"... I said I'm sorry!"
"Well, it's not good enough! Just look at me! I can never go out in sandals again!"
"Isn't there anything I can do to help...?"
"Yes... get in my bag, and stay quiet! You've done quite enough to 'help' me already, thank you very much! I curse the day I ever opened that box. You little... pest!"
Zzubo hovered close by Chloe inside her bathroom early that morning, desperately trying to talk the blonde into some kind of forgiveness. Perhaps the best time though, wasn't when she was in the middle of trimming her newly hirsute feet.
The electric lady shaver she usually used on her legs had proven quite insufficent for the laborious task, so the poor girl was reduced to borrowing one of her father's disposible razors. The sharper blade was having something of an effect, but it took all her energy just to cut off a few tiny strands.
"Ugh, I'm too young to be doing this... Wait, there's never a right time to be 'doing' this!" Chloe moaned, having been hacking away at the insidious growth for the best part of twenty minutes like some kind of jungle explorer. "I can't believe this is my new beauty routine! Get up... wash face... brush hair... shave feet! And every single morning, too! Oh well, at least I'm finished for today..."
The heiress's relief was short-lived however, as she found out after taking a few cursory steps forward. "Ugh, I can still feel the leftover stubble. How the heck am I supposed to cope with having ticklish feet all day?!"
"You'll get used to it, just wear thicker pairs of socks..." Zzubo tried to console her, but like the previous night, her words of solace didn't prove very effective. "I mean, I have manymore bristles than you, and I feel fine..."
"That's because you were born with them, you striped menace..." Chloe snarled, before slipping her trainers back on. "At least no-one can see this horrible stuff... if it was somewhere visible like on my face or hands, I think I would phone in sick for the next century! Later, when word got out, I'd have to run away and join the circus, as a star attraction, 'The Bearded Lady'. Zzubo, are you sure that I'm not going to see any more growth around the rest of my body?!"
" I've already told you, yes... so please try and calm down, Chloe." Zzubo could see the blonde getting more and more agitated at what lay ahead. "You're the same beautiful, intelligent girl you were when we first met... only with a bit more hair on your feet, and a love of all things honey-related now. As long as you have your health, that's the main thing... r-right?"
Giving Zzubo a resentful glare which told the insectoid that it would be in the kwami's own best interest if she stayed quiet for now, Chloe moved onto the far more pleasant-to-the-touch follicles on top of her head. There had been this hit new animated film called 'Defrosted' that had broken all box office records, and the protagonist, some warbling woe-is-me princess with fire powers called Elisa, wore her flaming red locks in a tight braid.
Chloe wanted to see if the style suited her, so as she began to twist her hair into the unfamiliar design, she started wailing the main theme from the film "Keep it out, keep it oouutt..."
Upon hearing the first notes of Chloe's raucous racket of a voice, Zzubo stuck two of her four arms into her ears and swiftly flew out of the room and into her bag, a migraine already coming on. I thought the screaming last night was bad enough, she noted with clenched teeth, but after hearing her singing, all I can say is... bring back the toddler tantrum.
Chloe watched the meddling little nuisance leave the bathroom with a degree of satisfaction. Her ingenious scheme had worked perfectly, with her intentionally bad vocals meaning that she'd finally achieved what she wanted all along that morning: absolute, blissful privacy. She continued to hum, much more tunefully this time, while preparing for the day ahead.
Today's fashion selection from the treasure trove of second hand 'goodies' that Zzubo had so kindly bought Chloe consisted of a garishly coloured purple top with the inspiring feminist mantra 'Hot Chick' emblazoned on the front, and a pair of slightly worn flexible grey jogging bottoms. The heiress's newfound radical mindset, where she valued comfort above trendiness in her attire continued, though it was a bit difficult to continue being a narcissist when you had feet like the Abominable Snowman.
Chloe had also packed some treats for later. Nougats for Zzubo, and a bigger bag of the same confectionery for her. The heiress's honey pangs might be around for a while, and seeing as nougat was virtually made from the stuff, it should satisfy her future cravings.
The sooner this malaise left her though, the better. Chloe couldn't wait to get back to her usual diet of, well, not very much...
Upon her arrival downstairs, there were still a few scattered whispers and glances at her comparatively unkempt appearance from those wandering the hotel, but yesterday's news was yesterday's news, and people were now getting used to the newly 'common' looking Chloe.
Besides, the inhabitants's fear for the mayor and his outbursts far outstripped what curiosity they might have still held for his daughter's recent change in countenance, as the stampede that ensued when he gave the assembled masses a simple glare the other day clearly demonstrated.
Jeeves was outside as he usually was, waiting for her to clamber into his parked limo, but a simple nod from Chloe told the chauffeur that for a second day in a row, the heiress planned to be a pedestrian. Concerned for her safety after the bruising encounter with her father the previous afternoon, he'd hoped to ask her if she was alright on the journey to school... but she seemed okay on the surface, so that settled his worries for now.
Secretly, Chloe had left early that day on purpose to avoid possibly running into her dad again, the first time ever that she'd intentionally missed a possible rendezvous with him. She'd decided that for now she'd seen and heard more than enough from the rigid man, a fact highlighted by the yellow post-it note the heiress had found on her bedroom door that morning. It had simply said 'TONIGHT', an indication that her evening appointment with a certain head doctor was still very much on.
The rest of the hike to school was uneventful, without a peep from Zzubo, who's poor ears were probably still ringing from her wielder's cacophonous serenading earlier.
Chloe did however, unexpectedly spot Kim back at the bridge where she'd so cruelly dumped him months ago. The jock was still drawn to the place apparently, staring out expressionless over the water at that cracked jewel he'd tossed so far after his akumatisation. His sullen mood prickled at her still developing conscience, and if she wasn't completely resolved to try and reconstitute matters, she certainly was now.
So entrenched was Chloe in her thoughts, she completely forgotten about agreeing to meet Lila at the college steps, until she was mere metres away from the confluence. Oh no... she felt a sinking feeling enter the pit of her stomach, as she braced herself for the first of what was sure to be a myriad of exhausting commands that day.
Chloe could only go into this daunting situation with her eyes closed, lest she show how weak she truly felt. Spotting a female figure near the entrance who appeared to be waiting for someone, the heiress resigned herself to her ignominious fate, and shuffled forward with all the enthusiasm she'd resolved for her first smear test.
"I'm ready..." Chloe sighed, but instead of hearing the arrogant chortling of a triumphant Italian, she was greeted with complete silence. Huh? She opened her eyes just a crack...
"What do you mean, 'you're ready'? Have you gone completely mad?! And where were you last night?" Instead of Lila's petite form, there was the bespectacled face of Sabrina, looking very confused. " I tried to call you, but you didn't pick up. Listen, I don't know why I'm doing this, after the way you treated me, but I thought you should know..."
"What is it, Sabrina? I really don't have enough time for your nonsense..." Chloe remarked haughtily, attempting to barge past her ex-friend." I have things I need to do today. Look, if you want to apologise, you're just going to have to wait until later..."
"M-me apologise?! But you're the one who..." Sabrina took a deep breath, and tried to compose herself. "L-listen, I just wanted to tell you. A lot of the other kids at school aren't very happy with you, because..."
"I swear Sabrina... if you've tried to turn them against me, the first thing I'll do is spill all your most embarrassing secrets throughout class, like you did to me with those ladies from Social Services..." Chloe stopped suddenly to point an accusatory finger at a wide-eyed Sabrina. "Like that massive birthmark on your... well, you know. So don't tangle with me, sweetie, because you'll end up in little pieces all over the floor. I can't believe how petty and jealous you've been of late..."
"M-me, petty and jealous?! Why I never..." Sabrina frowned deeply, finally deciding at that moment to give up on doing 'the right thing'. "You know what, Chloe? You deserve everything you get. I thought I'd come here and warn you because of our old friendship, but you're just impossible to talk to these days. I hope you enjoy everything that's in store. Well, see ya."
And with that oblique statement, Sabrina turned her back fully on her former friend to march up the stairs to school, with her head held high.
"Well, that was odd..." Chloe pondered for a moment over what the redhead could have meant, before her attention was diverted by a silent figure sneaking past nearby, almost on tiptoe. Even in her peripheral vision, she could recognise that long brown hair and those mischievous olive green eyes.
Oh great, my day just gets better, Chloe sighed, ready to carry Lila's bag or kiss her muddy shoes, amongst other such indignities.
But then, she noticed something was different. Instead of a having a twisted smirk on her face at the sight of the heiress being at her mercy, the Italian seemed very anxious, a bit frightened even, and she shyly backed away while softly murmuring "H-hi..."
"Well, what would have me do first..." Chloe rolled her eyes, thinking that this skittish facade was all part of Lila's little 'performance'. "Lend you a thousand euros? Give you a diamond ring? Take you for a ride in Concorde, after recommissioning it?"
"N-no, don't be silly, Chloe..." Lila remarked, looking around everywhere as if she suspected she was under hidden surveillance. "Y-you and me are good friends, a-aren't we? A-and good friends never order each other around like that..."
"Huh?" Chloe couldn't believe her ears. Had she suddenly wandered onto the set of Invasion of the Body Snatchers by mistake? Hollywood really should stop remaking the classics. "B-but you said... our deal..."
"That deal is cancelled now, and your weird secret is safe with me, no strings attached. That alright with you, Chloe? I-I'll see you in class, oh good pal of mine..." Lila whispered directly in the heiress's ear, and before Chloe knew it the Italian was off, taking tentative steps inside the building and looking like anything but the confident teenager she previously was.
"Well, that was odder.." Chloe shook her head in bafflement, before making her own way to her first period of the day.
The minute she entered the building, Chloe could tell that something was wrong. Very wrong. Everywhere she walked in school, people were pointing and staring at her, not to mention suspending their private conversations as she went around corners to catch them in the act.
What's the matter with me, she pondered desperately, feeling all of a sudden like a fox in the henhouse, I thought they'd be used to my new clothes and hair by now. Something in the depths of her mind told her she should have listened to Sabrina before venturing forward, but it was too late for that now. She just had to get to class, and everything would be alright. She reached the door, and gently nudged it open...
A bucket of water had fallen off the top of the frame, to land squarely on her head. It was pretty foul smelling stuff too, and must have come from some stagnant pond. Stunned by the sudden appearance of the pail and the less-than-pleasant aroma of it's contents, she barely registered the chuckling by her side, and the sound of a jubilant voice raised in victory... "Oh, that felt good..."
Upon lifting up the now empty bucket, Chloe saw a grinning Alix nearby, who'd obviously waited for her arrival, and knocked off the pail with a mop at just the right moment (or just the wrong moment for the heiress).
As for the rest of the class, most of them were just sitting down, glaring with hatred at her as if she'd committed some unknown, unpardonable sin, even Juleka. Marinette looked crosser than most as she attending to a visibly weeping Alya, while Kim, Lila and Adrien were absent, for now.
That's when it hit Chloe...
That's what Sabrina had been trying to warn her about...
Alya's mother must had gotten fired quickly after Chloe's 'chat' with the mayor, and the terrible news must have traveled through the class like wildfire... after all, they all had their phones (apart from Chloe, until recently).
Based on her past reputation, it was only natural that they'd assume she was to blame, and so they planned this revenge 'prank' together.
How childish, Chloe noted in annoyance, but the fact she was soaking wet and stunk like she'd taken a dip in the sewers didn't really bother her too much, like it would have until very recently.
No, what aggravated her to an almost unbearable degree, was that now she was apparently back to square one in terms of her relations with the other students.
Only, it would be even worse now, because she'd raised their hopes with her 'fresh start' only to, on the surface, betray them. How could she convince her peers that the cook's sacking wasn't her fault, based on her appalling track record?
With great difficulty... Chloe realised, as the vile fluid continued to run down her back. Thanks, Dad.
At this inconvenient juncture, Adrien came rushing in, looking flushed and obviously with something to say.
"G-guys, I just found out what you're about to do..." The blonde model stammered, while catching his breath. "A-and I came to ask you to stop. There must be a simple explanation..."
He stopped talking when he saw a very wet and dripping Chloe close by, a dry pail in her hands and a sour expression on her face. "...Oh." He rest of his words died in his throat.
Great timing 'Adrikins'... if you'd arrived sixty seconds earlier...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'd like to dedicate this chapter to one NYuki-rin, who designed my BRILLIANT new front cover. Pretty snazzy...
Also, keep reading... things are about to get even more difficult and angsty for our drenched heroine. Sad, but it wouldn't be half as interesting if everything came easy now, would it? ;)