with a beaming face. "Regardless if this world will reset or not, I'm still going to treat the events today as something that will affect my tomorrow, and so on and so forth. This might be a dream...or a harsh nightmare...I still want to know the conclusion of this journey."

"Even if we're going to forget everything?" she croaked, with eyes starting to water.

"Even if we're going to forget everything."

Adrien pulled her into a tight embrace as she leaned her face against his chest. They stayed in that position for a minute until he remembered something.



"We forgot to do something that was supposed to be done by most people during their travels."

"And what is it?"

"A selfie."

She broke a fitful of laughs.





Standing on the train's platform, Marinette decided to dial her best friend's number. It took her nine rings to got an answer.

"What time are you going to arrive here?" Alya's groggy voice sounded.

No greetings, no 'hi's' or 'hello's'. The pig-tailed girl smiled at the aspiring reporter's straightforwardness. So she returned the gesture.

"Actually, we're going back to Paris."

There was a ruffling noise in the background, followed by a shriek.


"I'm sorry, Alya. It was something important - "

"Important enough to sacrifice your chance to graduate?!"

She already weighted everything down before she derived a conclusion. Adrien was right - a time will come wherein they'll be torn between choosing their civilian selves and superhero selves.

But along that journey, both knew they weren't alone.

"Yes," she answered.

"How about Adrien?"

"He'll be doing the same."

"No offense Girl, but Adrien's a rich kid with a prominent family. A diploma is unnecessary for him to survive in this society." her friend said solemnly. "But you? Marinette, you have a bright future. This is your childhood dream. You worked hard for it, and you earned it. You're on your way towards the spotlight of becoming a renowned fashion designer. And now you're dumping the opportunity out like a garbage? What gives?"

"Alya - "

"Can you tell me more about this 'important' thing?"

Marinette looked at the other side of the platform. "I can't."

"You can't? Why?"

"I'm sorry, Alya."

It pained her how she couldn't tell her best friend about it. She couldn't count how many lies she fabricated just to hide the fact about her alter ego. Not that she was doing some bad deeds; she had to keep her identity for the sake of her loved one's safety.



"I bet you've heard about the rampaging Akuma. And about Ladybug and Chat Noir being MIA" she said. "Does this 'important' thing related to that?"

It was a tricky question with a simple answer, and even though she has the opportunity to lie, she decided not to. This time.


A short pause, then a deep sigh. "Mari?"


"How can I help?"

She didn't expect that. "Maybe...pacifying Miss Bustier? I know it'll be difficult but - "

"No worries. We'll take care of that." Alya scoffed. "Nino will cover Adrien's back - that is if that Golden Rod would insist."

"That's so rude." she giggled. "I'll let him know, though."



"Take care, okay?"

It was vague, but she couldn't help but be touched by her words.


Then she hangs up.

Marinette didn't realize the tears that leaked on her eyes until Adrien wiped them off.

"You okay?" he asked, tracing her cheeks with his thumbs. She nodded.

"Yeah. Just...some words can get you sometimes."

He smiled, locking her other hand with his. Following her empty gaze, he sighed.

"This station summed up our lives," he told her. "This platform leads us to the path of Miraculous, and the opposite platform is our lives as an ordinary self. Interconnected, but with a different destination."

"I can't believe you're poetic, Chaton." she jeered. "I thought you're only into puns."

"I'm a man of many talents, My Lady."

The arrival of their train has finally announced. Minutes later, their train showed up and opened its sliding doors for the passengers. Eyeing each other, they stepped together inside and immediately settled to their designated seat.

And for the first time, unlike yesterday, they weren't left behind.