20. Day 2 Part 5

Meanwhile, in another part of the school, a solitary female scurried into the girls bathroom.

Salty moisture dribbling down her chin, the morose, confused and terrified teenage girl threw her bag down and staggered over to the nearest mirror to take an extended look at the unfamiliar, cosmetic-free visage with straight blonde hair staring tearfully back at her.

Is this who I am now? Someone who gets all weepy at the slightest provocation?

I used to be so strong and confident, with my head held high wherever I went, in a different league to these reprobates...

Now, thanks to that dumb bug's scheming, my enemies know all my deepest, darkest secrets, and they'll use them against me again and again...

Even my formerly loyal so-called best friend plans to leave me behind, unless I become some sort of 'perfect angel'. Ha, as if!

Surely I was never that bad?

No, of course I wasn't.

They're just envious as usual, that's all it is. Stuck in the treadmill of their worthless existences.

After all, like Daddy says: "The cream always rises to the top."

Me and him are fresh off the farm, dairy-deluxe, extra double-whipped variety.

Yes, that's right! Who cares if no-one in this commoner's paradise likes me?!

As long me and Daddy have each other, and I have my Adrikins, nothing else matters!

Everything is fine!

Couldn't be better... I feel great...

"I think it's about time you stopped lying to yourself, Chloe..."

"H-huh?" The heiress spun around in the middle of her soliloquying to discover none other than Zzubo, who'd emerged from the velvet hold-all a good few minutes ago, and was now staring at her through concerned eyes.

"Remember what I told you earlier on?" The bee creature shook her head, disappointedly. "About complete honesty being a necessity for any Miraculous holder?

"W-what about it?" Chloe was desperately trying to splash cold water from the taps to cover up the tracks of her tears, although there was little she could do about the scarlet rings around her eyes.

"That also includes lying to yourself, Chloe." Zzubo stated, sincerely. "I heard everything you said to your reflection.

"H-how...?!" The startled blonde remarked with horror. "B-but, those were supposed to be just words in my head! W-what's happening to me?! I-I must be going crazy!"

"Maybe your brain thought, on some sub-conscious level, those were some things you really needed to get out..." Zzubo mused. "But anyway, my main issue is why you were telling yourself so much stuff which you know is patently untrue."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about, Zzubo." Chloe tried to remain calm, but her eyes began to dart around, as she was trying to find a good place to take refuge in from the irrepressable kwami. She'd even take the boys laundry basket now, full to the brim with stinking jockstraps as it was. Yuck.

"Yes you do, Chloe." The magical creature frowned. "You might be blind to other people's wants and needs, and have all the social tact of a baby elephant, but I know you're not as deluded as everyone thinks you are. I heard everything that was said in that little meeting, and have a few things to say about your present situation myself..."

"Haven't I heard enough prattle from you to last me for the next forty years?" Chloe sighed, remembering Zzubo's earlier vow (or threat) about the minimum period the kwami would stay with her for. "Tell you what... if you promise to be a good little bee thingie and climb back into your bag now, I'll give you a double helping of nougats tonight. How does that sound?"

Ignoring the heiress's obvious attempt at bribery, Zzubo continued. "Listen, Chloe. You would miss your best friend. You have behaved terribly for years, and are only now being called out for it. Your unpopularity does not stem from your classmates jealousy, but because of your reprehensible treatment of them. From what I can understand, your father has been giving you bad advice since you were small about how to conduct yourself. All of this you understand on some basic level, but you choose to ignore it. You've developed quite a large wall to keep out your self-doubt and fears, haven't you? Well I'm sorry, now that I'm here, that edifice is going to come tumbling down. We are going to take out each individual brick together, and in the end, when the entire structure has collapsed, you will be a new person that I'm sure your mother would have been proud of..."

"DON'T BRING MY MOTHER INTO THIS, YOU... FREAK!" Chloe could no longer control herself, and launched herself at the kwami in a whirlwind of sharp nails, gnashing teeth and messy hair. "YOU DON'T KNOW THE FIRST THING ABOUT ME... HER... WHAT I'VE HAD TO DEAL WITH! JUST... GO AWAY! GET OUT OF MY LIFE! YOU CAN'T HELP ME... NO-ONE CAN!"

Looking at the hugely disproportunate size between the blonde and the tiny bee creature, you might have thought the upcoming fight would be a mismatch on an epic scale. You'd have be absolutely right too. Zzubo was far too strong for her new mistress.

In fact, there wasn't even a battle. A few seconds after her initial assault which the kwami casually dodged in the air, Chloe found herself pinned to the floor, a familiar yellow and black figure spread over her face, half-hugging her, half-restraining her. She was so surprised, once again, by the small being's deceptive strength, she stopped her flow of tears and could only listen as a comforting but firm voice whispered in her ear.

"You're right in one respect, Chloe Bourgeois. I don't know much about you, but I'm willing to learn. That's why I want you to tell me everything... your past, present, plans for the future, basically what makes you, you. Considering we're going to be almost lifelong partners now, I think it would be somewhat useful, if I'm going to help you... and help you I will, whether I have your permission, or not. I've told you this before, but it bears repeating: I'm not going anywhere, and it's about time you accepted that fact. Besides, though I'm sure you'd deny it, I think I'm growing on you a bit, wouldn't you say?"

"W-what?!" Chloe swiftly switched from being transfixed by Zzubo's pithy words to blushing madly. She would have jumped up there and then to escape the clutches of the kwami, if the bee creature didn't have her in a death grip/embrace.

"Oh, don't be so shocked..." Zzubo's antenna tickled the heiress's chin. "A lot of my users have had initial reservations about me over the years. Say I'm obnoxious. Too opinionated. Always speak my mind. Yes, they're right... but it this really a bad thing? It's helped them, for the most part, to see the error of their ways, and in the vast majority of cases when we've parted, it's been as very good friends..."

" 'For the most part' and 'the vast majority of cases'?" Chloe slightly smirked, suddenly sensing the opportunity for a tease. "You mean... the great, incorruptable, selfless, satisfaction-guaranteed Zzubo has actually been known to fail? Well I must say, I am amazed. Let me guess, it was their fault, and not yours? Hmm... now who's the one blind to their flaws...?"

"Don't push it, Chloe." Zzubo glowered, having heard enough from Master Fu over the years concerning her tendency to shoot her mouth off. "This is about you, not me. The one thing you need to understand is, unlike my previous hosts, I don't have the luxury of quitting here. The state the world is in right now, my powers are essential to contribute towards it's preservation. You being the only one who can wield them means that in order for that to happen, you have to change who you are almost completely. Because of this, I'm going to have to be stricter and tougher on you than any other human I've ever encountered . But I think, in the long run, it'll be helpful for both of us. You'll be a much happier, nicer girl, and I'll have earned a reputation among my fellow kwami of being able to change anyone. Let's face it, if I can turn your life around, I can just about do anything."

"... What about if we kill each other first?"

"The thing you have to bear in mind Chloe..." Zzubo buzzed in her ear. "Is that my lifespan is almost eternal. Yours, isn't. So, if it ever came to that, I know who my money would be on. Not that I ever gamble, of course. Or accept bribes, as you just noticed. Now, are you ready to get up, and return to class?"

"... I guess so."

"Your punishment is only going to become more difficult, the more you postpone it, Chloe..." the kwami remarked, as she let the heiress stand. "Remember: problems only escalate if you leave them to fester..."

"Zzubo, I've had just about enough of your..."


That came from the bathroom door.

Chloe and her kwami glanced at each other in confusion.

Who would be tapping on the entrance to the ladies toilets? Unless they were...

"Chloe? Are you in there alone? Can I come in, please?"

... A boy.

Oh, boy...

Author's Note: There you go my lovelies, the next part. A bit shorter than usual, but I'm saving up the best material for later. Trust me: You don't wanna miss it. ;)