Palace Fights Begin-2

These words satisfied Imperial Noble Consort Xi and she immediately ordered her people to bring two sedans one for herself and the other for Jiang Yunyao and what was supposed to be a trip to the peach forest unexpectedly became a trip to the Shoukang palace. In this way, the group moved towards the Shoukang palace.

Within the hallowed halls of the imperial palace, where the air was heavy with the weight of centuries-old secrets, Consort Yuan, swollen with the emperor's child, strode with an air of arrogance befitting her newfound status. Oblivious to the silent whispers that trailed in her wake, she made her way to pay respects to the revered Empress Dowager, her mind consumed by thoughts of her own burgeoning power.

As Consort Yuan knelt before the Empress Dowager, her head bowed in deference, she began to speak, her words laden with the honeyed tones of flattery and respect. "Empress Dowager, this Concubine come to pay my humble respects to your esteemed presence," she began, her voice carrying through the chamber like a delicate breeze.

But before she could continue, the silence was shattered by the arrival of Imperial Noble Consort Xi, her presence commanding attention as she swept into the chamber with all the grace and poise befitting her rank. At her side trailed another concubine, Noble Lady Hai (Jiang Yunyao's current rank), a newcomer to the palace whose beauty was as captivating as a blooming lotus.

"Ziyun (Personal name of Imperial Noble Consort Xi)," the Empress Dowager greeted with a nod of acknowledgment, her eyes alighting on the newcomer with keen interest. "And who is this you have brought with you?"

Imperial Noble Consort Xi's lips curled into a knowing smile as she stepped forward, her hand extending in a gesture of introduction. "Empress Dowager, allow this Concubine to present Noble lady Hai, the newest addition to the imperial harem," she announced, her voice a melodic refrain in the quiet of the chamber.

Jiang Yunyao dipped into a graceful curtsy before the Empress Dowager, her eyes downcast in a display of modesty befitting her station. "It is an honor to be in your esteemed presence, Empress Dowager," she murmured, her voice soft as silk.

The Empress Dowager regarded Jiang Yunyao with a keen eye, her gaze lingering on the young concubine's delicate features. "Welcome to the palace, Noble Lady Hai," she replied, her tone measured and composed. "May you find favor in the eyes of the emperor and serve the palace with loyalty and devotion."

As Consort Yuan watched the exchange between Imperial Noble Consort Xi, Noble Lady Hai, and the Empress Dowager, a seed of unease took root in her heart. She knew that the arrival of a new concubine could shift the delicate balance of power within the palace, and she wondered what kind of role this Noble Lady Hai would play in the unfolding drama that lay ahead.

Imperial Noble Consort Xi, Consort Yuan and Noble Lady Hai exchanged polite pleasantries under the watchful gaze of the Empress Dowager, their words measured and carefully chosen.

Consort Yuan directed her attention towards Noble Lady Hai, the newest addition to the palace. "Noble Lady Hai, it is a pleasure to welcome you to our midst," she said with a smile that did not quite reach her eyes. "This Concubine believes that you will find your time in the palace to be both rewarding and enlightening."

Jiang Yunyao returned Consort Yuan's smile with a demure nod, her expression a mask of serenity. "Thank you, Sister Yuan," she replied, her voice soft and melodic. "I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the emperor and the palace."

Imperial Noble Consort Xi, ever observant, watched the interaction between Consort Yuan and Noble Lady Hai with a keen eye.

Turning her attention towards the Empress Dowager, Imperial Noble Consort Xi sought to steer the conversation towards safer waters. "Empress Dowager, this Concubine trusts that you are in good health?" she inquired, her tone respectful and deferential.

The Empress Dowager inclined her head in acknowledgment, her expression unreadable. "This Grieving One is as well as can be expected, Ziyun," she replied, her voice carrying the weight of authority. "But enough about this Grieving One. Tell me, how are you finding life in the palace, Noble Lady Hai?"

Noble Lady Hai's eyes widened slightly at the unexpected question, but she quickly composed herself and replied, "Life in the palace has been a whirlwind of new experiences, Your Highness. This Concubine is grateful for the guidance and support of my fellow concubines."

As the conversation continued, each woman guarded their words carefully, aware of the hidden currents that lurked beneath the surface of their polite exchanges. For in the palace's intricate web of alliances and rivalries, trust was a rare commodity, and every word spoken held the potential to shape the course of their destinies.

As the conversation continued, Noble Consort Xi took a calculated breath and shifted the topic, her eyes glinting with a mix of determination and cunning. "Empress Dowager," she began smoothly, "This Concubine has heard news of the marriage proposal from the Crown Prince of the Chang Qing country for your esteemed daughter."

The Empress Dowager's expression tightened imperceptibly, her eyes narrowing. "Yes, this Grieving One is aware of the proposal," she replied, her voice cold and guarded. "However, this Grieving One is unwilling to send this Grieving One's only daughter to such a faraway place. The thought of her being so distant, in unfamiliar lands, brings me great distress."

Imperial Noble Consort Xi leaned forward slightly, her tone persuasive. "Empress Dowager, this Concubine can understand your concern. However, the Chang Qing country is very wealthy and powerful. An alliance through marriage could bring great benefits to our empire."

But how could the Empress Dowager care about these things? Wealth, power and status- she already has all these things.

The Empress Dowager's face remained impassive, though a flicker of sorrow crossed her eyes. "Wealth and power are indeed important, but they are not worth the sacrifice of this Grieving One's daughter's happiness and safety. I cannot bear the thought of parting with her."

Sensing an opportunity, Consort Yuan immediately interjected, her voice gentle yet tinged with an underlying edge. "Empress Dowager, this Concubine can understand your feelings as a mother. This Concubine is also about to become a mother, and the thought of being separated from the beloved child fills me with dread. A mother's love and concern for her children are incomparable."

Consort Yuan's words were laced with sincerity, but as her gaze slid to Imperial Noble Consort Xi, a mocking smile played at the corners of her lips. "Of course, someone who has not experienced the joy and responsibility of motherhood might find it difficult to understand such deep emotions."

Imperial Noble Consort Xi's eyes flashed with anger, but she maintained her composure, her expression carefully neutral. "Consort Yuan, while it is true that this Palace does not have children, this Palace still holds the well-being of the empire and the royal family in the highest regard. It is the duty of this Palace to consider all aspects of such an important decision."

"Consort Yuan," Tong Xiuxia greeted with icy civility. "It seems you have forgotten your place in the presence of our esteemed Empress Dowager."

Consort Yuan's brow furrowed in confusion, her arrogance momentarily tempered by the unexpected confrontation. She was filled with anger being confronted and disrespected by a lady in waiting. "What do you mean by that, Tong Xiuxia?" she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of defiance and her eyes burning with anger. Her tone, though low, contained a bit of malicious intent and her eyes were spewing fire.

But this was unable to scare Tong Xiuxia who is the lady in waiting of the infamous Imperial Noble Consort Xi. Tong Xiuxia's lips curled into a contemptuous sneer as she stepped towards the centre of the room, her words dripping with venom and the fire of resentment burned bright in her eyes. "Do not feign ignorance, Consort Yuan. Your insolence knows no bounds. You nearly caused Her Highness the Imperial Noble Consort Xi to fall to the ground earlier with your reckless disregard for those around you and now you are trying to insult her!"

Consort Yuan's cheeks flushed with indignation, but before she could respond, the Empress Dowager's voice sounded.

"Ziyun, is your Lady in waiting speaking the truth?" the Empress Dowager inquired, her voice commanding attention and respect.

One of the Ladies in waiting Imperial Noble Consort Xi wasted no time in presenting her grievances, her words pouring forth like a torrential downpour. "Empress Dowager, forgive me for speaking out of turn, but I must bring to your attention the insolent behavior of Consort Yuan. She shows no regard for the dignity of the palace and nearly caused Imperial Noble Consort Xi harm with her reckless actions. Consort Yuan has no respect for those above her! Consort Yuan has been trying to humiliate Imperial Noble Consort Xi every chance she got."

As the Empress Dowager listened to the words of Imperial Noble Consort Xi's Ladies in waiting, her expression remained impassive, betraying none of the turmoil that raged within her breast. But behind her steely facade, she understood the delicate balance of power within the palace walls, and the consequences of allowing ambition to go unchecked.

Consort Yuan's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the women lay bare their grievances before the Empress Dowager, her own arrogance giving way to a creeping sense of unease. She immediately opened her mouth to retort. "No, Empress Dowager, this Concubine never…"

But before Consort Yuan was able to finish her sentence, her words were swallowed by the sound of the shattering tea cup thrown at her by the Empress Dowager. That tea cup braced against her cheek and left a long scar with blood dripping.

The Empress Dowager stood up from her chair and scowled at Consort Yuan. With rage, she questioned Consort Yuan "Consort Yuan ,do you think that this Grieving One am blind? That this Grieving One cannot see the arrogance on your face? Earlier, in this Grieving One's presence, you were speaking so brazenly! What were you like in the absence of this Grieving One? Do you think the harem is yours to rule just because you have a child? Do you think that you are the only one who has given birth? Who hasn't given birth before? How many princes and princesses are there in this palace? You really think you and your child are special?

Seeing this, all the women, including Consort Yuan hurriedly knelt on the ground. Consort Yuan's face turned a shade of white upon hearing the words of the Empress Dowager and her head was spinning. Imperial Noble Consort Xi immediately went towards the Empress Dowager and held her hand in an attempt to calm her down. "Calm down, Empress Dowager."

The Empress Dowager held Imperial Noble Consort Xi's hand and said "Ziyun, you have suffered."

Imperial Noble Consort Xi just shook her head and smiled. "It is nothing, Empress Dowager. As long as your esteemed self is with this Concubine, nothing matters anymore."

These words pleased the Empress Dowager and caused her to laugh but Consort Yuan was seething with anger upon hearing the same words. Her eyes were blazing fire as she glared at Imperial Noble Consort Xi.

'If you really think so, then how come you orchestrated this show for the Empress Dowager to see? Isn't it just because you wanted to borrow the hand of Empress Dowager to punish me?'

And as Consort Yuan awaited the Empress Dowager's judgment with bated breath, she knew that her fate hung in the balance, poised on the edge of a precipice that threatened to swallow her whole.

Silence enveloped the chamber like a heavy fog as the Empress Dowager considered the accusations against Consort Yuan. Her gaze, sharp as a falcon's, moved from one woman to the other, weighing their words and assessing the truth hidden within the shadows of their ambitions.

"Ziyun, your grievances are duly noted," the Empress Dowager finally spoke, her voice as cold and unyielding as polished jade. "It is clear that there have been disturbances within the palace walls, and such behavior cannot be tolerated."

Imperial Noble Consort Xi's expression softened slightly at the Empress Dowager's words, a glimmer of satisfaction shining in her eyes. She had laid her grievances before the highest authority in the palace, and now she awaited justice to be served.

Turning her attention to Consort Yuan, the Empress Dowager's gaze bore into her like a searing brand, stripping away the layers of arrogance to reveal the vulnerability beneath. "Consort Yuan, you stand accused of disregarding the dignity of the palace and endangering the safety of your fellow concubines. How do you plead?"

Consort Yuan's heart pounded in her chest as she faced the Empress Dowager's scrutiny, her mind racing with thoughts of the consequences that awaited her. She knew that her fate hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of oblivion.

Summoning all her courage, Consort Yuan crawled before the Empress Dowager, her voice trembling with emotion. "Empress Dowager, this Concubine begs for your mercy," she pleaded, her words a desperate plea for forgiveness. "This Concubine but a humble concubine, unworthy of your grace. I swear to mend my ways and serve the palace with loyalty and devotion."

The Empress Dowager's expression softened slightly at Consort Yuan's plea, though her eyes remained steely and unreadable. "Your words ring hollow, Consort Yuan," she remarked, her voice tinged with disappointment. "But this Grieving One is not without mercy. You shall be spared punishment this time since you are with child, but know that any further transgressions will not be met with such leniency. Do not leave your courtyard till you give birth, Consort Yuan."

Consort Yuan's eyes widened at the words of the Empress Dowager but before she could plead for mercy, the Empress dowager ordered the eunuchs to drag her away. And with a wave of her hand, the Empress Dowager signaled for the audience to disperse.