29. Pedal to the Meddle


The sky was beautiful.



Surprisingly so. It didn’t look like this just a moment before.



 And not just because the sun was beginning to set.



With their lunch concluded, Hiccup and Mirabel were riding Toothless again. Enjoying a leisurely flight. No flips and spins this time, lest the teenagers barf on the poor dragon.



All of a sudden, the clear open sky became very cloudy. Though it wasn’t a grey, dreary cloudiness.  It was actually quite captivating, with the fluffy golden clouds floating through the pink sky.



Still, it was quite the abrupt change. And when the weather abruptly changes, there can only be one woman responsible.



“Looks like Pepa’s in a mood.” Hiccup called to Mirabel, as she smirked.



“Sometimes the weather gets like this when Tia Pepa and Tio Felix are getting all…mushy!” Hiccup blushed with understanding, as Toothless warbled with laughter from under them. Mirabel giggled as well. “It’s so weird, hearing a dragon laugh!”



“Oh he laughs a lot…mostly at me…” At Hiccup’s dry quip, his two companions chortled even harder.



They continued their flight in a comfortable silence, before Mirabel caught her friend’s attention by jostling his shoulders. “Ooh! Ooh! Stop there, land down there!” Hiccup looked to where she was pointing, just outside the town square.



“Uh…why there, specifically?” He asked.



“Because if we stop there, it’ll take longer for you to walk me home!” She winked.



Hiccup couldn’t argue with that logic.



Chuckling, he urged Toothless to begin their descent.




By the time they reached the ground, the whole Encanto was engulfed in an enchanting magenta hue. A cool breeze flowed as the golden sun began its descent. It was the perfect weather for a stroll, and it seemed many people had the same idea. Couples young and old could be caught enjoying the scenery, and each other’s company.



Almost immediately upon landing, they were swarmed by a gaggle of kids. All vying for Toothless’ attention. The dragon gleefully bounded around the children, but before they could start a village-spanning game of tag, he looked back to Hiccup for approval.



It was too cute for Hiccup’s heart to handle. His dragon, looking at him with those big green eyes, asking him if it was okay to run off and play with the kids.



“It’s alright, bud. Go have fun! I'll meet you back at the forge!” He waved them off, as Mirabel couldn’t help but release an “Aww!” at the sight.



With an excited croon, the Night Fury began to chase the squealing children through the town. Hiccup just hoped he didn’t knock anything over…



“He’s such a sweetheart!” Cooed the bespectacled girl as they watched them depart.



Hiccup responded with a sly grin. “Yeah, but don’t let him hear you say that. He fancies himself an apex predator. The toughest thing in the skies…” This got a giggle from a girl.



The two began their stroll through the village, not in any hurry. Chatting with each other, or other villagers they happened to come across.



A question appeared in Mirabel’s mind. “Hey, how did you make my music box?” It took Hiccup a moment a bit to think of an answer.



“It took a while. I had to carve all the wood, paint the figurines, create the mechanisms, write an original song…” He huffed a bit as he recalled the arduous process. “I don’t think I’m doing that again.”



“Then why do it at all?” She asked, curiously.



He shrugged, even though he knew the answer. “You deserved a gift just as special as you...”



She felt a tug at her heart at those words. And as she saw him shyly smile, pine green eyes full of nothing but adoration, she was filled with the strangest desire.



To hold him close, to melt into his embrace, to gaze deeply into his eyes and just know everything was going to be okay-



“-abel? Mirabel?”



She snapped out of her trance as Hiccup waved his hand over her eyes. “Mirabel, are you alright? You just kinda…froze there.”



Shaking her head, she replied. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Were you saying something?”



He pointed to what she was currently wearing on her shoulders. “Yeah, I asked if you were gonna give me my ruana back. We’re not on the mountain anymore.”



With a snooty look, she turned away from him. “Well I dunno, I am the one who bought it after all!” She declared, playfully.



“Yeah, for me. Hand it over!” He spoke, with his own grin. Both teens chuckled, as Mirabel removed the ruana. Before she could give it to the boy, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye.



With a gasp, she pointed to the sky. “Hiccup, look!” He did as he was asked, and they both stared in awe as a massive flock of hummingbirds flew over them.



The small birds seemed to be dancing in the air above them, twirling and whirling in beautiful formations.



Mirabel turned to Hiccup, who was still admiring the birds, and suppressed a giggle. His eyes were wide open, and his mouth was stretched into an excited, open grin. He always got this look when he was fascinated by something, he was such a nerd. “D-Do you think this is some sort of migratory behavior? Or…” He asked, without shifting his gaze. She shrugged in response.



She wasn’t even paying attention to the birds anymore.



He could be…really cute sometimes…



Her concentration was broken when she heard a splat from behind her.



Looking down, she saw a splotch of white…something on the ground. It was joined by another, and soon another.



Uh Oh…



Acting quickly, she raised Hiccup’s ruana over her head. “Hiccup! Under here!” Jolting from his position, he quickly squatted under the ruana. Holding it up with her…



Just as a blob of bird poo landed on the ground. Right where his open mouth was.



“I owe you my life…” He whispered to her, mortified.



They stood there for an extended period of time, Hiccup’s ruana being the only thing shielding them from being pelted with poo. Not only was the situation stressful, it smelled awful…



Soon the birds flapped off somewhere else, taking their fecal onslaught with them. Once they were sure the coast was clear, the teens stepped out from under the ruana. And they inspected the now tarnished piece of clothing.



They both winced. It was absolutely covered with bird droppings. A washing, or even several washings wasn’t going to salvage this. It was garbage.



Hiccup felt a twinge of anger, seeing the Strike Class symbol she’d embroidered for him covered with feces.



As they walked to the nearest trash bin to dispose of it, Mirabel turned to Hiccup with a remorseful smile. “I’ll get you a new one.”



“N-No, it’s fine! I can get it myse- “His attempt to decline her offer was stopped by a finger on his lips.



“I’m getting you a new one.” She insisted. He nodded, as he knew he couldn’t say no to her.



They resumed their stroll, Hiccup now just in his white button-up. He coughed into his hand to get his companion’s focus. “You know…that situation really stunk!”



He looked to her with a crazed grin, and she responded with a deadpan glare.



“That pun was crap.”



They stood silently for a moment, before breaking out into a fit of giggles.




“What the heck was THAT!?”  Pepa shouted, clinging to her braid tightly.



Felix couldn’t help but laugh. “Looks like that plan went to shi- “His joke was interrupted by a palm slapping to his mouth, as Antonio crept into their hiding place. An alleyway, near where Hiccup and Mirabel were.



Pepa and Felix were trailing them, watching their every move to ensure everything went flawlessly.



It isn’t creepy if it’s family!



Antonio was gathering his birds, after their poopy performance. “Tonito, what happened?” Pepa asked her youngest son.



“I dunno!” He exclaimed. “I didn’t ask them to do that!” He then turned to the hummingbird flock, displeasure on his little face. “I told you guys to take a potty break before we got here!” The birds looked down, ashamed.



Pepa released a heaving sigh, and began muttering. “This needs to be perfect because Mirabel deserves to be happy and she won’t be happy if this doesn’t go well so we need to…”



As she ranted, a tiny tornado began to formulate above her head. The picturesque afternoon sky began to turn grey, with harsh winds blowing roughly.



“Please, mi vida, relax! This is just a minor setback!” As her husband stroked her arm, he began to reminisce with her. “Remember the day we first met? You knocked me over with a hurricane!”



She smiled as fond memories rushed through her mind. “Yeah…you had a broken leg. But before Julieta could fix you up, you still hobbled over to see me again” They shared a laugh, and her whirlwind calmed down. The beautiful sunset returning.



She felt a presence squeezing on her leg, and looked down to see Antonio hugging it with all his might. “Don’t worry, Mami! Everything will be fine, no one else will poop on them!”



She ruffled her son’s hair, while chuckling. She may have calmed down, but she still had a hint of anxiety.



This had to go perfect for her niece. It had to. They owed it to her.



Julieta and Augustin were up next. There’s no way a pleasant, romantic meal could go wrong.







Hiccup and Mirabel continued their walk. Mirabel looked around them, glancing at couples holding hands or hugging. “That looks like it’d be nice…” She idly thought.



This time, Hiccup had a question for her.



“So, how are things with Isabela?” At her older sister’s name, Mirabel grew a bright smile. A stark contrast to how things used to be.



“She’s been great! We actually talk to each other, and we mess around…it’s just like when we were kids!” Hiccup shared her enthusiasm, until she hit him with a question. “But what’s up between you two? You don’t seem to get along.”



“I called her a witch when I first got here. I don’t think she ever let it go…” Mirabel didn’t seem convinced of that answer.



“That can’t be it. Isabela wouldn’t hold a grudge…anymore.” Hiccup snickered at this.



“I may still call her a witch, occasionally.” Mirabel lightly jabbed his shoulder, disapprovingly. “Hey, come on! It’s how I show my appreciation for her!” He rubbed his shoulder as he spoke.



“Clearly she’s not feeling very appreciated…” She grumbled. “You better cut it out!”



“Alright, alright! Anything for you…” He whispered that last bit, but she heard it. It made her heart flutter, just a tad.



Just then, they noticed someone approaching them. It was Julieta, who smiled at the two warmly.



Mirabel embraced her in a quick hug, as Hiccup waved. “Hi, Miss Julieta.”



“Please, Hiccup. Just Julieta is fine!” She then appeared to look thoughtful. “Actually, it’s a good thing I ran into you two! I need help testing a new recipe…”



At the word help, both teens perked up immediately. Helping is what they did! Whether their respective villages wanted it or not.



“I’ll take any opportunity to eat something you’ve cooked.” Both Mirabel and her mother laughed at this, but Hiccup was completely serious.



“Well in that case, this way!” She led the pair to a secluded area. A quaint little hill, on the outskirts of town. They had a nice view of the village from here.



On this little hill was a garden table, with two chairs on each side of it. The hill was covered in a myriad of flowers, all hues of pinks and purple. A lit candle stood in the middle of the table, illuminating the scene. It’s flame drifting in the cool breeze.



It looked suspiciously romantic.



Julieta pushed the two towards the table, her smile a bit forced. “You both sit down, I’ll be right back with the food!” And then she hurried off.



They took their seats, not entirely knowing what was going on.



“Mom is acting…weird.” Mirabel noted.



“So that wasn’t just me then?” Hiccup asked, as she shook her head no.



Before they could continue this line of thought, they heard a familiar clomping. Luisa was stomping over to them, carrying a grand piano. Augustin stiffly following her.



The mighty girl placed the piano down, near them. She gave the duo a polite nod, and swiftly stomped away. Augustin approached them, awkwardly smiling.



“H-Hey, kids! I was wondering if you could help me out with something?” They shared an uncertain glance, and nodded for him to continue. For some reason, he only got sweatier.



“Y-You see…” He was tugging on his collar now. “I’ve been working on this new song. Do you think you could give it a listen, and tell me what you think?” They both nodded again, and he stiffly sat down at his piano.



He began to play. It was a soft, gentle melody that immediately relaxed both the teens.



Augustin was more nervous than ever.



As Mirabel listened to the tune, she took another glance at Hiccup. His eyes focused on some fireflies that had started to appear. Maybe it was the song, or something else. But she felt like she was seeing him in a new light.



His soft and intelligent eyes, his round nose, his adorable mop of hair…all illuminated by candlelight. It was if the entire world was enwrapped in darkness, except for him. He kinda looked…dreamy.



She didn’t know what brought about this change of perspective, but she couldn’t entirely say she disliked it.



She was knocked out of her reverie by a plate slamming directly in front of her. Julieta was back, placing two plates of chocolate covered strawberries onto the table. “Enjoy!” She hastily said, before rushing off somewhere else.



Hiccup and Mirabel shared a befuddled glance…



But food was food. Especially Julieta’s food. She could sneeze on a piece of paper and it’d be delicious.



With a shrug, they dug into their sugar-coated fruits. With that elegant tune playing in the back, they began to freely chat. Telling jokes, sharing stories…



Trying to stop Hiccup from choking on a strawberry.



Besides the strange pretenses that led them there, they were having a good time together.



And Mirabel felt that strange twinge in her heart, whenever she made him laugh.



“I’ve really gotta figure out what that is…”




From afar, Pepa watched them with an almost devious glee.



“Yes…YES! It’s working!” She cheered, cackling like a villain who’s diabolical scheme was succeeding.



Every other Madrigal, sans Dolores, Alma, and the currently occupied Augustin, was with her. They all looked upon the scene in front of them with pride and joy.



“They really are adorable…” Julieta cooed. Luisa nodded, fighting tears. Even Isabela had to admit, it was pretty cute.



Pepa’s brow furrowed with determination. “We’re not done yet! Camilo! Bruno!” The two snapped to attention as their names were called. “Time for the grand finale! Luisa, get the stage!”



“On it!” The giant girl spoke, as she went to retrieve the stage. Meanwhile, Bruno and Camilo began rehearsing their lines.



Julieta placed a hand on Pepa’s shoulder. “Hermana, are you sure the play is really necessary? They look like they’re having a good time already…” She whispered, so the guys in question wouldn’t hear. “…And the script is really on-the-nose.”



Pepa brushed off her sister’s concerns. “If they’re having a good time now, they’re about to have a great time!” She then began to whisper as well. “…And I needed something for the two of them to do…”



Julieta watched, warily, as Bruno and Camilo marched over to the young couple. Luisa carrying the stage behind them.



She wasn’t sure if this would end well…




Dolores was panting when she’d found her.



She’d been searching all over town for her grandmother, running as fast as she could to try and save her cousin from complete and utter embarrassment. and now that she’d found her, it took all her willpower not to start screaming.



“Abuela! Abuela!” She called out. Alma stopped the conversation she was having, and made her way to her granddaughter. Her concern evident.



“Dolores, what’s wrong?” She asked softly. Dolores took a deep breath…



“I accidentally told everybody that Hiccup has a crush on Mirabel and it looks like Mirabel likes him too and because they all feel bad about the whole years of neglect thing they’re trying to help get them together and they’ve got this crazy plan and I know it’s gonna be a disaster and YOU HAVE TO STOP THEM!!!”



Dolores got that all out in one breath. As she huffed and puffed, Alma only had one response.






Groaning, Dolores grabbed her grandmother’s hand and dragged her to where she could hear the chaos already transpiring. “Come on!” She grunted.



As Alma was pulled along, another thought entered her mind.



“Mirabel and…Hiccup?”




“Hey, Hiccup! Mirabel!”



Upon hearing their names, they both turned to see Bruno and Camilo on their way. As Luisa sat down a small wooden stage behind them.



“Alright, check this out!” Camilo started. “Bruno and I are working on a stage show, and you are gonna be our test audience!” Without even waiting for their response, the theater kid and his theater uncle immediately began to start their production.



“A lot of people asking us to test things, today…” Hiccup noted.



Camilo went to hide behind the stage, as Bruno appeared. Stony faced, with his hood over his eyes, he started to narrate. Augustin provided musical accompaniment.



“Allow me to tell you a tale…A tale of kindred spirits from two different worlds, brought together by war and love…A tale of a Griffon and a Moth…” He spoke in a deep voice, as he introduced the story.



Camilo appeared on stage, in the form of a very scrawny teen with a mop of black hair atop his head. He spoke in a very nasally voice.



“I am Henry, shunned by my tribe of Pirates for befriending a Griffon…I left my people, in search of a better life!” Hiccup balked at this. That sounded awfully familiar…



Camilo then morphed into a bespectacled girl, a cascade of curly red hair on her head, with bright yellow glasses on her face.  He spoke in a high falsetto.



“I am Annabel, ignored by my family for being the only one without a super power…I work every day to make them proud!” Mirabel was stricken with the sudden urge to strangle her cousin.



They sat in bewilderment as the strange performance continued, watching Camilo rapidly switch back and forth as he played both main characters. As they viewed the protagonists encountering various scenarios, Hiccup and Mirabel were graced with a very strong feeling of déjà vu.



Because they’d lived them. They’d lived these scenarios. The play was depicting their lives.



Henry crashed landed in the magic village, and was stranded until he could fix his Griffon’s tail-feathers. Annabel discovered the super powers were fading, and Henry helped her through the crisis. They formed a strong friendship, encountered a multitude of shenanigans, and now they’d caught up to present day.



Camilo as Henry put a hand to his chin in thought. “Hmmm…After three months of living in the magic village, it seems I have developed feelings for Annabel!” Hiccup felt a cold chill running down his spine, as Mirabel gained a look of confusion.



“I must consult Beakless, my trusty Griffon companion!” Bruno appeared with a sock puppet on his hand. Painted to resemble a bird’s head, with buttons for eyes.



“SCRAWK! Tell her how you feel!” He screeched.



“Yes, of course Beakless! I shall profess my love to her at once!” Camilo ran to the other side of the stage, and shifted into Annabel.



“Why Henry, it looks as if you have important and possibly life-changing news to share with me!” He quickly ran back to the left, turning back into Henry.



“Yes, Annabel! I am deeply and madly in love with you!” He ran to the right.



“What a coincidence, because I am also deeply and madly in love with you!” Back to the left.



“Let us passionately embrace, and proclaim our love to the heavens!” He then ran to the middle of the stage. Keeping his main body in Henry’s form, but morphing his arms into Annabel’s. He turned his back to the audience, and began hugging himself.



“Oh, Henry!”

“Oh, Annabel!”



He then made a lot of kissy noises. Really weird kissy noises. As Bruno closed out the play.



“And thus ends our tale…of the Griffon and the Moth…” He, along with Camilo as his normal self, took a deep bow. And quickly ran back off.



Leaving a confounded Mirabel, and a terrified Hiccup.



…and Augustin.



“Psst! Hey, Hermano! We’re supposed to leave them alone now!” Felix whispered from the bushes. Augustin jolted up from his seat.



“Oh, right! E-Excuse me...” He began to make his way to the bushes himself.



Mirabel and Hiccup sat in silence for a while. Neither really knowing what to say. The sounds of crickets being the only noises made.



As Hiccup felt his heart threatening to pound out of his chest, he realized he had to play it cool. “Man, that was weird huh? Those guys came up with some c-crazy stuff…”



Mirabel looked deep in thought, as she nodded. “It was definitely weird, but…it was all accurate. That play was clearly about us. I recognized all of it…up until the last bit.” She slowly turned to Hiccup, who was quaking in fear. He kept his gaze firmly on anything but her.



He was praying, desperately pleading to any God that would listen that she wouldn’t ask him THE question. Because he knew he wouldn’t be able to lie to her.



“Hiccup, please look at me.” Hesitantly, so slowly you couldn’t tell he was moving, he faced her. Eyes quivering with terror.



“This is it. It’s over. It’s all over…”



She took a small breath. “Hiccup, do…do you…”



A scream broke out.



They swiftly turned to see Augustin being swarmed by bees. He was running around, frantically waving his arms to try and swat the insects.



“Augustin, NO!”



Another scream, this time from Pepa. She stepped out into the field, looking absolutely furious. “They were so close, Augustin! THEY WERE SO CLOSE!” As she screeched, the clear night sky turned into an overcast thunder storm.



A bolt of lightning struck the wooden stage, setting it ablaze. Bruno yelped in shock. “Oh no, no, no, WAIT! I paid good money for that!” He scampered over, trying to stomp out the flames.



Only for his foot to catch on fire.



He hopped around on one foot, crying out in fear. Trying to shake the flame off.



Julieta hastily tried to assist. “Augustin, stop provoking them! Bruno, stop drop and roll! We learned this when we were kids!”



Luisa and Isabela were desperately trying to put an end to the fire. Fanning it with big palm leaves Isabela produced.



The fire just got bigger. And ate their leaves. They screamed, and retreated.



Camilo smirked at the chaos. “Stuff like this is why I get out of bed in the morning!”



Felix sprang into action, running over to his fuming wife. “Pepa, quick! Think about something sad! Think about…” He paused as he tried to come up with a sufficiently depressing concept.



Camilo jumped in for his father. “Think about orphan puppies!”



Immediately, Pepa’s rage was replaced with a deep despair. “They’re puppies without pareeents!” She wailed.



Antonio began to sniffle as well. “That is pretty sad…”



Soon, rain started pouring from the heavens. Dousing the flames.



The stage fire was put out. As well as the fire on Bruno’s foot. The bees buzzed off once the downpour started.



All was quiet, except for the pitter patter of falling water.



Mirabel and Hiccup were absolutely flabbergasted.



“Oh no…”



All eyes turned to the new arrivals. A horrified looking Dolores, and a dumbfounded Alma.



“We’re too late…” Dolores whispered again. Alma stepped forward, observing her wet, stung, and scorched family members.



Her maternal instincts kicked in as she grew a very stern look. “Just what have you all been doing!?” Many Madrigals tried to speak up at once, but it was Dolores’ voice that reigned supreme.



“I screwed up. I told them all about Hiccup’s crush on Mirabel, and they drove themselves crazy trying to play matchmaker.” She gave her family a scolding glare, before glancing to Hiccup and Mirabel. Deeply remorseful. “Sorry, guys…”



Upon hearing her words, Mirabel and Hiccup both froze.




“…Is this true?” Mirabel quietly asked Hiccup, as he began to tremble again.



“I-I um…Well, I- “As he was attempting to stutter out a response, Camilo answered Mirabel instead.



“Yeah, totally. And we could tell you were nuts about him too. We were just trying to hook you up!” He yelped as he was slapped in the back of his head. Dolores silently sent him a withering scowl, and he cowered under her gaze. “You started it…” He mumbled.



Mirabel was still looking at Hiccup, who looked like he was about to have a panic attack. “I-I just, I gotta…” He suddenly stiffened up, and began to walk unsteadily back towards town.



“TOOTHLESS! Gotta feed Toothless! Getting late, gotta feed him. Gotta feed Toothless…” He babbled, as he staggered back to the forge.



Mirabel watched him leave, terribly confused. Too perplexed to even give the boy a proper goodbye.



As he began to disappear into the town, Mirabel turned to face her family. Unhappiness evident.






Everyone besides Alma averted their gaze, looking ashamed.



Julieta put a palm to her face, she should’ve known this would be a disaster. “Mirabel, I know this got out of hand. And I’m sorry. But we really were just trying to help.” She sighed.



Bruno began to nervously chuckle. “Y-Yeah, we figured Hiccup likes you, and you like Hiccup, so we’d just move things along!” His smile fell. “Bad idea, heh…”



Mirabel’s confusion only increased. She rolled her eyes and groaned with exasperation. “Why do you guys keep saying that? I don’t have a crush on- “She paused.



She didn’t have a crush on Hiccup.



She didn’t.




…Did she?



She stopped speaking, as the realization dawned on her…



She stopped speaking as it clicked…



That feeling. That very, very strong feeling she had towards him. The one she couldn’t describe. That she couldn’t quite place.



She knew what it was now.



She stood frozen in place as she had her epiphany. Her family began to look concerned, calling to her. But she didn’t hear them.



She was too busy thinking. Thinking about Hiccup.



She recalled, all at once, all that he’d done for her. All that they’d been through together.



His dorky tendencies, his devotion to those he cared about, his drive to help, to protect. How close he was with her family, who she cherished like nothing else in this world.



His freckled face and his goofy grin and his hair and his nose and those beautiful eyes. Those eyes that only looked to her with adulation. As vast as the open sky.



Just how…special she felt when she was with him. How wanted, accepted, understood, and appreciated she felt.



Everything she loved about him sprang to her mind.



Everything she loved about him.






Her heartrate increased as she considered that word.



She wasn’t in love, not quite yet…



But she wanted to be.



She wanted to fall in love with him.



Just as her mother placed a concerned hand on her shoulder, Mirabel’s hands zipped to cover her mouth. Her eyes wide in shock. Her breathing startlingly quick.



“M-Mirabel? Are you alright?” Her father asked, overflowing with worry.



Her expression unchanging, she quickly removed her hands from her mouth. She whispered with an almost undetectable voice. “I like Hiccup…”



Everyone leaned in, not quite hearing what she’d said. Except for Dolores, who’s face lit up in pleasant surprise.



“You-You wanna repeat that?” Bruno tentatively asked.



Her shocked expression gradually grew into a wild grin. Her eyes sparkled with joy and passion. Her body rapidly began shaking as the excitement she felt just became too much to handle. She hopped into the air and cheered. Everyone leaned back and Dolores covered her ears from the sudden exclamation.






She landed, and started speaking rapidly. “I mean like-like him! Not just like, but like-like! Oh my gosh this is incredible! I’ve never felt this way before!”



The Madrigals watched her in a stunned silence as she rambled, zooming all over the place. She was known for being energetic, but this was something different entirely.



“Okay, okay, okay, okay, what do I do? Can I just tell him, is that something I can do? Do I ask him out? Does he even like me back- “She froze, and slowly turned towards Dolores. Looking at her like she held the secret to eternal youth.



“Dolores…” She whispered to her cousin. “…You said that Hiccup had a crush on me. Is that true?” She spoke slowly, and meticulously.



Off-put by her cousin’s erratic behavior, she hesitantly nodded. “Th-That’s what I heard him say…”



Mirabel stared Dolores down for what felt like eternity. Looking for any hint of deception.



And then the jitters were back, and Mirabel squealed with excitement.



“HE LIKES ME! I like him and he likes me!” She grabbed Isabela’s hands, and twirled her around. Giggling with glee. The girl’s enthusiasm was infectious, and soon almost everyone was laughing and cheering too.



Alma stood, a bit off to the side. Pondering the situation.



“Mirabel and Hiccup, huh?”



A slight smile graced her features, and she joined the rest of her family. The bespectacled girl was now swinging Antonio about, as the child joyously hollered.



Mirabel stopped spinning and dancing, much to her cousin’s disappointment. “I’ve gotta tell him!” She declared. She spun, facing her entirely family. “I’m gonna go tell him!” She received near unanimous approval.



“Go on, then!” “Good luck, Miraboo!” “You got this, sis!” “You’re too good for him, but go for it.” “What are you waiting for? Go!” “Get outta here!” “This is just too cute!” “Good luck…Annabel!” “YAY MIRABEL!!!” “Break a leg, kid!...F-Figuratively speaking…”



Smiling so brightly the night seemed to become day, Mirabel set off to make her feelings known to Hiccup. And then ask him out to dinner, or something…



Before she left, a voice called her.






She turned to see her Abuela, regarding her with a wary look. The girl’s overflowing euphoria dimmed a bit…



Before her grandmother gave her a warm smile. “We’ll be waiting at home for you.” She placed a loving hand on her shoulder. “Go get him!”



Grin returning brighter than ever, she gave her grandmother a brief hug, and made off for the blacksmith’s.



After tonight, everything’s gonna be different!




Hiccup sat in his bedroom, alone. Toothless was downstairs.



He was on his bed, really the only piece of furniture in there. And then thought of what had just transpired.



So…Mirabel knew. She definitely knew. Their friendship is ruined.



Or at least, that’s what Hiccup initially thought.



Then he recalled what he’d heard right before leaving.



Apparently, Mirabel liked him too.



At first he was ecstatic. The girl he had feelings for also had feelings for him? This was perfect! The friendship wouldn’t be ruined if this is what they both wanted! Everything was going to work out fine!



Someone as amazing as her, falling for someone like him. She really was incredible.



Someone like her…with someone like him…



His breathing hitched, as he was struck with realization.



“Oh no…oh no, no, no!”



He began to sweat and tremble as he began thinking about just what this meant.



Or more accurately, another facet of his own psyche did the thinking for him.



“That Mirabel lass is really quite something, isn’t she? She doesn’t need a hiccup like you dragging her down. Think of all she could accomplish, all you’d be keeping her from accomplishing?” Echoed a vast voice.



“Don’t even think about it, Useless! Mirabel deserves a guy who’s worthy of her. Which you definitely aren’t! You’d be denying her the opportunity to be happy with someone else!” Echoed a snotty voice.



“Relationships are about trust, and respect. What would you know about any of that, traitor? If you really care about her, stay away from her…” Echoed a voice as sharp as an axe.



As these voices swirled around his mind, he began to feel unwell. Because deep down, he knew they were right.



He’d just drag her down, or break her heart by finding a way to ruin everything. Like he always did.



He didn’t deserve her. It would be better for everyone if he just stayed away from her.



“But…if she likes me…what if she makes the first move?” He thought.



“…You know what you have to do, Hiccup…” The vast voice rumbled again.



Hiccup did know.



And he hated it. It made him sick to his stomach.



…But he had to.



To protect her from making the biggest mistake of her life, him.



He would do what he had to do.



And then he’d probably cry about it. A lot.



But that was for later. Now, he figured he’d go to bed early.



He slowly made his way downstairs, finding Toothless sleeping in the forge. He gently nudged the dragon awake. “Come on, bud. Let’s get you upstairs.”






The boy froze in place, as the dragon awoke. Toothless looked past Hiccup, and rumbled a greeting to the figure in the entryway.



Hiccup turned, and faced Mirabel. And he knew he wasn’t going to bed early. It had to be now.



She was wearing a shy smile, but she seemed to have a lot of energy. She looked really excited.



“Hiccup! I know it’s getting late, and we can totally talk more about this tomorrow, but there’s something I really have to tell you!” At her fast-paced speaking, the scrawny teen felt dread build in his heart.



You know what you have to do…



He sighed. “I’m doing this for her…”



He tried his best poker face. “And what may that be?”



She giggled, toying with her hair, as she told him the good news. “Hiccup I…I like you! Like-like you! And thanks to everyone being all weird, I kinda know that you like me!” She gazed at him, eagerly, with those deep brown eyes.



“So do you wanna…I dunno, go out tomorrow? It can be anything, I don’t even care!” She now looked bashful. “…As long as it’s with you.”



Hiccup’s heart was screaming at him to stop, to accept her offer and then embrace her and never let go.



But he knew what he had to do.



“No.” Was all he said. He guided Toothless out of the forge, and past a stunned Mirabel.



“Wait…wait what?” She asked, following them outside.



“I said no.” Hiccup replied, while preparing his dragon’s saddle.



“…W-Well, that’s okay. We don’t have to go out, we can stay in! There’s plenty of stuff to do inside- “



“No. I don’t want to do anything with you.” He cut off her second offer without even looking at her.



Mirabel was becoming worried. “I-I don’t understand. Hiccup, what’s wrong?” He didn’t say anything, he just continued fiddling with the saddle. “Hiccup, talk to me!” He still ignored her.



Finally, he mounted the now very confused dragon. His head hung low, eyes obscured by his auburn hair. Before it looked like they were about to take off, she grabbed his arm in a desperate attempt to get him to stay. To tell her what was going on. But he refused to even glance at her.



“Hiccup…please…look at me…” She quietly pleaded.



…He couldn’t say no to her.



When he looked to her, she felt a chill. His pine green eyes were cold. There wasn’t a trace of admiration, or joy, or pride to be found within. Only desolation.



Without saying another word, he urged Toothless to take off. And they flew into the night sky.



Mirabel watched them go. Her vision becoming blurred by tears.




He did it. It hurt like hell, and he’d never forgive himself, but he did it. He protected her from ruining her life.



As he flew, he noticed Toothless was becoming increasingly agitated. He kept fighting Hiccup’s lead, and trying to turn back around. Controlling the tail-fin was an ordeal tonight.



They definitely weren’t flying as one right now.



Finally, they landed on top of a mountain. The same one he and Mirabel were on sitting earlier. He needed to be far away…



As soon as he dismounted, he felt a tail slap his head.



He turned to see Toothless, glaring at him with an anger he’d never seen the dragon display.



“What was that for?” Hiccup asked, irritated.



Toothless huffed, and his scowl intensified. As if to say “You know exactly what it was for.”



Hiccup shouted in frustration. “I had to do that, aright? I had to! You’re a dragon, you wouldn’t understand…”



Toothless went from angry to enraged. He ROARED at the boy, with a fury befitting of his species’ name. He growled and hissed and stomped the ground, baring his sharp teeth. He was rumbling and groaning, clearly trying to get something across that Hiccup just couldn’t understand. Finally, he huffed out steam from his nostrils.



He looked down to where the village was, and back to Hiccup. He then gestured to his back. He wanted them to go home.



Hiccup sighed. “I can’t do that…”



The dragon began growling again, and this time Hiccup just turned around. He took a seat on the grass, and laid his head on his knees.



Soon, the growling stopped. And it turned into sad warbles. The dragon crooned and cried out to the boy, wanting to know what was wrong. Why they were up here. Why he was so cold to the girl he so clearly adored.



But Hiccup just shut him out.



Eventually, Hiccup heard the flapping of wings. He looked to see Toothless gliding himself back down to the village.



He’d left him here.



He’d lost both his friends tonight.



A vast voice rumbled in his mind. “You’re a hiccup. You don’t deserve those friends.”



Hiccup knew the voice was right.



And he hated it.