It has been a week, since the kidnapping, Brittany's whipping marks had already faded. They were not deep enough to leave scars.

Brittany and Blake decided to take a walk in their garden. This would be the first time that she saw it, she hasn't even seen the whole house yet.

They had gotten married and left for their honeymoon soon after. As they were walking around, Brittany started to feel dizzy.

"Britt are you okay?"

"Yeah, just dizzy."

"Should we go back inside?"

"No it's fine."

"Do you think it's the heat?"

"Probably..." She fell on the grass before she could finish what she wanted to say.

"BRITTANY!!!" He shouted as he raced to her side.

He picked her up gently and took her to his car, he drove to the hospital in full speed, but also kept in mind that Brittany was at the back.

He reached at the hospital and he called for help. They arrived with a stretcher and laid her down. The doctor took a sample of her blood, with Blake pacing around asking if she was okay.

The doctor returned moments later with the results.

"Blake congratulations!"


"Your wife is pregnant, you are going to be a father."

There was silence at the moment, he was still in shock.

"Don't tell that is how you are going to stay all day?"

She asked as she opened her eyes slowly, but shut them again due the bright light.

"Brittany you're pregnant." Be said as he almost jumped on her.

"I know I heard the doctor."

"I'm going to be a father!" She smiled at him as he kept on mumbling yo himself.

Brittany looker at the doctor since Blake was still talking to himself. At the moment they way he was mumbling, someone would think he that has gone mad.

"So you're that doctor?" She asked.

"Which doctor?" He asked looking confused.

"The one that told Blake that I needed to eat soup!"

"Oh yes that would be me!"

She sat up straight and looked at him. She stood up from the bed and walked towards him. She grabbed onto his collar and pulled him down to her level.

"Who in the hell gave you the permission to tell me to eat soup?"

"I am your doctor!"

"Doctor my foot, you wanted to kill?"


"I knew it! You wanted to kill me, that's the whole reason you wanted me to eat soup."

"No! It was because your body can only eat soft food."

"Now you listen to me very carefully, next time think before yelling my husband that I need to eat soft food, cause next time I will make sure that I deal with you personally."


"No! You listen no one and I mean no one in their right mind would choose to eat soup. That food is disgusting..."

"Okay Brittany that's enough, I am sure he gets your message, come now lie down until the doctor dismiss you."

"But Blake I need to teach him a lesson."

"I am sure that he gets the point, right doctor?"

"Yes!" The doctor replier and went our of the room.

"Oh my! I need to tell your mother." He said as he dialed Brittany's mother.

Brittany's mother: Hello

Blake: Hello Mrs Watson

Mrs Watson: Blake is everything okay? I hope nothing has happened to Brittany.

Blake: Actually something happened to Brittany!

Mrs Watson: WHAT!!!

Blake: Well she's pregnant!

Mrs Watson: For real? You not lying are you.

Blake: Now why would I lie to my mother in law about something so serious?

Mrs Watson: So you're not joking, playing a prank on me?

Blake: Why would I okay a prank on my sweet mother in-law?

Mrs Watson: Maybe, because you have don't it before, and the fact that you only sweet words when you know you want to get out.

Blake: Wow mother in-law! I never knew that you know me so well.

Mrs Watson: Blake I watched you and Brittany grow, of course I know you both well. If you don't mind give my daughter the phone, I would like to speak with her.

Blake: And here I thought that I was your favourite between the two of us.

Blake handed Brittany the phone and she talked to her mother. After talking to her mother she called Blake's mother to her the news.

Brittany was dismissed after they assured them that everything was good. Before they left the hospital Blake went to pick up the prenatal medication for Brittany and together they left the hospital hand in hand.

Blake was so overjoyed that when they reached home, he picked her up in his arms like a bride.

"Blake put me down. I am capable of walking on my own."

"I know that you can walk on your own, but I won't let you walk in this condition."

"Blake I am just pregnant! Not paralyzed."

"I also know that, but I don't want my daughter to face any difficulties." He said as he set her down on the sofa.

"There won't be any difficulties."

"I know..."

"Can you stop with this saying 'I know'  cause it's really getting to my nerves."


"And besides this baby is going to be a boy."

"No it's going to be a girl."

"No a boy!"

"A girl!"

"A boy!"

"A girl!"

"Who's the  one carrying the baby?"



Blake kept quiet and sat on the sofa next to her. They had no idea that the grandmothers were on their way.

There was a nock on the door, before the maid could even open the door, the door was kicked open, only to reveal the two soon to be grandmothers.

They walked inside with no care, didn't spare the maid a second glance. The moment they saw Brittany sitting on the sofa they rushed over.