27. Gossip Girl

It was the night after the shared birthday party, Hiccup and Toothless were back at the forge.



And Hiccup was pacing himself into oblivion.



He walked and walked in tight circles around his room, walls bare except for a portrait hung on the wall adjacent to his bed. Toothless sat in his corner, watching his rider until he got dizzy and couldn’t bear to look anymore.



Despite his frenzied breathing and scattered thoughts, he tried to pull his mind together and properly analyze the situation.



“Okay, I have a crush on Mirabel. What does that mean?”



“Well it means I want to hold her hand, and hug her, and take her flying, and kiss her, and plan our wedding, and pick names for our five children- “He shook his head, trying to clear his mind of those rapid-fire thoughts.



“Alright…So what do I do about it?” He ceased his pacing as he felt his leg being nudged. He looked down to see Toothless, gazing up at him with questioning eyes.



He didn’t know what was wrong, but he wanted to help.



Hiccup sighed as he bent down to scratch his best friend.



“I’ve got a lot to think about, bud…” The dragon tilted his head, wanting to know more. Hiccup hesitated.



On the one hand, he felt like he shouldn’t be telling this to anyone. On the other hand, it’s not like Toothless could talk to someone about it.



Except for…



“If I tell you, there will be no blabbing to Antonio! Got it?” The Night Fury rolled his eyes, and gave a chuff of agreement.



Hiccup took a deep breath, not quite believing he was about to speak these words. “I…I think I have a crush on Mirabel.” He stood up, and began pacing again.



He didn’t quite catch the look his dragon was giving him. Eyes half-lidded, and a glare that said “You don’t say?”



“I dunno, bud. She’s just…she’s just so… amazing!” He felt a nudging on his leg again. Toothless sat on his hindlegs, and began opening and closing his mouth repeatedly. He’s been getting better at his miming.



“T-Talking? Talk to her?” Hiccup guessed, receiving an affirmative croon from Toothless. “N-No I…I Can’t do that…” The dragon gave another questioning rumble. “I just-I can’t! Okay!?” Hiccup snapped.



Upon seeing his dragon friend flinch, the boy sighed. “I’m sorry, bud. I shouldn’t have gotten angry. I don’t know why I got angry…”



He yawned, as a wave of fatigue washed over him. “I’m clearly losing my mind. I-I’m just gonna go to bed, and hope this goes away in the morning. G’Night, Toothless.”



As the boy settled into bed, likely to have restless dreams about a certain bespectacled girl, Toothless curled up on his own bed in the corner of the room. Grumbling as he drifted off into slumber.



Humans could be so stupid sometimes…




“I…I think I have a crush on Mirabel.”



She froze as she heard him.



She was used to hearing private things. Things she probably shouldn’t have heard. She knew more secrets than anyone else in the Encanto.



And Dolores could tell when she’d heard something juicy.



She was on her to way to her room, to turn in for the night. The moonlit chattering of the town echoing in her ears. These noises didn’t serve to make her less tired, she’d grown accustomed to it.



As she stepped through the dimly lit hallway, she finally arrived at her door. She was reaching for her doorknob, when she’d heard ta certain nasally voice admit his feelings. And she froze.



“Hiccup and…Mirabel?”



She quickly rushed into her room, gently shutting the door behind her. A tranquil river, surrounded on all sides by towering waterfalls. Despite their size, they didn’t create loud, harsh noises. Only the soothing sound of flowing water.



It was also soundproof now, giving her a respite from the endless cacophony she had to endure outside of her bedroom. No sound could get in, or out.



Which was good, because the squeal she was making surely would’ve woken everyone up.




It was the next morning, and Mirabel sat in her room. Her new bedroom was a reflection of how excited she was to actually have a bedroom. The teal walls were covered head to toe in colorful drawings. A large desk with all sorts of sewing equipment stood in one corner, and a huge wardrobe for storing her creations was in the other. Shelves lined with all sorts of knick-knacks and smaller items adorned a wall.



At first, the clashing assortment of colors and shapes made it seem like a clustered mess. But Mirabel’s room was actually quite organized.



She hadn’t gotten out of her fluffy, gold-colored bed. She was thinking…a lot.



She wasn’t shirking her responsibilities, it was too early to get everyone up for breakfast. She had a good hour before her morning routine would start.



And she was spending that time admiring her music box.



She could still hardly believe what she was seeing. From the detail, the artistry, even the song it played, upon first glance one would think it was the work of a professional craftsman. Someone who’s honed his skills for decades. But no, this was made by a teenaged boy.



For her. Just for her.



It was so intricate, so remarkable…



So Hiccup.



She sat there for a moment, listening to the gentle tune Hiccup had made for her. A lovely melody, that reminded her of flying.



As she cradled her music box in her hands, her thoughts drifted to Hiccup’s various shenanigans over the last three months. And came to realize he had a penchant for helping her family.



He had spent days constructing not one, not two, but three entire suits of armor for her father. After a single passing conversation about his bee troubles.



He made a book of dragon information for Antonio. It wasn’t a book at first, just a stack of papers with drawings on them. But with her help, they added some legible text to the pages and bound them together.  She still caught Antonio going through it, sometimes reading it to his animal friends. She occasionally teased Hiccup about being a published author.



He’d fixed the barn door, putting an end to the donkey’s escapades. And he’d help Luisa discover a hobby, reading! She even started a book club. The donkeys broke out again later, but it’s the thought that counts.



He got himself involved with Isabela’s relationship drama, just to help her out. Though the two don’t seem to be on the best terms (She made a mental note to fix that later). In a strange, roundabout way, it contributed to Mariano and Dolores becoming a thing. And they were quite happy.



He stood up for her Tio, in front of the entire town. The two had since formed a bit of a comradery. “Self-Exile Bros” they called themselves.



Even beyond her family, he had saved the people of the Encanto from two disasters in one day! Disasters she was partly responsible for…



She hugged a pillow as she continued to reminisce, this time on the moments when he helped her.



He had been there, with her. On the night of Antonio’s gift ceremony, when she was virtually shut out. He’d been a shoulder to cry on, and willingly listened to her problems. When everyone else was inside, he was with her.



He helped her through Bruno’s tower. They’d both saved each other’s lives, multiple times. She wasn’t sure if she could’ve done it without him.



He had run himself ragged looking for her, when she’d wandered off after Casita fell. Remembering his poor condition on that day, she felt a bit guilty for worrying him.



And those were just a few standout instances. For the three months she’s had him, their bond had only continued to grow. They were nearly inseparable these days, and she was thankful for that. She didn’t want him anywhere else but by her side.



…Though, when she really thought about it that sounded sort of clingy.



But she couldn’t help it! In a time when it seemed that no one wanted her around, he had called her friend. Her, the gift-less Madrigal. Who’d be the most help if she stayed out of the way. He embraced her as a friend.



To this day, even with her now being fully accepted by her family, and being an active member of her community. The fact that he chose her before everyone had their epiphany…it was so very special to her.



He was so very special to her.



When she was with him, she felt understood. Appreciated. Seen for who she truly was.



She felt very strongly about him.






She loved him. She knew that for certain.



Though how exactly, she didn’t entirely know.



It didn’t exactly feel like the platonic love for a friend, though she didn’t have much friendship experience to compare it to.



It definitely wasn’t familial love. She had a ton of that, she could tell the difference.



As she pondered just how exactly she felt, stray thoughts of the boy appeared here and there.



Of his pine green eyes, which gazed upon her with pride and admiration. Whether she was “contributing” or just being herself.



His auburn hair, flowing in the breeze atop that dragon of his. What would it feel like to run her hand through it…?



The shocking amount of determination he could display, seemingly unfitting for a boy so meek in appearance. He always stood up for what he felt was right, he always tried to protect.



How excitable he could get when talking to her about Toothless, or a new invention.  How he always, always had her back. How he really seemed to like her family, and how they really seemed to like him…



And that dorky, adorably lopsided grin.



She didn’t notice the blush working its way into her cheeks as she continued to think of her friend. Or her increased heartbeat, or the beginnings of an awkward sweat-



She did notice the alarm clock though.



Casita bounced a ringing clock her way, reminding her that it was time to get up. And get everyone else up, as well.



“Jeez, was I just sitting here thinking for that long?” She mused.



She smiled as she hopped out of bed. Getting dressed and preparing to start her day. Casita always had her back.



Just like Hiccup…



Despite how odd she was feeling for a moment back there, she grinned all the same at the thought of her companion.



She still didn’t know what exactly she felt for him yet. But they’d be the best of friends in the meantime.



She had all the time in the world to figure her feelings out.



Because Hiccup wasn’t going anywhere.




Dolores really shouldn’t be struggling like this.



She’s had her gift for nearly two decades. She’s heard all sorts of things, and she’s kept all sorts of secrets.



But when it came to staying silent on the scrawny invader’s affections for her prima, she was like a dam about to burst.



It was just…too…cute!



She had to tell someone, anyone. She just had to get it out of her.



She spotted Isabela, in the living room. Lounging on one of the reading chairs now that breakfast was over. Munching on some leftovers.



Perfect! Isabela could keep a secret!



Dolores stopped, and listened. Good, no one else was around to overhear.



She hastily made her way to Isabela, her older cousin eyeing her cautiously as she swiftly approached.



 “Isabela! I just heard the craziest thing but you have to keep it a secret, okay?” Isabela looked a tad stunned, but then she nodded.



Dolores felt her smile growing as she spilled the beans. “Get this, Hiccup has a crush on Mirabel!” As she squealed in delight, she noticed her cousin wasn’t having much of a reaction. Just staring at her, dumbfounded. Dolores expected her to have something to say…



“Wait, what?”



That was Isabela’s voice…



Spinning around, she saw Isabela standing in the entryway to the living room. Looking utterly bewildered. “That geek likes my baby sister!?” She asked again, in disbelief.



It was then that Dolores knew she screwed up.



Turning back around, she saw the first Isabela morph back into Camilo. A wild grin on his face. “No way!” He exclaimed.



Dolores had to shut this down before it got out of control. Isabela could keep a secret, and she could beat Camilo down into making him keep the secret. If it was just the three of them, the situation was still salvageable.



“What’s this about Hiccup?”



Dolores blanched as her Tio Bruno entered the living room. A cup of coffee in his bony hands.



“N-Nothing- “Dolores tried, but Camilo interjected.



“Tio Bruno…” Camilo started, a mischievous grin present on his face. “Hiccup, has the L word!”



Bruno jolted in fear, almost dropping his coffee. “Leprosy!?” He asked, trembling with worry for his young friend.



Camilo chuckled a bit. “No, Tio. It’s four letters! Starts with an L, ends with an E!”



Bruno calmed down, nodding with understanding. “Ah, lice…Y’know, you kids had lice a few times. Isabela got it especially bad- “



Camilo chuckled even more at Isabela’s discomfort. “No, Tio! Our good friend Hiccup, is in love!”



At these words, Bruno’s face lit up with pleasant surprise. “Oh…Oh! That’s-that’s wonderful!” His smile grew a little smug. “And just who has captured his heart, hmm?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows a bit.



Camilo morphed into a familiar, bespectacled girl. “Who do you think?” He asked, grinning deviously.



It took Bruno a few seconds to get it, but when he did, he dropped his coffee. Casita moved its tiles to use the coffee table to catch it, just in time.



“O-Oh my gosh! That’s, that’s really…that’s really something!” He exclaimed joyously.



“It’s something alright…” Glowered Isabela.



Dolores was trying not to panic. Her Tio was such a gentle man, he wouldn’t do anything to upset anyone. He’d definitely keep this a secret.



“Hiccup is in love with Mirabel!?”



Dolores suppressed a scream as her parents, along with Antonio entered the living room.



“That’s adorable!” Cooed Pepa, a bright ray of sunlight flashing the room.



Felix shielded his eyes while laughing. “Called it!” He shouted.



“Does that mean Hiccup’s gonna be my brother?” Antonio asked, head tilted in confusion.



“No, he’d be your cousin!” Felix corrected.



“Yeah, Isabela’s the one who’d get him as a brother!” Camilo snarked, as his eldest cousin began to look even more peeved. He yelped as a cactus burst from the ground and pricked his butt.



Dolores was panicking. If one more person entered this room, she was going to faint.



“Who’s getting a brother?” Wondered Luisa, as she wandered into the now crowded living room. Flanked by both her parents. All with inquiring looks.



Dolores nearly fainted.



As they were filled in on the situation, all three of them smiled with joy. Luisa immediately started to tear up a bit. “My precious baby sister…already winning the hearts of boys…” She whimpered.



As Augustin reached up to rub his sniffling daughter’s shoulders, he turned to his wife. “I could tell something was up between them. I knew it was just a matter of time!” He smiled proudly, as Julieta just grinned a motherly grin. Her baby girl wasn’t quite a baby anymore…



As the whole family, except for Alma and Mirabel herself, stood in the living room gossiping about the pair of dorky teens, Isabela felt the need to shout.



“FINE! So the dweeb likes my sister, big deal. She’s awesome! Of course he likes her. The real question is…does she like him back?” As everyone in the room, including Bruno’s rats and a few of Antonio’s wildlife, pondered the question…who should wander by the living room but Mirabel.



She peered into the living room, a basket on her arm, and slowly grew a confounded look as she saw that everybody was huddled in this room.



They all stood in stunned silence, no one knowing what to say, or if they should say anything at all.



“Uh…what are you guys up to?” She asked, befuddled.



Everyone in the room spoke at once, all muttering some variation of “Nothing…”



“O-kaaay…” Her confusion was replaced with a warm smile as she remembered where she was heading.



“Welp, you guys have fun with that! I gotta meet up with Hiccup, he’s taking me flying again!” She giggled with glee. “And then we’re gonna have lunch together, he says he found this really cool spot!” The basket on her forearm sagged a bit, and she shifted to lift it back up. “I don’t wanna keep him waiting. See you guys later, love you all!”



They watched her leave with a skip in her step. Smiling widely, and her eyes a bit unfocused. Looking at some wonderful image only she could see. It was almost as if she was floating out the door, that’s how giddy she was.



Their question was answered.



She absolutely liked him back.



As everyone but a scowling Isabela started feverishly chatting, about how wonderful it was that miraculous Mirabel was in love with the pleasantly geeky Hiccup, and how cute they’d be together, and planning their wedding, and picking names for their five children…



Dolores could only watch in silence.



All she wanted to do was share a cute little piece of gossip with her cousin. And now just about everyone knew.



Dolores could tell, the Madrigals were gonna meddle. It was in their blood, they were meddling people.



And as she envisioned the embarrassment that was sure to befall her cousin as she navigated her first love…she could only think one thing.



“Sorry, Mirabel…”



And then she squeaked.




Hiccup awoke that morning.



He stopped for a moment, searching his feelings…








He still had a crush on Mirabel.