For their second day in Paris they decided to go on a picnic. As they sat on the ground and looked at the wonderful sky.

"It's really a beautiful city" she said.

"It is isn't it" he replied.

"Yeah and this place is beautiful."

"I know

I can see."

"Do you think if we can do it hear the people around will hear us."

"My goodness have some shame."

"What shame I am trying to give your mother a grandchild."

"Oh heavens above! Are you in cahoots with her."

"Of course! She wants a grandchild and I want a kid."

"But I'm nor ready."

"I am!"

"Are you really ready for such a big responsibility."


"If you ready doesn't mean that I am."

"And why aren't you" he asked, she gave him a annoyed look.

"Blake I'm just not ready. Haven't you seen how many women die during child birth?"

"But that doesn't mean will happen with you."

"It might not but have you ever pushed a baby out of your vagina?"


"Exactly neither had I and you think that is something to not be terrified about."

"But I'll be there."

"But you not the one pushing the baby out of your vagina."


"But what?"


He sighed and and kept quite one way or another he was going to plant a baby inside. He knew that the moment she becomes pregnant, she was going to love the baby regardless of her fears.


They had the  typical romantic picnic food. They had the bite size fruit, the tiny sandwiches, silly candy and soft cheese and crackers. He took a cracker and applied the soft cheese and fed her.


They lay down and enjoyed the silence of the park and the blue sky. They started cloud gazing. It was a beautiful moment between them and she was the happiest woman at the moment.


Soon they got up and walked to the car to go and explore the rest of the day.

"So where dog you wanna go next?" He asked which caused her to turn to him.

"Back at the hotel." She replied.

"Wanna have fun there?" He asked while wiggling this eyebrow.

"No Blake I am really tired, last night was great but now I need rest."

"Okay my love."

He said and rested the issue. He was certain that him being flirtatious all the time was kinda of making the situation worse. He was scared of losing her if she ever found out the truth behind  their marriage.




The next day they went to the airport for the second country that they were going. Blake decided that they would be going to Mumbai the city in India where dreams happen.


He had planned that as part of their honeymoon because he knew how much Brittany appreciated good food. India served the most spiciest food and he knew that she would enjoy every moment.


Brittany had no idea where their second country that they were going to. Blake didn't want to tell her where they were going cause he wanted it to be a surprise.

"Blake please tell me we are going."

"No I told you that it is a surprise."

"It doesn't have to be I promise I will act surprise when we get there."

"Now where would be the fun in that?"

"What do you mean?"

"What would be fun if you knew exactly where I am taking you? Even you were to act surprise it still won't be the same."

"But Blake you know that I lack patience."

"That I know but you will have to be patient with this one."

"You are so mean."

"And you are so childish."

"Am not."

"Are to."

"Am not."

"Are to."

"Am not,"

"Are to,"

"Am not,"

"Are to,"

"Am not you just jealous that I'm way cooler than you."

"What there to be jealous."

"Well I'm more pretty than you."

"Are not I am not pretty but I am very handsome."

"Puh_lease as if anyone would find you attractive."

"Really well you did."

"Who said I did?"

"Let me think," he said while looking up as if he was really thinking.

"How about the time where you murmur in your sleep how attractive you find me? Or the time where you blabber about how I am always on your thought."

"Now you're lying and I know myself that I would never say something like that."

"You want proof."

"Damn right I want proof."


He said and took out his phone and showed her the video he took when she was talking in her sleep.

"So you invaded my privacy."

"How did I invade your privacy if we share the same bed."

"I wasn't conscious was I."

"No you were not."


She said and huffed. She was angry at herself because she was embarrassed that he knew that she was dreaming about him.


♣♣♣Brittany POV♣♣♣


I was so embarrassed that he knew that I was dreaming about him. It was just that he always made a way to enter my head. I just never thought that I would fall for him again this time, but then it's not like I was ever over him.


Looking at him right now with the air hostess trying to get his attention, but he was just looking at me  made me giddy inside. She even was adjusting her boobs as if she didn't see me sitting in front of him.

"Can you leave already."

"What is your problem?" She asked putting her hands on her hip while glaring at me.

"My problem? Excuse me bitch but we own this jet."

"He does not you" she fired back.

"Well she's my wife and everything I own is hers as well. So if you could do us a favour would you leave."

"Wife bit I am so much better than her" she replied.

"At what way" I asked and before she could even form words to reply I added. "I run multi billionaire companies while you serve drinks to people in a plane."

She glare at me as if she could kill me and decided to jump at me. She wrapped her hands around my neck and when Blake made a move to come and help I shot him a glance and he backed off.

I kicked her in her stomach which made her to drop her hands and before she could get up I punched her that she passed out. She laid there unmoving until one of her coworkers came to take her. They apologized for her behavior and Blake made it clear that she was to get off when we landed.

"That was some ass moves, I guess that those karate lessons did pay off."

"Of course they did."

"And I think that I love you more now."

"Did you love me any less?"

"Of course not" he said and crushed his lips on mine.