60. A Vast Mistake

It was quiet.



And on an island of screaming Vikings, quiet was never a good thing.



The Madrigals had woken up a bit later than usual. They’d stayed up last night, discussing Hiccup’s reconciliation with Stoick.



In general, they still weren’t too fond of the man or his reasonings.



Though to Mirabel, they sounded eerily familiar…



But they were happy for Hiccup, and would always be there to support him.



Mariposa seemed to understand that it was one of her own kind who’d killed Hiccup’s mother, and she tried to keep her distance from the boy. Not wanting to make him uncomfortable.



Hiccup put an end to that by assaulting her with scratches.



Toothless got jealous, and demanded attention as well.



And that’s how the scrawny teen fell asleep with two dragons on top of him.



Mirabel awoke first, as usual. Chuckling at the sight of her boyfriend, buried beneath the reptiles.



“Alright, come on you two! Get up!” She nudged the dragons off the boy. “Before you suffocate him!”



Hiccup took his first full breaths in hours, his lungs no longer being crushed.



“Too late…” He croaked, while she awakened the rest of the family.



But even while they were still within the Hall, they could tell something was off.



There was less chatter, coming from outside. They couldn’t hear the hustle and bustle of busy Berkians.



It was almost unnerving.



“Maybe they finally realized they don’t need to shout all the time?” Isabela asked, with a mock gasp.



“Knowing these guys?” Camilo snarked. “Highly unlikely.”



They figured they wouldn’t get any answers just standing around.



Four and a half Madrigals, and two dragons left the Great Hall.



And found an empty Berk waiting for them.



The village was nearly barren.



The plaza was devoid of activity. Market stands went unattended. Shops were closed.



There were a few Vikings present. Children, or older individuals.



But every able-bodied adult was gone.



And that silence…that eerie silence…



Something was very wrong here.



“This is weird…even for Berk standards…” Luisa said, highly anxious.



The Madrigals looked to Hiccup, confused.



“Is this some Viking thing?” Camilo wondered. “The annual Disappear for a Day festival, or something?”



Hiccup shook his head.



“No, nothing like that…” He replied. “We gotta get to the bottom of this.”



They set out, searching the village for any hints as to where the Hooligans had gone.



Sometimes they’d encounter a child, or an older Viking, and attempt to ask them if they knew anything.



But the kids were just as clueless as they were, and the old people could only provide nonsensical rambles.



They looked high and low, checked every hut they came cross, and Hiccup and Mirabel flew their dragons for an aerial survey.



But they found nothing.



It wasn’t just the square. The whole village was empty.



Once more, they stood in the plaza. Unsure what to do next.



“It doesn’t make any sense…where’d everyone go?” Mirabel thought aloud.



Footsteps alerted them to four new arrivals.



Astrid, Snotlout, and the twins approached them. Half the group looking very concerned.



They shared a silent optimism, that maybe their fellow riders had a clue as to what was happening.



“Guys, what’s happening? Where is everybody?” Astrid asked.



Hiccup chuckled, nervously. “We were hoping you’d know…?”



This did nothing to quell the shieldmaiden’s uncertainty.



Ruffnut and Tuffnut however, seemed unbothered.



“Don’t sweat it guys, our parents do this all the time!” Said the male twin.



His sister chimed in. “They say prolonged exposure to us is hazardous to their mental health, so sometimes they just leave without telling us for a week or two.”



Camilo raised a point. “Okay, so why’s the whole island gone?”



The twins, instead of responding, opted to make armpit farts instead.



The present riders watched them, baffled.



“…Why are they like this?” Isabela asked.



No one had an answer.



More footsteps were heard, these ones more frantic. Along with labored huffing and puffing.



Fishlegs rushed into the area, looking quite panicked. Sweating and panting from the exertion.



Doubling over, one hand on his knee, he used his other arm to lean against the nearest sturdy thing he could find.



Which happened to be Luisa.



He finally spoke, wheezing between words. “It’s…awful…everyone…g-gone!”



Snotlout took a moment to look around the vacant village, before crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.



“You don’t say?” He asked, sarcastically.



Fishlegs faced the group, trembling with nervousness. “I woke up, in the middle of the night! Because sometimes I have bad dreams, and when I have bad dreams I like to drink some warm Yak milk, because warm Yak milk reminds me of my grandma who used to- “






Everyone shouted at once, and even the dragons released agitated growls. Jolting him out of his ramble.



“Right! Right! Sorry…” He quickly got his story back on track. “So I’m walking down the stairs, and I see Stoick in my living room!”



“He was talking to my mom, and h-he was-he was saying…”



The next part was working the boy up so much, he had to shout it out.






A wave of gasps and expletives followed.



“He said he was gathering all the warriors in the village to storm the nest, and that they’d set sail before sunrise! And considering there aren’t any adults here…” He let the implication do the rest of the talking.



It took a moment for the full realization to hit. Tuffnut especially had to be told explicitly what was happening.



But once they were all on the same page, everyone present was absolutely stupefied.



Except for Hiccup.



He wasn’t shocked.



He just released a deep, exhausted sigh.



“One of my dad’s is a magnet for trouble, and the other goes looking for it. Of course…” He thought, resigning himself to the reality that he’d have to watch out for both his birth father and his adoptive father.



An uneasy silence fell upon the group.



“So…they’re all out there? Right now?” Luisa nervously asked.



“Sailing towards certain doom…” Camilo morbidly added.



Astrid gripped her axe, tensely. “…What are we gonna do about it?”



All eyes turned to Hiccup.



And in return, he regarded them with grin.



A grin that portrayed fear, and an unbending will.



“What do you think we’re gonna do?” He asked.



And they knew what was happening.



Training was over.



For the future of both people and dragons…



It was time to end the war.




The tension was so thick, you could cut it with Astrid’s axe.



The arena, despite how cold and hard it was, had somehow turned into a meeting place for a young band of dragon lovers. It was somewhere they could unwind with their friends, both dragon and human.



But those carefree days were over.



Soon, they’d be marching off to battle.



Or in this case, flying off.



When they arrived at the ring, the Terrible Terror wasn’t there.



Its cage was wide open, and the little dragon was nowhere to be found.



Fishlegs surmised that Stoick must have taken it with them.



After all, only a dragon can find the nest.



The riders prepared themselves for the coming encounter, as best they could. Astrid had only seen the creature’s head, there was no telling what the rest of it was like.



They needed to be ready.



Astrid gathered all the weapons she could find, just in case. Snotlout practiced his battle poses, and wrote down some catchphrases. Luisa was meditating, to calm her raging nerves.



Isabela was sneaking in some target practice, using her plants in a variety of offensive ways. Camilo put on a strange looking cape. When asked about it, he’d only smirk. And the twins were locked in a discussion about the morality of feeding a chicken poultry.



Their dragons appeared to comprehend that they were about to face off against the queen of dragons, and several of them seemed very apprehensive. Mariposa, Hercules, and Meatlug especially were not keen on the idea.



With a steadfast glare, Toothless delivered a rousing speech that none of the humans could understand. But it seemed to do the trick, as soon every dragon was hyped up. Ready to fly out there and dispose of the diabolical despot. Freeing their kind from her wicked reign, forever.



Hiccup, Mirabel, and Fishlegs were talking strategy.



They couldn’t just rush in blindly, unlike certain other people…



If they were to pull this off, they needed a plan.



Fishlegs held out a card he’d created, based on Astrid’s description of the Red Death. It was only a head, as that was all he had to go off of, but it got the job done.



“From what we can tell, its scales are completely impenetrable.” He stated. “You’d have to strike its innards!”



Hiccup nodded. “And the only dragon fast enough to pull that off without getting eaten, is Toothless.”



He tried not to think about how much pressure he felt, knowing it was up to him and his dragon to land the final hit. To save Berk.



“Here’s what I’m thinking.” Mirabel started. “That thing is huge, there’s no way it can fly. And it’s gotta be slow. That means it’s basically gonna be in one place the whole time…”



“The other riders and I will draw its attention, and make it want to blast us to pieces. Then, once its mouth is open, you and Toothless take the shot.”



“…Blowing it up from the inside…” Hiccup finished the girl’s sentence, in a hushed tone.



It was a solid plan. A bit grisly, but solid.



And while killing a dragon is something they swore never to do…



This wasn’t an innocent, misunderstood creature.



This was a vile beast, solely responsible for centuries of death.



If ending its life was the only way to protect countless others, then so be it.



But they’d still be ending a life.



A somber silence fell, among the trio. The weight of their responsibility suddenly feeling rather heavy.



But it was what had to be done.



A bit later, and it was almost time to go. Hiccup had a few words to say to the others.



He stood, just before the ring’s exit, alongside Toothless. Facing the other riders, all standing with their own dragons.



He spoke, in a gravely serious tone.



“This is it, guys. Our greatest challenge yet. We have no idea what we’re truly up against, what the Red Death is capable of…But it must be stopped, and it’s up to us to make sure that happens. Everything is riding on this…”



“This isn’t one rogue dragon, this is a monster. Of unimaginable power…” He scanned the eyes of everyone present. “I’m not gonna lie to you guys, there’s a very large chance that none of us come out of this alive. If anyone wants to back out now, I won’t hold it against you…”



His foreboding words rattled throughout each of their minds.



They all grappled with the possibility that this could be their last day on this earth.



…And they all came to the same decision.



“If you think you’re gonna take all the glory for yourself, then forget it! I’m in!” Snotlout cried, before Hookfang hissed at him. “A-And uh, friendship and stuff, totally…”



“This was my mission. I started this, and I’m gonna be there to finish it.” Astrid stated, gazing nostalgically at Stormfly. Remembering their first days together.



Fishlegs held onto Meatlug, quivering with nervousness. “W-While I’m sure that some of us are very afraid…We have to do this! We have to save the dragons!”



“An incredibly dangerous battle with a high possibility of death, destruction, and general insanity?” Tuffnut asked.



“There’s no way we’re missing out on that!” Ruffnut cheered. The twins then conked their heads together, and Barf and Belch did the same.



“The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can go home. I’ve been dying for some real food…” Camilo said, nonchalantly. He turned to Tonta with a mischievous smirk. “Mami’s gonna freak when she sees you!”



Luisa placed her hands on her hips, with a confident smile. “We got your back, bro!” Hercules stood tall and proud, and bellowed his agreement.



Isabela flippantly tossed her hair. “Someone’s gotta keep you kids from getting yourselves killed. It might as well be me…” Though her tone seemed disinterested, her true feelings were clear. She was going to support her younger siblings, giant dragon be damned.



The Blossoms also shared in Isabela’s subtle method of showing that she cared…except for Pam. Pam was overzealously voicing her commitment to the mission. Much to her sisters’ annoyance.



Mirabel was packing their case of healing arepas onto Mariposa, though there were only a scant few left. As she did so, she glanced right into Hiccup’s eyes.



Her gaze ignited with an unwavering determination.



“No matter what, I’m with you…forever and always!” She said.



And Hiccup couldn’t help but smile.



“…Also I don’t trust you to not do something stupid while I’m not around to stop you.”



Hiccup’s smile fell.



From beside him, Toothless nudged his arm. Letting the boy know he was with him too. He was rewarded with an appreciative pat.



Hiccup looked upon his riders, his friends…



And knew the future of Berk was in good hands.



“Alright, then…Let’s ride- “






Hiccup’s kind of epic moment was ruined, by Mirabel’s shout.



She hastily scurried to a box, in a corner of the arena. Digging into it, she pulled out a bundle of large, colorful, leather objects.



It was only when she came close did they realize what she was carrying.






Each one embroidered with colors and symbols, corresponding to its respective dragon and rider.



“I was gonna give these to everybody tomorrow, but y’know…” She shrugged, while still holding the saddles. “Dragon war.”



Everyone took their saddle from her, impressed with the handiwork. Wasting no time outfitting their dragons with them.



Except for…



“What, I didn’t get one?” Hiccup asked, pretending to be outraged.



The bespectacled girl looked sheepish. “Toothless’ saddle has so many levers, and pedals, and…stuff! I didn’t wanna mess with anything…”



But then, she suddenly grew a teasing grin. “Tell you what. When we get home, we’ll work on a new one together.”



He was about to voice his agreement, until she placed a finger on his lips. “But! Only after you take me dancing!”



He regarded her with half-lidded eyes and a smirk. “You drive a hard bargain.”



Smiling brightly, Mirabel hopped onto Mariposa. Facing her fellow riders, she pumped a fist in the air.



“LET’S RIDE!” She cheered, and they all yelled battle cries in return.



As every dragon stomped, skittered and slithered out of the ring and into the skies, Hiccup couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.



She’d stolen his line…



But now wasn’t the time for that.



He mounted Toothless, and took off as well.



They had a war to end.



A monster to slay.



And he had a stupid father to save.



He only hoped they weren’t too late…




It was kind of funny, if he thought about it.



After years and years of searching for it…



Stoick had finally found the dragon nest.



When he no longer hated all dragons.



Life works itself out in the most mysterious of ways.



Since the early hours, before any light had begun to peek over the horizon, a fleet of ships steadily sailed through the rough seas.



Each one packed with an arsenal of weaponry, and every single Viking warrior the isle of Berk had to offer.



Led by the mighty chief Stoick the Vast, on a mission to end the war with dragons for good…



And there navigator was a tiny Terrible Terror.



The little dragon sat at the bow of the ship, chained into place.



Stoick had felt bad about tying the creature up, but he needed to ensure it wouldn’t just fly off. He made sure the chains weren’t too tight, and he kept it fed.



Some of the crew found it oddly fascinating, watching the famed dragon slayer gently feeding one of the beasts. Others just saw it as downright weird.



For a while, it had fought against its constraints. But soon enough the Terror seemed to enter some sort of trance, and it began tilting its head in various directions.



And that’s how Stoick knew they were on the right track.



For hours, the ships cruised. Changing course at the Terror’s slightest twitch and tremble. Even when they entered the fog that always seemed to end their excursions, they just kept their eyes on the Terror.



They were making their way through the fogbank, at the moment. There really wasn’t much to look at, so many Berkians opted to make idle conversation with their shipmates.



Gobber hobbled up to Stoick, who’s eyes were locked on the small dragon. He didn’t even shift his gaze when Gobber started speaking.



“Stoick, I just want ye to know…” He paused, to really emphasize the coming point. “This is the stupidest thing ye’ve ever done.”



The chief huffed at this. “Gobber…”



“No, I’m serious. How many times did they tell us that we needed a Night Fury for this? That’s the entire reason Hiccup and his friends came in the first place!” Exclaimed the blacksmith. “And you’re tossing that aside, and for what? So ye can be the big hero?”



“I DON’T CARE ABOUT BEING A HERO!” Stoick bellowed. His shout echoing throughout the fog.



For a brief moment, the yell snapped the Terror out of its trance.



“I know they said we needed a Night Fury! That’s why I’m doing this! Whatever this queen dragon is, I can’t let Hiccup fight it!” His anger cooled, and he now wore a morose expression.



“I just got him back…I can’t lose him again…”



Gobber was speechless at these words, while Stoick regained his composure.



“There must be another way to defeat it. There has to be…” He took back the wheel, and returned his gaze to the small dragon. “And whatever it is…I’ll find it.”



After a moment of silence, the one-legged man sighed. “Well, when this all blows up in your face…I’ll be here to help clean up your mess!”



With that, he snickered his way to another part of the ship.



After another half hour or so, the fog began clearing.



One would think, after staring at nothing but pale grey, the world beyond the fog would appear much more vibrant.



But the island they came across was colorless, and lifeless.



The only color breaking up the monotony of the drab and dingy landmass were red-hot spurts of lava, bubbling from the top of the jagged mountain. Piercing the clouds, and towering over the Berkians with a sinister flair.



They’d arrived.



The dragon nest.



Most of the Hooligans looked upon the island with wonder, as this was what they’d been fantasizing about finding for years. Decades, for some.



Gobber felt like it didn’t live up to expectations.



“It’s a bit dull, isn’t it?” He griped.



The first thing Stoick did was step up to the trapped Terror. It had regained its senses, and was fighting furiously to escape. To get away from whatever horrors lied within the mountain.



As carefully as he could, Stoick released the dragon from its chains.



“You’ve done well, little fella. You’re free to go…” He muttered, still not used to talking to a dragon as if it understood.



As soon as it was freed, the dragon began scampering away. But before it had taken off, it looked back to Stoick with fear in its eyes.



But it didn’t seem afraid for itself…it looked afraid for him. He and his people.



After that, it frantically flapped away. Desperate to be anywhere but here.



With that taken care of, it was time to prepare for the attack.



Wooden spikes were places all over the island, both as a method of defense and perhaps so the supposedly giant dragon would step on them. Though that last bit was wishful thinking.



Catapults were rolled onto the shores, and loaded with boulders. Wound up and ready to fire.



Every Viking present armed themselves with swords, axes, maces, anything.



As the preparations continued, Stoick was talking strategy.



Using a sword to draw in the sand, he laid out their battle plan.



“When we crack this mountain open…all Hel is gonna break loose…” He glared at the mountain before him. Or more accurately, the creature that lied within it.



“And my undies!” Gobber added, much to Spitelout’s disgust. “Good thing I brought extras…”



Ignoring his friend’s comment, the chief marched forward.



“No matter how this ends, it ends today!” He held a hand up, his fingers trembling as he prepared to give the signal.



Within this mountain lied a fearsome beast, the likes of which he’d never seen before.



But for the fate of both Vikings and dragons…



To protect his son…



He will prevail.



He closed his fist.



And the boulders flew.



They soared through the air, launching from the array of catapults, before colliding with the mountain.



Crashing and bashing against the rocky surface, breaking down its walls bit by bit.



With each hunk of rock, a piece of the mountain crumbled away. A hole was forming, and every Hooligan waited with baited breath to see what lied within.



Now standing in front of a large, pitch-black cavern, Stoick peered inside. Looking for any signs of life.



He sneered, when he found none.



He needed some light.



At the motion of his hammer, a ball of fire was hurled into the cave. Illuminating the darkness as it careened deeper inside…



Revealing what had to be hundreds of dragons, hanging onto the walls.



Thoroughly spooked, they all flew out of the mountain in a massive swarm of wings, tails, and talons.



The mass of dragons temporarily obscured anything else from view. The only things the warriors could see were scales, scales, and more scales.



Some Vikings swung their weapons at them, to Stoick’s distaste.



“DO NOT ATTACK! THEY’RE NOT OUR TARGETS!” He shouted, voice carrying over the flock. “SAVE YOUR ENERGY!”



At his word, they simply let the dragons go.



The reptiles kept flying outwards, into the grey skies. Not looking back for even a moment.



They knew what was coming.



Soon, it seemed that every single dragon had evacuated the island.



Were this a different time, the Berkians would have celebrated. Proclaiming their mission a success.



But they knew better now.



There was one dragon left.



“Form your ranks!” Stoick cried. “Hold together!”



He steeled himself for what was to come.



He was Stoick the Vast, chief of the Hairy Hooligan tribe. He’d bested countless dragons in battle, and he-



The ground moved.



The island beneath them rumbled and quaked.



A crack splintered across the ground, directly under Stoick’s feet.



And a mighty gust of air blew them all back, as an absolutely unholy screech resounded from the depths of the mountain.



The volcano itself began crumbling, sending chucks of rock hurtling to the ground.



“GET CLEAR!” Stoick commanded. Every Viking heeded his words, and rushed to find a safer position.



And then, crashing through the mountainside with a vicious snarl…



The Tyrant Lizard Queen made its presence known.



Both Stoick and Gobber turned, gawking at the creature with immense fear.



It was absolutely enormous.



Bigger than anything they’d ever seen. Bigger than anything they could’ve imagined.



And this was just its head.



“Beard of Thor! What is that?” Gobber asked, watching the beast bash its way through the rock.



And it was then that Stoick realized he screwed up.



Stoick had known it was going to be big. That point was emphasized to him multiple times.



But it appears he’d severely underestimated just how big it was.



In another brash leap to protect his son…



He may have just doomed all these people, his people, to annihilation.



In this moment, he could only thing of one thing to do.






“Odin help us…”



The giant’s body, covered in grey scales and pockmarked with red blemishes, was free from the confines of the mountain. Revealing four colossal feet, a brutal club tail, and a monstrous pair of wings.



After another malicious roar, the first thing it did with its massive claws was try and crush as many people as possible.



Stomping down on any fleeing Vikings it could spot with its six eyes, each one filled with malice.



This thing had to be stopped. There had to be a way.



“CATAPULTS!” Stoick bellowed.



At his call, a flurry of boulders were launched at the colossal dragon.



Each one bounced of its skin like they were mere pebbles.



But they weren’t completely ineffectual.



They annoyed the dragon, and now it was even more determined to kill them.



Opening its beastly jaws, it leaned down and chomped one of the annoying devices, before stepping down on another one. Crushing them both to bits.



The horde of fleeing Vikings were looking for a way out, any way out.



“Get to the ships!” One cried.



But Stoick knew that would be a death sentence.



“No! NO!”



But his protests went unheard.



Just as the warrior had called for his people to head for the boats, the giant dragon summoned forth its flame with a malevolent sense of timing.



A cyclone of fire spilled out from its throat, exploding on the waters and incinerating several ships.



Vikings quickly jumped into the sea, to avoid the flames.



Some weren’t so lucky.



The Red Death continued its rampage, not satisfied until every boat was turned into ash. Preventing the Berkian’s escape.



They were intruders in its kingdom.



They’d caused its minions to leave it.



And until it could get more, they would sate its hunger.



Seeing their way back home literally go up in flames, Gobber tried to find the humor in the situation.



“Smart, that one.” He said, complimenting the horrible beast.



Stoick was nearly overwhelmed with the feelings of shame and humility.



Why? Why hadn’t he just listened?



“I was a fool…” He whispered.



Rushing to Spitelout, Stoick tried to think of a way to keep his people safe.



“Lead the men to the far side of the island!” He ordered.



“Ya know, chief. If I were in charge…” The look Spitelout received was almost as deadly as the dragon queen herself, and he quickly shut up and did as told.



“Gobber, go with the men!” Stoick commanded, running back into the fray.



But the one-legged man stubbornly hobbled after him. “I think I’ll stay. Just in case you’re thinking of doing something crazy…”



They didn’t have time for this…



Swiftly turning, Stoick tried to reason with the blacksmith.



“I can buy them a few minutes if I give that thing someone to hunt!” He made to run off again, before Gobber grabbed his hand.



“And I can double that time!” He swore to his old friend.



And Stoick grinned.



He turned back to the massive dragon, and began shouting. Waving his weapon around and making an easy target of himself.






Seeing he was going with this tactic, Gobber couldn’t help but chuckle. “Oh no…”



He then rushed in himself, with the same strategy.






They’d captured the giant’s attention, just before it could devour a man.



Stoick grabbed a wooden stake and tossed it at the creature’s eyes, making him its sole focus.



Until Gobber started yelling again, making him its sole focus.






It whipped its head back to Stoick at his shout.



“NO, ME!”



This went on a few more times, the dragon’s attention divided between the two men.



Finally it’d had enough. It would just burn them both to a crisp, and be done with these nuisances.



It reared back, ready to summon another pillar of flame. Ready to end more lives…





But it was stopped, when a plasma blast exploded behind its head.