Blake passed around. 'How am I going to find her.?" He paced around it's been three hours since Samantha called to tell him that Brittany has been kidnapped. 'What could Brittany have done that goons needs to kidnapped' he wondered.


He called Brittany to tell the news. He also told them that she found and got angry and so she went to Samantha's place.


I went straight to their house and we talked about how could the goons could have known that she would be at Samantha's place, since she went there straight from the airport. There was a lot of unanswered questions that kept coming back and forth.


As we all sat there I got a call from an unknown number. I took the call and putted it on loud speaker.

Blake: Blake speaking who are you?

Unknown: Don't you remember me my love?

Blake: Look I don't know whoever you are.

Unknown: And yet it seems that I have your wife.

Blake stopped breathing for a moment. His Brittany was she alright as he kept on asking himself.

Blake: What do you want? If it's money I'm ready to pay.

Unknown: Five millions and a night with you.

Blake: What?

Unknown: Blake I told you that you would hear from me again.

Blake: Mandy?

Unknown: Who else and remember if you don't do as you are told you going to receive Brittany in a body bag.

She cut the call and I turned to watch her parents.

"Do you know who that was."

"Yeah it's Mandy she was my assistant. She became obsessed with me so I fired her."

"Well this is crazy."

♣Brittany POV♣

I watched as the goons walked into the house and matched straight to me.  When she tried to fight off the goon I was touched, she putted her life at stake to save mine.


I woke up to see myself tied on the chair. My hand, my feet, and to top it off my wrist was in a whole lot of pain. It was then that I remembered how the door was kicked open and the goons entered in.


'Samantha' my thought came across her. Was she safe, okay I saw how they pushed her when she tried to stop them from taking me. She was such a good friend I hope that she is doing well.


I looked at where I was, I was locked in a small dirty room but it looked like a basement. It was so dark, and I was scared to shit. I have never liked the dark it's why Blake hold me so tight when we sleep.

'Blake' I sighed if he were here then he would scoop me into his arms, and hold me tight until I was calm. I'm starting to feel like it's my fault, after all he had tried to stop me from leaving.


'Blake if you listening and if you perhaps still love me despite my foolishness, I promise I will always listen to what you say' I thought. I kinda of felt like this message is a message that I am sending him through my mind.


When my father had said that I was always rushing into making decisions, well now it proved it. Instead of listening to him I just walked out of the car and left. Would he be looking for me? I wonder.

I heard the clicking of keys in the door, before it was wide open. A lady along side with a man walked in.

"What do you want me?" I asked but received a smack instead, I felt my cheek stinging in pain.

"You do not get to question us" she replied while walking around the room.

"You know Brittany I always knew that you were a fool."

"How do you know my name?" I asked but she just laughed.

"Would I kidnap you if I didn't know your name?" She snickered.

"Please let me go I promise I won't tell the police" I pleaded.

"Really? In what have you been living? When have you ever seen a kidnapper kidnapping someone only to release them?" She asked annoyed and at the moment I realised that my plea was kinda stupid.

"What do you want from me?"

"I want Blake. Will you give him to me?"


"Yes Blake, you for someone who is handling multi-billionaire companies you are quite stupid."


"You really are a fool. That incident that happened five years ago was planned, poor Blake was ready to propose to  you."

What Blake was going to propose then how did he end up in bed with another woman.

"I know what you are thinking, you thinking that if Blake was going to propose then how did he end up in bed with another woman." Wow was she a mind reader.

"I'm not a mind reader, I'm just smarter than you." Okay now who the heck does this bitch think she is.

"Well since you are here I might as well tell you. Blake was so stupid to leave his drink to go and talk to you. We putted a drug inside his drink, and when he passed out we called a random girl got her naked and him naked. Then you walked in just on time as he was waking up. You have always been stupid, you always think that everything is about you."

Now I was in tears, Blake had already told me that he would never cheat on me, but I never listened. I let my stubbornness and stupidity ruin it. Will he ever forgive me for doubting him.

"And just as it turned you didn't let him explain, instead you broke up  with him, which was what we wanted. He was supposed to run to me as I was his PA, so we would have been together and seen each other everyday. But then that didn't happen, instead he wasted all his time by searching for proof to prove his innocence to you."



Oh Blake I am so sorry that I didn't believe you when you told me you were innocent. I am such a fool.

"Then we found out the reason why you two got married, and knowing how much you hate being betrayed, we paid a random guy to call and when you heard you did exactly what we wanted you to do."

Oh my word I had fallen into their trap.

"Yep you said it right you fell straight into the trap and taking you was so much easier."