♣Blake's POV♣

"John can you trace the number?"

"Sure let me take a look."


He said and I handed him my phone which had the number in it. He took the phone and typed the number into his laptop.

"I've got the location."

"Great! Where is it?"

"It point to some house near the beach."

"Really a beach house! They're really amateurs" Lorenzo said while shaking his head.

We left to the location. John and I was in one car and Lorenzo in his own, his men followed behind. I hope Brittany is doing fine, what am I thinking? That bitch will make sure Brittany suffers.

We reached at the beach house. Lorenzo walked out his car and said that he would be in charge, I of course let him lead since I have no experience in this particular department.

Some of his men went through the back door. We soon followed and as we were walking around, I saw Samantha sitting with Mandy sharing a drink. I stopped them and told them we needed to listen to what they were saying.


"Mandy I hope you are ready to do your part of the plan" Blake heard Samantha say.

"Of course I am, I am going to make sure that Brittany sees the video of me and Blake making love." Mandy said with a smirk.

"That is brilliant, she will be so heartbroken. I will be the five million and you get the baby." Samantha replied while laughing.

"You bet I will. I know that Blake won't want to cum inside me, so I have a plan for that. I also know that he would want to use a condom and so I will take the sperms from there." Blake was shocked to the extent that Mandy went.

"But don't you think putting in the basement was a bad idea?" Samantha asked.

"Nope besides no one will know that she is there, unless one of us or the guys say a thing." Mandy shrugged.

"Trust me my lips are sealed." Samantha said while making a zip on her lips and threw away the key.

"So tell me how are you and that hunk of yours?" Mandy asked Samantha while taking a sip of her champagne.

"He's really pissing me off, he never buys me anything. When I tried to break up with him, he slapped me and said that I belonged to him. He said if I want to be separated from him then he is prepared to kill me."


"Apparently he doesn't anyone else to have me, but he is so fucking good in bed that even I don't want to leave him." She said with list in her eyes.

"I'm just glad that after this whole thing I will be free of Brittany. I am so tired pretending to be her loving, caring best friend." Blake was shocked hearing all of this.

"That plan five years ago was a genius plan, but Blake ruined it by searching for proof to prove his innocence." Samantha spitted our.

"Blake should have been mine in the first place, imagine I was in love with him since high school, but he would never notice anything when Brittany was around." She said it with so much venom.

Blake, John and Lorenzo made their way to the basement to get Brittany out. Blake was so shocked that he doesn't know how Brittany will handle the betrayal from Samantha. After all she saw Samantha like her sister.

She was going to be  crushed. "It'll be okay,  you will be there for her." Lorenzo said while patting Blake on the back.

John opened the door and the three men walked inside. They scanned the sight to see where Brittany was. Blake's eyes landed on woman who was passed out on the floor.

Blake's heart stopped when he realised that it was Brittany, his knees grew weak and as he was about to fall Lorenzo and John caught him before he could hit the ground.

"Blake go get her so we can get out." John said and encouraged Blake to get up. Blake got up and walked to Brittany, he bent down and picked her in his arms. Just as he turned he saw Mandy at the door.

Mandy stood at the door with six of her men, they all had tattoos on  their hand, it was a tattoo of a scorpion. Lorenzo recognized the gang as his rival gang. He had always wanted to them, but they always escaped.


"Blake I won't let you take her." She said while walking inside.

"Let me see who stops me."

"They will" she said and made a move for them to attack.

The moment they saw Lorenzo, they stopped in their tracks.

"What are you doing attack them?" She shouted at them.

"Man we fucked up let's go" one of them said and all of them flee from place. Lorenzo called his men outside and told them to capture the scorpion hang members.

"Well now I see that it's what they said. 'If you want the job done, you have to do it yourself' Blake I will not let Brittany walk out here alive. I will not allow her separate you from me again. I will not let her win this time." She screamed as she reached for her gun.

"I don't have time for this" he muttered under his breath.

"Don't worry go I will take care of this." Lorenzo said.

When Blake turned to walk away but Mandy aimed the gun to shoot. She fired the gun and Blake moved aside just in time before the bullet could hit Brittany.

"Blake if I can't make you are nor mine then no one else can have you" she said said and pulled the aimed to shoot him.

Before she could pull the trigger, Lorenzo shot her in the middle of her eyes. They watched her body fall down. Blake walked put of the house to find the cops outside. When they wanted to ask question Blake told them to leave them alone.

All Blake wanted to do was go home and take care of Brittany. First thing he did was call Brittany's parents and told them that he found, but they should tomorrow. He thanked Lorenzo and John and took Brittany upstairs to their room.

He made sure to wash her and dressed the wound. He was going to take her to the hospital first thing when she wake up.