50. Nautical Nonsense

It was exciting.



And also terrifying.



Mirabel has always been fascinated by the world outside the Encanto, even when she was told that it was a horrible place of suffering and pain.



Despite these cautionary tales, reading about the great big world made her imagination run wild. As a child, she’d dream about making expeditions to the pyramids in Egypt. Or trekking across the entire great wall of China.



But as she grew older, she realized these dreams were just dreams. She’d most likely never leave the Encanto. And that was alright with her. Her home had all the excitement she needed.



That wasn’t the case anymore.



Now, she would be going on a journey to a strange land far away from here. Along with her sisters and her boyfriend.



The prospect of adventure and discovery was incredibly exhilarating.



But this trip wouldn’t be for pleasure. They were going with the intentions of battling a colossal, malevolent beast. The fates of both the dragons and the Berkian people lied in their hands.



And that was petrifying.



But despite her worries, she kept her head held high. Because thanks to Bruno’s latest vision, she knew that it would all turn out okay.



She kept the prophecy in her heart, and used it as fuel to keep her going. No matter what challenges lied ahead, she would ensure the prosperous future her family was promised came to be.



They were being led by Stoick, to their boat. Located on a nearby shore.



The Viking camp was cleaned up, and empty. The others left early to prepare for the oncoming voyage.



Aside from a trio of oddly shallow holes, it was as if they were never here.



The Viking chief led the charge, as the Madrigals chattered in the back.



Hiccup was being peppered with questions about their destination.



“Is it really that cold?”

“You guys don’t even have radio?”


“Are we gonna have to wear those dumb helmets?”



“Yes, no, and not if you don’t want to.” Hiccup answered each inquiry, respectively. “Though I dunno, Isa. I think you’d look good in a helmet!”



“The massive horns would portray how terrifying you really are...” He grinned, before batting his eyelashes. “And it would bring out your eyes!”



The other girls laughed, and Isabela smirked. She took being called scary as a compliment, more than anything else.



But her grin became a sneer of disdain, when a certain stout boy appeared.



Snotlout, grinning smugly as always, stepped out from the bushes. Chest puffed out as far as it would go.



“Nope. Not doing this.” Immediately, Isabela walked ahead. Not wanting to deal with the boy.



Stoick looked back, surprised. “Snotlout? What are you doing here?”



“Weren’t you supposed to be at the boat?” Hiccup asked, already tired of his presence.



In response, Snotlout silently shrugged.



Stoick huffed with displeasure. “Fine. But don’t start any trouble.” He then began marching forwards again.



Mirabel rolled her eyes. “Asking that guy not to start trouble is like asking someone not to breathe…”



Hiccup chuckled as they moved on ahead. And from the back of the pack, Snotlout’s smile grew even more devious.



Along with their unwanted new addition, the group hiked along the outside of the mighty mountain range that surrounded the Encanto. Even the giant Luisa couldn’t help but feel teensy in the presence of the towering peaks.



After about an hour, they entered a forest. The dense leaves shading them from the hot sun.



Strangely, Stoick seemed to be having a difficult time navigating the woods. He would frequently stop, and try to get his bearings. Or wave his hand in front of his face, as if clearing something away.



But to Mirabel, Hiccup, Luisa, Isabela, and Toothless, the path was perfectly visible.



Soon, it was them who began leading the group. As the bearded man could barely tell right from left anymore. Mumbling curses about some sort of fog.



Snotlout also seemed unhindered.



Exiting the forest, they arrived at the beach. The sounds of wind and waves filling their ears.



On the shore, gently shoved against the sand, was the strangest ship Mirabel had ever seen.



It was long, and fairly thin. An array of shields adorned its sides. With a reptilian head carved onto its front, the whole vessel looked more like a wooden sea serpent than a boat.



On the beach were the other Berkians, preparing the ship for departure.



Astrid hoisted the sails, Fishlegs tried to get their faulty compass to function, and the twins were given the incredibly important job of counting the grains of sand on the beach.



Gobber, who was supervising the preparations and absolutely wasn’t just loafing around, heard Stoick’s stomps signaling his arrival.



He turned to greet him, ready for bad news. “Let me guess, ye couldn’t get- “



His remark died in his throat, when he saw that Stoick wasn’t alone. “…Hiccup…” He whispered in disbelief.



The Viking teens present all perked up at Gobber’s words, and gazed upon the arriving group with wide eyes.



Astrid especially was quite shocked. She immediately dropped what she was doing and jumped over the ship’s railing, scurrying over to them.



Slightly panting, she skid to a stop right in front of Hiccup. Who was eyeing her distrustfully. “You…you’re coming with us?” She softly asked.



His glare hardening, he nodded. “We all are. We’re gonna end the war.”



Those words were music to her ears.



In the end, despite her mistakes, she’d managed to succeed in her mission.



They were going to help her save her people.



She could’ve hugged him, if he didn’t seem so put off by her.



Instead, she just shakily spoke. “Th-Thank you.”



Hiccup didn’t respond. He just moved onwards, after giving her one last frown. Mirabel didn’t even look at her, turning her nose as she walked by. Toothless growled threateningly at the shieldmaiden. Luisa regarded her with a displeased scowl. And if looks could kill, Isabela’s withering glare would’ve sent Astrid straight to the grave.



It seemed they were still sore over the whole attempted kidnapping thing. Astrid didn’t blame them.



But they were still leaving their home, and risking their lives on a journey to save her tribe. When they could’ve simply ignored Berk’s plight, and lived the rest of their days here in peace.



Eager to repay their selfless act, Astrid swore upon her honor that she’d make up for her foolishness. And make things right with them.



Gobber hobbled over got in-between Hiccup and Mirabel. Putting a gentle hand and a gentle hook on both shoulders. “A pleasure to have ye both with us!” He smiled.



“The pleasure’s all ours!” Mirabel smiled as well, though it was a bit strained. She was the one with the hook on her shoulder.



Toothless trotted over, following after his riders. Gobber’s discomfort was instant, but Hiccup felt like taking a chance.



“Gobber…” He gestured to the creature, as he sat politely on the beach. “This is Toothless!”



The dragon eyed the man warily, but curiously. And vice versa.



The one-legged man shifted his gaze to the two teens, who were sweating abundantly. Tense expressions on both faces.



Were they really afraid he’d react that badly?



Gobber was still very unsure about the whole dragons aren’t evil thing, but he definitely didn’t want to upset Hiccup or Mirabel.



Swallowing his fears, he held his lone hand out. “Any friend of Hiccup’s is a friend of mine!”



The Night Fury sniffed at the hand, before cautiously raising a paw to meet it. His eyes widened as the man began shaking it.



Mirabel and Hiccup shared wide grins, both relieved and amused at the interaction.



Luisa and Isabela both examined the boat, the salty breeze blowing through their hair.



“So this is where we’re gonna be stuck for the few weeks, huh?” Isabela asked, unimpressed. She was not looking forward to weeks upon weeks of sailing.



“Yep. Just us…on a little boat…in the big, big ocean…” Luisa began to look a bit fearful, while staring at the waves.. “Hey, sis? You don’t think there’s anything crazy in the water, do you?”



Before Isabela could reassure her younger sister, Fishlegs stepped in.



“Actually, there’s a large number of aquatic dragon species! Many of which are more than capable of destroying a ship with ease!” He stated with a geeky smile.



His geeky smile faded, when he noticed how Luisa was now quaking with fear. And how angry Isabela looked.



And the Venus flytraps he was suddenly surrounded by.



Ignoring the pained yelps of a rotund boy, Ruffnut and Tuffnut searched the area. Discouraged.



“So Hiccup brought the beefy witch, the plant witch, and the nerdy witch…” Tuffnut started.



“But not Loki!?” Ruffnut exclaimed.



Tuffnut released a deep sigh. “Y’know, sometimes I feel like we’re not allowed to have nice things…”



Snotlout, hearing their conversation from afar, rubbed his hands with mischievous glee.



Finally, it was time to depart. The sun was beginning to set, and they were wasting good daylight just standing around and talking like they were.



With the gentlest nudge from her foot, Luisa effortlessly dislodged the boat from the shore. And soon it was drifting on the seas once more.



“We’re ready to cast off!” Gobber bellowed from atop the ship. “Everyone get a move on!”



At his call, everyone present scrambled to board the vessel.



Almost immediately upon arriving, Mirabel found herself swaying about uncontrollably. She suddenly fell over, catching herself on a nearby barrel.



She heard chuckling, and frowned at Gobber as he wiped an amused tear from his eye. “Don’t worry, lass! You’ll get your sea legs in no time!”



As Gobber was saying this, a rapid rocking of the boat caused him to fall over himself.



Luisa, who’s massive frame tipped the ship, stood over the toppled man bashfully. “Sorry about that…”



He glowered as he heard Mirabel’s laughter. “Not one word…”



Fishlegs approached Ruffnut, with a rather embarrassing question to ask.



“Hey, Ruff? Could you do me a favor?” He requested, meekly.



The girl shrugged. “Depends on what it is.”



“Well, it seems I upset Isabela. And…” He turned around, presenting the flytrap that was currently gnawing on his bottom.



“I can’t get it off…” He whimpered.



But instead of helping, Ruffnut burst with laughter. Doubling over as her stomach began to hurt from laughing so hard.



When Tuffnut arrived on the boat, all he saw was his sister laughing with Fishlegs. And his blood ran cold.



“It’s just as the rat man foretold!” He thought, panicked.



He hastily rushed over, grabbed the still laughing Ruffnut by her shoulders, and escorted her away. All while giving Fishlegs a very dirty look.



Toothless bounded onto the boat with Stormfly, the two engaged in what seemed to be a riveting conversation of squawks and warbles.



Hiccup made to follow them, before he was stopped by a large hand on his shoulder. He internally groaned, as he already knew who it was.



“Hiccup…” Stoick spoke, tentatively. “I just want you to know that things will be different. The village won’t treat you so harshly anymore, I’ll make sure of it.”



The boy scoffed, and brushed the hand aside. “It doesn’t matter. It’s not like I’m staying.”



And that was all he said, before he boarded the ship.



Stoick stood there, alone on the beach.



Hiccup barely even wanted to look at him. How was he supposed to mend their relationship like this?



After so many years of mistreatment, it was too broken…



…But just because it was broken, didn’t mean it couldn’t be fixed.



His brow furrowed with newfound determination, as he realized what he had to do.



He would show Hiccup that Berk was capable of changing, capable of treating him as one of their own. As they always should’ve.



And once the boy saw that he was now fully part of the community, that he was a Viking…



He’d decide to stay.



And all would be well.



Wasting no more time, Stoick stomped over to the ship. Ready to accomplish his new mission.



Now that everyone was on board, it was time to set sail.



Mirabel, Hiccup, and the sisters all stood at the stern of the boat. Silently watching their home slowly drift away, farther and farther.



For most of them, this was the farthest they’d ever been from the Encanto. And they still had a long way to go.



The homesickness was already beginning to kick in, and lumps formed in a throat or two as they thought of the loved ones they’d be leaving behind. Even if just temporarily.



Wordlessly, they all glanced at each other.



And huddled a little closer. Not quite an embrace, but it was comforting all the same. As long as they were together, they still had a bit of home with them.



Hiccup then moved to hold Mirabel’s hand…



But the hand he grabbed was definitely not hers.



Jolting with shock, he turned to see Snotlout standing in between him and Mirabel.



The group huddle broke apart, as everyone glared at the stout boy.



“Snotlout would you go somewhere!?” Hiccup demanded.



“Thanks for ruining the moment. Really appreciate it…” Mirabel groaned.



“What the heck are you talking about?”



Confusion befell the group, as they heard the voice coming from below deck.



Because that was Snotlout’s voice.



But Snotlout was right in front of them, wasn’t he?



Glancing down, they were shocked to see a second Snotlout rising from the depths of the ship.



“I didn’t even know you guys were here!” He noticed Isabela, and his slimy smirk returned. “Though…I’m not saying that’s a bad thing!”



All she had to do was show him a cactus, and that was enough to send him running.



The first Snotlout sighed, and spoke in a very different voice. “Welp, I guess the jig is up…”



And just like that, he morphed into Camilo.



He smirked at their baffled exclamations.



“What are you doing here!?” Luisa loudly asked.



The shifter raised an eyebrow. “What? You thought I was just gonna let you guys go on a crazy Viking-Dragon adventure without me? No way!”



Isabela crossed her arms, and gave him a deadpan stare. “You realize your mom’s gonna kill you when we get back, right?”



“Y’know what that sounds like?” Camilo leaned against the end of the boat, completely carefree. “That sounds like future Camilo’s problem!”



“At this rate there’s not gonna be a future Camilo.” Mirabel snarked.



“Say what you want, but you’ll never be able to convince me that this wasn’t a great idea!” A pair of gasps alerted them to a pair of gawking twins.



“Could it be…?” Tuffnut gasped.



Ruffnut was nearly to tears. “It’s Loki! He’s returned to us!”



Tuffnut sank to his knees, crying to the heavens. “We are the chosen ones!”



His grin increasing, Camilo sauntered off to join his adoring fans. “And besides, what’s a God without his followers?”



They watched, confounded at what they’d just seen.



And then, Mirabel had a realization that filled them all with existential dread.



“Weeks on a boat…with them.”



They all stood completely still, frozen in terror. As Hiccup muttered a single word.







Seven Vikings.



Four and a half Madrigals.



Two dragons.



One boat.



As the days turned into weeks, this volatile combination served to produce chaos on a near daily basis.



Mirabel was at first quite intrigued by the act of sailing, as she’d never even seen the ocean before.



But after a few days of staring at nothing but endless blue, it started to lose its charm.



She busied herself by learning all there was to know about seafaring, with Gobber being more than happy to teach her.



And she caught on fast. By the end of the second week, it was almost like she was running the ship.



“Snotlout! Quit messing around in front of the mast!” The stout boy ceased his peacocking, as she began to scold him. She pointed towards the back of the boat. “Now head astern, and get rowing! We’ve got to keep the ship from hauling wind!”



The boy grumbled, peeved that he had to stop flirting with Astrid. Not knowing how close he was to losing a hand.



Hiccup, dismounting from a flight with Toothless, was dumfounded by what she’d just said. “I don’t even think those were words…”



She smiled shyly as she pulled some ropes, adjusting the sail’s position. “It’s just sailing terminology, it’s nothing fancy!”



“Ye’d know that if ye’d listened when I tried to teach ye!” Griped Gobber, plucking the scrawny teen’s nose.



“Yeah well, there was one problem with that…” He spoke, rubbing his nose. “Sailing is boring!”



Mirabel gasped, offended. “What? No it isn’t! It’s super fascinating!”



“It’s super fascinating if you’re a nerd!” Hiccup grinned.



The bespectacled girl gave him an unamused stare. “So the nerd is calling me a nerd, huh?”



Hiccup sighed, in mock resignation. “It’s alright, I can forgive these dorkish tendencies. I’ll stand by you, no matter how geeky you get!”



She formed a wry grin. “Oh, how selfless of you!”



“Well, y’know…” His smile became more earnest. “…Anything for you…”



The two began to move towards each other, lips puckered…



Until the sound of retching brought them out of the moment.



Luisa was bent over the ship’s railing, releasing her lunch into the deep blue below. The poor girl was terribly seasick.



Snotlout stood next to her, arms crossed. “I know, right? They’re disgusting…”



Despite her current state, she still found the strength to reach over and smack Snotlout upside the head.



Catching him slacking, Mirabel shouted out to him. “I said row!”



“I’m rowing, I’m rowing…” Reluctantly, he grabbed some oars placed them in the waters alongside Fishlegs and the twins.



Noticing the interaction, Gobber couldn’t help but chuckle.



“The lass certainly has spirit! Another week, and she’ll be the captain!” He joked.



Standing beside him was Stoick, looking out into the horizon.



He didn’t respond to Gobber’s quips. He was too lost in thought.



In all honesty, he was still unsure about the girl his son was involved with.



He supposed he’d have to add it to the list of things they’d need to talk about.




Two weeks became three.



And Camilo and the twins were becoming unbearable.



It was a small boat in the middle of the ocean. Everyone was bored. But the trio saw fit to amend their boredom by tormenting everyone else.



Mainly by finding new and creative ways to throw them overboard.



Isabela was looking incredibly frazzled.



She walked stiffly, her eyes bloodshot, and her hands clenched into fists. Dripping with saltwater.



“If I get thrown in the water…one more time…we’re gonna have one less cousin…” She spoke, softly.



Her soaking siblings shared that sentiment.



“They’re not gonna stop until we get there…” Hiccup groaned. “Either that, or we tie them up and lock them in the ship.”



Luisa put a hand on Isabela’s wrist, to prevent her from producing vines. “So how long until we get there?”



“We’re not entirely sure…” Astrid spoke, approaching the group.



She hefted her dripping axe over her shoulder. “But Gobber gives it about six weeks.”



That revelation made them all quiver with fear.



Six more weeks? A month and a half?



Of this!?



In that moment, the three and a half Madrigals all shared one thought.



One feeling.



One heartfelt wish.



“Please, let us get to Berk as soon as possible…”



And then, out of nowhere, lightning struck.



The seas became unstable, the sky darkening, the winds howling…



Every passenger looked onwards in fear and awe, as a massive storm of golden clouds approached them.



But Hiccup gazed at the clouds not with terror, but with recognition.



He’d seen this phenomenon before.



Mirabel, who’d been left in charge once Gobber decided he needed an afternoon nap, quickly moved to try and steer the ship away. But Hiccup stopped her.



“Wha-What are you doing?” She asked.



He answered her, yelling over the winds. “We have to go into that storm!”



“Are you nuts!?” She blurted. “That thing will capsize us!”



He pointed to the incoming clouds. “The storm will take us to Berk!”



“No, the storm will take us to the afterlife!” She shot back.



Through the pounding rains and the raging thunder, he grabbed her hand.



He spoke softly, and yet she could still hear him loud and clear. “Please…you have to trust me…”



His pine green eyes displayed nothing but sincerity. He truly and deeply believed that this was the right course of action.



And she knew he wouldn’t lie to her, not like this.



Wordlessly nodding, she began to steer the ship into the storm.



“EVERYBODY HANG ON!” She hollered.



Luisa gathered everyone she could in her arms, and hit the deck. Stormfly tried to shield them from the rain with her wings.



Mirabel, Hiccup, and Toothless stayed at the front of the ship. Gritting their teeth as they bravely met the storm’s challenge.



Courage in their eyes and fear in their bellies, they entered the swirling mass of clouds…



…And came out the other end, somewhere entirely different.




The cold.



The oppressive, miserable cold.



Hiccup hadn’t felt it in over a year. But as soon as it hit his skin, it was like he’d never left.



It was now early morning, strangely. And as the rising sun slowly illuminated the world around them, their boat laxly drifted through the waters.



Hiccup was currently the only one awake, though the others were beginning to stir.



At first, he had no clue where they were. He saw a few sea stacks, but that gave no real hint as to their location.



It was when he saw the twin statues of screaming, bearded Vikings jutting out of the water, did he realize where they were.



Mirabel, Luisa, Isabela, and Camilo awoke. Groggily climbing to their feet.



“Yo, Mira…” Camilo spoke, wobbling as he stood. “Next time your boyfriend tells you to do something crazy…maybe don’t do it?”



Rubbing her aching head, Mirabel looked over to Hiccup. “What happened…?” She muttered.



His response was two simple words. “We’re here.”



That woke her right up.



Her eyes shot open, and she quickly moved to where Hiccup was standing. Followed by her sisters and her cousin.



They looked up, awestruck, at the spiraling mountain that towered above them.



“This…is Berk.” Hiccup declared.



The Vikings had begun to rise as well. Gobber smiled, as he saw they’d arrived at their destination.



“Ah…home sweet home!” He said, as he pulled Snotlout to his feet with his hook.



Astrid was overjoyed.



They were here! They were here and they were gonna end the war!



Stormfly noticed her excitement, and began nudging her with joy.



“I thought it’d be bigger.” Said Isabela, nonchalantly.



“I thought it’d be warmer!” Camilo spoke through chattering teeth.



Hiccup snorted. “I told you it was freezing like, a million times!”



“Y-Yeah! You said it was freezing!” He rebutted. “This is below-zero!”



Stoick appeared from below the deck. It seemed he’d missed a lot, going for a quick potty break.



“We’re here…already?” He asked, softly.



Gobber shrugged, gesturing to Mirabel. “I guess the lass is a better navigator than I thought!”



Mirabel herself was still gazing at the approaching island with wonder and trepidation.



This was where Hiccup grew up. This was his home for most of his life.



And this would be her home for the next few weeks.



Toothless growled in apprehension, as familiar smells filled his nostrils.



“It’s alright, bud. I won’t let anyone hurt you…” Hiccup soothed.



They were pulling in, now. The docks were clearly visible.



Hiccup sighed, as he made out the forms of Vikings going about their days.



He was really, really not looking forward to interacting with these people again.



But he would do it.



For the dragons.



For his family’s future.



They’d finally arrived, with several villagers noticing their approach and alerting the town that the chief had returned.



As they began to dismount, Isabela suddenly reeled in revulsion.



“Eww, what is that smell!?” She asked, disgusted.



Hiccup could only chuckle.



“Welcome to Berk!”