65. Pep Talk Trio

Mirabel couldn’t believe it.



Both that she’d dropped a major swear in front of three babies and her grandmother.



And what her grandmother had told her in the first place.



Alma wanted Mirabel to take her place, as leader of the Encanto and head of the Madrigal family.



She wanted Mirabel to be the next Candle Holder.



The very thought nearly made her curse again, overwhelmed by the surprising news.



But she held her tongue, because she tried not to swear in front of her parents.



She was currently in Casita. The kitchen, to be exact.



The evening sun shone through the windows, while she stood with a shocked look on her face. Her father was present, as well as her mother and Hiccup.



Julieta was working on dinner, with Hiccup assisting. He’d taken up cooking as a hobby in recent years, and was more than happy to lend his adoptive mother a hand where he could.



The delectable smell wafting into her nostrils was almost enough to take Mirabel out of her stunned stupor, but not quite…



“I-It’s crazy!” She exclaimed. “I mean…me? The Candle Holder?”



Julieta looked up from the vegetables she was chopping, and smiled.



“It doesn’t sound that crazy to me.” She said.



After receiving a baffled look from her daughter, she continued.



“You are a kind, brilliant young lady…” She spoke, while dicing up carrots. “And I know you only have our best interests at heart!”



The remains of the carrots were tossed not into the trash, but to Julieta’s dragon. A pleasantly plump Gronckle she’d named Paprika, as her reddish-brown coloration reminded the woman of the spice.



After sneaking an arepa or two from her food stand, the spherical dragon had decided she much preferred Julieta’s cooking to rocks, and has followed her around ever since.



Paprika rumbled with contentment, before opening her maws again. Eagerly awaiting more scraps, and making Julieta chuckle.



While her mother’s words were encouraging, Mirabel wasn’t convinced.



“W-Well maybe, but…come on! Leading the entire Encanto? That’s huge!” She replied, leaning against a counter.



“Do you not want to do it?” Julieta asked. Concerned that her daughter may be forcing herself into something she didn’t want.



Mirabel took a moment to think.



It was a massive responsibility, but…



She loved this village, its inhabitants, both human and dragon, and her family to pieces.



She’d be honored to lead them.



…If she had the ability.



“It’s not that I don’t want to…” Mirabel sighed, and slumped over. “I just…I dunno if I could…”



She scoffed. “I mean, who would listen to me?”



Augustin eagerly raised his hand.



“I sure would!” He declared.



Both mother and daughter smiled, and rolled their eyes at his energy.



Hiccup smirked, his hands coated in flour from the dough he was kneading. He had to stop Paprika from licking them, several times.



“At this point I’ve learned to just do whatever you say, and things will usually work out.” He snarked.



Some laughter alerted them to another presence entering the kitchen.



“Spoken like a true husband!” Felix chuckled, as he grabbed a drink from the fridge.



“And speaking of…” He turned to face Hiccup. “When you gonna pop the question, bro?”



The young man regarded him with a deadpan stare. “On a day that ends in Y…”



After a second’s hesitation, Felix burst with laughter. And recognized that he probably wasn’t going to get a straight answer today.



His drink acquired, Felix snickered himself out of the kitchen.



Once he was sure that the coast was clear, Hiccup rolled his eyes. “I’m gonna start keeping track of every time someone asks me that…”



Mirabel gave him a wry grin.



“At least you don’t have two older sisters subtly competing to be your Maid of Honor! Or an aunt who insists on showing you her wedding pictures at least once a day! I swear, the whole family is wrapped up in wedding fever. And we’re not even having a wedding yet!”



“We’re just excited, Miraboo!” Augustin said, eyes twinkling at the prospect. “We all know it’s going to happen. The anticipation is killing us!”



“And your anticipation is killing us…” Hiccup groaned, speaking for both himself and his girlfriend.



Mirabel and her parents chuckled at his words, and he found himself chuckling too.



But as the sounds of laughter died down, Mirabel felt herself thinking about her current situation once more.



She drifted, further and further into her thoughts.



It was nice to know that some believed she could do it…



But could she really do it?



Could she really step up, and be a leader to these people?



She loved her home, and her family. Incredibly so.



But could she lead them?



Could she be the new boss? The new head honcho? The new Matriarch?



The new Alma?



Hiccup saw the inner turmoil written all over her face, and felt the need to say something else.



“Listen, all jokes aside…” He was about to reach out to her, but he realized his hands were covered in flour, so he abstained. “I really do think you can do this.”



She turned away, but not before stealing a handful of shredded cheese that was resting in a bowl.



“You’re just saying that…” She murmured through the cheese.



He washed his hands of the flour, so he could place them on her shoulders.



He then turned her towards him. “No, I mean it! Do you know how many Future Chief talks I’ve had to endure on Berk?”



Hiccup balled his hands into fists, puffed out his chest, and started speaking in a phony Scottish accent in an attempt to imitate his father.



“Son! The future chief shouldn’t be so skinny! The future chief shouldn’t spend his time tinkering! The future chief should smell like a yak’s rear-end!”



He smiled when he saw that he’d succeeded in lifting her mood, as she was now chortling against the counter.



He then dropped the accent. “But every once in a while I’d get some actual good advice. Like…a chief’s first duty is to their people. I know for a fact that you’d do anything for the town, and especially your family!”



He moved his hands down the length of her arms, and took her own hands in his. “I know you’re fair-minded, imaginative, a quick thinker, you can definitely handle a crisis…if you gave this a shot, I know that you’d be great at it! You’d be a Candle Holder we all could take pride in!”



Deep brown met pine green, and as his words touched her heart, she couldn’t help but smile. Despite all the anxieties bubbling up from within her.



Julieta and Augustin silently marveled at the frankly adorable moment they were witnessing.



…Until the moment was ruined by a desperate whisper.



“Now get down! Get down on one knee!”



They all looked over to see Bruno, his baggy eyes peeking over the kitchen’s entrance.



As soon as he saw them looking at him, he jolted. Immediately standing up, and whistling while he walked somewhere else.



Attempting to act casual, with a fussy Diego strapped to his chest in a baby sling, and his Hobgobbler skittering after him.



After a brief silence, Hiccup spoke.



“Three…” He grumbled. “That’s three today…”



Mirabel snickered again, before she really considered his words.



“It’s…it’s a lot of responsibility.” She sighed. “I probably wouldn’t be at the stables, as much…if at all…”



“And I’d have less time to work on my crafts…” She spoke, a bit more nervously.



The crushing weight of obligation started hitting her, and she began to panic. “A-And you’d have to fly Mariposa, because I’ll be too busy. And I wouldn’t get to do anymore bonding ceremonies, a-and- “



“I-I can’t do this!” She blurted, shocking those present. “All the speeches and planning and running the village, that’s her thing!”



The thought of having to give up everything she enjoyed if she was to lead, was not the most pleasant one for her.



Both her parents were disheartened at her distress, and moved to join her and Hiccup. Placing a hand on both her shoulders.



“Mija, do you want to do this?” Julieta asked again.



Despite her current fears, the bespectacled girl could honestly say that she did want to lead her people into the future, if she could.



And so she nodded.



Augustin grew a small smile. “Then you can do this!”



“You wouldn’t even have to give all that stuff up! You’ll find a way to make it work.” Hiccup said, locking eyes with her. “Like you always do!”



“A-And it’s not like you’d be alone. We’ve got your back, I’ve got your back! I’d be your…your…uh…”



Hiccup’s nose scrunched in confusion, when he realized the word he was looking for may not exist.



“Uh…what’s the word for the husband of the Candle Holder?” He asked.



Mirabel, Julieta, and Augustin all glanced to each other, before they all shrugged.



“We’ve never needed one.” Julieta admitted. It was her father’s sacrifice that’d started everything, after all.



Hiccup was undeterred.



“Well, whatever it is…I’ll be that for you!” He proclaimed, as steadfast as ever.



Both her parents voiced their support as well.



Mirabel still had her fears. Her worries. Her anxieties.



But knowing that she wouldn’t be alone in this, helped her to see the bigger picture.



The Encanto would need another leader, sooner or later.



And she adored her home, so very much.



If it was up to her to keep the fire burning, well…



It’d be a lot of pressure.



But she could do it.



She could do it.



And that’s what she said.



“You’re right, all of you…I can do this!”



She was then swept into a group hug, one she gratefully accepted. Paprika was wagging her bulbous tail in joy, at the sight.



Mirabel felt secure in the fact that, no matter what, she’d always have this.



Her family. Their love.



A particular smell caught their attention, and it was then that Julieta realized she left the stove on.



She gasped, and hurried over to turn the fire down. Quickly wrenching her hand away before the boiling substance that was leaking out of the pot could touch it.



Julieta groaned at the ruined dish, knowing she’d have to start over.



“Don’t worry, mom…” Hiccup said, patting her arm. “With the two of us, it won’t take nearly as long!”



Despite her annoyance, she smiled warmly at him.



“What did I do to deserve a son as kind as you?” She asked, pinching his cheek. Much to his embarrassment.



“You just…had to be a good mom…” He mumbled through his reddening cheeks.



As the only mother figure he’d ever known, Hiccup had developed a massive soft spot for Julieta in particular.



As it turns out, he was a total mama’s boy. He just never had the chance to find that out.



Mirabel couldn’t fight the quip that was building in her throat.



“Technically, he’s not your son. Not yet.” She grinned teasingly.



She then looked to Hiccup expectantly. “When’s that gonna change?”



Hiccup looked aghast.



“Et tu, Mirabel?” He asked, clutching his heart in faux betrayal. Earning giggles from the girl.



While laughing at their antics, Julieta got her Gronckle to shuffle her husband and her daughter out of the kitchen. She and Hiccup had to start really cooking, if dinner was going to be ready on time.



“I’ll go start setting the table.” Mirabel said, as the dragon’s snout poked her towards the kitchen’s entrance.



But before she could leave, Hiccup had one last thing to say.



“You’ll do great!” He called to her, making her smile.



“Gracias, Amor!” She replied, a bit demurely.



But before she was really gone, Hiccup remembered he had another thing to say.



“Oh, and check the fridge!”



Brow furrowing in confusion, she did as she was asked.



Peeking the fridge open, she saw that a small piece of paper had been stuck to the inside of the door. Just above the eggs.



She already knew what it was.



Under Mariano’s coaching, Hiccup had begun writing poetry for Mirabel. He’d make little notes, and stick them in the strangest of places for her to find.



It was an awfully sweet gesture, and she adored the game of looking all over for them.



But she also found them rather funny.



Because his grasp on their language was not very strong.



She didn’t have the heart to tell him that his writing made almost zero sense. He seemed so excited about just being able to write.



The poems were always jumbled messes, just barely conveying their meaning.



But they were her jumbled messes.



Smiling as she retrieved the note, and pecking Hiccup’s cheek to thank him for it, she read it on her way to the dining room.









As always, the note was barely coherent.



And that was putting it nicely.



Yet it was still positively filled with his love for her. And that made each and every one the most beautiful poem in the world, in her eyes.



Tucking it snugly in a pocket she’d sewn onto her cobalt dress, she made for the dining room.




“Familia, may I have your attention please?”



All eyes turned to Alma, even the babies, after she’d tapped her glass with her spoon.



“I have an announcement to make!” She grinned.



Mirabel fought the urge to sink down into her chair, still a fair bit anxious about the whole situation. Her mother placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.



“After much deliberation, I have decided that it would be most beneficial for our Encanto…if I were to step down from my role of leadership.” She declared.



She sat with her head held high, as shocked gasps resounded from the table. Riding out the storm of uncertainty.



Literally, thanks to Pepa.



“W-Wait, what’s wrong Mama?” A fidgeting Bruno asked. “Are you sick?”



“Did something happen!?” Pepa questioned, clutching her braid. A nervous drizzle appearing over her head.



They’d all assumed that the old woman would be in charge until her final moments, and then beyond that. This came as quite the shock.



Alma held up a hand, to quiet their questions.



“I am in good health, nothing is wrong.” She insisted. “I just figure it’s time I passed the torch…or in this case, the candle!”



She chuckled at her little joke, but this did nothing to dispel their worries.



“Okay, so…who’s in charge?” Isabela asked, though she had the slightest of ideas as to who it could be.



“Maybe it’s Mama?” Luisa proposed. “She’s the second oldest…”



“Please, PLEASE let it be me!” Camilo jokingly pleaded, his red Changewing-scale cloak billowing as he swiftly clasped his hands together. “I promise I’ll use my power for evil!”



“Which is exactly why it won’t be you…” Dolores mumbled, while she struggled to feed a squirming Sofia. The baby kept grabbing at her hair, which she tended to wear down these days. The quiet woman already knew the answer, anyway.



Alma just grinned a knowing grin, and let them get all their questions out. Once they were done, she gave them their long-awaited answer.



“I’ve given it a lot of thought…and I’ve come to the realization that our home, our community, our miracle would not only be safe, but it would flourish…”



She then proudly nodded to the bespectacled girl at the table. “…in the hands of our Mirabel!”



Everyone followed her gaze, and most of them looked upon the girl with shock.



It was so quiet, anyone besides Dolores could hear a pin drop…



Mirabel was very tempted to suddenly declare that she needed the bathroom.



Just before the silence could become overwhelming, Isabela spoke out.



“Called it.” She stated.



And now everyone was speaking at once, tripping over themselves to congratulate the girl.



“That’s amazing, sis!” Luisa cheered.



"I-If there's anyone I trust with this, it's you, kid!" Bruno said, smiling softly.



Camilo was scheming.



“Me and Mira are tight, she’ll definitely bail me out of trouble a few times…” He thought.



“It’s gonna be kinda weird, being bossed around by someone so much younger than us!” Felix laughed, nudging Pepa with an elbow.



“Wait…is Mira gonna be my grandma now?” Manuel asked, in a confused little tone.



Valentina snickered, and ruffled her son’s hair. “You’re such a goofball, kid!”



The toddler then pouted, his hazel eyes glinting with irritation. “I’m not Goofball, I’m Manuel…”



Antonio’s eyes were sparkling.



“Are you really gonna be the new Candle Holder?” He asked his cousin, who acted like an older sister more than anything.



Mariposa was currently in the process of nipping at the girl’s hair. As she was gently nudging her away, Mirabel turned to the boy.



“Uh…yeah?” She answered, more than a bit uncertain.



Hearing this, Casita vigorously clanked its wall tiles. Overjoyed that the miraculous girl would be the one to guard the magic.



Spurred on by the house, the family began clapping too. They were unsure about this development, there hasn’t ever been a change in leadership in the Encanto.



But they knew by now that Mirabel was capable of the most amazing things.



Alma was brimming with pride, and looked over to where her youngest granddaughter was sitting.



Mirabel met her gaze, and tried to smile back. Though it came out fairly strained, and awkward.



It was almost uncomfortable, with everyone looking at her.



But she was grateful for all their support, and she made a promise right then and there to not let them down.



From this moment onwards, she was no longer just Mirabel anymore. She couldn’t be.



She was Mirabel Madrigal, soon-to-be leader of the Encanto.



She really hoped she could live up to everyone’s expectations…