They woke up to pack their suitcases so they could head out for their honeymoon. The moment they were done most likely him since hers had been unpacked, she just sat on the Ber looking at him.

"Are you gonna just sit there and not even offer to help?"

"I would help but this is much better. Watching you folding your clothes."

"What kind of a wife are you?"

"The good one,"

"How can you be good if you can't help pack? After all this is pur honeymoon and not only mine."

"And those are your clothes and not mine."

"Don't you think you are rather mean at the moment?"

"No I'm perfectly fine."

He muttered curses under his breath and she was giggling at how he was behaving. He was making her day with the way he was acting, and to think that he is the one that call her overdramatic when he is one who is overdramatic.

As he finished packing up his suitcase he grabbed her hand, and they walked to the car that was going to take them to the airport. She looked at him and he could feel the same love that she had for him since 5 years ago.

♥♥Brittany's POV♥♥

As we walked towards the private jet Blake had decided that it would be best if we went to 4 different countries for our honeymoon. He decided that we would spend 3 days in one country then move to the next.

I didn't like the idea of moving after every 3 days. We entered the private jet and we took our seat as I was about to seat on my seat Blake came out of nowhere and grabbed my waist, before placing me on his lap as if I was a child.

"Blake we both know that I am a grown ass woman and you cannot place me on your lap as if I am a kid."

"Darling we both know that you are my wife which means you can swat on my lap anytime you need."

"I think you have lost your mind."

"I loose my mind every time it comes to you."

"Stop being cheesy it's not going to work on me."

"I would be cheesy with a stranger but I'm just romantic with my wife."

"Oh really you know romance that's new."

"It's not new you just never paid attention to my love."

"I did and I got hurt in the end."

"Brittany I already told I never cheated on you."

"If you never cheated on me then how did you end up in bed with that woman."

"I don't know I was in the parking lot coming to pick you up and the next thing I remember was waking up to that woman."

"Really now Blake."

"By the way how did you know that hotel cause as long as I remember I was just coming to pick you up. I had everything organized I was going to propose to you."

"Well Sam told me that you told her to come pick me up and the next thing was we walked in on you and that girl."

"But how did Sam know the hotel if I never talked to her let alone ask her to bring you there."

I got up from his lap as soon as it was safe and sat across him. I looked at him just in shock he says he never asked Sam to bring me there then how did she know which hotel to bring to.

"How did she know which room it was?" He asked which made me wonder.

"Okay we'll sort this when we get back but for now let us enjoy our honeymoon" he said.

"You're right we will sort this out when we get back home" I replied.

♣♣NO POV♣♣

As soon as she said that he pulled her back and she was soon back on his lap.

"Oh boy here we go again."

"What are you talking about."

"Me back on your lap. The only this left is for you to hold me as if I am a new born baby." He cradles her like a baby.

"But you're my baby."

"Blake put me down this instant."

"Or what?"

"Or you will sleep on the couch tonight."

"Sorry 'baby' no can do. I have to get my way with you for the entire night and there's nothing that's going to stand in my way."

"Really what if I stand in your way?"

"You won't."

"How the heck can you know?"

"Let's for one you can't resist me second you love me way too much."

"Love you! Where the fuck did you get that from?"

"Baby don't curse, cursing doesn't look good on you."

"Only I know what looks good on me..."

"And cursing certainty does not. It only looks good when you curse when I am buried deep inside of you."

"Does everything we have to talk about come back with you thinking about sex."

"Darling! Sex is for strangers. We married people make love ams not sex."

She huffed as she knew the was no way of winning and argument with him. He would always make it impossible for you to end up with the last word.

She laid her head on his shoulder as she felt tired but then he decided to place a kiss on her neck.

"Blake please I am tired."

"That's fine you can rest here but when we get to the hotel I will have my way with you all day long."

"That's fine but please let me sleep now."

He started to rub her back and made her more comfortable in a way that she can sleep and not wake up with a sore neck. He laid his head on top of hers and wrapped his arm around her tightly.

Blake watched her sleep and knew that he would never leave his side ever again. Even though he knew that he should find out how Samantha knew where he was he still wanted to enjoy his holiday.

He wanted to use this time to spend time with Brittany to make up for lost times. It had been years since he last saw her smile and as soon as they find the reason what happened five years ago would be great. They would be able to sort out their differences and move ahead in life.