They left the hotel and walked down the street in the late afternoon of Mumbai. Brittany was so happy to in this country. They had tried pow bahji which was famous for being just simply delicious.


The walked down the street of Mumbai tasting all the local delicacy. She just simply enjoyed the lovely food they had.

Soon it was night time and they watched the sunset together. It was a romantic moment and they did get a lot of stares from the local people.


"This country is beautiful" Brittany said

"I know right it's too bad that we cannot explore the entire country" he replied

"Maybe next time we can explore."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."


Blake was really sweet and I can't I believe that he would bring me back so we can explore the whole country. I feel bad for misjudging him. I am so glad that he forgave me.


"Blake you have to admit that the food in India is so much better."

"Better but they use to much spice."

"You are not used to eating spicy food so what did you expect."

"You know that I have never like spicy food."

"Why because you burn your tongue every time you eat it."

"And you think that it is funny every time."

"That's because it is."

"Really how?"

"A grown ass man sticking his tongue out like a dog."

"So you think that I am a dog?"

"I didn't say you are one."

"But you are comparing me to one."

"But it's different."

"Tell me how it is different."

"I said you stick your tongue out like a dog and not that you are one."

"So tell me the difference between what you said 'like' in comparing me to a dog."

"But you not getting my point."

"I didn't realise that you have a point."

"Blake you know I always have a point when we argue and you never ever have a point."

"Keep telling yourself that cause as I recall I'm the only one who always have a point."

"You never have a point you just have a big ego."

"I do not" Blake said and placed a hand on his waist.

"Yes you are and you and you are quite the big drama queen."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Oh shut" he said and playfully pushed me.

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She playfully him back and he pilled her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around him as they shared a hug. They ended up asking the local people to take their picture.

Blake was planning on making a album that would have all their pictures that they took whole they were on their honeymoon. Brittany had no idea of the surprise that he had for her.

They broke the hug and Blake craned Brittany's neck so that he could look into her eyes.

"I have always loved you emerald green eyes and your blazing fire hair."

"And I always admired your ember green eyes. They light every you smile."

"Really I never noticed."

"How can you notice when you can't look into your own eyes?"

"Very funny."

"I know."


Blake looked at and just shook his head. He loved her to bits and he wondered when would be the right time to confess his feelings for her. He had wanted to tell her about how he truly feel on their wedding night but couldn't bring himself to tell her.

"Brittany it is getting late we should head back."


Sh said and together they walked together hand in hand. They hired a taxi a they went back to the hotel. The moment they reached there Blake opened the door and when she walked in she found the hotel room was being romantically lit. There room had candles all over, there was rose petals everywhere.


Even in the bathtub there was a bubble bath ready with rose petals on top. She looked around the place with tears in her eyes. No one had ever done something like this but then she had never been married.

"Blake" she said and ran into his arms she cried in joy ad she looked around the room.

"I hope you crying from happiness and not because you don't like it."

"Shut up Blake why must you always ruin the moment?"

"So you're not crying because you don't like it."

"No I'm crying because I love it. No one has ever done something like this for me."

"I'm glad I'm your first in everything."

"And you like that don't."

"No I don't like it..."


"I love it!"

"Why didn't you say so you made worry for no reason."

"I would have said it if only you could let me finish my word."

"I would like to enjoy the bathtub first before going to enjoy the bed."

"You want that don't you?" He said while wiggling his eyebrows. She laughed and dragged him to the bathroom.


They had the greatest night. Blake made love to Brittany all night long.