7. Bee Prepared

Later that day, Hiccup was making his way through town. Walking fast. He had a mission. His destination?



Julieta’s stand.



He’d been sent by Ignacio to fetch some of her food, as his temporary boss had managed to strike his own hand with a sledge hammer. The appendage was mangled and gushing blood, but the man simply laughed off his injury and asked Hiccup to pick up an arepa or something. Even through his laughs, Hiccup could tell the blacksmith was in immense pain.



He arrived at the stand as the sun began to set, coating the village in a golden light. There was a line, but it wasn’t especially long. Hiccup was grateful for that, he’d hate to have his host suffering for an extended period of time.



As he took his place at the back of the line, he couldn’t help but gawk at the man in front of him. A tall, slender man in a neat button-up shirt and a dark blue vest. The oddities were his hands. They were huge, swollen, and red. Pulsing with pain. The boy winced at the sight. Perhaps feeling the teen’s eyes on him, the swollen man turned to address his befuddled observer. This only made Hiccup gawk more, as the man’s nose was also incredibly bloated. Bulbous, and wobbling with the momentum of his movement.



“It’s quite the sight, isn’t it?” Hiccup was jolted out of his shock, and glanced away, embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I-I shouldn’t have stared.” The man laughed good-naturedly in response. “No, no, it’s alright! I know it looks ridiculous!”



He leaned in, as if to share a secret. Hiccup had to struggle not to stare at his nose.  “It’s the bees, it’s always the bees. I try my best not to bother them, but I always end up getting stung anyways.” He put an engorged hand to his chin in thought. “I’m beginning to think it’s personal…” He realized he was next in line, and happily accepted an arepa from Julieta. Who rolled her eyes upon seeing the man’s ailments. “But it’s okay, because I always have my wife’s incredible cooking to fix me right up!” He took a bite, and his enlarged bee stings shrunk down to normal.



Hiccup considered the man’s words. “Wait, Julieta’s your wife?” The now normally proportioned man nodded, pride in his eyes and love in his smile. “She is! Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky, I think all my accidents are the universe balancing itself out.” He stopped to give Julieta a peck on the cheek, making her blush and playfully shove him away. “Not while I’m working, Augustin…” She chuckled.



Hiccup made the connection. “So…you’re Mirabel’s dad?” The love in Augustin’s expression only intensified at the sound of his daughter’s name. “I am, yes. Are you a friend of hers?” The boy shuffled, awkwardly. “Not exactly, she’s my “guide” for the time being.” He answered, using air-quotes on the word guide.



Augustin sparked with surprise. “Oh, you must be Hiccup!” The name was spoken with a bit of uncertainty, as if he was silently questioning what kind of parent would name their child such a thing. He took the boy’s hand and shook it. “It’s very nice to finally meet you! I’ve been hearing a lot about you recently!” Hiccup blanched at the statement. “Yeah, I didn’t exactly make a good first impression…” He tried to play off the comment as a joke, but the shame in his tone was evident. He crumpled his nose in confusion as Augustin shook his head. “No, no that. Though…that was certainly something…” He coughed into his hands, and adjusted his glasses. “I meant Mirabel! She talks about you at dinner, she takes her job as your guide very seriously. She even defended you from Pepa, and no one stands up to Pepa when she’s storming!”



The teen’s eyes widened at this. “Really?” The man nodded in return, grin growing. “Really! And little Antonio was raving about those drawings you made him, it was all he wanted to talk about!” Hiccup felt a genuine smile grow, at least some people here liked him.



His vision was blocked by an arepa.



He looked beside it to see Julieta holding it out to him, wearing her usual gentle smile. “You shouldn’t keep Ignacio waiting.” The boy took hold of the patty, before asking “How’d you know it was for Ignacio?” A glint of humor graced her warm grin. “I’ve known that man for years, I can tell.” Agustin stretched a bit, before adding “I should head back as well. Though knowing me, I’ll be back here in about 20 minutes!” He snickered as Julieta shook her head, both out of annoyance and love. And he was on his way. Hiccup said his goodbyes to Julieta, who kindly returned them, and he headed back to the forge.



As he made his way back to the smithy, he couldn’t get Mirabel’s father out of his head. More specifically, his predicament. Did he really get stung that much? From the way he spoke about it, it seemed to be a daily occurrence. Surely there was something to be done about this.



Ideas starting flowing into his mind. Concepts, mechanisms. These days whenever Hiccup thoughts turned to new inventions, he’d swiftly dismiss them. His creations always did more harm than good. With the exception of Toothless’ tail.



But try as he might, he just couldn’t shake these ideas off. No matter how much he tried to suppress it, it was in his nature to try and help.



He sighed, feeling like this was a bad idea and knowing he would attempt it anyway.



He entered the forge. Handed Ignacio his food, quickly scratched Toothless under the chin, and moved to the back.



He brushed aside his tail-fin blue prints, and got to work.




 The next morning, Hiccup was fighting gravity.



He was holding onto a wagon, it’s contents far to heavy for him, and trying not to lose control while going down a hill. The last thing he needed was for it to crash into something, or someone.



After weaving through the market and dodging villagers, he found his target.



Julieta’s stand.



There stood Augustin, once again burdened by many inflamed bee stings. While he chewed on some healing food, he jumped back as Hiccup’s wagon screeched to a stop right in front of him. Both he and Julieta eyeballed the wagon as a scrawny head poked out from behind it.



“Augustin! Just the man I wanted to see!” The teen stepped out from behind the wagon and excitedly approached. “What if I told you there was a way to make sure you’d never be stung again?” The man looked cautious, but nodded for the boy to continue. Hiccup’s grin grew, and he retrieved the contents of his wagon. This was done with great effort, as it was very heavy.



Hiccup presented his work with a “Ta-Da!” It was a suit of armor, bulky and adorned with fur on its broad shoulders. Covered in spikes, with two large horns on the dome-like headpiece. It was very Viking. The couple gaped at the armor, but Hiccup didn’t notice. He was in full explanation mode.



“Whipped this up last night with some scrap metal and an old rug. It’s fully protected, I implemented two layers of steel just in case, no bee could possibly pierce the skin!” Augustin stumbled to find the right words. “It’s…a bit large, isn’t it?” The boy examined the suit in his hands, and shrugged. “I didn’t know your measurements, so I made it a little bigger to compensate.” “A little bigger?” asked Julieta, baffled at the armor. Hiccup’s eyes sparkled with the joy of invention, as he prompted the man in front of him to try the suit out. Husband and wife shared unsure glances with each other, but when Augustin looked into Hiccup’s eager eyes, he found it very hard to resist.



Wearing a nervous smile, the man took the suit from Hiccup. Muscles trembling from the effort, he slowly put it on piece by piece. Hiccup quivering in anticipation.



Both Hiccup and Julieta looked to the armored Augustin, awaiting his reaction. He was unmoving. The hulking suit was unnerving as it stood completely still. Finally he spoke, his voice muffled by the suit. “It’s very…stuffy…” Now to test the mobility. “Alright, now walk towards me.” Hiccup requested.



He didn’t move.



Hiccup tried again, a bit more anxious. “Uh…Augustin?” He stayed perfectly still.



Just as the boy was starting to really worry, there was movement. Slowly, the suit tilted backwards until it hit the ground with a heavy CLANG.



Anxiety in full swing, Hiccup rushed to remove the armor. Julieta moving closer, concern for her husband evident. One by one he took off every segment of the suit, all while apologizing profusely. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t think that would happen, I swear! I would never- “As he helped the man up, his frantic expressions of regret were brushed aside. “I’m fine, I’m fine! Really! I’ve had worse! I just couldn’t move, that’s all. That thing was so heavy!” Julieta sighed in relief, putting back the food she was preparing in the case her husband was injured.



Hiccup looked at the armor, on the ground and in pieces. “I knew I shouldn’t have implemented that double layer…” The boy resolved to rectify this. “Don’t worry, I’ll fix it!” As swiftly as he could, he shoved the pieces back into his wagon and wheeled it back to the forge before either adult could protest.



Julieta watched him go in concern, as Augustin rubbed the back of his neck. Both of them sure this wouldn’t end well.




 Toothless and Ignacio observed Hiccup from afar. He was hard at work, moving with an efficiency Ignacio himself felt he lacked.



He knew he shouldn’t have implemented that double layer. And what was he thinking with all those spikes and horns? This wasn’t Berk! As Hiccup forged the new armor, one thought repeated through his mind over and over. He would get this right.




It was evening now. People strolled through town, some with objectives, some just enjoying the weather. Pepa must be in a good mood. And once again, Augustin was at Julieta’s stand.



Hiccup wheeled his wagon towards the two, having a far easier time than earlier.



“Hey, Augustin!” He stopped his wagon, and headed towards the bespectacled man. “I know the last suit was a flop, but this one? This one is definitely gonna work!” While Augustin didn’t look convinced, he still listened to the boy as he healed his bee stings. The teen presented his new and improved suit. “The last one? Way too bulky. So I went with the opposite approach this time.” The new suit was thin and light, being made of chainmail instead of solid metal. “It’s solid, but flexible. You can actually move in it!” Augustin took the suit in his hands, and his trepidation faded a bit. Julieta was still unsure. “Hiccup, while we appreciate the effort, I don’t know if- “She was cut off by her husband, wanting to indulge the boy and his commitment to assisting him.



Even if he didn’t ask for it.



“It’s alright, Julieta! This one looks perfectly fine!” He finished adorning himself by placing the chainmail over his head. He moved around a bit, flexing here and bending there. He could move without issue. Hiccup felt relief wash over him, but Julieta was still a bit concerned. Augustin voiced his approval. “Actually, this feels great!” The boy liked that answer. “Perfect! Now let’s go test it out!” Hiccup motioned him to lead the way, grinning widely. The inventor and his subject both went to put the suit to the test. Leaving a fretting Julieta in their midst.




They arrived at Augustin’s usual spot. Trees sweeping across the landscape. He grabbed his axe, and got chopping. Hiccup stood behind him to observe.



As if on cue, a swarm of bees appeared. They bombarded Augustin, who instinctively moved to flee. “Stay still!” Hiccup shouted over all the buzzing. “We need to test the armor!”



Despite his body telling him to RUN, he stayed put. Eyes shut, fists clenched, awaiting the stinging. But it didn’t come.



He cautiously opened one eye, then opened both in surprise as he saw the bees be repelled by his suit with an audible TINK. Both he and Hiccup shared an excited glance as the bees, not getting what they wanted, swarmed away from him.



All but one. A single Bee remained on his armor, skittering around in displeasure. Before it noticed something. Chainmail was made of many tiny holes, holes just big enough for a bee stinger to fit through.



If bees could smirk, this Bee would be smirking. Deviously.



It made a loud buzzing to alert its kin, and just like that all the bees returned. Swarming the man once more. Augustin simply stood, eyes shut in a smug smirk. Completely sure the insects couldn’t do a thing to him.



He was wrong.



Instead of simply rushing the man, the bees took some time to angle their stingers into the holes with surgical precision. And then…



Hiccup’s joy evaporated as he saw the armored man yelping and flailing around. He chased after him, trying to swat away bees and getting a few stings of his own in the process. By the time the bees were satisfied, both the man and the teen were covered in lumps. Though Augustine’s were much worse, of course.



Hiccup was even more disheartened; it had been working! Until it suddenly wasn’t.



He felt a few pats on his shoulder. Augustin was trying his best to encourage the boy. “You gave it your best shot! Come on, let’s get these fixed up.”



The two returned to Julieta’s stand in defeat.




Hiccup slumped his way into the forge as the sun finished its setting, his face a visage of hopelessness.



What was he thinking? He knew he shouldn’t be inventing, yet he tried anyway. Tried and failed, as always.



He had let Augustin down twice in one day. Nice job, Hiccup the Useless.



He trudged his way to the back of the smithy, not responding his boss’ greeting or his friend’s concerned trill. Simply not hearing them over his own thoughts.



More ideas rushed into his head. Improvements, adjustments, ways to perfect the design. He tried to banish these thoughts, but they insisted. Clouding his mind.



Soon his sadness turned into agitation. Fine then. He’d give it one more shot, if only just to shut these thoughts up. He could take one more failure, he was accustomed to it.



Late into the night, Hiccup was deep in his work on the third and final suit of armor. Toothless made his way to the back of the forge. Taking a seat beside his friend, and crooning expectantly. Hiccup turned to greet him. “What’s up, bud? Shouldn’t you be sleeping by now?” Toothless remained seated, before moving his tail in front of Hiccup. Presenting his one, solitary tail-fin. The heavily damaged prosthetic fin had already been removed, as to not cause any injuries. He looked at his tail, then back to Hiccup, A questioning look in his eyes.



Hiccup sighed. “I know, bud. I’ll start working on it soon, I promise. I just have to do this.” Toothless leaned forward, his questioning gaze even more intense. Hiccup glanced away, anywhere but those eyes that could see right through him. “I dunno why, I just…I have to…” He groaned, and resumed his work. The Night Fury continued to eye his companion, concerned. But eventually he turned and crawled up the stairs. He took the blanket on the bed in his mouth and pulled it down, leaving it ready for his friend. He then took his spot on the floor, and drifted to sleep.



Hiccup wouldn’t join him for a few more hours.




It was early in the morning. Earlier than Hiccup usually awoke.



Wagon in hand, he wheeled his way back to the forest where Augustin chopped his trees. It was a bit hard to control on the grass and rocks, but he made do. His cargo wasn’t too heavy, but it wasn’t too light either.



Finally, he spotted him. Chopping away at a tree, and free from bee stings. Though that probably wouldn’t last for long.



Grabbing his ultimate incarnation of the suit, he headed towards the man. Praying he didn’t already hate him.



Augustin noticed Hiccup’s arrival before he had finished his trek. A pleasant greeting left his lips, but his smile fell as he saw what the boy was holding.



“Er, Hiccup…” Augustin chuckled nervously, trying not to sound too uncomfortable. “I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I really don’t think this is going to work.” The teen sighed in response. “I spent all night on this, it’s the best I’ve got. If this doesn’t work, I won’t bother you anymore. Just…please. One more try, it’s all I’m asking.” The boy hadn’t intended to sound so desperate, but that’s just where he was in life. The man still looked hesitant, but he sighed in defeat and silently took the suit.



It was made of solid metal once more, but it wasn’t a bulky mass like the first one. It still felt relatively light, and Augustin could move freely within it. There were no little holes crafty bees could sneak into, either.



As Hiccup moved back to observe once more, they both uttered a silent prayer, and Augustin went to chop a tree.



Like clockwork, the bees appeared once more. Augustin didn’t need to be told to hold still this time, not moving a muscle as the bugs harassed him. They tried to rush him, but they were repelled with an audible TINK. They looked for any sneaky places they could attack, but there were none. Even the face hole was protected. Reluctantly, the insects realized their assault was fruitless. And they buzzed off.



In a stunned silence, both males ogled the swarm as it flew away. Probably to pester someone else. In a small, disbelieving voice, Hiccup asked the question on both their minds.






Augustin jumped in shock as Hiccup hooted and hollered in celebration. “IT WORKED! I DID IT!” The man couldn’t help but join in on the fun.



The two danced and sung, getting a few odd looks by passerby, until Augustin turned to face Hiccup. “With this armor, I’ll never be stung again!” He placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Thank you, Hiccup. I very much appreciate it!” The warmth in his voice shocked the teen, who nodded in response. Small, astounded smile on his face.



The man retrieved his axe. “Welp, time to get to work! Adios, Hiccup!” He then made off for the trees, ready to hack them without being stung for the first time in who knows how long. The boy headed back to town, feeling pretty good about himself and his abilities. A rare occurrence.




About an hour later, Hiccup was heading to Julieta’s stand once again.



Ignacio had managed to injure himself once more. This time, he figured he’d get some smelting done.



Without his gloves.



The burns were awful looking, but once again he just laughed it off and sent Hiccup to get some food. A lot of food.



Once he made it to the stand, he saw something he didn’t expect to see.



Augustin. Swollen from bee stings. Again.



Hiccup was devastated. So the last suit was a dud too, huh? That checked out, nothing Hiccup the Useless made ever worked.



Approaching the stand, he internally cringed as the swollen Augustin waved at him from the back of the small line. Waving back, he asked the question he was dying to know. “So…the last one failed too?” He hadn’t intended to sound so miserable, but that’s just where he was in life. The man seemed shocked at this, and hastily responded. “Oh no, no, no! It worked perfectly! Not one stinger pierced my armor.”



The boy was now terribly confused. The armor worked? So why…



“Then…why are you so...?” Hiccup gestured to all of him. The man was about to answer, before seeing he was next in line. Moving up and taking his food, he addressed the boy. “Because I realized something in that suit. Even though it may hurt, every time I get stung? That’s one more time I get to see my beautiful wife!” He finished with a gushy smile. Julieta rolled her eyes once more, mumbling something about foolishness and how he’d get himself killed. But she was still smiling.



That…was the sappiest thing Hiccup had ever heard.



Augustin continued. “But really, I appreciate all the trouble you went through for me. You didn’t have to do that!” A thought struck him. “Actually…why did you do that?” Julieta seemed intrigued too.



He couldn’t find the words to tell them the actual reason, so he recycled one of Mirabel’s lines. It wasn’t entirely untrue, anyway.



“Helping others is what the Encanto is all about, isn’t it?” He answered, with a shrug and a lopsided grin. They both were surprised by his answer, but they seemed endeared by it. “Yes, I suppose it is!” Augustin responded.



Julieta handed the boy a couple arepas. He had been nervous about taking more than one, but she insisted. Stating she could always make more. Thanking her, and waving goodbye to the husband and wife. Who both returned his sendoff with bright smiles.



He headed back to heal his ailing host. Once more feeling good about himself, and his abilities.