In any other city in the world, the sight of a teenage girl chasing a magical talking bee around her room in nothing but her bra and knickers would indeed be a major discussion point.
But this was Paris, where recent incidences included the illusionary razing of a block of buildings which was eventually thwarted by a passing pigeon, and where the entire adult population found themselves suspended above the skyline encased in powerful bubbles one fine day. So, in the great scheme of things, maybe the current underdressed pursuit in Le Grand Hotel wasn't quite as unusual as it first seemed.
Regardless, it was a pretty hopeless task for the human element in this frenzied dash, otherwise known as Chloe Bourgeois-Marigold. After all, the object of her scorn was several thousand years older than her, many times stronger, could travel in the air faster than a speeding jet and was able to pass through solid surfaces as if they didn't even exist. This didn't stop her trying though, despite her mystical quarry's shrill protests to the contrary.
"Chloe, stop this behaviour at once!" Zzubo shouted out loud, as yet another thrown coat hanger arced over her head like a makeshift boomerang. "You're not even giving me chance to explain! And what would happen if someone were to come in now, to see us like this?!"
"I don't know if it's escaped your attention, Zzubo…" Chloe seethed, as she attempted to corner her kwami around a small table. "...But I have the keys to my own room, and I always lock it when I come in! No-one else has a duplicate so I'm not disturbed, apart from Daddy, and he's away… big surprise there. So, you and me are going to sort this out right now, bug-to-girl. Tell me, this instant, what did you do with all of my things?! I thought you said they were in storage. If that's the case, why are half the residents of France pictured wearing them in the national paper?!"
"I didn't want to tell you the truth, because I knew that this is exactly how you'd react!" Zzubo once more simply flit into the wall, only to reappear at the other end of the room. "Don't you remember what you were like a mere few days ago? Your entire world revolved around how much you owned: Clothes you never even wore and expensive items you didn't even care about! Once I removed them from your possession and you began realising they weren't necessary to make you happy, I sort of thought they might be useful for another purpose instead. Hence, my stopover at the charity shop."
"W-Well, you didn't even ask my permission first, did you?" Chloe saw that her kwami had a point, but was still mad at being deceived so brazenly. "...A-And you have no idea of the value of those items! We're not just talking about hundreds of euros, I mean something in the region of thousands. If you combine that with Daddy stopping my allowance possibly forever, how can I possibly cope with going from riches to rags after being used to the 'good life' for so long?
Seeing that Chloe was beginning to show signs of calming down, Zzubo took the chance of flying over to perch delicately on her shoulder. "Being a hero means sacrificing a bit of yourself every day of your life…" the bee creature told the heiress with complete solemnity. "It might impact your lifestyle, relationships, health…who knows. It also translates as helping anyone else who might be in need, in or out of costume. Ask yourself, who would appreciate the overpriced, tacky items that used to fill this room more: The girl who just let them lie around gathering dust, or all the starving families in Paris who'd get money from the charity shop once they were sold? Who knows... because of 'your' selfless act, you could have saved a child from dying of malnutrition, or an old lady from freezing to death. Is it really worth holding onto some useless trinkets you didn't even care about in the first place, if it means not making a real difference in the lives of the most unfortunate in society?"
"I-I…" Chloe stopped stomping around like a caged lion and using Zzubo as a moving target, as the full message behind the kwami's words began to sink in. "... I-I never thought about it like that. N-No-one ever suggested..."
Zzubo grinned from ear to ear and stayed on her future holder's shoulder as she finally sat down, her mind now struggling to process all of these new thoughts. "It's exactly like what I told when we first met. As the mayor's daughter, you hold a lot more power than you think. You can either exploit that influence for pure self-gratification and promotion, and go through life apathetic to the needs of others. This is who you were when you first opened my box. Or, you can use your position to help those who are most desperately in need, to reach out and show true empathy to people who are just barely surviving each day. Not only will you be making a real difference to the lives of millions, but you'll have finally achieved the popularity and importance you've obviously craved for so long… the right way. You have the chance to be a hero both as Queen Bee, and a civilian, Chloe. All you have to do is take it."
Chloe couldn't believe just how much she found herself agreeing with every word Zzubo said. It was like someone had flipped a light switch in her head, after eons of living in the dark. That is, until she remembered one major obstacle which could ruin everything before it even got underway, if she chose to give as much of herself as was being suggested.
"M-My F-Father…" she stuttered anxiously. If he was mad at her for not listening to him earlier, he would be positively apoplectic when he discovered his daughter planned giving up every ounce of her so-called 'privilege' to benefit those in poverty, who mostly were there in the first place due to his barbaric tax and spend policies.
"Your father is not you…" Zzubo flew directly in front of Chloe, to reflect the heiress's pensive visage in her many-faceted bug eyes. "... And soon, you'll be old enough to make your own decisions. After all, wasn't it you that said to him yourself that you'd no intention of being his 'vote winner' anymore? Sure, you could be comfortable living off his wealth, posing at all of those posh parties, making the front page of the glamorous magazines you read, although I noticed you'd dumped them in the bin this morning. But, is that the real you? Something tells me, that it's not. Not any longer, anyway…"
Chloe thought back over all of her newfound revelations of the last few days, at how ashamed she'd been while taking stock of her past behaviour, that being rich and famous meant nothing unless you had true friends too, and the fact that the most joy she'd felt for literally years was the look on Ivan's face when she'd helped him write that song, or Mylene's when she told her she looked great, or Alya's before everything went wrong…
"I-I w-want to be…" Chloe felt her eyes fill with tears, but ones which were now filled with the pleasant enrichment of tender happiness. "J-Just like m-my m-mother…"
"I thought you might say that…" Zzubo was heard to reply, before the destined pair went to embrace each other exactly at the same time, the heiress's dribbling eye moisture being fully absorbed into the bee creature's soft bristles, while the kwami's soothing buzz helped finally give Chloe peace and clarity of mind.
After a few heavenly minutes of snuggling the duo finally parted ways, each one dwelling on just how far their relationship had come in less than one short week. Before then, Chloe would have quite happily surrendered Zzubo to the unyielding mercy of the local exterminator, and the bee creature would've picked any other master than the formerly conceited blonde. Even Hawk Moth, in all likelihood.
Now, they couldn't even imagine being separated ever again. Chloe had come to accept the kwami as a secondary parental figure with relish, even to the extent of writing down her new three-barreled name without so much as a second thought. If anyone dared enquire as to it's origin, all they got in response was the infamous Bourgeois glare, which basically translated as 'Mind Your Own Business'. Needless to say, there were no more questions after that.
Zzubo too, despite the myriad of fine superheroes that had served with her over the millennia she'd been active, had never felt as close to any of them as she did to the reforming heiress. Perhaps it was because the bee creature saw something of herself in Chloe: The sassy, stubborn front which hid a big heart underneath. All it would take is a bit more digging, and soon the whole world would see it, too. In any case, the kwami now made a silent vow to guide and protect the precious child she now thought of a daughter, whatever might happen next. Speaking of which…
"I don't wish to break up this special 'moment' we're having here…" Zzubo remarked, her thoughts suddenly returning to the present. "...But I've still got to tell you about what happened to me today, during my enforced absence. It's something we should discuss as soon as possible, because the consequences could be more far-reaching than either of us can comprehend…"
"Enforced?! So, I was right… you were captured." Chloe jovial mood was cut short almost instantaneously. "...And I know who did it, too. Just you wait til' I get my hands on her. Again, I mean."
"No, you mustn't confront Lila straightaway!" Zzubo decried this idea, but in doing so inadvertantly confirmed the heiress's suspicions about who was responsible. "That's what I was going to say before our little set-to, exercise extreme caution in your next move! Along with a few other essential things, but we can talk more about them as you're getting dressed. I would suggest something formal, as you've still got that appointment with the psychiatrist to 'look forward' to tonight, remember?"
"What?" Chloe looked down to stare at her highly visible cleavage and belly button in earnest, her sudden eruption in front of Zzubo and subsequent reconciliation completely making her forget about her state of undress. "Oops. S-Sorry…"
"You don't have to apologise." The insectoid gave the blonde a gentle smile, while patting her on the head. "It doesn't mean anything to me. Remember, on our first night together? I saw all of you in the showe…"
For once, Zzubo was caught out by the flying tube of talcum powder that was unexpectedly thrust in her direction, and sneezed repeatedly upon inhaling the white powdery substance, making any further attempts at communication impossible for now.
"Good, that's taken care of you…" Chloe growled, as she rummaged about in the deeper recesses of her new cheaper wardrobe (which she now pretty much preferred to the old one, regardless of cost). "Now, maybe I can get ready in peace."
AUTHOR'S NOTE: One or two more parts, and I think we can wrap up day four. It's my intention to have this fic finished by Sep/Oct when the new season allegedly airs, but with my busy schedule, who knows. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to comment! Bye for now, loves! x :)