39. A While Ago



He failed.



He failed. Again.



He failed and now he’d lost everything.



His father, when all he wanted was his approval. All he wanted was to make him proud. To be the son he deserved. To earn his love.



His tribe, when all he wanted was to be one of them. To be treated not as a nuisance, a mistake, a walking disaster, but a member of this village. To join their ranks of esteemed warriors.



His best friend, who he was meant to kill. But after seeing the real fear in its eyes, the understanding that its life was about to end…he just couldn’t. The creature who showed him the truth about dragons, and embraced him when no one else would.



It was all gone.



He had no father now, he was disowned. He was exiled from the tribe, not that they wanted him in the first place. And his best friend was about to be killed, all because the dragon tried to defend him.



As usual, Hiccup the Useless screws up everything he touches.



And this time, there was no getting out of it.



No dad or Gobber to bail him out. He wouldn’t receive a stern talking to, or be grounded, and be a free man within the month.



This was it. His biggest, and most likely final, mistake.



And yet, he didn’t regret it.



He regretted a lot of things



Like getting Toothless caught. Not being good enough to show the Berkians that dragons weren’t the mindless beasts they thought they were. Or not being born the thick-skulled burly Viking his father always wanted him to be.



Or sometimes, that it was his mother taken that night, and not him. If she was still around, perhaps they could have tried again. Made a better child, a more fitting heir.



But of all the things he regretted, befriending Toothless wasn’t one of them.



His time with the Night Fury has been the happiest he’s felt in years. With Toothless, he felt accepted. Appreciated unconditionally.



He didn’t have to pretend to be something he’s wasn’t around him, he could just be himself. That was more than enough for the dragon.



On an island full of people, his people, his tribe…only a dragon would call him friend.



He’d laugh, if he wasn’t so terrified.



He laid upon the cold, hard arena floor. Just moments ago being pushed away and disowned by the chief.



He knew what was coming next, he knew how traitors were handled. When they were done executing his friend, they’d come for him. They’d tie him to a raft, and ship him off to sea. Where he’d starve to death.



Despite that, he wasn’t afraid for himself. In this moment, his thoughts were occupied solely by his dragon.



That kind, intelligent, gentle creature had endangered his life to save a hiccup like him. Even after he’d crippled the poor reptile.



He couldn’t let them do this.



He wouldn’t let them do this.



He had to do something. Anything.



Scrambling to his feet, he entered the Ring and looked for something he could use. Something that could help his friend.



But there was nothing, the arena was empty.



Hiccup was alone.



It was just him.



And four cages holding giant, winged lizards.




Flying without having to manually adjust your position with pedals and pulleys was a very different feeling, but not a bad one.



In fact, Hiccup welcomed it. As he was so panicked, he wasn’t entirely sure he could properly operate Toothless’ tail-fin in this state.



He was on the back of the Deadly Nadder they had locked up. The creature was hesitant at first, but soon came to trust the boy once he showed it just a little kindness. The poor thing seemed awfully lonely. It had even agreed to help him rescue his friend.



They soared over the island, looking for any hint as the where the Night Fury was.



When Hiccup spotted him, his blood ran cold.



They had him in chains. Tied to the ground, with his wings bound and his maw muzzled. Even from up high, Hiccup could see the dragon struggling to free himself. A defiant glare in his eyes.



Hiccup’s heart ached at the sight, his desperation to save his companion only increased.



But he couldn’t rush in blindly.



There was a massive crowd of Vikings present in the village square, absolutely everyone on the island was there. Cheering and shouting curses as the dragon. All eager to see their chief slay the first ever Night Fury on Berk.



Stoick was there, sharpening his axe in preparation for the big event. He didn’t look very excited.



Hiccup and the Nadder hovered above, as the boy urgently tried to come up with a plan.



“Alright, we don’t have a lot of time here…maybe I could-no, that wouldn’t work…what if I-no, too many people…” His frantic thoughts were put on hold, when he saw that Stoick had finished sharpening his axe.



And he was stomping over to Toothless.



No time for planning.



They had to do something.






Without wasting any more time, they swooped down to the plaza. Landing with a mighty stomp, and a loud squawk.



As Vikings shouted in fear and surprise, Hiccup dismounted as fast as he could. He ran over to Toothless, shielding the dragon with his small body, and screamed at Stoick to stop.



“Please, dad! PLEASE! Y-You don’t have to do this!” He pleaded.



Villagers scrambled to grab their weapons, some tried to fight the Nadder off with their bare hands. Spooked, the dragon took to the skies.



Stoick regarded the boy with a cold glare, his grip on his axe tightening. “Step aside...” He said, gruffly.



Despite his trembling frame, Hiccup stood his ground, and kept trying to get through to the chief. “N-NO! Just-Just listen to me for once, please! Dragons aren’t like we thought, they’re not-we don’t have to- “



Stoick was losing his patience. “STEP ASIDE!” He raged.



Hiccup refused. Instead, he stared his father directly in the eyes, and spoke softly. “No. He’s…he’s my best friend.”



There were a few gasps among the crowd, exclamations of confusion or outrage, and some very snotty laughter.



The chief was as still as a statue, no movement could be seen. Not even in his eyes, or his breathing. He just stared at Hiccup, face locked into a glare. The scrawny teen stared back, eyes betraying his fear, but also his determination to protect his friend.



Nobody moved for what felt like an eternity. The crowd was silent, awaiting just what would happen next. Even the normally chaotic twins were quiet, anticipating the anarchy that was sure to come.



Suddenly, Stoick snapped. He released a savage battle cry, and raised his axe in the air. Ready to strike.



Gobber watched on in horror, Toothless growled aggressively through his muzzle, Hiccup flinched away from the incoming decapitation-



Until Stoick’s axe was blasted out of his hand, by a burst of magnesium flame.



The Nadder dropped down, right in between Stoick and Hiccup. And squawked aggressively. It turned around, and knocked the large Viking aside with its tail.



Once again, Vikings scurried to find the nearest weapons. While this was happening, the dragon readied another flame in its throat, aimed right at Toothless.



Or more accurately, the chains.



Realizing what was happening, Hiccup dove out of the way as the blast freed his friend. Seeing as how dragons are fireproof, Toothless was unharmed.



Getting back on his feet, Hiccup quickly removed his dragon’s muzzle as the creature nudged him lovingly. “I know, I know, bud! I’m happy you’re okay too!”



But now wasn’t the time for sappy reunions. Stoick was getting up, and he looked furious. Not to mention the horde of Vikings, who’d finally gotten their hands on some weapons and were advancing fast.



Hiccup checked Toothless’ saddle. It was a bit singed, but it would work fine. Luckily, the tail-fin was completely undamaged.



In spite of the stressful situation, Hiccup breathed a sigh of relief.



They had a way out.



They could fly.



He hopped onto Toothless, and despite his better judgement, he took one last glance at his father.



The man was looking at him with an incomprehensible rage. Yet, Hiccup could swear he caught flashes of sadness, perhaps betrayal?



He saw that confliction, and it made Hiccup himself feel conflicted. He was tempted to run back, and try to talk to his father. Knowing full well that the man wouldn’t listen. He just felt like he had to try.



As a bola swung over his head, he knew there was no more time to contemplate. “Come on, bud. Lets get out of here!”



They launched into the skies, eager to be anywhere but here. They dodged bolas and throwing spears with incredible speed and agility.



As they were ascending, Hiccup spared a glance back, and was distressed to see the Nadder that defended them was being captured once more.



“NO!” He shouted, and the two raced back down to save it.



However, as they dived closer, the dragon noticed their approach. It shot blasts of flame, to dissuade their attempts.



It chirped at them, desperately. As Vikings roughly chained it up and began taking it back to its cage. Hiccup couldn’t understand, but his companion did.



Toothless turned to face Hiccup, and crooned sadly. He gestured away with his head.



And Hiccup got it.



“It’s telling us to leave it behind, and to save ourselves…” He realized.



He saw several villagers eyeing them, and the chief shouting orders and pointing straight at them.



He knew it was right.



With great sadness, they flew off into the cloudy sky. Promising to never forget the brave Nadder’s sacrifice.




Hiccup and Toothless were sitting on a sea stack, a bit away from Berk.



They’ve been sitting there for a while.



The sun was setting, its bright form reflecting in fragments upon the drifting ocean waves.



Hiccup ruminated on his failures. All of them, again and again and again.



He could never prove himself to his village. He could never make his father proud. Him and Astrid? Forget it…



Though…at least he managed to save his friend from death. He was good for something, at least…



Toothless stretched on the grass, tired from such a stressful day. As Hiccup gazed upon the isle of Berk, forlornly.



It wasn’t his home. It couldn’t be, not anymore.



There was no other option.



They had to leave.



But where?



Hiccup began to pace, as he considered their options.



They couldn’t head to any of the nearby islands, they’d be captured immediately. If they weren’t executed, they’d be handed over to Stoick, and then executed.



He was an outcast now, but he really didn’t want to go to Outcast Island. It wasn’t a very pleasant place.



And he didn’t fancy the idea of living on some uninhabited island, in the wild. Hiccup enjoyed the feeling of community, the hustle and bustle of people. Even if the community he used to be part of didn’t necessarily like him.



He began to sweat, as he realized what he had to do.



If he wanted to live in peace with his dragon, he’d have to find somewhere they’d be accepted. Somewhere they’d be happy.



And a place like that didn’t exist in the archipelago.



So they had to leave the archipelago.



The idea seemed absurd. He’d never left the archipelago, not even once! But despite how odd it sounded, it also gave him a bit of clarity. And the slightest smidgen of hope.



It was a big world out there. Maybe, somewhere very far away, there was a place where he and his dragon could be free.



Even if such a place didn’t exist, he had to search for it. Because they couldn’t stay here.



But before they set off, they needed to prepare. Hiccup was currently equipped with nothing but the clothes on his back. They needed supplies if they were to survive.



They had to go back. Just for a moment.



A terrifying moment.



They waited, catching their breath in the cool breeze, for the sun to fully set.



This mission would only work in the veil of night.



And when the moon finally rose, they soared into the dark sky. Invisible amongst the stars.




Hiccup had never been so afraid of his own bedroom.



Underneath the inky black sky, they had flown onto Berk. A bit outside the village. A few lit torches being the only sources of light.



They hid in some bushes, looking out for anyone that might see them. The coast seemed clear, so they carefully crept to their target.



If they were to leave, they’d need a few things to survive.



Food, obviously. Tools, so he could maintain Toothless’ tail-fin. Money. And something to store them in, a bag.



All of which he could find in his hom-



The chief’s hut.



They sat, quiet as humanly and dragonly possible, and waited.



Hiccup knew the chief, and he knew that occasionally he’d take a nighttime stroll around the village. Making sure everything is in order, before going to sleep himself.



He really hoped this was one of those nights.



And luckily for him, it was.



He was peeking out from behind the building, when he heard the doors swing open. Jolting back to a hiding position, he listened as Stoick stomped his way into the village.



He waited until he was positive the man was far enough away, asked Toothless to stay put behind the house, and quickly snuck inside.



He had to be fast.



First, he grabbed some chicken legs from the kitchen. Just a few, he didn’t need to arouse suspicion. The chief would probably think he simply ate more than he remembered the other day.



Then, he climbed the stairs and entered his bedroom.



Though in just a few moments, it wouldn’t be his bedroom anymore.



He snagged his spare tools, a bit of money he had lying around, and placed his items in a small bag. He was ready to go.



But before leaving, he took one more glance at the room he’d grown up in. The room he was never going to see again.



He gazed at his old toys, recalling the days he’d spent imagining himself as a mighty warrior worthy of the Haddock name. The papers that covered his desk, all blueprints for contraptions he’d spent sleepless nights building. Positive that they would help the village. All failures…



Truth be told, he’d miss that smelly old forge. He’d miss Gobber. The only Viking on this island who seemed to care about him. Leaving him behind would hurt, but it had to be done. The one-legged man probably hated him now, too. Just like everyone else.



His bed, which he’d lie awake in sometimes. Wondering just when his growth spurt would hit, and he’d be big and strong like his father. Wondering why, no matter how hard he tried to help, everyone just seemed to despise him. Wondering why his dad never smiled at him anymore.



He looked at-



Stoick was back.



Hiccup broke into a cold sweat, when he heard the thundering footsteps coming from downstairs.



The time for recollection was over, he had to leave now.



In his efforts to leave as quickly as possible, he wasn’t watching where he was going, and he knocked into a shelf. Causing it to clatter and quake, and making some of the items placed on it fall to the ground.



And the chief had heard it. The footsteps stopped immediately once he bumped into the shelf.



And picked back up again.



As he headed for the stairs.



Hiccup was breathing so heavy, he was sure he would pass out. Not caring if he was heard anymore, he ran to his window and took a flying leap out of it. Just as his door was slammed open.



He crumpled to the ground, more than a little hurt, and quickly got onto his feet. Toothless tried to check if he was alright, but he brushed him away. “No time, bud! We gotta go!” He whispered.



Now having acquired everything they needed, the boy and his dragon took off.



Leaving Berk, the only home the boy had ever known, in the dark of the night. Most likely never to be seen again.



They said he rode a dragon, and one day he just disappeared.




They flew.



They flew and flew, for hours and hours.



They flew as fast as they could.



They flew until Toothless could barely stand to flap his wings.



And then they flew even more.



Finally, when the dragon just couldn’t take any more, they landed on a small uninhabited island.



They were in the middle of the ocean, no landmasses in sight.



Good, no one to see them.



Hiccup tried and failed to start a fire, and instead asked Toothless for assistance.



Now a bit warmer in the cold breeze, he reached into his bag and grabbed a chicken leg. He nibbled half of it, and gave the rest to the Night Fury. If their food was going to last, at least a little, they needed to be careful not to eat too much.



Their hunger now slightly sated, they rested. They had another day of flying ahead.



And another after that, and another after that.



However many it took, until they’d left the archipelago.



However many it took, until they’d found somewhere they could live in peace.




A week later.



A week of nonstop flying, and Hiccup believed they’d made it.



They’d stopped in a small village, far away from Berk and it’s surrounding islands, to pick up some food. While there, he’d managed to get his hands on a map of the archipelago as well.



The village he was in was located on a small island, at the very edge of the archipelago. A few more days of flying, and they’d be free.



So that’s just what they did.



They continued to fly, stopping for nothing.



Not for poor weather, or illness. Not even when Hiccup, checking the map again, accidentally dropped it into the ocean.



Remembering certain landmarks from the map, Hiccup looked out into the horizon.



All they had to do was pass one more sea stack and-






They’d done it.



Just like that, they’d done it.



They’d left the archipelago.



They were tired, and cold, and hungry. But they’d done it.



And they celebrated.



They hooted and hollered and roared with glee.



Because the first step was complete. They’d accomplished something, as simple as it may be.



Now they were on step two, find somewhere in this great big world they could stay.



…That was probably going to be harder.



Hiccup lied back, gazing up at the clear sky as they soared over the unknown ocean. He closed his eyes, and let his imagination wander.



“The perfect place to live…”



“Well I’d appreciate if it was warmer. And maybe less meathead Vikings? That’d be nice. Somewhere without violence, and war. Somewhere with more colors beyond bitter brown and drab grey. Maybe somewhere with nicer smelling locals? Now I’m just nitpicking… I need somewhere I’d be…accepted. Appreciated, at least a little. Somewhere I wouldn’t be treated like a hiccup. Somewhere Toothless wouldn’t have to hide…”



He opened his eyes, as he realized he was indulging in a fantasy. “…Yeah, right. Fat chance somewhere like that even exists.” He grumbled.



Just then, out of nowhere, lightning struck.



Which made no sense, as there wasn’t a cloud in the sky just a moment ago.



Shocked out of his daydreaming, Hiccup looked at the positively massive storm cloud that was approaching in shock and fear.



They tried to avoid it, to fly around it, but it was almost as if they were being sucked in.



Now flying amidst the heavy rain, they frantically tried to soar through it, to pass the storm and come out the other end. But it was no use, the clouds seemed to go on forever.



Thunder rumbled from above, heavy winds tossed them around, rain beat down on them, the oppressive darkness disoriented them.



But they kept pushing through. They’d come too far for an overblown drizzle to take them out.



Flapping his mighty wings, Toothless grit his teeth as he tried to get he and his friend out of there. “Just hold on, bud! We’re almost out, I can feel it!” Hiccup yelled, trying to reassure the dragon.



Finally, they reached the eye of the storm.



And it was unlike anything Hiccup had ever seen.



A swirling mass of clouds surrounded them, but what was strange is that the clouds were golden in color. With golden lightning sparking throughout the cyclone.



It was confounding…and beautiful.



But as cool as it looked, they couldn’t stick around.



The flew upwards, trying to exit the hurricane through the eye. They ascended at rapid speeds.



“Almost there, bud!”



The clear blue sky was calling to them.



“Come on, Toothless! Come on!”



He could almost taste freedom.



“Just a bit more- “






A white flash.



A loud shriek.



The smell of burning fabric.











When Hiccup awoke, it was very warm.



5 months later



“Can I open them yet?”






“It’s been like…fifteen minutes!”



“It’s been thirty seconds.”



“That’s thirty seconds too many!”



He heard her giggling, from behind his closed eyes.



Hiccup sat on his bed, quivering in anticipation, as Mirabel readied the gift she said she’d brought him.



He felt something soft being placed in his hands. “Alright, now you can look!”



At her command, Hiccup opened his eyes to see a ruana in his hands.



It was similar in size to his previous one, but that’s where the similarities ended. This one was a sky blue, with a lighter blue stripe near the bottom. Along the stripe were sky blue patterns resembling wings, dragon wings specifically.



Mirabel sat next to him, observing him accept his gift. A bit nervous. “I made it myself…d-do you like it?” She asked, shyly.



He turned to her, smiling widely. “Like it? I love it!” he quickly stood, and put it on. Presenting himself with an extravagant motion.



“How do I look? Is blue my color?” He asked, as she snickered.



“Actually…there’s a reason it’s blue…” He sat next to her again, as she explained. “In my family, there’s a tradition. Each line wears certain colors. Have you noticed Mariano wearing yellow recently?” He nodded. “That’s because Tia Pepa’s line wears warm colors! Tio Bruno’s line would probably wear greens, and my mom’s line wears cool colors.”



She began to fiddle with her hands. “…And blue’s a cool color, so…”



With this new information, Hiccup examined his new ruana. “So…what you’re saying is…”



Mirabel was getting awfully sweaty, as she worked up the courage to ask the question. “I know we’ve dated for a little while, but it wasn’t official, and I-I want to be official, and I know my parents and Abuela already approve so you don’t have to ask, and basically what I’m saying is…” She took a deep breath, and gazed deeply into his eyes.



“Will you be my boyfriend?”



She watched as he sat there, stunned. Her anxiety began working into overtime, wondering if she’d asked too soon. Or if she’d taken too long to ask. Or if she should’ve let him ask, or if-



Her fears were quelled, when he began to smile. He didn’t say anything, he just smiled warmly at her.



“W-what? What is it?” She asked, a bit confused.



“Of all the places I could have crashed…I’m lucky it was here…” He softly.



She grew her own, gentle smile. But she still hadn’t received an answer, even though she felt she already knew it. “It’s a yes or no question, Hiccup!” She joked.



He nodded, fervently. His hair, which he’d begun to grow longer, swaying wildly with the movement. “Y-Yes! Absolutely, yes!” He exclaimed.



She tackled him into a hug, and they stayed like that for a while.



Lost in the embrace.



Just happy to have each other.