47. Chapter 47

Adrien knew there was something more on the Sacred Castle by the Sea that meets the eye.

It wasn't because Mont St. Michel was acknowledged as a symbol of French national identity due to its unpenetrated fortress during wars or that it became a UNESCO World Heritage site for its medieval-aged structures and historical values.

It wasn't also because it was considered as one of the most romantic spots in France or that the island was popularly used as an inspiration in arts, novels, movies, and games.

It was because of the said holy place, which originally named as Monte Tombe, was actually a pilgrimage built by a saint who was a victim of Cataclysm.

"I can't believe that I'm currently standing on a religious land made by my predecessor's stupidity." the blond scowled at Plagg after he shared some snippets of the past. "And to think that you allowed your wielder - and I don't care if this Michael is an archangel or a poser anymore - to use his Miraculous against a human being!"

"You know that we kwamis are taking our Master's orders as absolute." the black kwami crossed his arms. "Besides, that Aubert deserved it. He was lucky he only got a hole in his skull - and he became famous because of it!"

"That was bad, Plagg. It's like premeditated murder. You shouldn't condone your Master's behavior." Marinette admonished. "I'm surprised the gods didn't smite you for hurting a bishop."

"I am a god, you self-righteous Bug. No other gods can smite me!"

"Oh yeah? Watch me." Tikki announced then hit her counterpart with her paw.

The three laughed when the kwami yowled in pains as he slipped at his charger's shirt with a growl.

The Poetic Night was a most sought activity in Abbey du Saint Michel that only occurs around July and August. It was an activity filled with aesthetic lights and live classical sounds displaying the mystical past of the monastery up to the current age.

The teenagers received an optional pass to join a tour with a guide but they decided not to since they preferred to explore and get lost in the old town.

Besides, their wanderlust attitudes would eventually kick them out from the group.

"I don't know why our friends wasted an opportunity to see these magnificent sights by themselves." the designer sighed, admiring the beautiful glass windows and puzzled mazes projected on the ancient walls. "In exchange for their ridiculous bets."

"Those greedy people. Why are we still considering them as our friends, Kitty?"

"Because despite their evil intentions, they just want us to be together," he kissed her wrinkled nose. "That's why we're going to enjoy our date to make them happy."

Her beet-red cheeks earned a mirthful laugh.

It was a bit arduous for tourists to climb multiple steps to the next chamber, but not for the part-time superheroes who reached the top casually without breaking a sweat.

They were astonished how the old bricked walls reverberated the sound of a cello as the musician played a solemn Bach piece under the dim light. The atmosphere was quite eerie in a good way and the swirls of lights in the background brought the music to life.

While admiring the animated Earth core pulsed some hot lava, an inspiration struck Marinette. It was one of those times wherein she wished she had her sketchbook with her to update her rough drafts for her next portfolio.

Then she heard a click.

"Kitty." she glared at the owner's phone camera aimed at her face. "Don't tell me you're sending that picture to Alya."

"I'm not going to tell you that I'm sending this picture to Alya."


He snorted indignantly when she crossed her arms and stomped her feet. She tried to snatch his phone but her companion used his height advantage, which frustrates her more.

"Aww, Bugaboo. You're so cute when you're so jumpy." he teased, raising the item above his head. "Using your grabby hands at me."

She realized her efforts were futile, so she changed her strategy by tackling the blond to the ground with tickle attacks.

Tourists and patrons alike gave the two a beady stare, but they were outside the hallway anyways so their rowdy noises weren't that disturbing to other onlookers.

"Oh - hahaha - sto - stop it, Bugi - ahahahaha - okay I quit! I quit - gahahahaha - stop! Stop!"

Marinette swiped his phone hastily from his limped hands then unlocked it - how she could guess his password, Adrien got no clue - to view the image gallery.

The designer didn't expect to see a folder about her.

Her old solo pictures, stolen shots way back collège days up to their current school trip, and some amateur selfies he probably snagged from other classmates. The recent picture was taken while she was busy looking at the maze walls, with pink and blue lights illuminating half of her face, and the shadows that cast on her pale skin made her features quite prominent.

"Adrien." she breathed, unable to avert her gaze on the screen wherein a picture of her sleeping reflection from the bus windows was displayed. "These are beautiful. I love it."

"I love you."

She squeaked when he planted a kiss on her cheek as he took his phone away from her hands.

"I don't want to regret not saying those words again." the blond confessed as he hoisted her up. "I lost my chance during Dark Cupid when he struck me his arrow. Then Twiddle Doom and Twiddle Gain came that almost reset our memories. So before a similar scenario occurs again, I'm going to say it multiple times to make up those moments that I've lost."

"Your feelings are well-received." she tiptoed to peck his cheek. "And I love you too."

His flustered face almost rivaled Ladybug's red uniform.

Am I considered to be his girlfriend? the girl pondered mentally as they walked to the next display room. Or him as my boyfriend?

They sealed their relationship during Akuma's involvement, and now that they were back on their own time stream, she didn't know if they should start from the beginning or not. She wasn't sure if everything back there will be carried over to the present.

What she could tell was that despite it all, their feelings remained intact. They agreed that everything will be handled properly once they returned to Paris. But they've talked with Master Fu about their issues already, which was their first agenda, before discussing their current predicament -

"You know, my promise still stands, My Lady," Adrien muttered with sober eyes directed to the garden. "I'm going to ask your parents' approval to formally date you."

"Oh." was her reply.

"I want to show them my sincerity since they are the most important people of the person I adore most, and to earn their utmost support."

"Oh, Chaton." she sighed, cupping his face to meet the insecurities showed in his green hues. "My parents are quite fond of you, and this gesture will only double your winning favors. Not that I don't like your idea, but -"

"How can I show them that I'm serious with you?" he reasoned then motioned his hand. "Your father is big. Like, really big. And your mother - she might be small, but she can make me regret something that I've done in my childhood."

"Well, how about your father who happened to be my idol? Do you think he'll approve me?"

His expression went serious. "He will. And I assure you, once he sees your portfolio, he'll going to regret not offering you an internship in our company."

"I'm not going to date you because of my career path." she winced when she remembered his fans. "And there's this public image that you need to consider also."

"I don't care what people think." he chuckled, wrapping his hand around hers. "What matters most is you."

Marinette wondered if it was possible to fall harder on this guy more than what she felt right now.

"So, back to Paris then." she hummed.

"Yeah. Back to Paris."

"Back to Paris," she repeated then gave him a devious smirk. "But before that, we need to get back to our friends."






The lights in the quarters occupied by Parisian students were turned off for their bedtime when suddenly, all of their phones lit up.

Everyone grabbed their devices lazily and groggily as they opened the notification to see the attachments sent by Adrien.

And that was how the pandemonium broke.





"From Nino, he sent 'What the fuck, dude! This is uncalled for!'" Adrien chortled while reading the messages that blasted on his screen. "Then here's from Kim 'I never peg you to be a Lady's man, but good luck not to be Marirekt later.' Max also sent a text 'This is a breach of our agreement, Agreste.' Well, I did not. Oh, and Nathanael texted me that he can finally court you - the hell I am allowing that! Chloe says she's going to fight me, and Rose sent the same thing but only because I dumped you - in which I didn't."

"Guess what Alya messaged me?" Marinette giggled as she scrolled her notifications. "'Girl, where are you?' 'Mari?' 'Marinette?' 'Don't tell me Chat Noir didn't do the end of the bargain?' 'Mon dieu, I'm going to post something on the Ladyblog that you're missing if you'll not respond!' 'I'm going to skin that mangy cat alive if he kidnaps you!'"

"Excuse me, I am not mangy!"

"Yes you are, mon Minou." she ruffled his hair much to his chagrin.

They didn't expect to receive hilarious reactions when Adrien sent a Snapchat selfie together with Ladybug with a caption 'If only Marinette is here' to their classmates.

It was an innocent pose wherein both cheeks were squished together but with evident blushes.

Another was a picture of Ladybug kissing a smiling Adrien on the cheek with a similar tagline, then a picture of his bare hand intertwined together with her spotted gloved fingers.

He also sent a shot to his head resting on the superheroine's shoulder and a similar angle but with her kissing his crown. There was a bird's head on their background, a featured mythical creature, indicating that the two were able to finish the Poetic Night tour.

"Shall we respond to their messages, my Lady? Because my phone won't stop buzzing for incoming texts."

"Nah, let their imaginations run wild. Besides, you're not the only one who's receiving an inconvenient amount of messages."

"But I want to clear Chat Noir's dignity! Alya threatened him to be skinned alive!"

"Since when did you have a dignity, Chaton?"

The blond gasped. "That's a slander, my Lady! Horrible! What if someone heard you?"

"Oh shut up, you." the girl chuckled until a notification caught her attention. "Oh, Chloe sent me a message. It says 'You and Chat Noir are perfect for each other since you're both losers.' Losers, my ass. Let me show you who the loser is."

After she sent a lengthy message defending her partner, her phone chimed for an incoming call.

"Merde, Alya's calling!" she laughed. "Do all of our classmates stay in one room? I bet they are."

"I believe so. At least Nino is only pestering me through texts," he responded. "Why don't you answer that call to humor ourselves?"

Marinette rolled her eyes before punching the key. "Hello, Alya?"

[Where in the foutre are you, Mari?! Your beau is having a date with Ladybug!]

"Really?" she feigned a flabbergasted expression. "I have no idea!"

Adrien snickered while covering his mouth.

[He is now, woman. So you better hurry or else Ladrien will be going to be a thing!]

Tell me more about it, the raven-haired girl mused.

[And where the foutre is that phony 'Knight' in a catsuit now?! He was supposed to bring you over to Adrien, not to steal you away!]

"What would be his gains if he abducts me?"

The blond mouthed 'A lot'.

[C'mon, Marinette. As if you never noticed how he ogled and drooled at you like you're a canary!]

"Such euphemism." She eyed her partner who was purring on her lap.

[Did he hurt you? Threatened you?]

"No, Alya. He didn't hurt me or threatened me." she snorted. "Chat Noir is currently...unwell."

Which was true.

They didn't expect that the monk's old refectory has a cloud of bird's feathers which happened to be a symbol of St. Michael's angelic wings.

And it was too late for the teenagers to realize how Adrien's allergies could affect his body.

Marinette was glad to find a small shop that sells medicines near the monastery. It was a bit pricey for a single tablet, but she couldn't risk Adrien to have a sneezing fit.

[Why? Is he hurt?] Concern was laced on her best friend's tone. [Don't tell me there's an Akuma rampage in Normandy?!]

"Relax. There's no Akuma rampage, Alya." she tutted. "What Chat is having right now was caused by his own recklessness."

Well, entering a room filled with bird's feathers was considered to be a reckless behavior.

[If that's the case, then why am I hearing some ocean waves in the background? Are you somewhere near the beach?]

Damn her hearing skills.

They weren't on a beach per se, but near the docks. The stone benches near the abbey walls was a perfect spot for them to rest and enjoy the sea breeze.

"Actually, we're in...we're in a..."

Before she could supply an alibi, the model swiftly grabbed the phone from her hands. "Purr-incess is kind of busy with me right meow, so call her back later. Bye~"

Then he pressed End Call.



"Alya will skin you alive for ruining her OTP!"

The blond snorted then turned his head around to nuzzle her belly. He drew her closer when he wrapped his arms around her waist then sighed with relief when her fingers began to scratch his scalp again.

"Feeling okay now?" she asked.

He shook his head, pressing himself more against her body. "Can we stay like this forever?"

"You know that we can't." her answers earned her a pout. "We both have social obligations not only as Marinette and Adrien but also as Ladybug and Chat Noir."

"Urgh. I hate it when you're right."

Her giggles made his heart flutter. "Hey, Princess?"


"If Marinette and Adrien will start dating, does that mean Ladybug and Chat Noir will follow too?"

"It depends on the situation, Kitty," she muttered as she looked at the skies. "People are pinning us to end up together since our public debut, but we have to consider Papillion and his potential reactions once he learned the news. He can use it to his advantage to target you in order to get me and vice versa, or become his disadvantage since we're together now."


Her fourteen-year-old self might've swooned on that statement alone, but her current self had questioned its credibility. This mindset was the reason why she was believed that a perfect being like Adrien Agreste didn't deserve someone who has flaws like Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

Tikki was right - she was too harsh to be considered a realist.

Their encounters with a rouge Akuma gave her some insights and open-mindedness about relationship and life. She realized that it wasn't bad to become a romanticist, and it wasn't selfish to admit your desires.

Marinette might be destined to become Ladybug, but she had chances not to be in the past. She could have stowed the earrings away or handed it to someone else.

In the end, her convictions won over. She decided to choose her destiny to rectify her mistake.

And Adrien as her soulmate? That was the icing on the cake.

Actually, that seemed logical.

Because Ladybug and Black Cat were made for each other.

Seeing the break of dawn on the horizon, her partner sat up. "Let's go back, Marinette."

"Yeah. Let's."

Nobody noticed the teenager's arrival as they landed and de-transformed in their respective hotel rooms. Their classmates were all dozed off God knows what hype they did last night.

After changing their clothes, both took a few hours nap before they faced the interrogation. They must conserve their energy since they will be grilled mercilessly by those people who had lost the bet.