4. Good Night Hiccup

It was quite the contrast.



Earlier today, Hiccup and his dragon had been an unnerving combo. An intimidating black beast, and the strange boy who claimed it.



Now, they just seemed silly.



The dragon, still a bit woozy from his pollen induced nap, wobbled his way out of the donkey stable. The Burros in the field eyeing him warily. According to the farmer, though, he was quite well behaved.



As soon as he saw Hiccup, Toothless gave an elated croon and attempted to run over to him. But he tripped, and ended up rolling into the boy instead.



Mirabel could only watch as the teen was knocked to the ground, his dragon splayed out atop him. She felt equal parts concerned and amused.



Hiccup just sighed, too tired to be properly upset. He had started the day being crushed by his dragon, and he was ending the day in the same manner. “I missed you too, bud…”



Mirabel was now 100% amused.





Two teenagers and a dragon roamed the forest under the freshly risen moon. Mirabel figured having Toothless in the town wouldn’t be the best idea right now, after the day’s events she didn’t think the people would take too kindly to him. Hiccup agreed. So she was leading them to the forge through the trees.



They walked in silence for a bit. The boy looking at the fireflies who had started to make their presence known in the waning light. The girl however was eyeing the dragon with fascination. His appearance emanated power, screamed destruction. An apex predator. But his demeanor was anything but.  He truly was such an interesting animal.



“You want to pet him?”



Mirabel stopped, and her eyes met Hiccup’s. “Huh?”



The boy averted his gaze. “Toothless, do you want to pet him? You’ve been staring at him for a while, and I thought maybe…” As his sentence trailed off, she looked to the creature. He was standing on his hindlegs, pawing at the glowing insects playfully. She turned back to the boy. “Can I?”



Hiccup smiled, and took her hand. Leading her towards the dragon. He stopped the girl right in front of Toothless, and moved a bit behind her. Noticing their approach, the Night Fury sat down and eyed the young Madrigal. Curious.



He took hold of her arm, and outstretched it. “Palms up!” She did as she was told. Hiccup’s smile only grew. “Now hold still, let him come to you…” He moved to the side, and watched.



Mirabel was starting to get nervous. She believed Hiccup when he said that Toothless wasn’t a blood-thirsty monster. But her only real experience with the dragon hadn’t been a positive one. She took a gulp as the creature narrowed his eyes. Sniffing her hand and inching closer. Toothless then looked into her eyes, and she stared back at those powerful, green orbs. Overwhelmed, she shut her eyes and looked away.



And then she felt it.



Her eyes shot open, and she looked back. Toothless had placed his snout in her palm. Eyes closed, breathing deeply. She couldn’t explain it, but it was the most magical feeling.



The dragon’s eyes opened back up, and he crouched down, waving his long tail in the air. He then bounded forward, pushing his snout into Mirabel’s belly. She couldn’t help but giggle as she pat his head.



Toothless got back down and rolled over, a clear request for belly rubs. Mirabel obliged. She knelt down and rubbed his belly and he warbled in contentment. Tongue lolling out of his gummy mouth.



“Huh, no teeth…” She thought to herself.



Hiccup was positively giddy. Finally, someone else who saw that dragons were more than mindless monsters! He felt his heart pounding at the excitement, the validation.



Not to mention that the two of them were adorable.



She looked up at him with a sparkle in her eyes. “He’s amazing!”



He just nodded, beaming. Yep. Adorable.



Despite how much she was enjoying herself, she knew she had to cut playtime short. It was almost time for dinner, and you did not miss dinner in la casa Madrigal.  She ceased her petting, much to Toothless’ disappointment, and kept moving. Motioning Hiccup to follow. They may have continued their walk in silence, but smiles were on both faces.



Before long they had arrived at the forge. Behind the forge, to be precise. Smoke was bellowing from the chimney; the blacksmith must still be working. Toothless nudged his head against her leg, asking for goodbye pets. As she indulged him, Hiccup spoke. “So, uh…” He cleared his throat. “Thanks for helping us. You didn’t…You didn’t have to do any of that.”  As he crossed his arms and looked at his feet, Mirabel stood. Hands on her hips, determination in her eyes. “Helping our community is what the Madrigals are all about! What the Encanto is all about!” The teen met her eyes with his own confused gaze. “But I’m not part of the community.” She smirked. “You are for the next few days!” With a playful jab to his shoulder, she made her way back home.



“See you tomorrow!” She called from over her shoulder. “And good luck trying to sleep tonight, Dolores tells me Senor Ignacio is a snorer!” And then she was gone.



Hiccup watched her leave. That girl’s energy was overwhelming.



He kind of liked it.




The night may have been young, but most of the townsfolk were inside by now. The coast was clear. Hiccup and Toothless crept out from behind the forge, quiet as mice, and entered through the front.



Ignacio was seated in front of the fire pit, back turned to the pair. Extinguishing the flames for the night. Both boy and dragon nervously glanced at each other, unsure how he would react to them. The last time they had seen him was during Toothless’ little mishap. Hiccup was about to call for the man’s attention, but he was beat to the punch.



“You really freaked me out back there, kid.” He spoke to them without moving from his seat, sounding more serious than ever. “I mean, first I see this crazy lookin’ creature wreaking havoc in the square. And next thing I know you’re running towards it? I couldn’t believe what I was seeing!” Toothless glared at the floor, perhaps ashamed. “But then you start talkin’ about how he’s not a monster. And I could see it in your eyes. You meant every word. I didn’t know what to think.” The boy fumbled with his hands. “Look, it’s like I said. Neither of us want any trouble, and I’m sorry we caused such a hassle. I only need to be here until can get his tail fixed.” Hiccup sighed. “But if you don’t want us here, then fine. We won’t bother you.”



The man rose from his seat and faced them. “Now I didn’t say all of that. I just need to know that you’re not some…nutjob with a dragon. I need to know that nobody’s gonna get hurt.” The irony of leaving his home, only to be scolded by an entirely different bearded man was not lost on Hiccup.



“Mister Ignacio, I swear to you that we won’t bring any harm to a single person during our stay here.” The blacksmith pondered these words, before chuckling. His jovial spirit creeping back in. “Alright then, kid. I’m trusting you on this one. My forge is yours to use, as long as you help me out a bit” He delivered another strong slap to Hiccup’s back, laughing as he stumbled. Toothless had to suppress a growl, acknowledging the man meant so harm, but still not liking seeing his friend be pushed around.



“Now come on! I’ve got an extra room upstairs you and your scaley friend can use.” He pushed the two of them towards the staircase. “You’ve had a long day, get some shut eye!” As they climbed the stairs, he shouted up at them. “I get up bright and early! I expect to see you awake too, kid!” Hiccup replied with a shaky nod, and finished his ascent.



They entered the guest room. Or as it was now, their room. For the time being.



There was a small bed, with two blankets placed on it. He took one and placed it on the floor, for Toothless. A window was positioned on the wall, with a very pleasant view of the town. Hiccup figured you’d get a charming view of the sunset from this angle.



Hiccup removed his boots, and laid on the bed. Wishing he had a change of clothes.



For a short while he allowed himself to get lost in thought. About all he’d experienced today. This strange village, where magic was apparently real. The people he’d met, from the kind Julieta, the dependable Luisa, and the boisterous Ignacio. He also thought back to the more negative encounters. The stern Alma, the frightening side of Luisa, and the condescending witch Isabela.



And then there was Mirabel. The teen had found her insistence on being his “guide” initially off-putting. But he had to admit, her earnest desire to help a total stranger just for the sake of helping was very admirable. She was just…nice to be around. Not to mention she had embraced his dragon friend. Anyone who liked Toothless was alright in his book.



Hiccup couldn’t spare any more time on thoughts, however. The truly exhausting day was catching up to him fast, and he finally closed his eyes and got some well-deserved rest.



Or he would have, if Ignacio wasn’t such a massive snorer.